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Being forced to stay in Fleet...ALL the time - bad idea


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The fleet sucks:


-It looks like hell (no scenery)

-You have to go there because it's The Hub

-It is a little microverse disconnected from where the fun happens

-The cantina looks like it was built to house a hundred but never has more than one guy and his companion at the bar.

-No galactic Chat Channel means 'Hubbits' are the only ones to talk to and try to get groups with if you are not in an active guild, or guildies aren't on atm.



They should put duplicate hubs on Coruscant + Dromand kass & add a Galactic Chat channel that is joinable easily through the interface. Make GCC instanced out to 300 users so that amount of chatter won't be overwheling. That or delay once x amount of users send messages to the channel

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I would love to imagine a time when tatooine would be thriving, people hanging out at the bar....living out their star wars fantasies.....or in a thriving world city of coruscant....which of course is anything but that.


5. Add more incentives to go outside fleet to do stuff and to chill (probably long term years plus project).


YES! I would love to be able to tell a buddy "Hey John, I'm at the Flaming Nerf in Coronet on Corellia - come meet me for a drink and a round of Sabaac and then we can head out to...." I want to live out my "star wars fantasies". I really hope this is something that's coming down the line, I'm patient and I'll wait as long as it takes and pay whatever for something like that.

Edited by Eeros_Volt
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1. Allow general chat to be server wide


You've been quite flamed on the bad side of this one. By "other MMO's" you are probably talking about smaller ones. While this game has a lot of low populated servers that this would help, the medium/high populated ones would be ruined. If you played WoW while they had the LFG channel globally you would understand. It turns into a garbage channel of trolls. Not 100% sure on what the limit is on the ignore list, but this change would get me to find out quick.

2. Allow other methods of travel to reach desired end-game areas, besides fleet.


They could become destinations from your ship. EV makes sense as you head there on a capitol ship that gets shot down. KP could easily require us to land on Hutt's station and take a different landing ship.


3. Implement good LFG system that dont demand you sit in one place to form a group. (being worked on)


To me this is the biggest problem with the Fleet camping. Simple just no where else to go.


4. Merge servers to get them more lively....alot more (think they have said something, but about character transfers, not servers)


I do agree with this. The low populated servers should be merged or given a free server transfer(manual like they did for the PTR). It would take a while for the manual one but at least a start. Ones that don't respond will be sent to a specific servers as a whole. And token them a free transfer when they return and the transfer system is running.


5. Add more incentives to go outside fleet to do stuff and to chill (probably long term years plus project).


Crafting has little place outside of the fleet as it's just as easy to go do dailies/pvp for credits to cover sending your companions. And the AH is usually flooded with those types of mats. With the rest of them only gotten from companions. Spicing up crafting alone would help this.


6. Add incentives to PvP people in the open world - as in on any planet you will run into a sith (arenas get boring, and Illum doesnt count, its still a FORCED place you have to go.)


The planets really do separate the factions way too much. So rare to see one until the last three areas. (Ilum, Corella, Voss) I think the problem is that there are few factions outside the main two. Voss is an example of this. And can honestly say I had more world PvP encounters there than any other planet outside Ilum's PvP area. As stated in '5' crafting would help this as well.



So what we really need is:

1. LFG tool

2. Better crafting system to encourage people to go "outside".

3. PvP Friendly leveling system. Factions are far too separated.

4. Factions.

Edited by Cindikle
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I loved the chat channels in Rift, broken up by level brackets, in addition to the general zone chat. They could be seen anywhere by anyone at or above that level bracket. A level 31 could read 31-40 chat and 21-30 chat, but not 41-50. A level 50 could read any chat channel they joined.
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All you people with your long winded explanations of why a general channel should not be implemented...


...don't join it!


Simple as that. You never have to see a single message you don't like because you never have to enable to channel. At worst, you disable it once for each character - really not hard.


I personally put it into a separate tab on my UI within the many other games that have it. When I want to tune in, I just click the tab. This puts a terrible strain on my clicking finger, but it's worth it for the unparalleled flexibility I gain over this channel!


TLDR/Wall of Text

Don't join the general channel if you don't like, it's not compulsory.

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You know if you make a chat channel they're universal. Meaning anyone who is in that channel can see it no matter where they are.

Most servers have already created an "lfg" channel.


Try /cjoin lfg

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I loved the chat channels in Rift, broken up by level brackets, in addition to the general zone chat. They could be seen anywhere by anyone at or above that level bracket. A level 31 could read 31-40 chat and 21-30 chat, but not 41-50. A level 50 could read any chat channel they joined.


Thanks to those channels it was possible for a PUG to advertise for a new member, while inside the instance, if someone dropped.


We didn't have to quick travel back to town and hope some level appropriate chars were there - or send someone into the outside world and try in the region chat.

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TLDR/Wall of Text

Don't join the general channel if you don't like, it's not compulsory.


ONLY if it is OFF by default. OTHERWISE it is COMPULSORY and we have to OPT OUT.


*shakes head*


*face palm*



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ONLY if it is OFF by default. OTHERWISE it is COMPULSORY and we have to OPT OUT.


*shakes head*


*face palm*




I guess English is your second language. Compulsory means you HAVE TO HAVE IT. It can't be refused or turned off or rejected. Having the ability to turn it off makes it non-compulsory.

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I guess English is your second language. Compulsory means you HAVE TO HAVE IT. It can't be refused or turned off or rejected. Having the ability to turn it off makes it non-compulsory.


But in your dream world it would be ON by default and have to be opted out of when there are alot of people who don't want it at all. It should be OFF by default and then you people that like all the troll chat in game such as Anal [Link ability here] can have your fun. It should be OFF by default there are kids that play this game.

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But in your dream world it would be ON by default and have to be opted out of when there are alot of people who don't want it at all. It should be OFF by default and then you people that like all the troll chat in game such as Anal [Link ability here] can have your fun. It should be OFF by default there are kids that play this game.


Won't somebody think of the children!


I actually expressed no opinion about whether it should be enable by default. I don't see a problem either way because it is literally seconds of effort to switch it to the other setting depending on your preference.


Those children already have access to all the other unmoderated channels - it is up to the parents to supervise them properly or restrict access as needed.


My SWTOR case has a rating of T (Teen) on it - Blood and Gore, Mild Language, Sexual Themes, Violence - which doesn't really scream Disney, suitable for 8 year olds.


I think teens can cope with a little trade chat - hell, most of them are responsible for the worst content in it. If you are letting pre-teens play an internet enable game designed for teens+ without supervision - well, that's your right as a parent - but I wouldn't do it.


If you are concerned about the contents of any chat channel, you have the tools already to prevent them from seeing it.

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What I really want is mission terminals on other planets such as Belsavis, Ilum and Corellia. now that it's getting dailies too. It feels like there's a lot of unnecessary traveling involved with the current setup.


I'd also like the option of opening up chat to more than one lacation, for instance the planet and I'm currently on and the fleet.


An idea for open world PvP would be to put the mission box in the middle of a PvP area so that people were forced to go there for the daily pickup.

Edited by MidichIorian
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They should stop all this nonsense of limits in game. Open up General chat for EVERY SINGLE PERSON in the server to read and chat. That alone will not force us to stay in the fleet our entire lives at end-game.


Next allow travel to hit all our raids and FPs that we need....BESIDES the fleet!


Let me ask you this, how many of you, before you played this game, said to yourself....man i cant wait to get in game and chill at my favorite location (tatooine, hoth, coruscant...)....how many had a fleet base....a fleet base as your must go to spot and enjoy....ill take a guess....none!


So many nice looking planets, bioware, why do you force us of all the places....the fleet!?


I would love to imagine a time when tatooine would be thriving, people hanging out at the bar....living out their star wars fantasies.....or in a thriving world city of coruscant....which of course is anything but that.


I mean even if you wanted to go to these other places...you CANT. You become alienated from the general chat thats in fleet. Since there is no LFG system, you simply have to stay in fleet.... ALL...THE...TIME.


How about making incentives to WANT to pvp someone, on any planet there might be the opposing faction? I for one, didnt imagine, star wars, sith vs republic....the open world possibilities....being watered down to just 3 warzones. Wheres the incentive of real open world pvp...not illum, thats forcing you to one spot. Im talking a full incentive system where you'll WANT to fight anyone of opposing faction, on any planet! Right now there is 0.


So basically few simple things to really add some value -


1. Allow general chat to be server wide

2. Allow other methods of travel to reach desired end-game areas, besides fleet.

3. Implement good LFG system that dont demand you sit in one place to form a group. (being worked on)

4. Merge servers to get them more lively....alot more (think they have said something, but about character transfers, not servers)

5. Add more incentives to go outside fleet to do stuff and to chill (probably long term years plus project).

6. Add incentives to PvP people in the open world - as in on any planet you will run into a sith (arenas get boring, and Illum doesnt count, its still a FORCED place you have to go.)


Gonna add thought to number 1 after thinking and getting feedback. Instead of replacing general chat, perhaps they add another chat tab, called Galactic. This would coincide with the general chat. The general chat would stay and function as is, but Galactic chat would be server wide. Also the Galactic chat could be level tiered like in EQ2, so levels 1-9 can only talk to each other, 10 - 19, and etc....and at level 50 get their own bracket. And of course you should have the option of removing this tab if you dont like it, while still retaining the general tab. Sounds like a fair compromise.


Anyways thats my thoughts



/facepalm..... /cjoin LFG its a global channel everyone can see it. Spread the word to people on your server to join that channel. If its not already created, create it. Problem solved.

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They should make a sort-of LFG Channel which you only enter when you're actually searching for a group.


For example: when you want to start looking for a group you tick the box at the 'who' tab in the social window. When you do that you'll enter the global LFG-channel. This'll also get people to use that 'who'-LFG "system" a bit more, because I hardly see anyone using it. When I try and search a group I search for people, and as usual I am the only one who is using it.


I think this would help a lot. If you don't want spam, you untick the box of LFG at the 'who' tab and you're free again to live in solitude.

Edited by Reinoud
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/facepalm..... /cjoin LFG its a global channel everyone can see it. Spread the word to people on your server to join that channel. If its not already created, create it. Problem solved.


I did that and after hours....never saw a single comment made in it. As of now..it is a very ineffective tool for finding groups.

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Now see, here is some funny info that you didn't know is things were not always like this.


A year ago for the old testers myself and some others there was MANY hang outs actually and forced areas or (more or less what would happen) areas.


Fleet was only one...


Understand though, right inside each major port or city we had GTNs everywhere -- and banks, so off the bat that changes things.


THEN some places you could see both factions and talk.


I.e. Nar Shadannana was one of the hangouts -- A LOT of vendors were removed from there come live, we had them all there. Kinda like fleet now.


You could duel, talk to the other faction -- attack them etc .. it was a pretty busy hang out (yes I know it sounds crazy but down by the big hutt statue used to be a crap ton more vendors and it was a good hangout)


Tat -- had several hangouts, In the main cities for the most part. Odd yes, but it was happening.


What people do not know is there is GTNs for both factions still on Tat in one place.. (THE WASTED PVP ZONE) inside one of the huts actually has GTNs in them for both factions)


Im guess a joke left over from beta because who the crap wants to go there to do business.. lol


All in all Fleet was made into the hub I think for resource reasons. They were able to control that cluster better then the others maybe who knows.


I wish we could get back Nar as a hangout... it was fun for sure.

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I did that and after hours....never saw a single comment made in it. As of now..it is a very ineffective tool for finding groups.


No one uses tools or channels they don't know about, and those that do might not want to put the little effort needed into joining said channel.


Tat -- had several hangouts, In the main cities for the most part. Odd yes, but it was happening.


What people do not know is there is GTNs for both factions still on Tat in one place.. (THE WASTED PVP ZONE) inside one of the huts actually has GTNs in them for both factions)


What PvP zone? I've been there and never seen one, just a ravine with a warning you're entering a Republic controlled area. I don't remember where that was though.

Edited by terminova
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