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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

SWTOR Your Opinion, If it matters..


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There are plenty of opinions and lots of disagreements going around. Because of this I wanted to ask one simple question to see what logical responses come out of it.


My question:


Besides graphics & voice acting, What do you think is better in SWTOR compared to other MMOs?

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The class stories/quest lines are better than most.


It is a bit hard to compare as most other MMOs are sword and sorcery fantasy based vs. sci-fi (and this is the first sci-fi MMO I have played).


Well, there are both swords and sorcery in this game. I mean, there's a class called sorcerer. Star Wars has always been a sci-fi/fantasy mix imo.


Anyways, in answer to the OP: I forget most mmos other than WoW, so I'll answer about things that are better than WoW:


Area Loot (wow is implementing this, bioware should learn to copy good things too)

Quick Travel Hubs (get those people out of Stormwind!)

Companions (not much like it in WoW, though there are pet classes)

And as AndasKastor said, the class storyline (WoW got rid of the few class quests they had)

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Looks like this may be a little hard to answer?


You post your question at 11:45 am on Easter Sunday, and 9 minutes later you've concluded that the question is difficult to answer?


I've concluded that the community has sunk to a new low.

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Looks like this may be a little hard to answer?


Looks like this may be a little hard to care about on easter sunday?


Maybe we can start by the game being something other than a content lite copy & paste from all of the burning crusades systems and skills with a star wars skin slapped over it.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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The Presentation of the story and the writing itself is significantly better than previous MMORPG's, playing a tank in pvp seems to feel a bit better to me- i feel like i can actually play a role in protecting nearby group members. I love the orange gear system as well, also, there's a substantial amount of gameplay variety, considering Questing, PVE, PVP, Roleplaying, relatively detailed professions (more so than WOW, if not like SWG), Datacrons, and space battles
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the community.


on my server atleast, we got our ridiculous trolls and rage failures of course.

but most of the community are older(or act older), laid back, social and friendly.

we even have our own server forum and mumble. over 200 people use the forum, no idea who uses mumble as i use guild vent.

got our own radio and people who stream pvp.


we even use the forum to schedule times for guilds (sith and republic) to all come together and meet at outlaws den on tattooine for some 1v1,2v2,3v3, or 4v4 while everyone stands around the circular arena at the end and cheers.


never seen anything like it.


also love the pvp in this game^^ instead of healer/dps its healer/dps/tank. i play a tank and i actually do my job. its interesting being the backbone behind the healer, i cant seem to get enough of it.

Edited by dufox
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The class-quests & companion/crew-skill system are the high point of this game, everything else is the low point.


Operations, while quite enjoyable are simply too few.


All the Flashpoint & Operation content = group & Raider content, the rest of it is pretty much solo "fluff" and there's just not enough for an ex-WoW/EQ hardcore raidere to get his teeth into.


Sure there are those who will say "you rushed to 50" but I got there in 4 weeks whilst not space-barring through a single quest or cut-scene at all, only playing in the evenings after the seasonal break, as I had a job, after I had a L50 I started working on my alt-army.


I think that what content the game has is quite well done (if I ignore the bugged to hell parts like Soa) the stories are engaging though there was definitely room for improvement.


The falling down has been the amount of stuff the game has that supports the MMO part, the SPRPG part is very well covered though true SPRPG still outclass it in that area.


The graphics are "adequate" the sound is on the whole very well done, though more localised effects would help.


Also the "world-building" is getting improved, what's there is quality but it feels dead, like a cardboard pop-up book, night/day cycle, weather systems, roaming creatures, roaming quest npc's, more reasons to explore, different levels of gravity on a few worlds and flora/fauna to tie into that etc.


So much potential it hurts to think of all that could be done with this game, but you don't play for what it could be, but what it is right now& in the very near future & it has a long way to go to even begin to deliver on it's potential so it needs to catch up & overtake the competition & it's had a good launch but a terrible first few months from where I'm standing.

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The Presentation of the story and the writing itself is significantly better than previous MMORPG's, playing a tank in pvp seems to feel a bit better to me- i feel like i can actually play a role in protecting nearby group members. I love the orange gear system as well, also, there's a substantial amount of gameplay variety, considering Questing, PVE, PVP, Roleplaying, relatively detailed professions (more so than WOW, if not like SWG), Datacrons, and space battles


I agree with this statement for the most part. Only exception would be the crafting system. It is really not that good in IMO. PVP? donot do that, so cannot comment on it. I will say that if down the line of time, TOR becomes primarly PVP centered..I will not be around.


It is a great game for role playing and the companion system is great. So in that sense it is very casual and solo friendly. But once you reach level 50, the fun begins to come to a halt for a lot of players. As most have issues finding groups for end game content. Esp on low pop servers.

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Real talent trees ... LotRO does not have them and from what I've heard WoW wants to "streamline" them.


I agree. TOR has a great talent system. WoW is streamlining thiers basically to make it easier for them to control the classes....imo.

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I agree with this statement for the most part. Only exception would be the crafting system. It is really not that good in IMO. PVP? i don't do that, so i can't comment on it. I will say that if down the line of time, TOR becomes primarily PVP centered..I will not be around.


It is a great game for role playing and the companion system is great. So in that sense it is very casual and solo friendly. But once you reach level 50, the fun begins to come to a halt for a lot of players. As most have issues finding groups for end game content. Esp on low pop servers.


heh, i probably just like the crafting system because I'm used to WOW's much worse version- but it's tolerable, particularly if they keep playing with it. I normally dislike PVP, but this game has made me enjoy it- so if you haven't tried much of it it, i would recommend giving it a shot (if only for variety).


yeah, consolidating servers would probably be a good move- maybe something closer to an LFD system too- though I'm wary because i remember hating PUG's in WOW after that was implemented...

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Some decent points being made here, not surprised at all that no one is mentioning the garbage that the Legacy system is(IMO).


I still love my toons here and the PvP although I'm sick of the WZ maps. I have to be honest though, I feel like my interest to play is mostly due to not having GW2 to play yet... that game looks amazing.

Edited by Quintan
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I've never played WoW and I've been told that SWTOR is like WoW. Now with that being said I started my first mmo in July 2003. Star Wars Galaxies was the mmo to beat during that time. The customization from armor and weapons to decorating your house to Customize/decorating ships and fighters. Also the space aspect of TOR doesn't compair to the open space of SWG which also had space PvP. Also Beast Master was a great profession which I've only seen the profession for NPCs on TOR. TOR does have some good animation and story lines which is better than SWG. Other than that its hard to compair to SWG that went down hill in 2005 with the changes in the game and players leaving due to the changes. Edited by Tri_Pratt
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