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Would you romance Satele Shan if allowed to?


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Descendant of Bastila Shan and Revan, Satele now leads the Jedi Council from Tython during the Cold War period. If there was a romance arc or even a one time fling during a mission where you stayed together, would you welcome and pursue it? Do you even think it would be tastefully done?


Just curious if people ever had the hots for another Bastila.

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Descendant of Bastila Shan and Revan, Satele now leads the Jedi Council from Tython during the Cold War period. If there was a romance arc or even a one time fling during a mission where you stayed together, would you welcome and pursue it? Do you even think it would be tastefully done?


Just curious if people ever had the hots for another Bastila.


Ive done worse ...


Thats middle-aged Sith "Governor" of Balmorra for instance.

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I think it's kinda funny that people seem to be answering as if THEY PERSONALLY would romance Satele Shan, and not their characters.


My Jedi Knight wouldn't romance her as he's more of a paragon of the Lightside. He even refused Kira at first, but she won him over. He's certainly a one-relationship sort of character.


But my Sith Warrior would romance her even though she's a Master of the Lightside. He believes in the passion and emotional side of love and lust, and has romanced every NPC he's come across.

Edited by Cerion
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Yes, a sith character being able to romance Satele would be all kinds of awesome.

I think it's kinda funny that people seem to be answering as if THEY PERSONALLY would romance Satele Shan, and not their characters.


My Jedi Knight wouldn't romance her as he's more of a paragon of the Lightside. He even refused Kira at first, but she won him over. He's certainly a one-relationship sort of character.


But my Sith Warrior would romance her even though she's a Master of the Lightside. He believes in the passion and emotional side of love and lust, and has romanced every NPC he's come across.

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I think it's kinda funny that people seem to be answering as if THEY PERSONALLY would romance Satele Shan, and not their characters.


My Jedi Knight wouldn't romance her as he's more of a paragon of the Lightside. He even refused Kira at first, but she won him over. He's certainly a one-relationship sort of character.


But my Sith Warrior would romance her even though she's a Master of the Lightside. He believes in the passion and emotional side of love and lust, and has romanced every NPC he's come across.


Oh I don't know. About that.. I mean personally and as my avatar, neither of us are interested but that's because my avatar already has a secret wife and I'm not into ladies old enough to be my mother.



You should also note that Satele had a relationship with Jace and produced a son out of that little fling. That same son might be as old as our own avatars, depending on how old you made your avatar. :D


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No thanks my male toons aren't interested in her, nor are my female ones lol. I actually really don't like her character. She's condescending and judgemental, and very close minded. If anyone doubts this, test her opinions on the Voss. I hate the Voss myself, but she shouldn't be so quick to write them off. Edited by Lunafox
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And /facepalm...


Please read the date before replying to threads people...


It might help cut down the necromantic raising of zombie threads such as this one.




It's not like it's one of those threads where the info is out of date or anything. Now when people necro threads like that - yeah that's annoying. But this kind of thread isn't such an issue. After all it's still a valid question today.


My knight wouldn't - he is devoted to Kira. He really took issue with Doc when he tried it on with her.

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