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Your thoughts on SWTOR as a whole


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Ya, instead of having normal content... this is a game that has 1/8 the content that can be repeated 8 times to simulate a real game.


I was talking to someone that has actually played the game a while, you obviously have not

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My Opinion:


Best levelling experience ever, bar none:


Class Balance: Can be worked on. In particular there are a few OP abilities that need to be tweaked, or removed, that seem to be overlooked or ignored in game update 1.2. Though to give props to Bioware, they they did address some abilities that I felt were OP...just not nearly all of them.


Bugs: I have not encountered any bugs that have gone beyond "annoyed" status for me, and I have 2 level 50's. That's way better than WoW or AoC did when they came out. I know some crazy people want to make it seem like the buggiest game ever, but it's not.


Overall: Pretty happy with the game. Best MMORPG I've played to date, in my opinion, and I was around for WoW all the way up until WOTLK.



Improvements I would like:


Server Mergers for the smaller pop servers.

Mirror classes actually being mirrors.

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You can claim what you like, but it is more than obvious from your posts that you have very little clue about the content in the game.


again, my post was not directed at you, but someone that has some experience in the game, and playing of alts.

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I enjoy the game overall. The only reason I bought the game and subscribed was so I could play a Star Wars RPG with my wife. Tried the free WOW trial, but she didn't dig it. She loves this game, and I can hardly get her to stop playing it.


Yeah, the story lines can be somewhat repetative, and it can take forever to get from Point A to Point B, but that's the nature of RPGs IMO. Frankly, would have loved a two-player version of this game, but those sadly just don't exist, and by two-player I mean cooperative.


A big turn-off to me in WOW were the constant duel challenges I got from others - usually at extremely high levels - I mean really dude? You're level 85, and you want to take on my Level 15 gnome? Go pound sand! At least I haven't seen that here. All I get are the occassional guild invites - I accepted one just to be left alone from then on.

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I enjoy the game overall. The only reason I bought the game and subscribed was so I could play a Star Wars RPG with my wife. Tried the free WOW trial, but she didn't dig it. She loves this game, and I can hardly get her to stop playing it.


Yeah, the story lines can be somewhat repetative, and it can take forever to get from Point A to Point B, but that's the nature of RPGs IMO. Frankly, would have loved a two-player version of this game, but those sadly just don't exist, and by two-player I mean cooperative.


A big turn-off to me in WOW were the constant duel challenges I got from others - usually at extremely high levels - I mean really dude? You're level 85, and you want to take on my Level 15 gnome? Go pound sand! At least I haven't seen that here. All I get are the occassional guild invites - I accepted one just to be left alone from then on.


My wife and I also play, she is playing her 3rd character now, she loves them all in different ways


We have brought a group of close people in, family and friends and generally play together and so have avoided most of what you are talking about in WOW.


However I have met a lot of really nice folks in PUG groups here, I don’t know if I have just been lucky, or what, but very few have been the really bad players ( and why is it that the terrible players are the ones that constantly make comments about how others are playing )

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You can claim what you like, but it is more than obvious from your posts that you have very little clue about the content in the game.


again, my post was not directed at you, but someone that has some experience in the game, and playing of alts.


I have 8 character slots full, all at various stages of the game. I have a 50 main that I raid in my guild with. I have 3 Republic toons and 5 Empire toons. In WoW, I had 9 characters just have a good mix of professions and play styles. In Star Trek Online, I maxed out a Tactical, Engineering and Science officer plus a Klingon toon.


I am an Alt-aholic.


This game has nothing for an alt-lover, but the same repetitive content over and over. With the exception of each classes specific story line, every quest is the same. Every path is the same. You start, either on Korriban or Hutta (from an Empire perspective), and go to Dromund Kaas. Then to Balmorra, next Nar Shaddah, on to Tatooine, Alderaan ... and so on and so on. Every toon is the same path, just slight little detours along the way.


So what the other poster was saying was correct, from a certain point of view. Per individual character, there is only 1/8 the content. To get the full game/story you need to roll ALL 4 classes on both sides.


Take an example from WoW (*shudders ... I know); if you level a Blood Elf (for arguments sake), you can start at Sunstrider Isle and go to Farstrider Village and then Silvermoon City and Tranquilien and Ghostlands ... blah blah blah. OR ... you can say, eff that, I'm going somewhere else to start questing, without any impact to you character negative or otherwise.


SWTOR punishes you if you do not level within the PvE model provided. You cannot, as a Sith Warrior, fly to Hutta and start leveling there for instance; all your class quests are back on Korriban. So you're stuck ... on rails. No freedom.


As for my alts in SWTOR, I cannot bring myself to run the same storylines over and over and over and over again; which is why I stopped leveling them, and only log in on raid night.

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I really want to like this game but it feels singular and empty. I like the quests, the VO's are great and the concept is good but something is missing. I get the impression BW tried to appeal to the masses by releasing a game that represented MMO but in fact at best is a co-op.


I would like to see other people playing and interact with fellow gamers, but when questing i might see one or 2 people, or very occasionally see a comment in general chat.


Crafting feels like I'm going through the motions, the AH is time consuming and laborious to use and I can't be bothered waiting around fleet for ages trying to get a group for a FP.


On the positive side, the game looks the part and I'm happy with the companion system.


I wonder just how many people are playing this game as I don't see many people when I'm on and I play peak hours midweek and casual at the weekend.


Anyways i hope this comes across as constructive and not QQ or whining, as I desperately want this game to succeed.

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I think it's getting there. Been playing MMO's since they came out so used to them taking awhile to come full circle. That said i also think bioware still has a lot to learn about certain things (like tank specs in pvp lol) but overall so far i am still enjoying the game.


To early to tell what the future holds. Really comes down to EA not making any staff cutbacks if subs start to drop. Mainly because once you do that updates for an mmo start to come out slower and thus the downward spiral begins. Time will tell.

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It does a great job at not being WoW. Now if only the subscribers accepted that.


I won't accept bug's, life-less servers, static worlds, absurdly long load times, random load screen images ... as a game feature/mechanic. Whatever reason people do not like WoW for is their own; but SWTOR pales in comparison.



... and before you say; "go back to WoW". I unsubbed, over a year ago.

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I won't accept bug's, life-less servers, static worlds, absurdly long load times, random load screen images ... as a game feature/mechanic. Whatever reason people do not like WoW for is their own; but SWTOR pales in comparison.



... and before you say; "go back to WoW". I unsubbed, over a year ago.


I think Bioware did a study(the one GZ keeps mentioning) and found that causual players are where the money is and so they made the game strictly for casuals.


I don't blame them, business is business... The fact is this game lacks about 40-50% of the features of a game like WoW, and that's after copying wow for 90% of it's features..

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Yeah this game is an alt lovers dream isnt it?


Well..... not really, because there is only 1 levelling path per side.


Buy the 3rd or 4th run through it starts to get a bit mindnumbing.


The class quests are still nice, and if you do LS/DS you can do them twice fairly easily, but the rest of the quest start to grind by the 3rd or 4th time through.

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I think Bioware did a study(the one GZ keeps mentioning) and found that causual players are where the money is and so they made the game strictly for casuals.


I don't blame them, business is business... The fact is this game lacks about 40-50% of the features of a game like WoW, and that's after copying wow for 90% of it's features..


And while I get the argument; "but SWTOR was just released 3 months ago, it's still a baby in the MMO community", it doesn't account for the shear lack of features. People will compare this game to vanilla WoW when it was release ... 8 years ago. Fact is, you cannot. You have to compare this game to the games that are released/out now. You have to compare it to WoW - now. Vanilla WoW almost doesn't exist anymore. It's been patched and updated to what is out now. ANY new MMO that is released at this time will be compared to the current titles; including GW2, Tera and yes, SWTOR.


We play on our systems now, we use today's updated technology to run and render games at high-definition and ultra-fast speeds. We expect to find certain things in an MMO because they have almost become a staple of the industry. BW released a 2004 game in 2012, IMO. If you take away the voice overs and cut-scenes and put back the old read-a-quest mechanic ... no one would play this game, Star Wars or not.

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Yeah this game is an alt lovers dream isnt it?


As a "dyed-in-the-wool" altaholic I would have to disagree. Sure, you can make different dialog choices but they matter not in the end ...they're the same quests over and over.


If there was one thing WoW did right it was having different area's to quest in. I imagine once TOR has been around a while they too will have many more quests to choose from regardless of level ..atm it is not so.

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I think Bioware did a study(the one GZ keeps mentioning) and found that causual players are where the money is and so they made the game strictly for casuals.


I don't blame them, business is business... The fact is this game lacks about 40-50% of the features of a game like WoW, and that's after copying wow for 90% of it's features..



I read somewhere that hardcore gamers are like 3-5% of a MMOPG population in average. So yea if a game company develops its product towards hardcore gamers, they will find it hard to even pay their bills in the end of the month.

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but the static dead world with little movement from MOBs detracts from how great it could be. The worlds are too lifeless. Another problem is I have no fear of screwing up when answering back to NPCs, because I know my story will continue on no matter what option



here, BW , this

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I am not an alt lover (nor one who usually plays cross faction)....I usually only play one or two characters in a MMO.


Yet, this game makes me want to roll alts on both factions. I want to see the stories.


So maybe it doesn't cater to the "alt-lovers" but instead caters to people like me, who wouldn't normally roll alts.

Edited by Skoobie
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its an alright MMO, not worth the amount of money they spent on it and not worth much more then 3-6months worth of sub time maybe things will change for the better but right now its nothing special and is to unpolished for me to invest more money into
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