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Server population is dropping...


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Uhmm My server is dead yet I can find a group and flashpoint to work with. Theres atleast 200+ (on both sides) people everyday logged in spread out of course. But Honestly this thread should die out already. Whether the trolls on this thread know it or not, this game is growing.


Reroll to Dragon Trail.


There are not 200 on let alone 33 in the republic fleet during prime time.


Again, see what I wrote earlier. Those that are on populated servers see the world through rose colored glasses. Those who post otherwise call it like they see it.


The thread won't die because people are expressing their opinion and concerns. Just because they don't agree with you doesn't make them a troll.

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Furthermore, we are also saying it is faction issue as well.


Right now on Dragon Trail @ 8:33 PST

Republic Fleet - 29 people

West Coast Server


Right now on The Fatman @ 8:34 PST

Imperial Fleet - 280+

East Coast Server


One is in the middle of prime time, the other is ending. You mean to sit behind your keyboard and say those playing on Dragon Trail, showing standard oddly enough right now, are having a similar experience playing as those on Fatman?


Pass me whatever you are drinking man because it isn't even close. General chat is moving about a line every 4 to 5 minutes. On Fatman it is moving lines per second in general chat. Furthermore, starting zones on Fatman are about the same in population. Dragon Trail - forget it. 1 maybe 3 at best.


Yeah - you guys/gals are right. Everyone who is posting about population issues and requesting server merging are nothing more than trolls. You want some screen shots?

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In major MMO terms, I think under 1.5MM subs is the new dead yes. - that's less than 20 million per year in revenue... factor in all your on-going costs and you pretty quickly you realize there is very little money for things like improvements...


That said, I don't think they even have 1.5million after this month.


That's nearly $300M per year in revenue, your math, check it.

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Player transfers were introduced sometime in 2006. That's a whole year-ish of time for the dead server people to get some relief.


To be fair, sometime in late 2005 they did open up high->low pop migration. Not the same and definitely didn't fix the issue.


I don't disagree with anything you're saying (other than your WoW facts), I just disagree with the time frame in which you expect it.


Yes and yes... but.


The thing is WoW was the first really really big MMO, they couldnt have expected what happened, they dealt with it as fast as possible probably. What concerns me is that there is a system out there for server transfers and all that in an old game. Why didnt BW make use of this knowledge and prepare for the worst?


They saw it happen in Warhammer, they saw it happen with Aion, they saw it happen with Conan, they saw it happen with Rift. Well pretty much any MMO after WoW. Why did they not have a mechanic in place for such an event? Its common sense, should be part of the development of the game. One team should be put to work on such possible issues, because it saves them time and subs if it does occur.


So to be fair, there is nothing wrong with my timeframe, because it should have been there at release as a safety catch.


I'm going to support this game and stick with it, because the PvP is just so damn fun. I would however like a good working solution to population aswell as LFG optimization in this game.


WoW has many good things to take into account, many solutions to flawed things. Does it make it a great game? It was, but not anymore. However they paved the way for many new games, spawned ideas etc. Why havent those ideas been put into plans by companies like BW?

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Yes and yes... but.


The thing is WoW was the first really really big MMO, they couldnt have expected what happened, they dealt with it as fast as possible probably. What concerns me is that there is a system out there for server transfers and all that in an old game. Why didnt BW make use of this knowledge and prepare for the worst?


They saw it happen in Warhammer, they saw it happen with Aion, they saw it happen with Conan, they saw it happen with Rift. Well pretty much any MMO after WoW. Why did they not have a mechanic in place for such an event? Its common sense, should be part of the development of the game. One team should be put to work on such possible issues, because it saves them time and subs if it does occur.


So to be fair, there is nothing wrong with my timeframe, because it should have been there at release as a safety catch.


I'm going to support this game and stick with it, because the PvP is just so damn fun. I would however like a good working solution to population aswell as LFG optimization in this game.


WoW has many good things to take into account, many solutions to flawed things. Does it make it a great game? It was, but not anymore. However they paved the way for many new games, spawned ideas etc. Why havent those ideas been put into plans by companies like BW?


Well you do bring up some good points. I think EA is mainly to blame for rushing the release. The transfer system should've at least been in the finishing stages after the first month I'm really hoping they didn't just start working on the transfer system recently.


We'll find out soon how the transfer system works. Oceanic will get theirs in the next few weeks.


I thought it was ridiculous to wait 2 months to allow Oceanic server transfers and I'm not even one of them.

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11 people online TOTAL on my server. Seriously in all seriousness, no I mean it's REALLY serious now! Why should anyone give you any money ever again. I've never felt this robbed by a game (started gaming in 1986), it's even making me really depressed.


11 people, one lvl50. It's an MMO. Let's say that again. It's an MMORPG. Massively Multiplayer Online.








Not even if everyone participated could we get a warzone going. How is this not a priority one, stay up all night, work over the weekend problem. If you log in to an MMORPG and there's 11 (**** me people ELEVEN, this isn't sensationalist, it's ludicrous)people online, would you as a gamer ever log into that game again. There's no guilds to join, there's no flashpoints you can do, no operations, no warzones, no Illum, no GTN, no social points, I am Legend?



And like I've said many times before. Me personally have infinite time to waste, it's the one thing I do have. Not a single other person I know about or know personally have that privilege, if my friends even manage 10 hours a month in a game that's A LOT of time to spend on just one little game.


The least that game can do, when you've not only payed for it but have to KEEP PAYING FOR IT, is to above all else, make sure those 10 hours can be spent on at least one advertised activity in the game. If it can't even manage that, what the **** was the point in ever making the damn thing?


This isn't something that can wait. That can be addressed on Biowares "time-table". To not have the prudence of releasing an MMO with free and instant server transfers after over 15 years of MMO launches is bordering the mentally ill. This isn't a slight on the devs or mentally ill people but on human nature in general but wake the frak up.


From DAY ONE there's ALWAYS need for free transfers no matter how "smart" a producer or a programmer believes he is. And every single day after that the need doesn't go away, it never will until a successful MMO with only one server and infinite instancing of zones is released.


I'd like this game to be around for a long time, but if I can't recommend it to people, who will be playing it?

Edited by Gremmel
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Well you do bring up some good points. I think EA is mainly to blame for rushing the release. The transfer system should've at least been in the finishing stages after the first month I'm really hoping they didn't just start working on the transfer system recently.


We'll find out soon how the transfer system works. Oceanic will get theirs in the next few weeks.


I thought it was ridiculous to wait 2 months to allow Oceanic server transfers and I'm not even one of them.


It just occurred to me that as soon as they open up the transfer process to everyone, server populations are going to be in chaos for a while. I'm thinking of maybe staying put on Rubat Crystal for awhile until we can see how the population shifts are going to shake out.

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11 people online TOTAL on my server. Seriously in all seriousness, no I mean it's REALLY serious now! Why should anyone give you any money ever again. I've never felt this robbed by a game (started gaming in 1986), it's even making me really depressed.


11 people, one lvl50. It's an MMO. Let's say that again. It's an MMORPG. Massively Multiplayer Online.




There's more than 11 people.


2 million people , 50 servers ... 40 000 per server.


even if it were 100 servers, thats still 20 000 per server.


The servers are divided up by instances , and worlds. They need to cut down on the instances. I'm sure there's 50 copies of Ebon Hawk floating around, they need to compress that into 25 or some such , thats all.


Plus the game is new (jan 20) people are still doing story, so if you're a 50 , yeah it's pretty empty up there.


heck , I had to go away because my piece of crud computer couldn't take it anymore and I'm only just coming back with a new computer. You think I'm jumping to 50 anytime soon ?


There's plenty of people. They're just not 50.

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Uhmm My server is dead yet I can find a group and flashpoint to work with. Theres atleast 200+ (on both sides) people everyday logged in spread out of course. But Honestly this thread should die out already. Whether the trolls on this thread know it or not, this game is growing.


Sorry, but if you think 200+ on both sides is a 'dead server' then you don't know what dead is lol. Try 50 per side during peak times (and this on a server that a certain questionable 3rd party site puts in the top 20 of US servers...)

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There's more than 11 people.


2 million people , 50 servers ... 40 000 per server.


even if it were 100 servers, thats still 20 000 per server.


The servers are divided up by instances , and worlds. They need to cut down on the instances. I'm sure there's 50 copies of Ebon Hawk floating around, they need to compress that into 25 or some such , thats all.


Plus the game is new (jan 20) people are still doing story, so if you're a 50 , yeah it's pretty empty up there.


heck , I had to go away because my piece of crud computer couldn't take it anymore and I'm only just coming back with a new computer. You think I'm jumping to 50 anytime soon ?


There's plenty of people. They're just not 50.


... Eh, are you seriously trying to say there are 2 million players online at average? Wow.


And obviously you have no idea what you're talking about. "/who" gives you the number of people currently online for your faction. Level and instance is irrelevant. -11-.

Edited by AkilZodiac
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... Eh, are you seriously trying to say there are 2 million players online at average? Wow.


And obviously you have no idea what you're talking about. "/who" gives you the number of people currently online for your faction. Level and instance is irrelevant. -11-.


I am not sure they are all that accurate. In another thread a poster mentioned having a gui;d meeting with 60 some members showing up and the world pop showed 9.

Anyways i believe the game is about a million subs at the moment which averages out to about 460/server during peak times which is an average of less then 14 per zone

10% of the sub base is one at any one time. Look at L.o.l. and W.o.w for examples of this..


Now we have way to many servers and players on sub light servers quitting rather then rerolling elsewhere.

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There's more than 11 people.


2 million people , 50 servers ... 40 000 per server.


even if it were 100 servers, thats still 20 000 per server.


The servers are divided up by instances , and worlds. They need to cut down on the instances. I'm sure there's 50 copies of Ebon Hawk floating around, they need to compress that into 25 or some such , thats all.


Plus the game is new (jan 20) people are still doing story, so if you're a 50 , yeah it's pretty empty up there.


heck , I had to go away because my piece of crud computer couldn't take it anymore and I'm only just coming back with a new computer. You think I'm jumping to 50 anytime soon ?


There's plenty of people. They're just not 50.


Yes, servers are divided up by instances....but when you do a /who it shows instance numbers :)


You can try to ignore what people are saying all you want or just put blinders on and thing everything is fine. But I will simply ask you to re-roll a alt to Dragon Trail and see how much fun you have.


I logged on to Fatman last night and when I hit the fleet I saw 23 :) Simple /who showed me 2 instances of the fleet. 2... Dragon Trail during its prime time at 8 PM had a whopping 33....single digit instance.


It isn't the same. Not even close. 300+ people in one fleet and 33 in another. An order of magnitude difference. On Fatman general chat is flowing lines per second, Dragon Trail or any other dead server it is lines per minutes. On the one server you see nothing but people everyone. Guild tags, player names, a sea of blue text. Ghost towns you see nothing but scripted NPCs minus a few text tags near a daily quest, trainer, or some other random place.

Edited by Incendergel
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I am not sure they are all that accurate. In another thread a poster mentioned having a gui;d meeting with 60 some members showing up and the world pop showed 9.

Anyways i believe the game is about a million subs at the moment which averages out to about 460/server during peak times which is an average of less then 14 per zone

10% of the sub base is one at any one time. Look at L.o.l. and W.o.w for examples of this..


Now we have way to many servers and players on sub light servers quitting rather then rerolling elsewhere.


Your numbers are off.

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Well 1.2 or not the situation is getting worse by the day. And then i read this and get even angrier at everything. http://www.cinemablend.com/games/EA-Viral-Marketing-Exposed-Big-Buyout-Horizon-40885.html


Ive seen people defending EA/Bioware on this propem on this and other threads like it, now I find they migth be paid trolls to sell us bad service?


And people wonder why they got the award.

Edited by Neothanos
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Well 1.2 or not the situation is getting worse by the day. And then i read this and get even angrier at everything. http://www.cinemablend.com/games/EA-Viral-Marketing-Exposed-Big-Buyout-Horizon-40885.html


Ive seen people defending this propem on this and other threads, now it paid trolls to sell us bad service?


from that article


Someone claiming to have worked with EA sprouted up on the 4Chan forums, of all places. While it would be easy to roll-eyes and click away, what the chap had to say was rather interesting, as he detailed how his job at EA was basically to "troll" forums and websites to create viral marketing effects and deflect bad press from the inner circles of gaming.


Bolded for emphasis.

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There's more than 11 people.


2 million people , 50 servers ... 40 000 per server.


even if it were 100 servers, thats still 20 000 per server.


The servers are divided up by instances , and worlds. They need to cut down on the instances. I'm sure there's 50 copies of Ebon Hawk floating around, they need to compress that into 25 or some such , thats all.


Plus the game is new (jan 20) people are still doing story, so if you're a 50 , yeah it's pretty empty up there.


heck , I had to go away because my piece of crud computer couldn't take it anymore and I'm only just coming back with a new computer. You think I'm jumping to 50 anytime soon ?


There's plenty of people. They're just not 50.


This is very very very wrong information.


You must not be playing the same game we are.


Man, you could not be more wrong...just wrong.


Post better

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Ok, so now on, everyone who will appreciate or defend this game is paid by BW. Because 4chan is a solid information source, right?
It's a pretty standard marketing practice, and I'm not sure why anyone is shocked, or even disbelieving.


As for 4chan... Relevance fallacy.


(A) Someone on 4chan mentioned that water is necessary to sustain human life.

(B) 4chan is obviously a bunch of lunatics and internet trolls.


© Water is actually poison.

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As for 4chan... Relevance fallacy.


(A) Someone on 4chan mentioned that water is necessary to sustain human life.

(B) 4chan is obviously a bunch of lunatics and internet trolls.


© Water is actually poison.


The difference being that there is independent corroborating evidence that water is necessary to sustain human life. Since 4chan is not a credible source, please provide another source to back up your assertion that this is "standard marketing practice."

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