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Everything posted by Britneyfears

  1. I am sorry, but are you mental? People have spent weeks/months leveling up chars/gearing them up, only to find themselves waiting for hours for any WZ queue to pop. And if they are so lucky to get one, it's imbalanced with X vs 8. Not everybody lives in their moms basement and can wait around for hours each day for a wz queue to pop, while in the meantime they see their server (slowly) dying. Where is the lazyness in that? The fact that BW can't get their act together and keeps screwing things up, while they have, according to themselves, the best (PvP) team there ever was together with a crapload of money to make it happen, doesn't change the fact that for a lot of people on low populated/dying serves this is one of the major problems. So it's their own fault their server is declining on subs? Seriously?
  2. I do better, by not losing games. That's the point, I do not care about endstats e-peen. I care to WIN. And I win more then 95% of my games without the need to be endstat***** (with a premade). Sure I can go all out on medals, damage, protection and healing. But what's the point if you're not winning? Heck I played 2850+ wow arena and hero of the alliance RBG's. And if all, stats matter only if you actually win. We won tons of matches where opponents did alot more damage ad even healing, but we won because we used them more effectively. That's like a soccer-player showing all his moves and tricks with the ball but at the end of the match his team lost, gg. But if you like it, go ahead, by all means.
  3. Looked at your screenshot, saw a big: DEFEAT and a part of the Voidstar floor. I mean AoEstar. Nothing impressive, might be good if you are lvl 10 there, but impressed? No
  4. Ah yes, I figured out what should be done about your problem: 1. Delete stealth, it's silly and takes away the element of surprise. We don't want surprises in an MMO do we? 2. When that is done, we can move on anf make a rule that an opponent (or more then 1) let's you know 30 seconds prior of moving towards the point you are defending, they are coming. This will give you plenty of time to rally your teammates and defend a node. 3. Or BW can make an ops frame next to your teammates with a full list of opponents AND how far away they are from your position, standard. But I can imagine that would be a little too difficult, since we don't want any fuss in wz's, yak! 4. Increase the range for players to see opponents health bar (even through walls etc please), and make the healthbar 3 times the size it has now and clickable. 5. Can we also cut the abilities we have in atleast half? I mean, it's hard enough as it is! Any other suggestions that will make this game more predictable then hello kitty adventure island are more then welcome.
  5. Space Missions You may take part in any unlocked space battle on the galaxy map. Engaging in space combat missions will reward you with credits, XP, and fleet commendations. This is the description on the official forums. But I do not receive any fleet commendations anymore on ALL of my chars after completing a mission. Is this intentional? The only way to get them now is by doing a daily for 5 comms. With upgrades like emp costing 150 comms for example, it will take 30 days (if you do the daily) JUST to get that item. What is going on?
  6. Do you play ranged and don't know how to play it? I play ranged and melee classes and they all do fine in PvP. More then fine. 1. The thing with ranged is that you need to position yourself in a good spot first. Melee are melee for a reason and need to be ...tatatararatatataa: In melee range. I see loads of ranged classes run into the open (where all the melee are) and try to DPS=dead ranged 2. Snares, slows, stuns, all kinds off cc will help kite them as long as possible for you to do damage. Me and my guildies who also play ranged classes, don't really share your opinion and find kiting melee quite doable and in most cases (since alot of players are really, really bad), very easy to do. Abusing LoS (pillars, crates etc), will help you even more. 4. The game is not based on 1v1, stay with your teammates and ask for peels (cc). Warzones are a teambased game and should be treated as such. Look at what classes/specs are in your team and take as much advantage of it as you can. 6. Stay in range of a healer if you have one... Nothing to clarify on this one ^^ 7.Try and maximise your reactionspeed, timing, keybinds, mouseturns etc and stay away from clicking and keyboardturning mmkay? Those are bad 8. If you haven't noticed I skipped nr 3. you should work VERY hard on your situational awareness 9. If you scrolled up to check if I indeed skipped number 3, well... 10. Are you still reading this post? Get to work on your gameplay!!!!
  7. Most of the tankassin damage comes from AoE damage, you know, multiple targets at once since alot of games people pack up so it's easy to throw alot of withers in for example. Seeing so many people looking at the endchart of a game and drawing these crazy conclusions, makes me a sad panda. Besides, so many other factors are in play when it comes to doing alot of DPS, like staying alive! Seeing dps classes run into the enemy, getting hammered and die like a fly, everytime... Surprise, you won't do alot of damage. Bad positioning, bad timing, not (ab)using LoS, blowing every cd on enemies defensive cd's., keyboardturning, clicking, backpeddaling, mega slow reaction speed, not being in range to be able to do damage because of earlier mentioned reasons, not looking at the enemy's buffs, procs to react accordingly, going solo (since that is what I mostly read here on the forums...1v1, while WZ's are TEAM based games, maybe treat it as such). I could go on and on what people do and don't do and not being able to stay alive/doing enough damage. I have a jug guildie who did 1 million damage in Alderaan. Big deal! Heck, all my guildies are old multi glads, rank 1, hero of the alliance etc. players, including myself. We all play multiple classes/specs (all BM geared), and tankassins are the least of our problems.
  8. With this patch, complaining about tanks? You have got to be kidding me. Tankspecs are easier to kill then ever!
  9. Yes, YES, the mindtrick worked on all the weak-minded forum qq-ers! Me: "Assassin/Shadow are not the classes you're looking for to nerf" Them: "YEAH! Assassins and shadows don't need nerfs" Me: "You should qq about mara's and sentinels" Them: "We should QQ about mara's and sentinels" Them: "But why should we QQ about them?" Me: "They are overpowered and you need to go home and rethink your life" Them: "Mara's and sents are OP! We should go home and rethink our life" Me: "You should go out of your mom's basement and meet people outside" Them: "We should go out of our mom's basement and go meet people outside" Them: "Aaaargh, what is that light!!! It hurts mom, it hurts!" Mom: "That's the sun, son...sigh"
  10. Who will notice it, when you are cloaked in the shadows running through the dark? You might fool alot of opponents, thinking your shadow is a stray who wants to beg them for money, letting down their guard. And spendex is the latest in 2012 garment! But on a more serious note. Alot of designs look awfull, like going to a kinky party instead of fighting in epic battles.
  11. Did you just compare a FPS shooter game with 1 real ability: SHOOT and everybody having that one ability, 1 level to a MMO with around 30-45 keybinds/abilities, 4 classes and 12 base specs and 50 levels? The whole concept of MMO is: progression. I see countless posts of comparing irl sports to MMO PvP saying there are no differences in competitive IRL sports. I played professional soccer for 4 years and have been in the "industry" for 20 years. And yes, when the match starts, you won't see players having a cutting edge in regards to "gear". So it seems. But behind the curtains there are huge differences. However, the difference are within the time spent out of competitive gameplay: Training (equipment), nutrition, health facilities, doctors, physical therapists, psychologists, test equipment. There are HUGE differences and advantages some teams have over others, simply because they have more money to spend. And the cutting edge players get over other players are: More stamina, stronger, recuperate faster, stronger mind, better teamplay, less injuries, less illnesses etc etc. Being a tad faster then your opponent, better technique, all cutting edges. You can be the most talented player on earth. Without the proper guidance and training(facilities), you won't go far. That goes for almost all competitive gameplay. SWTOR (even though we can't technically speak of competitive gameplay here), is no different.
  12. I think you are missing the point. If I wanted to play a game that only had things like: HADOUKEN!, I'd play it. However, this is an MMO with (gear)progression. I for one like trying out different things when you have multipe options, it gives diversity in the game. The way it is now, there is only 1 option. I am not asking for huge (gear) disparities, but options that are equally better, but match your personal playstyle. The way it is now, you can't have anything but full expertise, which takes out using a brain in an MMO in my opinion.
  13. I must say I am very disappointed. Giving a 3 days notice before the patch hits, a 12 hour notice that ranked wz's will not be implemented. As far as customer service goes, this is very bad in my honest opinion. So, what are you going to implement for grouped PvP in 1.2?
  14. It's all about personal preference. What class is best, is subjective to your own perspective and skill. Sure you can roll some FOTM, but let me tell you a little secret: Most of them are so bad at playing, they will do bad regardless what class/spec they play. Try and figure out what your preferences are: 1. DPS/heal/tank 2. Ranged/melee 3. Burst/sustained DPS 4. Mobility/turretlike 5. Spec 6. Armor type 7. Force/non-force etc. etc. If you figured out all the answers towards your own (or my) questions regarding personal preference. THEN come back to the forums for advice on specific classes/specs etc. And then we can offer the help you need.
  15. That is not a healing problem, that is ONLY a "I am a DPS, but don't know how to actually do DPS" problem. 2v1, with every DPS from my guild, we wreck a healer within seconds. Even if the healer does get any peels/help. The amount of damage I see alot of people do in WZ's (not just the end-scoreboard), is pathetic. Combined with backpeddling, keyboardturning, clicking, mega slow reaction time, 0 situational awareness, makes crap DPS. No offense, but if you can't even 3v1 a healer, you are doing things horribly wrong and you might want to consider looking at your own performance first before claiming healers are OP.
  16. 1. "Please BioWare, remove/nerf any abilities, classes, specs AND players that clearly have an unfair advantage over me, because..." 2. "I do everything perfect, but still can't kill that class/spec and..." 3. "Please make this game more like Hello Kitty, adventure Island, those devs know how to balance things!"
  17. Actually, no. In it's current state, you have to take the abilities posted by the OP in consideration as well. Take them away and you have a dumbed down game. Good teamplay is not just about focussing on objectives, but taking class abilities/cooldowns in consideration. Good PvP-ers work with and around the abilities that are currently there. Surprise, so can anybody else. If the opposing team has these benefits, surprise again, big chance your team has them to! So, what's the problem? I mean, did they remove any abilities like these for flagcarriers like this in WoW? No. Sprint, charge, lifegrip, intervene, heroic leap etc etc where all there to use for them. Timing your cc's, slows, snares is vital when it comes to counter abilities like force speed. So, taking the abilities away will, again, dumb down the game. So I can add another one: Learn to time your cc's, snares, slows. Your remark on PuG's can only mean one thing: PuG's might need to learn to play and communicate! Shocking! It's not that hard, but too many people find it hard to even try to run ahead of the ballcarrier, or to position themselves correctly where they can get the ball passed to them and score. Some PuG runs mid in the pit, nobody up to receive the ball, but they are all zerging the dps on the ballcarrier. When this fails (obviously), and the ball gets passed, carrier gets pulled up, jumps up etc etc, they come and cry on the forums telling everybody how unfair it is.
  18. Sure, let's make PvP in SWTOR an even more brainless event then it allready is. Maybe learn to anticipate what is going to happen in a game when you see what kind of team you are facing. Maybe learn to position yourself better, so you might intercept the ball(carrier), sorc pullers, force speed users. Maybe learn to have more situational awareness of what's going on on all sides of your char, even the things not in your plain sight. Maybe learn to play as a team more instead of trying to be a solo hero. It amazes me everytime in MMO's, that there are always people who are unwilling to max out their own skills, capabilities, positioning, awareness, teamplay, class/ability knowledge, coördination, communication etc. Work around the things you find difficult, work with it, find solutions in your gameplay to counter it. THAT will make YOU a better and independant (team)player, instead of coming on the forums demanding nerfs/changes/dumbing down the game.
  19. You know what I like about your posts, it gives out questions on how to improve, whereas most players just resolve to QQ and whining and call for absurd nerfs. Keep up the good work, practice makes perfect. This is a VERY good way to improve your own gameplay. If you just want feedback on your vids and gameplay, it might be a good idea to make that very clear, to keep out trolls from your posts. A good player is not defined bysomeone who might allready think he/she knows everything, but is willing and eager to keep learning about every aspect of the game he/she plays.
  20. So basically what you are saying is that people think tankassins are OP because they can force cloak mid/endfight when they are almost dead? So the opponents where not steamrolled by tankassins, but nearly killed them? That makes tankassins only annoying to kill every 3 minutes. That's hardly OP considering an average wz takes around 12 minutes...4 times
  21. The video shows ONLY that you go down very fast, not to what damage, 1 player or maybe 10. What spec did this alleged shadow have? Not saying I don't believe you, but you can make anything out of this video. Next thing you know you'll be posting a video with a live yeti, with some vague blur 10 kilometres from you and your camera. If you are going to claim something WITH a video, at least make sure it actuallys shows what you claim, besides going down as fast as you did.
  22. Ok, don't take it the wrong way but here is what I think you can absolutely improve: 1. Backpeddling, allthough not excessive, but still. Bind your s key to something more usefull 2. LoS: Standing dead centre as a ranged (especially sorc), is very risky and will get you killed if you face decent players (the imp players in your vid where horrible) 3. Use your defensive cooldowns more/better when facing multiple opponents. 2v1? Where was your cc on the assassin for example when you faced him and that sorc? 4. Kite your enemies instead of sucking up the damage. If you tried the same with a decent player, you'd be dead when facing melee. 5. Help your teammates with bubble, maybe an off-heal when they are low. 6. Showing a vid where you totally dominate your opponents PuG team with 3 nodes has what meaning?
  23. Assassins are in no way the same as operatives. Stop comparing apples to oranges. Tank/dps vs heal/dps class. What's your point? Where are the video's and pictures of these insanely OP tankassins you people are talking about? I know I saw enough vids of operatives pre-nerf killing people in 1 stun. Where are the ones about assassin? Stop whining and finally show some REAL proof of all these allegations instead of joining the bandwagon: "nerf the next class/spec, grab your pitchforks"
  24. It's the same with every MMO. Nerf this, nerf that, this is OP, that is OP. But in the long end (except for operative first nerf), NOBODY provides video's with actual proof of facerolling assassins. Sure you see the occasional shadow/assassin video where they pwn backpeddling noobs with cent gear...great. Pictures of assassins doing 400-500k DPS, mostly in Voidstar...also great. It all proves nothing, since there are the same pictures from EVERY other class doing the same things, apart from protection damage. But let's be honest, out of ALL DPS done in a wz, having between 50-100k protection is quite trivial. The problem lies with very unorganised pugs, who just spam abilities, tunnelvision players, backpeddle, click, keyboardturn, don't know their own class, let alone other classes but still come here saying they play x amount of classes which says what? Nothing It's been said so many times: Good players adapt and work with/around things, they coöperate, read up, communicate, coördinate etc. Bad players come and whine about it, simply because they lack the capability to adapt (though they'll still tell you they did absolutely everything perfect). It's a neverending story, because the moment things are/would be balanced, their lives would be forfeit. Without complaining they can't exist. Another thing is that people who complain never ask real questions about things, because their mind is made up. Eager players want to learn why they experience certain things in the game, which might be frustrating if things don't work out the way you want, but it still beats just coming on the forums and qq. In wow I boosted alot of players to 1800-2200 in 2v2 (they still played their own accounts) on my warrior and druid. But they didn't just come for the rating, since most players wanted to learn to become better in order to get the rating with their friends or to learn their class better. And in most cases it paid off. If you are struggling versus a class/spec/certain abilities/setups, ask the ones that kicked your butt on how to improve. I get questions like those ingame from time to time and am happy to help people get better with gameplay, class knowledge and/or positioning for example. See players perform well on your server? mail them, whisper them for info. See imba players on video's? Make a lvl 1 alt on their server and try and get a conversation going. Whiners don't do that...
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