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Official Q&A Thread for April 20th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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There is a lot of talk about being able to put end-game PvE mods in orange gear, but I was wondering if it will be possible to put those mods from Campaign gear into the War Hero PvP set since it is purple. If so, will the expertise stat be taken off when I put the Campaign gear mods in?
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I posted this is the Crew Skills forums as well, but wanted to see if we could get a clear answer here:


Can someone, preferably an Admin or a Dev, please give a clean definition of the reverse engineering paths and availabilities for 1.2, specifically in relation to orange schematic discovery?


I've been trying to read through the forums, patch notes, etc. to find a full definition of how the new reverse engineering pathways will function but I can't put 2 and 2 together.


I've seen:


1) Any level craftable can be reverse engineered to Green>Blue>Purple>Orange

2) Only end game orange items can be RE'd for schematics

3) Only orange items (level independent) can be RE'd for schematics

4) End game orange and purple items can be RE'd for schematics

5) several other variations of the above, and some other off the wall renditions


I'm just looking for a clear cut example of how the Reverse engineering, schematic discovery/looting/reward/purchase, and crafting systems are going to change. Can someone please provide this?


If #1, 2, or 4 above are correct, are the stats inherited to the orange items? Can I have an orange item with open mod/enhancement/armoring/augment slots that already has a base value of Cunning +72, Endurance +58, etc..? (just an example based on Lvl 50 craftable http://www.torhead.com/schematic/foO...chman-leggings )

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Dear Bioware, as I have played on my server Cho Mai, hardly anyone is on at times, and I assume with other servers that is the case as well. As more people flood to more popular servers, it is no fun for people like us who love are characters on are current server, yet dont have any other players to experience it with. Ultimately, what will you do to servers that are too light, perhaps mabye unify servers so there are more people per server.
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1. Many including myself actually like the aesthetics of the centurion and champion pvp armor sets. Personally I feel saddened by the fact that my future alts after 1.2 won't be able to get the centurion or champion set in a form that is modular.


Would it be possible to add schematics or the orange shells to the pvp vendor to let later characters and players have the look of the phased out centurion and champion armor?


The sets could require valor ranks of 40 and 50 respectively while maintaining the level requirement of 50.


2. Is there anyway to have the stat bonuses from datacrons tie into the legacy? If it did tie into the legacy we wouldn't have to collect them on multiple characters. Finding all the datacrons once is fun, twice is tedious, but eight times is a chore.


3. On the week of March 30 it was said that new armor requires significant lead time. But some of the armor players want is already in the game. For example; the armor of the infernal council, orange version of the juggernaut elite set (greens from taris), the white and black versions of the sith warrior columi armor worn by various npcs on imperial fleet.


Is there any chance we will see any of these pieces of armor made wearable by players?


Edit: ultra quick example npc armor players can't wear (afaik) npc armor

Edited by Lxkane
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I have seen posts stating that if you have a level 50 Human, you get a 100 boost to presence. It never says anything about the customization options. Twi'leks unlock the red skin tone for females on Republic side as I understand it (currently there's an orange but no true red female Twi'leks). Are the tattoos, face paints, etc for Humans going to be unlockable as well or are they going to be the only race where you just get a stat? There's a tattoo that the female Sith Warrior Humans get around their left eye that I'd like to have on my Scoundrel alt I'm waiting to roll. These customization options are class oriented rather than faction as I understand it, but it would be nice to know if it has been thought of or if it will be included or not.
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For each base class, both of its advanced classes share a skill tree. Prerelease, these shared trees were identical. Now, there are differences. Why was this done? Specifically, why did it remove lightsaber skills from the Sorcerer and Sage advanced classes?
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Are there any plans to introduce a "sidekick system" so low level and high level friends can play together without nullifying their XP or having to roll a new character the established player doesn't want to play? New players tend to lose interest if they can't play with their friends. Edited by Jaavik
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What new species you consider as playable options in the future?



I personally want a Cathar Jedi Knight with golden fur/hair and maybe spots or stripes.


Some races I'd like to see:

1. Cathar

2. Togrunta

3. Wookie of cause, your dialog would be voiced over with situational Wookie sounds

4. Mon Calamari

5. Weequay

6. Nautolan

7. Trandoshan

8. Devorian like Gault

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Why should the players trust the devs with world pvp design?




This is a serious question, and deserves an answer.


Ilum world pvp is so broken that the devs have labeled it as "deprecated" - this from the folks who's mantra has been "we won't release content or information until it's ready." Ouch. So what the devs thought (or at least presented to the player) as working as intended wasn't.


Additionally, the dev team has expressed "surprise" in how much players participate in pvp! It does not inspire confidence that the dev team was prepared to handle pvp / world pvp design for an mmo of this size.


But yet I see no humility from the design team regarding the present state of world pvp. Thank God someone had the foresight to plan to add a new WZ in 1.2 or I would label all the decision makers on the design team who have a say in anything to do with pvp / world pvp as completely over-their-heads. Please note, I am being most sincere.


So, let me ask again: Why should the players trust the devs with world pvp design?


It is possible that a proper answer to this question falls outside the scope of the Weekly Q&A. If it does, then a blog post very soon please.



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1- i know that developing an apps for iphone/android is a lot of work and its in the long term plan, but could it be possible to have a crew skill managing apps on SWTOR website, through your account you could manage all your compagnion sent on mission.

cause with the new legacy insentive to have multiple adds, going through my 5 char take between 10 and 20 min, and by the time im done i need to go throught it once again, and when its not possible to do so while PVe or p ing.


2- possibility to cue multiple gathering skill just like crafting, like a repeat and rince X time the same mission.

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Will BW look into and address companions issues revolving around PvE balance. I find that my melee tank with maxed out gear really does not work well as a tank. Any chance we will get companion tech trees? As of right now the only viable companion to me is my healer. I would like to be able to use my character in different roles and not limited to being a tank all the time.
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Does the Bioware team feel that the number of push, pulls, stuns, snares, and jumps in PvP is good, and if no what can we expect to see to balance this out? I understand how they make PvE feel epic but for PvP it feels a bit.....excessive.


oh and keep up the good work.

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I am concerned about the unlocks on our 50s and what happens if we delete the characters themselves? For example: If I have 8 characters and only one of them is a lv 50 Chiss BH. I want to make a Chiss SI. If I delete the Chiss BH will I also be deleting the unlock that allows me to make a Chiss SI?
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