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Who thinks this game will last 10yrs?


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Only if Bioware is willing to abandon its pre determined developement cycle and develope what the fans want instead.


Pretty much this.


See LOTRO, even that Franchise had to go F2P once they moved away from the likedvision of the basic game and went the direction of Grind / WoW with the Moria Addon.


BioWare has already shown us, with the (grind for more basic races or useless Options to use in heroic moments) Legacy-System how much they care for player requested features.


i says it lasts at max 2-3 years before going F2P.

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Well I play On a pvp sever,(bloodworthy) Been hard to get FP last 6 weeks, Now hard to get a pop for WZ.

I do play From 11pm till 4am. All left to do is LVL alts.


Dont think i can, See how 1.2 does, Hopefully Bring's them Back.


They need Cross server pvp, And que for pve (Server Side). So bored. This game only works at Popular times. Sad for an MMO

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I have not big expectations of 1.2 patch, but I am willing giving it a chance.


Honestly, my guild has 120 people are there are 5 online in the EU prime time. When we have a raid day, I log in with a hope to raid, but it is 50:50 if we manage to get group together...


Last 2 weeks I logged on 4 times... Did some Biochem leveling, 1 raid (out of 2 raids that went going) and 1 flashpoint. If it won't change within 1 month since now on (my subscription got renewed yesterday), I will cancel. I have no intention on looking for new guild as I like the poeple but game is missing fun for me.


In meantime I am happily driving armor in World of Tanks and have fun. Diablo 3 is coming soon too.

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Yes, it is a legend and gaming history as one of the biggest flops and an example of 'what not to do'.


300,000 subs in 2003 till 2006 is not a "flop", not matter how much you want it to be, it makes it the 2nd biggest Western MMORPG of all time (at that time). :)

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I doubt it, too many other MMO's like it just skinned different. 2 years will be F2P like AoC. For a MMO to last that long it needs to be different in every aspect, cant rely on it being STARWARS or sword and board games.


Someone need to make a old west MMO. Cowboys, Indians, and the Law. Three factions that all hate each other. That would last IMO

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I doubt it, too many other MMO's like it just skinned different. 2 years will be F2P like AoC. For a MMO to last that long it needs to be different in every aspect, cant rely on it being STARWARS or sword and board games.


Someone need to make a old west MMO. Cowboys, Indians, and the Law. Three factions that all hate each other. That would last IMO


Native American tyvm...i will skin joo. :p

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This thread is nothing but trollbait. And fanboys aren't going to accept any answer other than, ''Why yes, SWTOR will last 10 years..''.


Though I wonder what that exactly means. The way I see it this game hasn't lasted 3 months. The server populations are already bombing and it's getting increasingly difficult and frustrating to find people to run endgame content with.

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EA canned earth and beyond which was by all accounts an exceptional MMO. i played it and i can attest to it being way ahead of its time. it was one of the best ever even by todays standards. if earth and beyond can get canned in just two years this game could certainly see the same fate. Edited by Heith
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I honestly dont know.


I do get a feeling of the life of the game slipping away already however, which i hate.

200+ to 40-60 on fleet at peak times is a good indicator of that, at least on my server.


level 39 and not 1 flashpoint run or group quest. stuck at social level 0.


There was a great sense of community when this game first started.

I was always getting into groups, having chats with other guild leaders etc.


Now 47 of my members have quit which just leaves me.


I dont think 1.2 is really going to make the game that much better than it already is.

My highest priority request is an LFG, simply because nobody groups whatsoever on my server and its destroying the multiplayer experience for everyone.


So after reading back what i typed, no i dont think it will last that long unfortuntately

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dude.. honestly...


Who knows? ya know? A guildee friend of mine told me they were making a new ending for ME3 because of all the negative backlash. Not, totally sure if that's true, as I havent researched it but maybe BW, will do the same for here, the only thing that's truly necessary is better bug enforcement alot of the stuff we've wanted is coming in 1.2 but the bugs are still there and they need to go away, ya know? if they do that.. who knows.. it's possible I guess, swtor could last 1000 YEARS!!! heh.

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Ultima Online....still has subscribers base, i dont think swtor is going anywhere.



SWG would still be wheezing along if LA did not up the licencing fees..they were at the eight and a half year mark.


Given EA's past track record, maybe three years.

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EA canned earth and beyond which was by all accounts an exceptional MMO. i played it and i can attest to it being way ahead of its time. it was one of the best ever even by todays standards. if earth and beyond can get canned in just two years this game could certainly see the same fate.


A licence can protect as well as stifle and kill, so who knows.

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The Realm is still around and it tied for being the 1st MMO out in 1996. There is a good chance SW:TOR will be here in 10 years. If The Realm can last 16 years so can SW:TOR.


And look at Ultima Online, EQ1, Lineage (finally ended on June 29, 2011 after 14 years), Asheron's Call. All but one is still around after 10+ years.


Oh ya man the Realm, I had a guy who could make them big purple swords almost without fail hehe had people lining up at my door to get one. Remember the easter egg hunts lol.

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troll bait is troll bait


the realm




are still running


and despite what some of these idiots may think having 12 million people playing isn't the sole indicator of "doing good".


anything you don't like is "failure"


anything i don't like is "failure"


anything we both like is "doing amazing"


there's no end to the argument either pass on through with those who say there's only 10 people playing now. or sit tight and enjoy the show.

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SWG would still be wheezing along if LA did not up the licencing fees..they were at the eight and a half year mark.


Given EA's past track record, maybe three years.


Please get the facts straight SoE didnt renew the license due to low subs. Search the internet, they said so themselves that with the new SW game coming out it wasnt viable to them. But truth be told SoE killed the game off a very long time ago and they even admit it that they should have handled things differently.

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At this rate if bioware keeps this crap up this game wont even last 3 years. If Bioware actually listens to its players, merge servers or allow transfers i can see this game going for 10 years.


No, if they listened to any of 1/2 of the crap on these forums, we'd bury the game in a week. Most of the ideas tossed about here are absolutely horrible.

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In my opinion. This game will be free to play at best in 5yrs if they do not do a massive overhall . With the legitimate effort being made by other mmo companies this year to make a game that will last 10yrs its shocking that this game has not come out with the 1.2 patch yet.

For them to say this game will last 10 years is interesting. I hope they live up to the hype.


People throw around F2P as if it's some sort of taboo for MMOs when it really isn't. It's just another negative stereotype that makes little common sense. The reality is that the concept of "F2P" (or pay as you go) has been around in many other retail/consumption sectors long before MMOs became popularized. In the internet age, it has only became more prevelant as competition grows fiercer due to the availability of cheaper marketing. Frankly, 5 years from now, it would not surprise me one bit that all newly released MMOs will be F2P or at a minimum using a "hybrid" model. What will these "F2P is dooooooooom" folks claim at that time?


If CoH can last 8+ years, TOR can last 10 years easily.

Edited by Oneirophrenia
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i am under the impression there are more rpg'ers playing this game than mmo players. if this is the case, then this game will have subscriptions as long as they can appease rpg players, buy adding more gear, stories, quests, and other things they are already doing.


i am looking forward to swtor as an mmo fad to wane to let the kotor community thrive and fill the vacuum left by all the people that would rather play wow/gw2/mmo2013. i am of the belief that the egos of the mmo players are much larger than their percentage of the financial support of this title, and the rpg players that have become mmo players due to this title, will not so readily try the mmo flavor of the month, and abondon swtor.

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No, if they listened to any of 1/2 of the crap on these forums, we'd bury the game in a week. Most of the ideas tossed about here are absolutely horrible.


You mean like the idea to open 30 new servers because there was an hour or so queue on many of the servers? That was the players idea and sadly Bioware buckled to the pressure. Now there are dead servers because of the players!

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