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Who thinks this game will last 10yrs?


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Ah another doom-troll, nice to meet you.


Consider the following: your opinion=/=The majority's opinion.


ahaha, another color-font poster. How do you know about the majority? Source? Facts? Nope. The OP has a valid point.




subscription numbers today=/=subscription numbers in 6 months

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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ahaha, another color-font poster. How do you know about the majority? Source? Facts? Nope. The OP has a valid point.




subscription numbers today=/=subscription numbers in 6 months


You have a problem...with colour? Strange thing to be bothered over.


You are right, sub numbers of today will not likely be the same in another six months. However, neither you nor I KNOW what they will be. For there is always an ebb and flow to MMOs based on many, many variables.


1.7 million as of the first of March is nothing to sneeze at. We'll see what the quarterly call numbers are and I will be most pleased if they hold steady-ish. And I will enjoy watching the doom-sayers twist in the breeze should they hold steady.


Yeah, I know, petty. I'll try to live with it!

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ahaha, another color-font poster. How do you know about the majority? Source? Facts? Nope. The OP has a valid point.




subscription numbers today=/=subscription numbers in 6 months


Oh no, I spent a second inserting font colour. *shock*


How does he? he assumed that his opinion is the majority opinion, unless he has some facts to back that up, his opinion is nothing like a majority opinion.


Clearly, it's called launch drop-off, it happens in every single MMO release, get used to it.

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Yes. I do believe it will be around in 10 years. The only thing that keeps any game from having subscribers is when the company goes under or pulls the plug themselves due to it being more expensive to operate than income to cover it.


How many subscribers, what shape its in, etc... are more interesting to speculate on though! :D

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If it can get through the next few years I can see it sticking around for a while. Biggest problem it's facing at the moment is that the game runs bad on a lot of computers. In time people will inevitably upgrade. Once that happens the game will be more successful because new players wont worry about performance issues.
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About year or two till some huge change.


They paid about 100mil$ for develpment. A lot of marketing what is not known... I guess about same, ie. 100mil$ for marketing.


Massive release of boxes cover development. Last info was about 1.7mil subscribers after 2months. There been more in the first month and some left after it, so I guess we can take those to get what they cashed in directly by box sales and 2x 15,-$... Something around 100mil$...


So if they have 100$ mil hole from marketing left, they need 650k subscribers for 10month yet. They they can let it die and replace CEO for the lost time and wasted resources. EA shareholders will be questioning lost profit by wasted opportunities.

Edited by pvita
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Will this game still exist in 10 years? Probably. Ultima Online and EverQuest are still around in that sense.


Will it still be popular enough to be one of the "big" MMOs? I seriously doubt it. Some other MMO will have come along by then and become the new king of the hill.


The next big MMO, I think, is one that does something different while still being fun and accessible to the average player. This game is a good game, and it's set to get better (1.2 looks quite good)...but, at its core, it's still basically WoW with a Star Wars overlay. The biggest reason to play this instead of WoW is because you like the setting better.


WoW really took off and became the 600-lb. gorilla of the gaming world because it changed the way MMOs were done. The big kid on the block before WoW was EverQuest.


EQ went for immersion; they wanted to have a "realistic" world that required group play. What that ended up meaning was that most of the game was spent doing everything but actually fighting enemies. It took forever to get anywhere - no flight paths, no mounts. Almost nothing could be done solo - not even leveling, for most classes.


The whole world - including dungeons! - was open - no "instances" or "flash points." So imagine running into a dungeon with your group, fighting past trash...and seeing a dozen people sitting around the corpse of a boss, waiting for it to respawn (one hour respawn time!), and telling you to get in line behind them.


When you died, you respawned at a "bind point" - which could be on another continent entirely - and all of your gear was left on your corpse. You'd have to run back, naked, to your corpse and loot it. And because the world was so huge, corpse runs could take forever. And because you were naked, they were dangerous. To make things even more fun, you lost experience when you died. You could delevel from dying. And leveling took forever.


What this all added up to was that most of the game was spent either

1.) getting from point A to point B;

2.) sitting around looking for a group when you did get there; and

3.) after finally getting your group, hoping that whatever it is you were after wasn't currently being camped by some other group.


And the odd thing is, a lot of these things - XP loss, inability to solo, the general inconvenient, time-consuming nature of...well...everything - was sort of commonly accepted as "necessary."


What WoW did was come in and strip out most of that BS and get to the core of actually playing the game.


The next big MMO will do something like that, I think. It won't have a level grind. It'll do something different with the group dynamic that removes the "tank / healer / DPS" tripod, and just lets 5 people get together and go, without worrying much about group composition. It'll do something about the "kill 10 bad guys and bring me what they drop!" quests. Maybe it'll change around the "20 people gang up on one enemy" raid system and do more stuff like the arena fight in WotLK.


And, to top it off, it'll have to be a well-known franchise. WoW succeeded not just because it changed the game, but because it was a well-known franchise by a well-known company, so enough people were willing to try it and hype it. The next big one will do something like I said above, but will also be a fairly big name. It'll be, I dunno, the Elder Scrolls MMO. Or, say, Marvel Comics will make one. Something like that.


TOR is a nice game...but it's not the Next Big Thing.

Edited by Yuyuske
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I remember back last Sept when I got into beta testing how much shock and awe I experienced......shock as to how horribly outdated the game looked in terms of graphics and in awe of how bad, slow and clunky the gameplay was.


Animations were slow and awkard, combat seemed stiff, little to ZERO UI customization.


Character creation was poor, companions were annoying, lack of a LFG function was mind blowing.....etc etc


One the positive side, the stories and dialogues/missions were fun and drew you in and I for one thought they balanced PvP pretty well for a company just breaking ground here.


But 10 years? No, just like Warhammer, EA wasted a lot of money (a lot more this time) and suckered us into buying another half finished product (Warhammer also was released too soon and was a buggy unbalanced mess ever since).


I'm a big Star Wars fan and will continue playing and will certainly hope for the best, but the foundation of this game is flat out......bad.

Edited by Belpheghor
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That review pretty much sums up my feelings. Fact is there will always be people willing to play till the end and there are those who cannot stand it and move on to something they consider better.


If I made TOR i probably wouldnt want to give up on it but then again I might also be thinking lets stop major production on it and admit our failures and start with a new fresh idea for a bioware mmo.


No doubt there will be a few thoughts about a mass effect mmo now that the trilogy has finished.


I would probably go for something wild and release a Jade Empire mmo though :D.


As far as im aware the bioware austin team are the mmo guys and the canada team are the singleplayer game group. I could be wrong though.


Who knows whats next for bioware hopefully something good.

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At best 3 years and then EA will see this as not being as profitable as the next best thing which will very likely be a Mass Effect MMO.


A mass effect mmo would be cool but they would have to make it for console for it to feel right for me.


I think as long as there are players it will last ten years it doesn't matter if that means subscribers for 10 years or if it goes ftp as long as its there it's lasted. To say three years is an insult and if anything the ip will keep it around longer than that.

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That review pretty much sums up my feelings. Fact is there will always be people willing to play till the end and there are those who cannot stand it and move on to something they consider better.


If I made TOR i probably wouldnt want to give up on it but then again I might also be thinking lets stop major production on it and admit our failures and start with a new fresh idea for a bioware mmo.


No doubt there will be a few thoughts about a mass effect mmo now that the trilogy has finished.


I would probably go for something wild and release a Jade Empire mmo though :D.


As far as im aware the bioware austin team are the mmo guys and the canada team are the singleplayer game group. I could be wrong though.


Who knows whats next for bioware hopefully something good.


LOL, Dragon Age MMO.....:eek:

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I remember back last Sept when I got into beta testing how much shock and awe I experienced......shock as to how horribly outdated the game looked in terms of graphics and in awe of how bad, slow and clunky the gameplay was.


Animations were slow and awkard, combat seemed stiff, little to ZERO UI customization.


Character creation was poor, companions were annoying, lack of a LFG function was mind blowing.....etc etc


One the positive side, the stories and dialogues/missions were fun and drew you in and I for one thought they balanced PvP pretty well for a company just breaking ground here.


But 10 years? No, just like Warhammer, EA wasted a lot of money (a lot more this time) and suckered us into buying another half finished product (Warhammer also was released too soon and was a buggy unbalanced mess ever since).


I'm a big Star Wars fan and will continue playing and will certainly hope for the best, but the foundation of this game is flat out......bad.

I think it looks brilliant.. :o

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Actualy Dragon age might work but bioware would probably make it so you can only be human. Also they wouldnt be creative with classes and they would stick to mage, warrior, rogue.


Instead of adding new interesting concepts to DA like necromancer or warlock mabye even druid.


Still id rather not see that and i think mass effect has greater lore and possibilities.


The sooner they jump ship from TOR the better and the quicker they can start on a new project so im all for them dumping TOR in a year or so. But i know alot of people would be unhappy at that so mabye keep it going a bit longer with a skeleton crew.

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No chance it will last 10 years with the current mentality/approach that Bioware is taking. The main MMO components are being sacrificed for "story and immersion" and they don't seem to be hearing the community/fan base. They gave the appearance of listening by hosting a guild summit, but that was basically just a big PR event. I won't bother with details, as that same sentiment is all over this board.


I had and still do have high hopes for this game, but those are fading fast.


Reportedly they only need 500k subscriptions to break even. If the next wave of new releases strip away the players looking for the more typical MMO experience or the next new thing. There will likely be plenty of remaing casual "story and immersion" players left to continue and embrace the apparent focus of BioWare for this game. The game should also see regeneration of numbers as more features and content are added and Star Wars continues to release and re-release more books, movies and TV series. I give it a solid chance at 10yrs.

Edited by Matte_Black
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Reportedly they only need 500k subscriptions to break even. If the next wave of new releases strip away the players looking for the more typical MMO experience or the next new thing. There will likely be plenty of remaing casual "story and immersion" players left to continue and embrace the apparent focus of BioWare for this game. The game should also see regeneration of numbers as more features and content are added and Star Wars continues to release and re-release more books, movies and TV series. I give it a solid chance at 10yrs.


Do you think it will then or not.

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Given how absolutely saturated the MMO market is these days, and the rate at which new MMOs are being developed and launched, I'd say ten years is stretching it--for any modern MMO. Not to say it couldn't happen, but it's unlikely given that developers will want to pull the plug and dump their resources into new projects in an effort to stay current.
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