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Everything posted by Lsya

  1. Well, this is the final straw for me. I've never really liked the clothing designs anyway. I've always had to pick and choose until I found some adaptive armor that I liked and then stick with that forever. Now we're being told that "by design" Shae is supposed to be a "one size fits all" companion. This is utter stupidity. I like to try and dress my companions as close to possible as being a "crew" instead of just a bunch of extras in a movie. I will not use Shae at all now. In fact, once I finish Eternal Throne with my main character, I'm out of here. I've been playing SWTOR since beta and I'm done. Just sick and tired of the decisions that have been made by this company. I don't know what's worse. Foolish enough to get screwed over by a game company and continue paying them money, or foolish enough to keep giving them money and hoping they pull their heads out some day. I'm going back to questing with Vette until I complete everything. At least she's funny and can be customized.
  2. I just added Shae last night to 4 of my characters. Two at level-65 and two in their mid 20's. All received her as a companion except one of my level-65's. She never showed up. The other three characters are fine. Would love to get updated info on this issue as well.
  3. There is nothing they could implement on a female character's appearance that would make me contact them based on looks. It's a game. The character is not the person. That's just sad that some people are like that.
  4. As my Sith I'd live on Dromund Kaas. I love that place. It just reeks of EMPIRE! My smuggler would live on Tatooine.
  5. Vette's my favorite. I just love her personality. I wish I could have her with my Assassin though. I don't really enjoy my warrior as much.
  6. Same here. I enjoy watching the scenery while travelling. I was really disappointed when I saw they don't let us do that there.
  7. LOL I've always loved that one. I don't remember a lot of them...there's so many. Whe my assassin chooses a 'not so evil' response she'll sometimes say "There, I've done my good deed for the decade."
  8. This^^^ I like PVE space missions, but we need to be able to fly around.
  9. That's a very good statement. I watched all 3 original Star Wars movies when they first came out. Once I saw the Ewoks I knew it was all going to crap. I hate ewoks. Plus...an imperial force that has conquered multiple systems can't defeat Ewoks??? Really? What BS is that? The whole star wars story went downhill after that. And then there was Jar Jar...don't really need to say much more.
  10. Ewoks? /facepalm The only thing an ewok is good for is target practice.
  11. I'm 52 and have been playing computer games since pong. The key to playing online is no different than setting aside some time to do anything else other than work/school. You just pick some time to relax and do it. For those of you in school full time, do you ever set aside some time to hang out with friends? It's no different than going online to play games. Whether you are in school full time, work, or whatever...you need to set aside some "you" time and relax. Othersie you will burn out. If you're worried about family...don't worry. They will understand. Husband, wife, whatever....everyone needs some personal time away from all of the hassles of life. Here's some advice on husband/wife stuff. You BOTH need your own computers. Trust me on this....it's very important. He needs his computer, and she needs her computer. Sharing a computer can become an issue. If you don't set aside some relaxation time, you will stress yourself out.
  12. The problem with a lot of these games in the way they implement housing is that it's boring. They give you an empty room (or two or three), and locations in the rooms where you can place stuff to decorate. Yeah, it's nice to have a place called home. I want that too. I really do. However, after playing CoX...all other housing systems are boring to me. In CoX, you started out with an empty grid. Then you designed your own layout. Placed the walls, built the rooms, textures, everything. It wasn't a cookie cutter layout. You could place things almost anywhere. Even set up defenses for PVP. Granted, it was mainly designed for guild bases; but what's a guild base? A large house. Oh yeah...if you ended up not liking the design of the building, you just went into edit mode and redesigned it. You also had to manage your building's power levels, you could place computer terminals and such in there to get missions and more. There was quite a showcase online where people could display their building design skills. CoX really raised the bar on in-game housing design.
  13. I've been using it on my android phone for a few months now. Never experienced any problems at all.
  14. Mine's a simple MS Sindwinder X4 http://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-JQD-00001-SideWinder-X4-Keyboard/dp/B002ZV51DI I've never used the macro keys. I really just like the illuminated keys and the volume controls.
  15. Amen to that! I hate both of those areas.
  16. In black would be awesome! Hey look Bioware.....no shoulder wings sticking out 3ft to the side! (hint hint)
  17. Even my Sith would be envious of that armor. Looks great!
  18. As usual, I'll have to keep my helm hidden. Expecially that ingquisitor one. Maybe it spins, so we can fly? I still find it strange that... 1. Someone designs it. 2. The design is approved. 3. The 3D models are created. 4. The models are approved. And...this is what we get. Multiple people had to be involved in that process I'm sure. I will admit that some individual pieces aren't bad, but overall the armor in this game is horrid. I just cannot imagine a highly advance interstellar society dressing like that. At least their toning it down on the shoulders a bit. Some of the Darths can't even walk through doorways without turning sideways.
  19. I agree with both statements. I hate my warrior's animation. I love Seethe. I can feel the emotional build up my assassin is going through while planning whom to kill next.
  20. LOL I was just going to say the same thing. I don't think my datapad can handle all of the packages I get.
  21. There is no way I'd buy that thing. I think I'll stick with my STAP. It's served me well for a long time.
  22. That's it! They are the Star Wars equivalent of fuzzy dice hanging from the mirror.
  23. I would fall into that grey area between Sith and Jedi. I normally try to be nice and help people, but there are times when harse, even lethal, punishment is necessary in the world. I wouldn't be able to follow the council's orders either. They're too pretentious and self-rightious for my tastes. I wouldn't make a very good politician either, and the council is full of them. I'm more of a "say what you mean and do what you say" type of person. When I was younger, I handled politics better; but now that I'm in my 50's, I can afford to be a grumpy old fart. Now, get off my lawn or I'll stick my lightsaber in places you didn't even know you had.
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