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Feedback request from James Ohlen - "Your Star Wars fantasy"


Which [I]Star Wars[/I] fantasy excites you the most?  

3,019 members have voted

  1. 1. Which [I]Star Wars[/I] fantasy excites you the most?

    • Full 3D space battles
    • Vehicle combat (eg, AT-ATs)
    • Pod/speeder racing
    • Capital ship battles

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I don't do this often and I certainly don't do this IRL but ROFLMAO just to express and underline my following point!


Fishing? You want Fishing in Star Wars??


I don't know who you are, what you do or where you're from. But you want fishing in SWTOR???


I thought I'd seen most of the things I'd never expect to see in my life on the Internet forums, but this just too much!


It's not the right thing to say but, just go away please!




Because, it's not like there was fishing in any other SW MMORPG.


Oh wait...

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As a general note... whichever form of "vehicle play" you add, please, BioWare, integrate it fully with the rest of the game, in terms of story, companions, skill trees, and so on. Please do not make a virtually separate game that will be played by one subset of players who just log in and go pew-pew-pew in space all day. The planetside and space experiences should be integrated. In all of the movies, the space battles were there to forward the plot: Either the conclusion of an epic story was blowing something up, or the characters were at point "A" and needed to get to point "B" and in between was a space battle. Even the pod race served a plot purpose, it wasn't something Obi Wan and Qui Gon decided to watch while they waited for someone to tune up their hyperdrive.
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I would have been perfectly content with SWTOR if the basis of the game was X-Wing/Tie Fighter combined with Jedi Academy and Bioware's history of great storylines.


With regard to the poll I voted for 3D Space Battles but I'm for all of the above. Feel free to add them to the game in this order:


3D Space Battles

Capital Ship Battles

Vehicle Combat

Pod/Speeder racing

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My vote would be for full 3-D space combat (a la X-Wing Alliance), especially if ship upgrades and customization could take a larger role. I think it would fit in better with the game - this is all about our heroic journey, and while it would be epic to be crowned the server Podrace champion, it's not the sort of things that heroes will be forged in. And it'll feel like a minigame as much as the current space combat does - something you repeat, with little variation, and never really goes anywhere.


Same with vehicular combat on the ground, though it would be awesome to see warzones with squads of troops and armored battalions taking the field. Perhaps a vehicular-combat enabled arena would satiate those folks - or mayhap they can play Battlefront instead.


Capital ship battles will either be really, really large spaceship combat, or it'll be power routing/ turret aiming minigames for the whole guild. I'm not sure that a lot of folks on my side have really thought about what would be required, or what it would entail. I do think guild capital ships would look awesome to fly to - especially if there was guild housing available, between ships and stations, to make it feel like we were having a growing impact in the larger galaxy.


Full on, 3-d space combat will make those among us with the inclination really feel like starfighter aces, and that knowing maneuvers will be more important than listing lazily to the left. It's also a lot more personal than capital ships would be.

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My biggest Star Wars fantasy is to see the Dark Side represented as a philosophy more than simply a failing, where both sides are explored as more than black-hat vs white-hat.


I genuinely do not agree with pacifism as a viewpoint, and many other light-side qualities are equally questionable in their moral "perfection".


I think this game does a teeeensy bit on the Imperial side to try to explore that, and I do appreciate it, but I'd love to see more.


Love, passion, excitement - these things are treasured parts of life, and each one is shunned by the Jedi order. Denying emotion denies our humanity, and I'd love to see some less black-and-white depictions.


Speaking of which, what the heck is up with the "saving one person at the cost of thousands of lives is the GOOD GUY thing to do" morality of some of these choices? I swear, every time my Trooper makes a decision that secures the Republic's security and safety and SAVES LIVES, he gets dark side points.

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What I'd love to see with the space battles:


The ability for me to fly my ship in formation with several guildies and the guild capital ship all taking an active part in combat.


The guild capital ship can have several people manning the turrets to help make it more interesting in a fight, with the unmanned turrets defaulting to targets selected by whichever office is the captain of the guild ship.



Or have multiple stations on the capital ship that allow players to micro various systems, so that it's more about the team working together cohesively on the capital ship.


I'd rather have something that feels like the Battle of Endor than something like the Battle of Yavin IV.


And if Bioware does give us space flight, I want to be able to control the Tron lines and color of the ship so it can give me an edge over someone that doesn't want to put the time and effort into it.


I'd love for an excuse to dust off my old MS Sidewinder Precision Pro joystick again =)

Edited by Almagnus
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Hi James/Stephen,


If you notice in the movies there is more than one scene in a space battle. Kind of like stages. There should be stages in the space combat for TOR. Looking back at the battle of Endor, that was one epic space battle. And an epic musical track to accompany it. Lag concerns aside, Multiple objectives and different stages of space battle (ie: near the Death Star. Point blank range with the enemy fleet. Inside the Death Star.) Commotion everywhere, comm chatter from everywhere. Lots of ships and dozens apon dozens of fighters. I would take pleasure in that 3D space combat. Maybe even mix it up, where you board an enemy ship or station during space combat for whatever necessary purpose. Play as your character inside and get out once the objective for that part is complete. Use your imagination and draw inspiration from the epic space battles we all know.

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I voted Full 3D space battles...


But I do NOT want 3D space battles where I just load up into an instanced space area and fight PvE or PvP, I want a FULLY open galaxy where I can travel around and explore!

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I really gotta add my voice here - I'm one of those kids who remembers playing Tie Fighter back in the good old DOS days, complete with graphics so blocky they're painful to look at nowadays.


There hasn't been a sequel that was anywhere near like it, and that includes the windows X-wing vs. Tie Fighter, that focused so hard on multiplayer that it neglected the solo experience. Man, who didn't love working your way up the ranks to be the emperor's hand? Completing the secret mission objectives from the cloaked figure? There was something simple and awesome about balancing your power out between engines, shields, and lasers - pouring on the speed to catch a fleeing enemy, or targetting a capital ship with a proton torpedo.


I understand the perspective that flying around blank space for hours on end is non-heroic and it's something the devs didn't wanna do - heck, I agree. But if the 'space missions' had 3-d maneuverability, and a sorta plot where you can literally work your way up the ranks of the republic/empire navies - man, that'd be sweet.

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I would LOVE to have Speederbike Combat as seen in Return of the Jedi!!


I want it on rails like Space Combat, only you are on a bike shooting at other bikes and other kinds of enemies while riding through places like the skylanes of Coruscant, the streets of Nar Shaddaa, the fields of Alderaan, the sands of Tatooine, the ruins of Taris, the forests of Endor's Moon.. (Make sure you have forests!)


Just use the awesomely fun and addictive Space Combat model and make it with Speederbikes on the ground and in the skylanes. Bikes can be fully moddable and customizable! You can also do Swoop Racing at the same time, but if it is one or the other I want Speederbike Combat :). I would love it! Would do it everyday just like Space Combat!


If it is just racing though :( make sure it can be bet on at the Nar Shaddaa Casino, and also put in the other casino games like Sabacc, Pazaak, Dejarik, and KOTOR's Dueling Ring (but only if it is a Street Fighter esque 2D fighting game mini game and not at all tied to characters and classes in the main game. I don't want to be nerfed for "PvP balance" nonsense). Make that Casino a huge hot spot. Make it so you can see replays of the races on monitors at the casino as well as watch live races (that we can bet on in progress). Give us racing outfits and titles, and fully moddable and customizable bikes too (even paint jobs, sponsor decals, fins, spoilers, graphics, running lights, accents, chrome, aftermarket parts, hydraulics, NO2, soundsystem, etc.) Don't make it too hard though where it becomes some kind of elitist e-sport that only a handful can play. In fact, have a circuit for solo play and a different circuit for racing against others. Have the rewards be identical between the two (not even color swaps).


Maybe the reward can just be a huge statue of your character in the Casino until another wins the title. Maybe a row of huge statues of the top ten racers. When a racer gets a faster time, the one with the lowest time's statue gets replaced. Racers that get a statue made of themselves get to choose a small phrase to put on the statue's placard. They get to decide how their name will look on the placard (Legacy name, title) or they can use a racing name instead of their own on the statue. They get to choose what they are wearing in the statue. Maybe they go to the NPC artist for a "sitting" and what they are wearing then is what is used in the statue.


Maybe also have a "street racing" aspect to it as well with a Need For Speed Underground 2 feel to it. In fact, make the swoop racing mini game identical to Need For Speed Underground 2 and it would be the greatest ever!!


I like all of the ideas. I'd love an AT-AT vehicle combat too, as long as it isn't PvP, perhaps on rails with our companions manning the guns (and or piloting while I man one of the guns and they man the others). Maybe have a choice where we can fly starfighters (and be ground troops) (and or atilliary) against the AT-ATs like in Empire Strikes Back. And I'd like a starfighter single seat fighter experience, as long as that isn't PvP either. My character would dress up in the social pilot gear!! Though I do want gear that looks like Luke's pilot suit to buy too hint hint. I would love launching my fighter from the capital ship hanger and going out to dogfight in the midst of two fleets of capital ships duking it out like in Return of the Jedi, and blowing up the Death Star, and boarding other ships like in Revenge of the Sith, or destroying a reactor in a ship with my starfighter like in Phantom Menace. Let us have a choice of X-Wing, Y-Wng, A-Wing, and others. Make the starfighters fully customizable and moddable (this is the most important part). Make mods for the social pilot gear that also improve flying.


I would love a Capital Ship battle experience too, as long as that isn't PvP as well. If you do guild capital ships, make them cross server instances, give us cross server guilds, cross server friends lists, and cross server Looking For Group. We can all meet up on our capital ship and in Flashpoints/Operations. Give us hangers for our starships and our starfighters there. Make it so guilds can form fleets of capital ships (by several guilds banding together and or allow guilds to buy multiple capital ships: like medical ships, many frigates, carriers, supply ships, dropships) and can battle NPC fleets.


If you are just making stuff for PvPers then no worries, but I'll pass on whatever it is. I hope very much though that you are talking about more mini games like Space Combat that you are considering adding in. I would love all these as minigames! But if it is just for PvPers then it's just more warzones esentially so meh, not my thing.

Edited by Hyperlane
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I voted for 3d space battles.


And to those people who are saying things like "How bout a dungeon finder?" or "Maybe you should put the resources to better use." Why do you people act like whatever comes out on top in this poll will be immediately put at the top of the list for BW to develop and everything else will be put on the back burner?


I'm pretty sure this poll is merely a way to get feedback on something that people would like to see much further down the line. The other items, as Stephen Reid pointed out earlier in the thread, will likely come much sooner than the items in this poll.

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Hello everyone! James Ohlen, Game Director for Star Wars: The Old Republic, is on the hunt for direct feedback once again. This week, he's asking for feedback on a general topic that I think you'll all have an opinion on!


James takes feedback directly via his Twitter account, but if you're not on Twitter, we're going to reproduce his question here and would love to get your feedback here too - as well as your votes on a poll.


As always, we ask you to limit your feedback to the question at hand and keep your feedback constructive as well as on-topic!


Here is James' question for this week:


Which Star Wars fantasy excites you the most? Full 3D space battles, vehicle combat (AT-ATs), pod/speeder racing or capital ship battles?

You can vote in the attached poll. Obviously each of these fantasies are big, enormous ideas, so we're sure you'll have plenty of feedback to give!


You can follow James on Twitter @JamesOhlen; you can follow our main account @SWTOR.


None of the above. Let's get a poll about server transfer/merge/PTS copy/cross realm PVE and PVP Q.

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None of the above. Let's get a poll about server transfer/merge/PTS copy/cross realm PVE and PVP Q.




They are doing polls about that stuff, when the basic game is bugged and broken :eek:


k, im starting to worry now......



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3D multiplayer space battles would be great, but I'd suggest that fighters/bombers be available for such missions instead of the regular ship. This would have several advantages:

1. It would allow for customization while allowing many ships of the same type in a way that makes sense (e.g. there won't be 10 agent ships which is kind of weird since there should be very few of them).

2. Allow creating mechanics that are interesting from a multiplayer perspective, e.g. having an objective to destroy a target which would be suitable for bombers, but since they are relatively vulnerable, they would need a fighter escort, making for interesting gameplay mechanics.

3. Make more sense - massive battles usually have more small vessels than medium sized ones.

4. Make special gear (sets, epics, etc.) for spacecraft, making the space game much more interesting.


If we get proper 3D space battles with these features, I think that we'll have a much better reason to go into space.

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