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If you have the ball in HuttBall...


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Sure, let's make PvP in SWTOR an even more brainless event then it allready is. Maybe learn to anticipate what is going to happen in a game when you see what kind of team you are facing.


Maybe learn to position yourself better, so you might intercept the ball(carrier), sorc pullers, force speed users.


Maybe learn to have more situational awareness of what's going on on all sides of your char, even the things not in your plain sight.


Maybe learn to play as a team more instead of trying to be a solo hero.


It amazes me everytime in MMO's, that there are always people who are unwilling to max out their own skills, capabilities, positioning, awareness, teamplay, class/ability knowledge, coördination, communication etc.

Work around the things you find difficult, work with it, find solutions in your gameplay to counter it. THAT will make YOU a better and independant (team)player, instead of coming on the forums demanding nerfs/changes/dumbing down the game.


Im sorry but I have to respond to this, removing the mobility skills while carrying the ball will INCREASE the need for a good teamplay and skill NOT reduce it.

Also Huttball is the most class dependant WZ of the all by a long way, some classes are simply **** compared to others.



That doesn't mean that this change should be implemented, id say just remove Huttball from pug cueing and only have it for full teams as thats what if feels like the WZ was designed for.

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I prefer the way it is right now. Now you have to adapt not only to passes but also to your opponents abilities like charges, pulls and speed bursts. Those are skills that make those classes unique and you want them removed?


If you remove the abilities from that WZ all you have to do is pew pew pew and watch for passes. Prefer less of a challenge I see.

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I prefer the way it is right now. Now you have to adapt not only to passes but also to your opponents abilities like charges, pulls and speed bursts. Those are skills that make those classes unique and you want them removed?


If you remove the abilities from that WZ all you have to do is pew pew pew and watch for passes. Prefer less of a challenge I see.


i agree, heck i hope they add more crazyness, i love people flying all over the place, being pulled into the fire, the constant mayhem and chaos.. it's total madness and i love every second of it.


people who can't handle it have no business in huttball!!!

what do you expect from the hutts? a boring/safe zone like alderaan, NOT!!!


yesterday i was in a game and i was on my side, passed the first fire (on my guardian) and the enemy ball carrier leaped over the fire onto me and i immediately forced pushed him/her right back into the fire for the kill. haha. it felt, oh so goooooooooooooood!!!. to see my perfect positioning for the push and preparing for them to jump, and it all come together like that. only in huttball. where do i find that in the other warzones? nowhere!


my only complaint, as i stated in another thread is that they need to make the elements absolutely fatal.. make the fires/acids and whatever new elements added in the new huttball warzones 100% fatal/deadly to anything and everything no mattter what shields or abilities - you get caught in it you die. that's the only thing that annoys me when the elements are taken out of the equation.

Edited by teambff
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I know we could all play huttball naked with nothing but social abilities that would make it fair!


How would it be fair for the ball carrier to have to run the entire length when others can continue to burst ahead to get into position to continue to focus the runner? You do realize the ball already debuffs the run speed of the carrier right?


If you let other players get and stay in position to friendly target pull the runner ahead you and your team are just horrible strategically at pvp. Someone should be clearing your defensive rafters of the cherry pickers at least knocking them off into the pit.


People who are rezzing should be doing that as they run forward not running right past enemies to jump towards easier KBs.

Edited by sonickat
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I know we could all play huttball naked with nothing but social abilities that would make it fair!


How would it be fair for the ball carrier to have to run the entire length when others can continue to burst ahead to get into position to continue to focus the runner? You do realize the ball already debuffs the run speed of the carrier right?



bolded part shows whats wrong with you guys. best way to move the ball is PASS it. noone said anything about the carrier having to crawl to the enemy goal line on his own.


this change, while ofc the optimal way to change this retarded wz, never will go live. every single jugg, marauder, tanksin, tankpowertech, every single sorc, would start the usual massive qq. i can imagine why bioware doesnt want to stir that up.

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The difference between passing the ball and lining up 'friendly pulls' vs. removing force pulls/speed burst is....




If you line up 2-3 Sorce to yank the ball carrier to the goal line, thats called communication and teamwork.


If you line up 3 Marauders to chain pass the ball for a score... thats called communication and teamwork.


You don't need a premade to do it. I've done it plenty of times in PuGs.

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The difference between passing the ball and lining up 'friendly pulls' vs. removing force pulls/speed burst is....




If you line up 2-3 Sorce to yank the ball carrier to the goal line, thats called communication and teamwork.


If you line up 3 Marauders to chain pass the ball for a score... thats called communication and teamwork.


You don't need a premade to do it. I've done it plenty of times in PuGs.


that's great teamwork and all and i praise the people who can work together like that but all that being said it does ruin the fun of it.


i like the sloppy, chaos filled, wacky/crazy play that huttball offers when it's not worked out to perfection, now that is fun.


i think if you take huttball too serious it defeats the purpose of huttball... i feel like it's meant to just be ridiculous, wacky fun. all that perfect teamwork and military precision just ruins it. :D


when you start to let your hair down and just do the hokey pokey in the middle of the match or run out naked that is when you truly can appreciate and enjoy huttball. ;)


don't get me wrong i enjoy a competitive match and when it's a close and even game but i still try and never take it too serious.

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Im sorry but I have to respond to this, removing the mobility skills while carrying the ball will INCREASE the need for a good teamplay and skill NOT reduce it.

Also Huttball is the most class dependant WZ of the all by a long way, some classes are simply **** compared to others.



That doesn't mean that this change should be implemented, id say just remove Huttball from pug cueing and only have it for full teams as thats what if feels like the WZ was designed for.


Actually, no. In it's current state, you have to take the abilities posted by the OP in consideration as well. Take them away and you have a dumbed down game.


Good teamplay is not just about focussing on objectives, but taking class abilities/cooldowns in consideration. Good PvP-ers work with and around the abilities that are currently there. Surprise, so can anybody else. If the opposing team has these benefits, surprise again, big chance your team has them to! So, what's the problem?


I mean, did they remove any abilities like these for flagcarriers like this in WoW? No. Sprint, charge, lifegrip, intervene, heroic leap etc etc where all there to use for them. Timing your cc's, slows, snares is vital when it comes to counter abilities like force speed. So, taking the abilities away will, again, dumb down the game.


So I can add another one: Learn to time your cc's, snares, slows.


Your remark on PuG's can only mean one thing: PuG's might need to learn to play and communicate! Shocking! It's not that hard, but too many people find it hard to even try to run ahead of the ballcarrier, or to position themselves correctly where they can get the ball passed to them and score.

Some PuG runs mid in the pit, nobody up to receive the ball, but they are all zerging the dps on the ballcarrier. When this fails (obviously), and the ball gets passed, carrier gets pulled up, jumps up etc etc, they come and cry on the forums telling everybody how unfair it is.

Edited by Britneyfears
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Don't you guys think that certain classes are frowned upon in premades due their lack of such abilities in Huttball, etc.? It will be interesting to see what classes top the leader boards in ranked games.


Maybe they should just take the "player/special character" restriction off of thermal grenade knockbacks; so we see how you like it =p. The only recompense as a Scoundrel is that I get to enjoy kicking people in the nuts at some point in the match. Ranked WZs are just going to ostracize some classes even more.


"You are doing it wrong" and "L2P" discredit everything you are trying to say in your post, and make you sound like a moron. Say something useful and stop coining phrases you read on 4chan.

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Make the ball create a debuff called "heavy" or something. Can't charge/be leaped etc. but also can't get knockbacked. That would be awesome!





Don't stand on edges waiting to be charged unless you're a Sniper/GS. kthnx


Leap of faith is pretty OP, but those sorcerors are themselves vulnerable to knockbacks while on top.


Sprint is fine (although the sprint jump to dodge fire is pretty OP).

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Good teamplay is not just about focussing on objectives, but taking class abilities/cooldowns in consideration. Good PvP-ers work with and around the abilities that are currently there. Surprise, so can anybody else. If the opposing team has these benefits, surprise again, big chance your team has them to! So, what's the problem?


I mean, did they remove any abilities like these for flagcarriers like this in WoW? No. Sprint, charge, lifegrip, intervene, heroic leap etc etc where all there to use for them. Timing your cc's, slows, snares is vital when it comes to counter abilities like force speed. So, taking the abilities away will, again, dumb down the game.



I don't think comparisons with WSG to exemplify why abilities should be left in are very convincing. It was a different style of game. There was no way to pass the ball/flag over a distance. There were no environmental hazards that you could be knocked and pulled into or stunned in. The map in general was much, much larger. Bottlenecks like bridges that you could be thrown off of didn't exist in WSG; and there were two flags, not one ball.


Stating that good pvp-ers work with what they have is true. This doesn't mean that changes aren't needed or desired. Wanting a change doesn't mean you are terrible and have no idea what you are doing. The best teams will always be premades that are used to playing together, communicate well, know their classes and know the enemy classes. This doesn't change the fact that premades won't have room for certain classes because having them will put the team at a disadvantage.

Edited by Altaira
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Would a happy compromise be that Resolve worked both ways? You get force pulled once your resolve goes up so that the next pull doesn't work? I guess that would be bad then too because you could use that to your advantage. Carrier gets force pulled up and the poor sod with the harpoon/grapple can't pull them back down.


Never mind. The game is working as intended! I do agree with the lethality of the elements though. I love pulling people into the fire.

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you should not be able to force charge, or be friendly pulled, etc... There should only be one way to move the ball over a large distance w/out running, and that is passing.


EDIT: as well as force sprint, I'm not biased!


Just gonna say wow why not make it where the ball carrier can't move then we can make this into one of those soccer table games or w/e its called. most matches don't do much of any team work. Unless I am in a guild mostly match with my guildies I normally don't see a team more like a death match. Which don't get me wrong death matches can be fun but not what I want atm.

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I'm glad people always forget that there is a legendary non-force user who can leap as well...


Nobody ever complains about the Vanguard storming across catwalks and fire traps! I guess I'm safe from complaints for the time being, while I also manage to pull your healers into fire traps when I don't have the ball. Muahaha!

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This is one of a long list of horrible ideas. I don't mean this as an offense to the original poster(OP) but have you tried to run the ball? You get a debuff cutting your speed in half, then get a further debuff cutting it another 20-30%, you are almost standing still getting destroyed. Force jumping and being pulled are one of the few ways to move the ball without being completely blasted to pieces by DPS. Add to the fact Roots are not part of the resolve system and you will have the following: Ball Carrier X gets the ball. Ball Carrier walks 5 steps, is perma-rooted, and ball carrier gets blasted by the entire other team and dies without any way to get away. Rinse and repeat. Games wont end, some won't even leave the middle of the arena.


Skill wise, go into a huttball match with a GOOD juggernaut ball carrier and then go into one with a BAD juggernaut ball carrier. You will see immediately the difference in the matches. A skilled ball carrier can turn an entire game around whereas a bad one can destroy you. There is a huge element of skill involved in ball carrying which I enjoy and I hope the next warzone, after 1.2, is another huttball/ capture the flag type game.

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you should not be able to force charge, or be friendly pulled, etc... There should only be one way to move the ball over a large distance w/out running, and that is passing.


EDIT: as well as force sprint, I'm not biased!


I'm willing to bet the reason you want this is because all you are running into are jugs and sorcs or the republic equivalent in huttball. I don't really hate your idea but i personally don't see the need for the change.


I know this will probably get pooped on but Huttball has always been about one thing and that's map control. If you dont have proper map control you are not going to win, you wont grab the ball when it's neutral you wont score unless on a fluke and you wont stop anyone.


In short if you dont like sorc pulling jugs up get them out of position of pulling them up. if you dont like juggs charging then dont give them the opportunity. its your job as a player on the other team to realize who or what has the ball and how to prevent them from scoring. I know this is hell when playing with randoms but hey teach them how to fish that's part of being a good teammate. and if everyone did their part to educate a NOOB 1 tip a game instead of yelling at people. PVP would be a lot better and more enjoyable for everyone.


I heard that juggs are getting yet ANOTHER charge though so we will have to see how that plays out. hopefully it will be the same. get ready to get rid the supporting cast around the tank then when hes alone go for the throat. :D

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Yes, I agree, the devs should dumb down the game so that scrubs like the op can do better.



Obviously this guy likes taking in premades with classes specifically designed for Hutt Ball. Who needs skill when you have team comp, right? /signed for not allowing pulls, leaps, sprints for ball carriers. That makes the map too friendly to classes with said abilities and makes it a contest of who has the most of those abilities.

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As soon as ball carriers couldn't force speed, be pulled, leap etc...and had to just walk and pass, people on here would then be complaining about classes that have good survivability cooldowns because they couldn't kill them fast enough while they were being healed.
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