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Who thinks this game will last 10yrs?


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This game will last until Lucas decides to yank their license to use the IP and sell it to someone else. That's what happened with SWG so I've no doubt he would do it again. SWG wasn't closed because they had no players. They merged servers at some point but they still had quite a few when they shut down and they were not empty. The only reason it was shut down is Lucas sold EA exclusive rights to use the IP in an MMO.


This game will always have plenty of subs. It wasn't made for hard core MMO fans, it was made for hard core Star Wars fans. And there are millions of them out there that will play this game just because it's Star Wars.

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I can't think of a single MMO ever that was able to keep my attention 100% for more than a month or two at a time. Xfire says I've logged 919 hours in SWTOR so far compared to 3700 for LotRO. The difference is that LotRO's been out for nearly five years now and SWTOR's been out about three and a half months. I sure hope it lasts ten years though I'm not sure how long they can keep on coming up with new content when

I've already killed Darth Malgus and and single-handedly defeated the Empire


Edited by Noviru
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I can't think of a single MMO ever that was able to keep my attention 100% for more than a month or two at a time. Xfire says I've logged 919 hours in SWTOR so far compared to 3700 for LotRO. The difference is that LotRO's been out for nearly five years now and SWTOR's been out about three and a half months. I sure hope it lasts ten years though I'm not sure how long they can keep on coming up with new content when I've already killed

Darth Malgus

and and single-handedly defeated the Empire.


Spoiler tags learn em, live em, love em and use em.

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Worrying about whether a game will last 10 years is pointless. I don't know, and to be honest, I don't care. I'll keep playing the game as long as I find enjoyable and have the time to do so. Once that changes, I'll stop playing and move on to other things - regardless of whether it's 10 years or 10 weeks.



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Lol no ****.


1.7 million subbed? LOL


Err umm, I would be INCREDIBLY surprised if there are 100k active players (People who log in more than a few times a week)


The game is *********** dying, so quickly.. and thats a fact.


What do I attribute that to? Bioware's naive behavior. Why wasn't there a server merge like 3 months ago when the populations started to take a ****? Why didn't they finish the game before releasing it if they really plan to be a 10 yr+ mmo? What is up with the debilitating bugs that are still active and unacknowledged?


This game is taking a **** and everyone here who is posting knows this, BW included.


1.7m subbed...That sounds like games sold to me.



oh, and... How about that "march" update fellas? LOL, they renamed that badboy pretty quickly hu.



*Waits for "Summer" update.


I can only read: "assumption, assumption, assumption, assumption, more assumptions."


Feel free to come back when you have actual facts you can bring forth in this debate.


Same goes for everyone else, Pro-SWTOR and trolls/moles alike.

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This game will last until Lucas decides to yank their license to use the IP and sell it to someone else. That's what happened with SWG so I've no doubt he would do it again. SWG wasn't closed because they had no players. They merged servers at some point but they still had quite a few when they shut down and they were not empty. The only reason it was shut down is Lucas sold EA exclusive rights to use the IP in an MMO.


This game will always have plenty of subs. It wasn't made for hard core MMO fans, it was made for hard core Star Wars fans. And there are millions of them out there that will play this game just because it's Star Wars.


I feel so sorry for the disgraceful way the SWG players were treated.

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I have my predictions, and they are based on looking at what the demographic is in general terms.


There are several categories of players. And there are important categories to recognize, and the important ones are;


The casual players who only play for a few hours at a time (story, mini games, pvp). (there are several groups within this group)


The hardcore raiders - who will play several hours in one sitting


The hardcore pvper - who will play the game mostly pvp for several hours at a time


The casual pvper - who will play the game for several hours at a time.





The hardcore pvpers are left dry here from the beginning. This game needs more time invested into the development of this section. However, 1.2 looks very promising with not just a new WZ, but also ranked. Ranked pvp creates a lot of play-ability to pvp by making it competitive. However, in ranked pvp, having balanced classes is also very important.


So BW is introducing new class balances/fixes with 1.2 and hopefully that reflects well. So there is some satisfaction for the hardcore pvper. However, the hardcore pvpers is also different groups. There are the open world pvpers who in this game are alienated by not having mechanics that encourage world pvp. Therefore BW in the future should try to bridge that gap more. Since the playablity of a ranked WZ is helping, it is not enough to satiate the hunger of hardcore pvpers. They will need existing open world mechanics, more warzones, and reasons to visit the planets.




The casual pvper, and just like the casual player in genreal, want to play an hour and get right into the action.


There should be a choice to which warzone to choose.

There should be more warzones.

The warzones should be different enough to be interesting from each other.


The casual pvper will be happy with the choice of which warzone and which one. However, the plan for this come to reality will take a long time, and therefore pvp will struggle for the casual player to be interesting enough for them to be end game casual pvpers.





For the hardcore raiders BW needs to add a lot more raids/OPs for raiders, and make the items more difficult to get.


Tune the difficulty better, and allocate rewards better as well for the difficulty


Divide the the OPs in parts so even people with casual amounts of time can play.


Also do not put mechanics which are broken and make people waste their time on random broken mechanics. If there are broken mechanics then people should be able to res and run back inside. You removed that feature, while there are still broken mechanics in EV.




For casual players, offer legacy rewards that are affordable to them. People who are casual players are not millionaires. The cost of certain items are for hardcore players, which alienates certain play styles.


Also the unlocks were never mentioned, and so people who played an only human race should get a reward as well.


Casuals will most likely enjoy the legacy system and reroll. However there should be more reasons to play another class as well. Such as mini games introduced to the whole game.


Or more story content with different side missions, and the goal is to not strain the fun of story with the repitition of side quests. Having pvp, space combat etc are nice features, but the side quests are still too pivotal in lvling, and also a negative on the quality of a unique story drowned out by the same side quests.




Overall the new feautures this game needs;


is open world mechanics that makes people travel to the worlds. (unique cantinas or open world objectives with special pvp rewards/ special open world pve missions (but not like public quests in WAR and even though they are similar, having it in a setting with other rival factions nearby with the design of rewarding pvp creates a race against time to complete the open world pve mission so therefore it could be a timed event that the opposing faction can show up to ruin for the other faction))


A day and night cycle.


Mini games


Space combat pvp


More guild mechanics - ranking


Bounty system/Rival system for open world and/or WZ




If BW adds these features soon, then imo, they will last 10 years easily.


best post that I have read, good analysis dude, +10M Republic creds! :cool:

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Ilum's awesomeness alone should keep people coming back for decades.


Thank you for your posts, I literally just canceled my account because you have proven to me that EA and Bioware do not deserve my money. It would have never happened but fore your rigorous persistence at convincing people that this game has no chance at 2 years let alone 10.

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Actualy Dragon age might work but bioware would probably make it so you can only be human. Also they wouldnt be creative with classes and they would stick to mage, warrior, rogue.


Instead of adding new interesting concepts to DA like necromancer or warlock mabye even druid.


Still id rather not see that and i think mass effect has greater lore and possibilities.


The sooner they jump ship from TOR the better and the quicker they can start on a new project so im all for them dumping TOR in a year or so. But i know alot of people would be unhappy at that so mabye keep it going a bit longer with a skeleton crew.


Bioware Austin, you mean? Bioware is actually six different studios; each of different quality and purpose. Taking this team who some don't feel can make a good enough MMO wouldn't really accomplish much if that's what you're suggesting.

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The Realm is still around and it tied for being the 1st MMO out in 1996. There is a good chance SW:TOR will be here in 10 years. If The Realm can last 16 years so can SW:TOR.


And look at Ultima Online, EQ1, Lineage (finally ended on June 29, 2011 after 14 years), Asheron's Call. All but one is still around after 10+ years.

Edited by Romiz
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This game will always have plenty of subs. It wasn't made for hard core MMO fans, it was made for hard core Star Wars fans. And there are millions of them out there that will play this game just because it's Star Wars.


I agree.


What the game will not reatain is those that hate it, who will wander like nomads in the internet looking for "the perfect MMO" for them. I will be a long and lonely journey, and they will leave many droppings in gaming forums as they go along.

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Incredible goal post movement.


1 month, 2 months, 3 months, 6 months...10 years.




The Realm is still around and it tied for being the 1st MMO out in 1996. There is a good chance SW:TOR will be here in 10 years. If The Realm can last 16 years so can SW:TOR.


Holy crap! Talk about a blast from the past, I forgot about this game years ago. I remember playing it back in the day, it was epic for its time.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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extensive updates.


The very definition of an MMO actually......every MMO I have ever played has been following this same model of significantly explanding their release content and features over time. I recall each of them having lots of complaints and suggestions for content patches too.


Extensive updates and evolution of the game over time is the norm for MMOs.


Considering the size of the 1.2 patch in test right now, it clearly indicates that Bioware has a lot of committed effort toward the games evolution.

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Holy crap! Talk about a blast from the past, I forgot about this game years ago. I remember playing it back in the day, it was epic for its time.


I almost fell of my chair when saw The Realm was still around. Honestly never expected any MMO to last more than 10 years. I also updated my post and more blast from the past in it.


1st Post on this page.

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Ultima Online....still has subscribers base, i dont think swtor is going anywhere.


Difference is UO was a revolutionary game and one of the first MMOs AND it's relatively cheap to maintain the servers. They could have 5,000 subscribers and still squeeze a profit out of it.. though barely.


Games like Tabula Rasa, Shadowbane, Earth & Beyond, Horizons, Chronicles of Spellborn, and Asherons Call 2 all got cancelled and some of them still had a decent number of subscribers.. but not enough.


SWTOR could get cancelled if it drops below like 250,000 subscribers. The cost of maintaining servers and paying the live devs won't be worth it. Not to mention they have to split profits with LA so that's even more incentive to move on to other more profitable games.

Edited by AislingKerrigan
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I almost fell of my chair when saw The Realm was still around. Honestly never expected any MMO to last more than 10 years. I also updated my post and more blast from the past in it.


1st Post on this page.


Heh. I am still shock that The Realm was still around ;) I remember playing that game.

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SWTOR could get cancelled if it drops below like 250,000 subscribers. The cost of maintaining servers and paying the live devs won't be worth it. Not to mention they have to split profits with LA so that's even more incentive to move on to other more profitable games.


An interesting question is what the heck would LA do in that case? You know they want a mmo. They know that a mmo can bring in big bucks, and they know they've got a rock solid IP. Think they'll finally figure out that they need variety in their games rather than pure craft or pure theme park?


They should have gone for the hybrid with swtor. Why they thought their wow clone would be so much more successful than the other dead wow clones over the past five years is beyond me. I suppose they figured they had a stronger IP, which does make some sense. But LOTRO had a strong IP as well, and although they kept enough people to keep the servers open, LOTRO is no mmo hit. Can't forget Star Trek either, but I blame that one on rushed development. F2P after less than a year...


I think a lot of blame goes on the "bigger powers" who rush mmos to market. In STO's case it was paramount. What the heck is a movie studio doing trying to rush a mmo when they don't know the first thing about making a mmo? Let's look at EA who have yet to have a successful mmo. Reminds me of a good quote from the movie Lucky Number Slevin:


"My father used to say: "The first time someone calls you a horse you punch him on the nose, the second time someone calls you a horse you call him a jerk but the third time someone calls you a horse, well then perhaps it's time to go shopping for a saddle."

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Because we 'idiots' realize that the game has a /who feature.


No need to travel to each planet just to determine how many people are there at the time.




(See what happens when you insult people?)


LOL. Yes and clearly every sub on every server is obviously logged in when you use that /who command.


People will pay 15/month and only play a couple of hours a week and some even a month.

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