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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

How about some humor in this game?


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It just occurred to me that there is very little levity in this game. Wouldn't it be nice if your companion occasionally said something like, "I'm really getting sick of killing sand grubs, can't we find a beach somewhere and relax?" Even if a mob said, "Ouch! That hurts! I thought Jedi were supposed to be nice!" Just once, I'd like to see an NPC say, "Yeah, now you have to save the galaxy like those forty other guys ahead of you did earlier today." "Thank you for saving the lives of countless people, here's enough credits to count for about a nickel for each one." Even if your companion said, "OMG, look at this hat you gave me. I look like a drum major in a St. Patrick's Day parade."


So please post your suggestions. Keep it clean, or the thread will get closed. If nothing else, it will make for amusing reading while we are standing around on Fleet.

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There are comical moments strewn throughout. Some that come to mind now:


"I used to be a field agent, just like you. That is, until a Jedi shoved a lightsaber through my lungs."


Or Darth Baras': "A blind, deaf, comatose, lobotomy patient could feel MY ANGER!"


Hell, most of Vette's dialogue is pretty humorous. Maybe you should roll a Sith Warrior. :p

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As a Bounty Hunter, comments by Skadge make me laugh all the time. Also, I have heard playing the Smuggler gives some good comedy. I wouldn't expect much if you play a class like a Jedi Consular or maybe even a Sith Warrior.
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There's plenty of humor. Here's a joke:


What did the Sith Warrior say to the Imperial Officer when he failed to find the droids that contained the Empire's plans?


Nothing. He killed him and ripped his spine out!


*Tauntaun bleats*


Hey, that joke kills on the Sith Fleet channels.

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I think this game has plenty of humour as it is, although more couldn't hurt.


From my sorc (to an imp officer): "I am quite certain I didn't say 'Please expendable worm, tell me about your life.'"


Doc the JK healing companion: "Hospitals keep trying to hire me, but I say no, I just LOVE GETTING SHOT AT!"


Vette ranged dps companion SW: "Cool, me and my friend the sith. Noone is going to pick on me at school anymore."

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I guess it depends on your companions; Kira Carsen (Jedi Knight companion) does say something along those lines.


In general though, I think one of the reasons may be that the Star Wars IP takes itself too seriously, perhaps due to concerns over immersion?

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Don't know which class you're playing, but you might like to try another one... whilst the quality of the humour is certainly variable, I've yet to find a class story *without* some.


Jedi Knight- Kira can't open her mouth without engaging her sass drive.


Smuggler - *Everyone*'s a deadpan snarker, with the possible exception of Bowdaar, and even then it's probably only because it doesn't translate.


Inquisitor - if you're anything less than an anguished saintly figure, then you usually get a snarky emote in most conversations. You also have Talos Drellik, who's in-combat emotes never fail to be unutterably silly.


Even the Jedi Consular gets the odd funny line.

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couple of humorous moments


Guss Tuno: "I heal you with Jedi magic."


Smuggler: "Time to show these nuts a nutcracker."


Imperial officer that killed his entire squad because he thought they were acting suspicious when they were planning him a surprise party. (I laughed pretty hard at this one).


My Sith Sorcerer is kinda insane, just shocking everyone...just because.


The duel on alderran with the smuggler. *shoots bad guy* "How dare you, the duel hasn't started." "Oh...well how about now." *shoots him again*


There is plenty of humor. Unless you play a jedi, which to be honest, depending on how you play them, are not going to be the most humorous of people.

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Hey ugly, I'll pay you 20 credits to lick my feet... He'll do it, can you spot me 20 credits?


Said by Kaliyo on entering Nar Shaddaa Promenade for first time. I nearly fell out of my seat laughing at that one. There are some really good one liners in there and I think Kaliyo has some of the best.

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If we were writing additional ones though... hmm...


Jedi Knight (f):


(when something goes wrong)


Kira: Oh, I stand in awe of your wisdom, master.


JK: Kira, how do you pronounce 'master' to sound like 'idiot'?


(While walking through a spaceport)


JK: Did you see that gorgeous ship! I want it, let's steal it!


Kira: I... think the Jedi code forbids random theft of pretty spaceships.


JK: Not if we can convincingly argue it was for the greater good. It is my solemn duty to teach you, after all.



(To any foe after they've made a threat or boast)


JK: I have two big swishy glowy reasons why you're mistaken.



Sith Inquisitor




(during any conversation with her companions during Act III)


SI: So... I'm open to any and all suggestions at this point... ah, excluding any that involve "Eat more ghosts," thank you, Zash, dearie. I'm on a diet."




(On being asked to surrender or die)


SI: ... or I could always kill you all slowly and horribly, but I can see you wouldn't be overly fond of that option, so I suppose I can forgive you for not mentioning it.


(On taking Ashara into the Sith Sanctum)


Ashara: This place breathes evil... can't you Sith scent the stench of your moral degradation?


SI: (sighing) No, I'm afraid that's the drains. They promise they're working on it.

Edited by RowanThursday
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I'm really surprised to see this criticism. My sith sorcerer has a wickedly evil sense of humour that I love indulging. I only wish I could pair her up with Kaliyo, who is equally snarky. Okay, I've mostly played imperial, but I have not found humour lacking.
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Fascinating responses. Currently I have two Republic toons: a Jedi Consular (Sage) and a Trooper (Vanguard.) My only female companions are a mall rat (Nadia) and an uptight librarian (Elara.) All the humor and sex appeal of a road accident. Clearly I have to go to the dark side. OMW. See you there.
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