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Let´s be honest. SWTOR is pretty solid MMO arround.


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GW2 has voiceover acting in it, the npcs talk, you don't have to read, the chat bubble over their heads are just and added plus, for those that like to read what they heard. Or look back if they missed something.
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Well first off, a MMO is suppose to make you feel like you are playing with "massively multiplayer online". Does it do that in this case? Somewhat. Maybe on the fleet, that's about it.


Everything is instanced so it seems more like an instanced game. Alot of instanced Heroics, instanced class quest, instanced spaceport, I mean really? Do I really need to load 4 times just to get to another instanced planet? I mean heck, there are 20+ planets, and ALL of them are instanced, which are filled with 4-20 players on each. Instanced PvP, no world pvp. Everything is instanced. Feel like an MMO to ya?


Well they used the WoW model for all raids, PvP and group content. I've mentioned before that there should be open world Operations and just got cut down.

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Well they used the WoW model for all raids, PvP and group content. I've mentioned before that there should be open world Operations and just got cut down.


That's only somewhat true. PvP and Operation compared to PvP and raids in WoW are all instanced.


The difference is the world in WoW and SWTOR, TOR is all instance based. In WoW the raid location for both sides are at the same place. There were countless times where my guild going to raid, and met another guild of the opposing side at the entrance. Instead of doing raid like we planned, there would be a massive brawl between the two forces for an hour. Does SWTOR do that? No. The entrance for raids are located the fleet or Ilum base. There are 0% chance to even meet the opposing team, for world pvp to happen. It seems they deliberately did this to not implement world PvP in the first place. This also applies to all the planets, where the two sides are deliberately kept on different sides.


PvP maps in WoW are 3x bigger. It actually involves traveling between points, where you might collide with an opposing player, then dueling your egos out. That is what was fun about PvP. Is that in SWTOR? No. The maps are small, to the point where it's just about two forces clashing at a middle ground and then it becomes who out gears the other. Yea, I can understand how people can feel this kind of PvP is better, it's all preference based. I'm not here to judge or convince you to share my view.


In the end, it just feels like Bioware designed this game to be instanced, and no world pvp. The only time where you are actually doing any PvP is in the 3 warzones. There are motivation to revisit a planet or place once you out-leveled it. Then it just makes me wonder why did they spend so much funds on features where we out-level and never encounter again. Example, voice-over. Once you hit level cap, 90% of voice-over becomes useless.


It just seems to me, if SWTOR selling point is voice-over (because it is since how they hyped it before release), they would've involved more around this feature.

Edited by heikaze
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The Op looks at the world through rose tinted glasses.


An MMO released just as we hit 2012 with such hype and grand promises that fell far short of its own pre release description. Thats more like the review it should get.


Theres no need to go into detail how for many the "stunning" game graphics are unobtainable. How the challanges of the FP's and Ops is only challenging due to the fact its only the bugs make them even remotely difficult to complete.

How if you guessed wrong with your server selection your now sat on a dead server with no other option but to reroll on another server. losing all your legacy levels never mind having to start the game all over again. Thats if you can be bothered to.

How despite being live for 4 months now the sheer volume of unrectified bugs and faulty game mechanics defies reasoning.

How the "superb" world PvP failed so badly it is even acknowledged by the game developers as "redundent".

How the game targeting system is one of the worst in the MMO market.


Its an OK game to play if you play it without trying to hold it to the bull**** Bioware and EA hyped it out to be. Just don't get your expectations up that this game is ever going to be polished or last beyond EA's forecast projection for milking max profits for minimum input. Once they hit that the game will be rolled up.

Edited by Sireene
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Yeah.... maybe you cant compare the two games graphically either... considering CoH is more than 7 years old. Man that game was awesome though. havn't played it in years. Thinking about that game and how old it is, but at the same time it was much more cutting edge than SWTOR is with its cut scenes gamble. :( I mean... flying! cant even swim in SWTOR lol. customization. epic battles. fun stuff. game companies should just talk to me when they want to develop a game. I'll guide them in the right direction... free even.


Lol. Uh... yah... yer topic.. Um. carry on.


CoH/CoV is up to i22 now. Some major things have happened and there are a number of impressive improvements. Like...um..

Statesman and Sister Psyc are no longer with us. Miss Penelope Pin is no longer a little miss and Recluse reunited with his lost love...



Graphics...yeah can't really compare them straight across. However, SW graphics are wonderful and in a class of its own in my opinion. I'm extremely happy with both games. However, SW is my first choice to play right now. :D

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13 year mmo vet , tried all the big name mmos out there including being top 30 in the usa in WoW. I love swtor and i'm sticking around for a long time to come. It's definetly a great game , awesome pvp , pve and i can't wait for the additions in 1.2! The game lived up to everything i was hoping for so far. Some of you might be young and not sure what to expect in mmos?

I see alot of hate on these forums and i can only speculate that they are due to younger gamers.


Couple tips. If you are having trouble getting groups, FORM ONE! it's not hard. Take initiative.

You may speculate somethings don't work or you don't just understand your class and how to play it the games not broke, DO SOME RESEARCH!.



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The Op looks at the world through rose tinted glasses.


An MMO released just as we hit 2012 with such hype and grand promises that fell far short of its own pre release description. Thats more like the review it should get.


Theres no need to go into detail how for many the "stunning" game graphics are unobtainable. How the challanges of the FP's and Ops is only challenging due to the fact its only the bugs make them even remotely difficult to complete.

How if you guessed wrong with your server selection your now sat on a dead server with no other option but to reroll on another server. losing all your legacy levels never mind having to start the game all over again. Thats if you can be bothered to.

How despite being live for 4 months now the sheer volume of unrectified bugs and faulty game mechanics defies reasoning.

How the "superb" world PvP failed so badly it is even acknowledged by the game developers as "redundent".

How the game targeting system is one of the worst in the MMO market.


Its an OK game to play if you play it without trying to hold it to the bull**** Bioware and EA hyped it out to be. Just don't get your expectations up that this game is ever going to be polished or last beyond EA's forecast projection for milking max profits for minimum input. Once they hit that the game will be rolled up.


Umm hate to burst your bubble, but that is the business philosophy for almost any business. Honestly I am still impressed with how SWTOR was implimented, and I enjoy going into the new content and replaying the fps with freinds and guildies. Is it perfect, no, and I wish there was several features in it still. I would love to see a sandbox area developed, expanded crafting options (it seems like we are getting a huge chunk in 1.2). I hope that the nightmare mode that they release in 1.2 is insane, like c'thun crazy. If the people complaining about there not being enough content are the same ones who only go raid and do whatever, meh, get a life and dont play 3-? hours a day expecting the silver platter to come to your specific whines. Honestly though, the game is doing a ton better then WOW at the moment. Why, WOW got boring and predictable with its content, plus the nerf bat is swung every second on their content making it all boring.

Edited by Sireene
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It says a lot about a population that votes for an entertainment company over a mega corp that is well known for kicking people out of their homes.


BoA should have been the worst, hands down.


But EA should be ashamed to be in the same category.

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Go back home!

This is BioWare! support from EA!


I play video games are over 28 years!

The video game world would not be the same in which you are now living without EA.

EA has done a Great job! Over many years!

EA is great!


regards :p


Someone tell me is this for real?


Lets review what EA does shall we?


They buy indie studios with successfull titles. Then they pressure those studios into cranking them out in a quantity over quality fashion. That flagship game of whatever indie studio it was then sucks but not before the name is cashed in and that studio's fans are left feeling decieved and ripped off. Then EA closes that studio. Rinse and repeat. EA tried a hostile take over of take two interactive because you don't need to make a decent sports video game when you're the only one who makes them. Anyone care to picture GTA with EA's name on it? (shudders)


I've played video games since atari and commodore was the only home gaming you could get. Anyone who has played games even half as long as I have has seen some of their favorite game franchises being murdered by EA for the sake of eliminating competition. Countless good games that EA deliberately ran into the ground so that they could maximize their profits by not having to pay to develop a plethora variety of games when they can cut it to a few whilst going for a monopoly. Right, EA is like the best thing that ever happened to video games.



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Someone tell me is this for real?


Lets review what EA does shall we?


They buy indie studios with successfull titles. Then they pressure those studios into cranking them out in a quantity over quality fashion. That flagship game of whatever indie studio it was then sucks but not before the name is cashed in and that studio's fans are left feeling decieved and ripped off. Then EA closes that studio. Rinse and repeat. EA tried a hostile take over of take two interactive because you don't need to make a decent sports video game when you're the only one who makes them. Anyone care to picture GTA with EA's name on it? (shudders)







You do know you have just described every major publisher on the planet right?


Facepalm indeed. :rolleyes:

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You do know you have just described every major publisher on the planet right?


Facepalm indeed. :rolleyes:


No I haven't and you know it. Other publishers are in the business of games surviving while EA is the in the business of killing them. Nice try.

Edited by Vlaxitov
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I really liked this thread until the point where you started judging other mmo's although it's obvious you don't know anything about them (tera = swtor with pokemons LOLZ such a kiddy game, Mists of Pandaria = pandas and nothing new LOLZ ...)
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Couple tips. If you are having trouble getting groups, FORM ONE! it's not hard. Take initiative.

You may speculate somethings don't work or you don't just understand your class and how to play it the games not broke, DO SOME RESEARCH!.



This...I never had a problem forming groups even on a standard server, but 90% of time the initiative was coming from me.

Edited by Ivanblood
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Your logic doesn't make any sense at all. First off, if you have time to play your main, then you have time to play an alt. You simply reallocating your play time. Also, since you aren't paying the sub for the other people on your dead server, you really shouldn't feel responsible for their poor choice to stay. If you're in a guild, try to get everyone to relocate to the same heavy pop server. If they refuse to go, it's their own fault they're not having a good time during their play sessions.



Also, with your logic, even a server transfer wouldn't help you. The only thing that would is a server merger and I'm pretty sure that would be a last resort for Bioware. So again, bite the bullet and reroll or continue to struggle trying to find groups. The choice is obviously yours. But don't pretend that there's no alternatives.



I didn't want to reroll either, but I did anyway and the game instantly became 10 times more fun and engaging.


I ordered a steak at Chili's. The chef did not prepare it correctly so I just strolled into the kitchen and prepared the steak myself then I still paid Chili's the full price of the meal.


I went to the Grocery Store. They did not have an advertised product on the shelf so I just strolled into the back, grabbed a palet jack and unloaded a crate of the product, after entering it into the stores inventory and then paid the store the full price for the product.


I bought a new car from the Chevy dealer. When I opened the hood I realized there was no radiator. So I just bought one from Autozone and installed it myself and never bothered the auto-dealer because the rest of my brand new car was great!







...see my point.

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I ordered a steak at Chili's. The chef did not prepare it correctly so I just strolled into the kitchen and prepared the steak myself then I still paid Chili's the full price of the meal.


I went to the Grocery Store. They did not have an advertised product on the shelf so I just strolled into the back, grabbed a palet jack and unloaded a crate of the product, after entering it into the stores inventory and then paid the store the full price for the product.


I bought a new car from the Chevy dealer. When I opened the hood I realized there was no radiator. So I just bought one from Autozone and installed it myself and never bothered the auto-dealer because the rest of my brand new car was great!







...see my point.


No those are lame analogies.

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Bioware has never been good at game play mechanics, they got famous because their stories are great and provide good immersion, so game play can take backseat in single player games, it done't work in an MMO. How many of you, after creating your second character, say,"I just want to level up so I can do my class quest."
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I ordered a steak at Chili's. The chef did not prepare it correctly so I just strolled into the kitchen and prepared the steak myself then I still paid Chili's the full price of the meal.


I went to the Grocery Store. They did not have an advertised product on the shelf so I just strolled into the back, grabbed a palet jack and unloaded a crate of the product, after entering it into the stores inventory and then paid the store the full price for the product.


I bought a new car from the Chevy dealer. When I opened the hood I realized there was no radiator. So I just bought one from Autozone and installed it myself and never bothered the auto-dealer because the rest of my brand new car was great!







...see my point.

Not even remotely the same thing.


It would be more like...


Sitting in the Chili's bathroom, wondering why they weren't taking your order.


Standing in the milk section wondering why they don't come open the door to the cooler for you.


Buying a new car and wondering why they don't sit in the passenger seat with you.


As a previous poster stated...start your own group! /w "hey, would you wanna run XXX" and /invite work well.

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Not even remotely the same thing.


It would be more like...


Sitting in the Chili's bathroom, wondering why they weren't taking your order.


Standing in the milk section wondering why they don't come open the door to the cooler for you.


Buying a new car and wondering why they don't sit in the passenger seat with you.


As a previous poster stated...start your own group! /w "hey, would you wanna run XXX" and /invite work well.


This was a response to the person who's solution to the massive low pop. server problems was to just "reroll to the Fatman server".


The analogies were meant to demonstrate that such a solution is hardly acceptable. Choosing a server, rolling toons and having no one around on each planet at every level is not MY FAULT. Either fix the problems from a technical standpoint by allowing transfers or server merges or fix the probem from a design standpoint by creating a game that fosters community. In any case asking me or anyone else to reroll a character in order to get the "massively multiplayer" experiences is assenine and a sure-sign of a mindset that is all too primed to drink the kool-aid.

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