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Worst possible team composition for 1.2 rated.


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8 Operatives, stealth together in a pack and gang bang whoever you want


Georg Zoeller specifically aid people were unsubbing because of this (lol). IT also happens to be the most stupid thing any Dev has ever said in the history of video games.

Edited by Theology
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Georg Zoeller specifically aid people were unsubbing because of this (lol). IT also happens to be the most stupid thing any Dev has ever said in the history of video games.



Hmm... people dying in less than 3 seconds without being able to do a single action.. yeah that sounds like a rediculous reason to quit a computer game. :rolleyes:


Did you know, a rich general in Africa has £10m to transfer to the uk and will give you £1m for the use of your bank account. You sound like the perfect candidate! :D

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The team composition becomes worse relative to the amount of marauders it is lacking. To obtain ultimate bad team composition efficiency- you must create a team with zero marauders.


I'd try something like two prototype powertechs, two lightning spec sorcs, and maybe a couple hybrid operatives and mercs.

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Hmm... people dying in less than 3 seconds without being able to do a single action.. yeah that sounds like a rediculous reason to quit a computer game. :rolleyes:


Did you know, a rich general in Africa has £10m to transfer to the uk and will give you £1m for the use of your bank account. You sound like the perfect candidate! :D


You dont make sense.


Stop posting.

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So I know scoundrels are squishy and all, but I get a feeling you guys haven't gone up against any really good healers. We premade w/ a scoundrel healer and he'll do an AVERAGE of 500k, regardless of how long the warzone is, with maybe one death. He pumped out 750k in one voidstar and we didn't even go the full time. (I guarded him here though).


I don't even guard him on voidstar normally. I stay DPS stance, throw the occasional taunt and just AOE freezing force everyone. He just runs away keeping himself and others alive w/ self heals / medpacs. He keeps up 2 packs on everyone in his vicinity and just refuses to go down.


He only ever uses kolto injection or that other channeled heal in absolute emergencies.


AND they are getting buffed in 1.2. So funny.

Edited by Invictusthetaru
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this might not match your criteria but i've always wanted to see 8 healers against 8 healers :-)


Seen something like that exactly, in a WoW 5v5 arena match back in TBC. 5 Healadins, and 5 Shambulances. Took forever, until all the shamans got the idea to chain Earth Shock a healadin and run the table, doing it to paladins one at a time.

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8 Lethality Operatives /thread


I'm inclined to agree.


They might seems fierce at first when 3 of them instantly drop a single player but spam a few knockbacks and CC them a little and watch them drop like flies.

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Following the standard 2 healer, 2 tank, 4 dps setup:


2x Shadow Tanks - worst survivability of all 3 tanks, no vertical mobility

2x Scoundrel Healers - great burst healing, sure, but lack sustained and aoe healing.

4x commando DPS - no interupts, drop quickly as soon as melee finds them



This setup, in my opinion, is terrible for rated warzones at high end. Pretty much the worst tank/healer/dps combo.


Ofc, if you are playing against bad players, you'll kick some serious butt. 4 ranged DPS can nuke everyone real quick, so theoretically you wouldn't need sustained healing or tough tanks :D



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If I wanted to go for worst setup...


1 Rage Marauder

1 Marksman Sniper

1 Madness Sorc

1 Advanced Prototype Powertech

1 Vengeance Jugg

1 Engineer Sniper

1 Concealment Operative

1 Arsenal Mercenary


Even with a lot of coordination this team would have to try real hard to win any wz.


Replace the Sorc w/ a Lightning version, and this is pretty much my list. : )


Maybe I'd replace AP PT w/ Pyro in 1.2, actually; AP is getting some nice buffs, while Pyro is getting a pretty hefty nerf to heat management.

Edited by Varicite
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