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Unbeatable comp 1.2 because of neglegeant balancing


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Not sure why you would need 5 Marauders... I'd say 3 + some ranged DPS.


1.2 is not buffing Annihilation Marauders - which are the only Marauders you need to be worried about. They're getting a slight nerf if I remember correctly, but they're still absolutely ridiculous. Is there anything else other than tank spec'd players that can permanently roll cooldowns the entire time and always have a ridiculous defensive CD or a ridiculous offensive CD up at all times?


Undying Rage and Cloak of Pain need to be redesigned. Undying Rage should reduce healing received by 100% for 10 seconds. Way too easy to pop Undying Rage & a Combat Medpac to actually heal you for more than you sacrificed. Or just have Undying Rage only usable above 50% health. Cloak of pain shouldn't refresh. Increase the duration to 10-12 seconds if you have to, but it shouldn't have the potential of staying up for 30 seconds.


Same thing can be said about Force Shroud for Assassin. Maybe make Force Shroud and Force Speed put a 10 second shared cooldown on each other.

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1.2 is not buffing Annihilation Marauders - which are the only Marauders you need to be worried about. They're getting a slight nerf if I remember correctly, but they're still absolutely ridiculous.


Every other class, except for sins, is getting a nerf that's either big or huge- which in relative terms would mean marauders are considerably better compared to other classes than they already are.


Also- they may be losing a bit of speed on predation and the damage immunity on stealth- but they're getting a bonus to snares, making it even easier to lockdown others (they needed that buff apparently). Trauma debuff can't be cleansed, obfuscate has no cost and is off GCD. Pretty big buffs really.

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Not sure why you would need 5 Marauders... I'd say 3 + some ranged DPS.


1.2 is not buffing Annihilation Marauders - which are the only Marauders you need to be worried about. They're getting a slight nerf if I remember correctly, but they're still absolutely ridiculous. Is there anything else other than tank spec'd players that can permanently roll cooldowns the entire time and always have a ridiculous defensive CD or a ridiculous offensive CD up at all times?


Undying Rage and Cloak of Pain need to be redesigned. Undying Rage should reduce healing received by 100% for 10 seconds. Way too easy to pop Undying Rage & a Combat Medpac to actually heal you for more than you sacrificed. Or just have Undying Rage only usable above 50% health. Cloak of pain shouldn't refresh. Increase the duration to 10-12 seconds if you have to, but it shouldn't have the potential of staying up for 30 seconds.


Same thing can be said about Force Shroud for Assassin. Maybe make Force Shroud and Force Speed put a 10 second shared cooldown on each other.


Okay and then you will have to nerf all other classes that can pretty much sp. abiliteis... Like the Ops/Gunslinger cover, knock them out, instantly reusable or HOT, or about the shields, or grav rounds, or shields or knock back with locks....


You want to start disecting one ability? Cloak of pain is a 20% Dam Reduc, Damage shield that lasts 30 secs tops. BTW.


Undying rage is 5 secs, if you stand around and go toe to toe over that, and dont do anything to counter, your fault.


You cant cherry pick certain abilties...

Edited by Blloodbane
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Undying Rage and Cloak of Pain need to be redesigned. Undying Rage should reduce healing received by 100% for 10 seconds. Way too easy to pop Undying Rage & a Combat Medpac to actually heal you for more than you sacrificed. Or just have Undying Rage only usable above 50% health. Cloak of pain shouldn't refresh. Increase the duration to 10-12 seconds if you have to, but it shouldn't have the potential of staying up for 30 seconds.




This changes alone would make a class completely useless.


Imagine only that your change is implemented for undying rage. So after a sent use it you can write EASY KILL above his head because after 4 seconds he would be unhealable for 6 seconds?! If a sent use that skill after 4 seconds he will have very low hp (can't be healed) so you can just kill him in those 6 seconds and /laugh to his healers.


I am just hoping people in BW don't think like you. :)

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5 marauders

3 sorc healers




you will never beat this team with any other setup then mirror if they are even closely competent at there class


you will see this team #1 id put my mortgage on it


Whomever taught you to spell should be more ashamed of your illiteracy than you are.


Also, this group composition is awful. What you're stating simply isn't true.

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The comp doesn't really matter in Huttball. When rated play starts you'll see that zone defense and passing will dominate. Huttball is essentially rugby without scrums it is similar to American Rules football without downs and illegal laterals. In both games successful passing will utterly dominate a ball running team. You can score with three passes and no running every time. Essential zone defense on the ball spawn is all that is going to decide winners and losers once teams get serious.
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The comp doesn't really matter in Huttball. When rated play starts you'll see that zone defense and passing will dominate. Huttball is essentially rugby without scrums it is similar to American Rules football without downs and illegal laterals. In both games successful passing will utterly dominate a ball running team. You can score with three passes and no running every time. Essential zone defense on the ball spawn is all that is going to decide winners and losers once teams get serious.


This. Vanguards and Assassins are going to be pretty wicked zone defenders and I think each team is going to be at a significant disadvantage without at the very least one vanguard and/or assassin. Also, I think that Juggernauts are too good in huttball to not have right now. At least 1.


You have to figure that your comp with 5 mauraders will have no aoe taunts or guard and that will end up being a problem. Especially if they don't get control of mid. The speed bosts though would be pretty devestating for a running game, that's for sure.

Edited by Scoobings
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This changes alone would make a class completely useless.


Imagine only that your change is implemented for undying rage. So after a sent use it you can write EASY KILL above his head because after 4 seconds he would be unhealable for 6 seconds?! If a sent use that skill after 4 seconds he will have very low hp (can't be healed) so you can just kill him in those 6 seconds and /laugh to his healers.


I am just hoping people in BW don't think like you. :)


So your entire class is built around these two abilities? Seems like a legit reason to redesign the class.

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The comp doesn't really matter in Huttball. When rated play starts you'll see that zone defense and passing will dominate. Huttball is essentially rugby without scrums it is similar to American Rules football without downs and illegal laterals. In both games successful passing will utterly dominate a ball running team. You can score with three passes and no running every time. Essential zone defense on the ball spawn is all that is going to decide winners and losers once teams get serious.


Although I agree with the majority of the thread in that the OP is wrong. I would like to say that passing will not be completely dominating as it isn't in American Football, as an unstopped running team will beat the passing team if they have better defense, which they should if they focus on running. Also, the jumping and pull abilities make the game different then American Football, as you need additional people where you were if you got pulled into the pit, and you can run more easily with jumping abilities.


It would be hilarious to see a game of football with jumpers and pulls.

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This comp sounds absolutely devestating if all 8 players are coordinated.


The infinite speed boost and undeniable damage output is useful on every single map, but in Huttball particularly this comp cannot be beaten without having a similar amount of marauders.


I used to queue up with 2 marauders a lot and between their 2 speed boosts Huttball was a joke to us. Anyone think merc healers have poor mobility? Run with some marauders and you'll have to slow yourself down at points because you're just running way too fast to effectively stay in LOS of your heal targets unless they're keeping up with you.


This will definately be the deciding factor in future "nerfs" that will be demanded when rated rankings start to hit 2k and above.


I believe that a debuff needs to be placed on sprinters after the sprint buff wears off. Something like "for 2 minutes after the speed buff, you cannot gain the benefit of another speed buff"


Someone mentioned that it'll be useful in Civil War/Novare coast but it's also going to be insane for voidstar as well. Being able to jump the gap at the 2nd set of doors is something only these classes can do and when you have a team full of players doing it, they will destroy Voidstar as well.


The only composition that I think might be a bit better, is switching out one sorc for a tank assassin just for the ability to guard when needed. Even then... the damage output of 5 marauders focus-targeting with alt-T or clicking on the focus target's target with the new UI would make the guard pretty useless for the most part.


Multiple Marauders already get shafted if one pops predation, we can't build fury during it :(.

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Lolz, I'd love to face a 5 marauder/3 sorc team and dominate them. Especially with FOTM scrubs who never actually learned to play their classes correctly. Sorcs are amazingly predictable and squishy beyond belief; without guard a couple of DPS will focus them down. Tanks hold off the marauders (ah, the wonders of CC) and it's gg.


The only WZ where classes really matter is Huttball, and even then (as previous posters have noted) good passing and positioning is what reliably wins games. Gimmicks like Resilience/Force Speed and Leaps are counterable by good teams, whereas skilled zone playing simply is not.


Edit: To previous poster, a runner with skilled protection can survive, but is not as reliable as well-placed passers. The best teams I have seen win fast because they are always in the right position (Looking forward to 8-man premades!)

Edited by trakata
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The best spot for receivers tend to be very good places for Assasdsins and Marauders to fight as well and since those are pretty much the best 1v1 classes in the game, you pretty much have at most 50% chance of succeeding (if you're an Assassin or a Marauder), and much less if you're anyone else.


Grapple pretty much stops most sneaky pass attempts. It's usually not enough to stop a Jugg, but there's nothing sneaky about them.

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Although I agree with the majority of the thread in that the OP is wrong. I would like to say that passing will not be completely dominating as it isn't in American Football, as an unstopped running team will beat the passing team if they have better defense, which they should if they focus on running. Also, the jumping and pull abilities make the game different then American Football, as you need additional people where you were if you got pulled into the pit, and you can run more easily with jumping abilities.


It would be hilarious to see a game of football with jumpers and pulls.


The thing is there are no downs and you can always pass unless stunned. So no matter how much you gum up a player they can always pass farther than a runner facing the same snares stuns etc. Receiver positioning outside of mid will decide games faster than any running ever can.

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