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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Side Speeders Removed From Game


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UPDATE, They're Back In!


  • Warzones Alderaan Civil War The speeder bikes that transport players to the East and West turrets have been resinstated.


4/6 Patch Notes.


  • Alderaan Civil War
  • The speeder bikes that transported players to the East and West turrets have been removed.


3/30 Patch on test servers.





What do you guys think of this?


My thoughts:

  • This makes middle a little more valuable.
  • Classes that have enemy pulls (tank Assassins/Pyros) are buffed by this. The reasoning being that for each team, one side turret can't be "dropped down" to, you have to run in plain sight of middle, which will allow these classes to basically pull stragglers that recently died, taking them out of the fight once again or at least causing a good initation/dog-pile.
    (For example you recently died, they hold middle, you drop down middle to try to run to the side node, but you get pulled instead.) This is already a bit of an issue, but it'll be even more crucial now to do.
  • It also eliminates a bit of strategy to the game. With the current changes of a 3 second cast time, and the 1.2 patch PRIOR to 3/30 said the time was equal to middle's flight, it didn't seem like a big issue to have the side speeders.

Edited by S__T
New Patch Notes
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  • Alderaan Civil War
  • The speeder bikes that transported players to the East and West turrets have been removed.


3/30 Patch on test servers.



What do you guys think of this?


My thoughts:

  • This makes middle a little more valuable.
  • Classes that have enemy pulls (tank Assassins/Pyros) are buffed by this. The reasoning being that for each team, one side turret can't be "dropped down" to, you have to run in plain sight of middle, which will allow these classes to basically pull stragglers that recently died, taking them out of the fight once again or at least causing a good initation/dog-pile.
    (For example you recently died, they hold middle, you drop down middle to try to run to the side node, but you get pulled instead.) This is already a bit of an issue, but it'll be even more crucial now to do.
  • It also eliminates a bit of strategy to the game. With the current changes of a 3 second cast time, and the 1.2 patch PRIOR to 3/30 said the time was equal to middle's flight, it didn't seem like a big issue to have the side speeders.


I usually drop down on my side and walk through the tunnel. It's safer and people don't really expect it. Easy way to avoid pulls and getting ganked when you drop down. Takes abit longer but you're essentially invisible until you come up the stairs.

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left and right tactic will be impossible


people will just get center+left the person defending the side one will get more bored as nobody will seriously think to go get the oppsite side-left as you need to pass center to rush back


I dont know it doesnt seem to me to add to the game but i agree as it was was bad too people could come back too quickly 3 second (but now will be like 20 second of walk)


they could have made a middle group keep the bike make it land a little farther and make it take 6 sec instead of 3

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Terrible, pointless change. All it'll result in is every match being dominated by the better side who will then spawn camp the weaker side.


Result will be more unbalanced matches and less real territorial warfare.


Yes, well, the weaker side should lose. The faster they lose the happier they'll be. There's nothing quite as tedious as waiting out a 2-1 match against a far superior team. What this change will do is ensure that two equal teams will have an equal chance of victory. Right now it's just about whoever gets the first two turrets, which not only comes down to skill, but luck in guessing where your guys are needed, and in the case of a pug, also down to whether anyone wants to follow directions. I predict pug matches will be vastly improved, as well as premade vs premades, since capping will be made easier. Easier to dominate a team, sure, but who really cares if you're not going to win anyway.

Edited by Boissi
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Terrible, pointless change. All it'll result in is every match being dominated by the better side who will then spawn camp the weaker side.


Result will be more unbalanced matches and less real territorial warfare.


Like any other WZ, nice point or lack of...

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Terrible, pointless change. All it'll result in is every match being dominated by the better side who will then spawn camp the weaker side.


Result will be more unbalanced matches and less real territorial warfare.


Right. BW, please make it so the weaker side wins and the stronger side loses. It's annoying to lose to a better team.

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Nobody will spawn camp in either of the other two WZs come 1.2. Sorry to burst your bubble.


If they want to make it faster to beat a bad team they should do what WOW does and increase the rate of fire by 5x if you have all three turrets. Not force everyone through an easily campable choke point you can camp while sitting at one of the turrets.

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Right. BW, please make it so the weaker side wins and the stronger side loses. It's annoying to lose to a better team.


Way to miss the point.


One of the nice things about alderaan currently is you can win through brains as well as brawn. I have won a ton of matches where we were clearly the worse team in terms of dps and hps but we still won because they were a bunch of zergy morons.


That'll be impossible in the new version. It will all be about who wipes the other group 1st and then camps their spawn.


They are taking all the interestings bits out of alderaan for no apparent reason. A game about holding three turrets shouldn't actually be about farming the opponents at their spawn.

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Do people raelize that it's pretty trivial to walk around the center drop off point by simply turning to your closer side jump off point?


To reasonably 'camp' the other side you'd probably need around 6 guys since the camped side has the terrain + LoS advantage. If you have 6 people that close to the drop off point, as long as 2 people sneak past you they can potentially cap whatever turrets you have since you've at most 2 defenders left. And the fact that you can camp the enemy team with 6 guys implies your team must be pretty strong to begin with. Similar to Huttball, the only time you can camp the other side is if they're way weaker than you, and unlike Huttball there's actually an alternative path the camped team can take to avoid the campers.

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Way to miss the point.


One of the nice things about alderaan currently is you can win through brains as well as brawn. I have won a ton of matches where we were clearly the worse team in terms of dps and hps but we still won because they were a bunch of zergy morons.


That'll be impossible in the new version. It will all be about who wipes the other group 1st and then camps their spawn.


They are taking all the interestings bits out of alderaan for no apparent reason. A game about holding three turrets shouldn't actually be about farming the opponents at their spawn.


I agree completely.

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Do people raelize that it's pretty trivial to walk around the center drop off point by simply turning to your closer side jump off point?


To reasonably 'camp' the other side you'd probably need around 6 guys since the camped side has the terrain + LoS advantage. If you have 6 people that close to the drop off point, as long as 2 people sneak past you they can potentially cap whatever turrets you have since you've at most 2 defenders left. And the fact that you can camp the enemy team with 6 guys implies your team must be pretty strong to begin with. Similar to Huttball, the only time you can camp the other side is if they're way weaker than you, and unlike Huttball there's actually an alternative path the camped team can take to avoid the campers.


yep i agree... so the enemy wants to camp the middle drop off and leave no one defending? sounds good...


go underneath to the far right side turret, no one defending, you have 2 turrets... the enemy wants to stop you, they run over, and guess what, no one is camping middle...




go behind and attack the middle... are those guys going to run back to the turret to defend or sit at the middle drop off camping?


what about stealthers and force running asassins? think they won't ninja a turret while the whole enemy is camping middle drop off?




enemy wants to split 4/4 and camp both sides of drop off?


your team of 8 picks a side vs 4 and just eliminates half their team and has a cake walk to any turret they wish because the other 4 are stuck on the other side of the wall doing diddly squat...


camping middle won't work, and that argument holds no water imo...

Edited by wessik
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Way to miss the point.


One of the nice things about alderaan currently is you can win through brains as well as brawn. I have won a ton of matches where we were clearly the worse team in terms of dps and hps but we still won because they were a bunch of zergy morons.


That'll be impossible in the new version. It will all be about who wipes the other group 1st and then camps their spawn.


They are taking all the interestings bits out of alderaan for no apparent reason. A game about holding three turrets shouldn't actually be about farming the opponents at their spawn.


Actually he didnt miss the point, this is a great change hence why almost everyone is saying so, but thanks...

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Similar to Huttball, the only time you can camp the other side is if they're way weaker than you, and unlike Huttball there's actually an alternative path the camped team can take to avoid the campers.


There are ledges in Huttball, right below the spawn "door". Run left or right across them. Sure, people with grapples can pull you down, or people with leaps and throws can come up and knock you down, but those abilities are on long enough cool down that they can't use them every time you die. There's no need to get spawn camped in Huttball, unless you want to I guess.

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Right. BW, please make it so the weaker side wins and the stronger side loses. It's annoying to lose to a better team.


"Stronger" doesnt mean better, case of point Agincourt (in spite of the frenchs attempts to 'revise' the numbers so it was 12 noble frenchment Vs a billion rampaging english)


Strategy should play a part in war(zones) in spite of dumb people trying to get a moronic "deathmatch" mode.

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  • Alderaan Civil War
  • The speeder bikes that transported players to the East and West turrets have been removed.


3/30 Patch on test servers.



What do you guys think of this?


My thoughts:

  • This makes middle a little more valuable.
  • Classes that have enemy pulls (tank Assassins/Pyros) are buffed by this. The reasoning being that for each team, one side turret can't be "dropped down" to, you have to run in plain sight of middle, which will allow these classes to basically pull stragglers that recently died, taking them out of the fight once again or at least causing a good initation/dog-pile.
    (For example you recently died, they hold middle, you drop down middle to try to run to the side node, but you get pulled instead.) This is already a bit of an issue, but it'll be even more crucial now to do.
  • It also eliminates a bit of strategy to the game. With the current changes of a 3 second cast time, and the 1.2 patch PRIOR to 3/30 said the time was equal to middle's flight, it didn't seem like a big issue to have the side speeders.


A good change. Sides can be flipped easier, making for closer games, and making the game matter until the end.

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Great change to combat too many turtle set-ups where every 2nd player has guard on the opposing team. Now we just need Voidstar's map widening between the doors a little to not favour turtle/ranged team so strongly.
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"Stronger" doesnt mean better, case of point Agincourt (in spite of the frenchs attempts to 'revise' the numbers so it was 12 noble frenchment Vs a billion rampaging english)


Strategy should play a part in war(zones) in spite of dumb people trying to get a moronic "deathmatch" mode.


You don't exactly have strong defensive encampments or a flanking attack bonus in PvP, which tends to be what strategy is focused around. If you want to model war, your base would come with one of those instant gib cannons in Ilum if two guys are in the base. Of course that wouldn't make very interesting gameplay, but strategy is only possible because defense is extremely strong so you can lure people into where you've defense setup. And if mobility is supposed to matter you got to implement stuff like flanking bonus and suppressive fire (anyone recently attacked needs to do 50% less damage) and I"m not even sure it'd be anything that resembles the current game.

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Way to miss the point.


One of the nice things about alderaan currently is you can win through brains as well as brawn. I have won a ton of matches where we were clearly the worse team in terms of dps and hps but we still won because they were a bunch of zergy morons.


That'll be impossible in the new version. It will all be about who wipes the other group 1st and then camps their spawn.


They are taking all the interestings bits out of alderaan for no apparent reason. A game about holding three turrets shouldn't actually be about farming the opponents at their spawn.


You mean spawn zerging to defend a base and winning despite being 10 kills to 50? Because that's about the only way a weaker team can win. I've been on both sides of that and it's not funny for neither of the teams.


They should do something of a similar nature in voidstar to prevent spawn zerging and suiciding to defend the doors.

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