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No Cross Realm LFG tool please!


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Semantics ... regardless the archaic grouping mechancis need to go


I'm not against the tool, and one is coming to SWTOR.


I'm just trying to point out that no other game has ever launched with one that I'm aware of.

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And when did they add the instance finder for the version that's been out for a year?


I'm gonna respond to you from another thread if you don't mind since it got locked. Yeah I can see the benefits of full group creation and freedom (like we have now without a proper interface) versus the benefits of an automated system (again from an intra server section)


The problem is if we shift away from automation people will again just stop doing flashpoints and find something else to do like warzones like they are now. Don't kid yourself, even if they made a proper searching interface people would still ignore it. Personally, I don't want to be interupted during quests to search out someone who may or not be there or have to spot fill in a instance half way through.


Leveling flashpoints are almost non-existant on many servers now and that is spreading to the heroic missions on planets as well. It's not because they suck or are bad it's just that they are poorly implemented. Once you've run them through on a character and realize the potential hassle involved people just disregard them.

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Here's hoping the LFG tool they end up implementing has a checkbox to indicate whether the group should be formed from players on any server or only players on your server.


Wouldn't that would be satisfactory to everyone?

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Here's hoping the LFG tool they end up implementing has a checkbox to indicate whether the group should be formed from players on any server or only players on your server.


Wouldn't that would be satisfactory to everyone?



This would probably make queue times for same servers a lot longer. Most people will end up choosing xserver just to save time. Which would lead to same server queues being very long. They should either make it same server and allow free transfers (one transfer per week per character) or make it Xserver if they don't want to offer free transfers.



The LFG tool should make you select the FP/HQ/Op, then select your preferred role. FPs and Ops should port you (and your group mates) into the zone like warzones do and HQs should simply place 4 people into a group together (though this would be difficult if it were cross server, haha). They would then travel to the HQ area to complete the quest. Not all HQs are instanced, so porting wouldn't work for a lot of them.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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Here's hoping the LFG tool they end up implementing has a checkbox to indicate whether the group should be formed from players on any server or only players on your server.


Wouldn't that would be satisfactory to everyone?


To me this is the best route to take. Give the players the choice of single server or cross server.

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no cross server lfg tool please, and no cross server battlegrounds too, specialy not in pvpRP servers! it will kill life on the server, it happened in wow... you're warned!


BW has already stated that cross server pvp will happen.

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I'm gonna respond to you from another thread if you don't mind since it got locked.


Next time, at least quote what I said from the other thread. Pretty please? :p


Yeah I can see the benefits of full group creation and freedom (like we have now without a proper interface) versus the benefits of an automated system (again from an intra server section)


The problem is if we shift away from automation people will again just stop doing flashpoints and find something else to do like warzones like they are now. Don't kid yourself, even if they made a proper searching interface people would still ignore it. Personally, I don't want to be interrupted during quests to search out someone who may or not be there or have to spot fill in a instance half way through.


You don't know that, you are making the assumption that they will.



Leveling flashpoints are almost non-existant on many servers now and that is spreading to the heroic missions on planets as well. It's not because they suck or are bad it's just that they are poorly implemented. Once you've run them through on a character and realize the potential hassle involved people just disregard them.


No, it's because no one can find anyone, because the planets seem empty because everyone is somewhere else doing something else whether they are at the fleet or another planet or their ship. All chat is local, there is nothing global. Nothing. You cannot put together groups if there is no global communication chat channel which is part of the problem.

Edited by terminova
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If the LFG tool is such a standard for today's MMO's I challenge any of you to show me an MMO that has ever launched with it?



(I'm not against the tool, but I honestly cannot think of one single game that launched with it.)


While rift did not launch with one it was already in full development during beta when the game did launch.


Tera will be launching here in the states and EU with a cross server lfg tool.

Yes Tera was launched in korea without it. But thats still not the same as the western Tera.

To be fair wow was the first to do cross server lfg as we know it today and there really has not been many games launched from then to know to say none has ever launched with one.

What i can say is that almost every game on the market has gone and added one since wow released theirs.

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Are you playing WoW or TOR lol?


I'm asking because your acting (and not only yours) towards this discussion demonstrates that you want the same identical features, copy-pasted from WoW to TOR.


You do know that you can play more than one right?

I have active subs in swtor, wow and rift.

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...All chat is local, there is nothing global. Nothing. You cannot put together groups if there is no global communication chat channel which is part of the problem.


Can't put much of a group together when there's not a decent amount of people to group with on a server either ... just sayin.

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You said what i stated. You want TOR to be a WoW clone.


The community doesn't want that.


First off all these games are clones of each other in most ways. none of them are completely unique. All of them share a lot of common elements.

Matter of fact this sharing of common elements is intentional. It makes it easy for a player to go from one mmo to another with out feeling lost. The key to success is to do it better than the other guys.

WOW was also a clone of other mmo's on the market. They just did it better than the other guys. This is one of the key things wow success at and that is they are not so proud that they ignore good features other games add.

prime example is wow is not going to add in aoe looting. The 2 games i have played with this aoe looting is rift and now swtor. Aoe looting has been universally acclaimed as one of the best things added to these games... Wow goes.. Humm guys these other games have come up with aoe looting and their players love it..lets get this in our game asap!

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Dont rush over the point. Bad behaviour is policed when a single server has its own population. Act an idiot, a ninja etc you will get black listed by the server population, your name turns to mud. This helped keep servers in check and a pleasant place to be. With x-server tools. You empower anyone who wished to act an idiot as there is no fall back. They just bounce from instance to instance doing the same thing. Wow is rampant for this behavour now.


That is a falsehood. blacklisting has never worked beyond your little subset of friends.

Here is a clue for you most people who scream in chat that so and so are bad get laughed at.

I personally tend to put tattlers on my ignore list.

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Next time, at least quote what I said from the other thread. Pretty please? :p


Sorry, we were just chatting in it a few minutes prior I thought it would be fresh in your memory! Excuse moi!


Yeah I still think it won't be automated, an assumption yes but I don't know we can choose the kinda groups we want with automation.


EDIT: /wave Nitewolf

Edited by Touchbass
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This would probably make queue times for same servers a lot longer. Most people will end up choosing xserver just to save time. Which would lead to same server queues being very long. They should either make it same server and allow free transfers (one transfer per week per character) or make it Xserver if they don't want to offer free transfers.



The LFG tool should make you select the FP/HQ/Op, then select your preferred role. FPs and Ops should port you (and your group mates) into the zone like warzones do and HQs should simply place 4 people into a group together (though this would be difficult if it were cross server, haha). They would then travel to the HQ area to complete the quest. Not all HQs are instanced, so porting wouldn't work for a lot of them.


See I don't understand this, if there was an option to pick X-server to save time or wait a bit longer to form a good group on your own server you think everyone will pick X-server. The wait till just be as long it right now if not a bit longer since it'll be a queue so I don't see the problem if you're ok with your current wait. However; what it tells you that people don't want to form social bonds with people on their server if it means waiting longer. There are other ways of forming bonds between players besides the running of a less then a dozen flashpoints.


EDIT: Why not a system where it limits how many it can grab from another server? For high population servers it grabs 3/4 but also grabs 1/4 from a low population server to help them out?


EDIT2: There are no advent subscription collapses with any of these anti-social tools that WoW implemented or any causation evidence to direct harm to the community outside of coorelation and opinions.

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I say we ask for a different type of sharding. One where each shard is a server. you can switch between shards make friends with anyone in the game and all communicate via whispers, guild chat, party chat, channels regardless of what shard we're on.


One large virtual galaxy segmented via servers that players are free to move between.


This is something I'd enjoy too. Runescape actually did this to great success. Say what you will about the general game mechanics of Runescape, but it was no problem to switch between servers at your whim and check things out depending on what was going on where.


There's all sorts of fun that could be had with that in a game like SWTOR.


"Come play on server 73 at 8 PM EST and join or watch our 3 v 3 tournament!"


"Server 61 will be having a RP gathering in nar shaddaa at 6 pm this friday!"


"Our pvp guild will be running our best premade on server 40 in warzones starting at 5 pm. If you think your group has what it takes, come on over and queue up!"


"Anyone interested in doing PUG raids, meet up at server 45 starting at 5 pm this saturday and we'll start forming raid groups based on class composition of who shows up!"


Just about anything you could do that requires other players would be great in such a system, in fact it would be more effective than simply having cross server queues.


As for keeping guilds together, guilds can just designate a home server they prefer meeting up on. Then the guild knows that they should login to server 50 or whatever. If Server 50 isn't a particularly happening place anymore, they can pick another one.

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Sorry, we were just chatting in it a few minutes prior I thought it would be fresh in your memory! Excuse moi!


Yeah I still think it won't be automated, an assumption yes but I don't know we can choose the kinda groups we want with automation.


EDIT: /wave Nitewolf


Hiyas Touchbass!

I would have already been gone from swtor but i was given game time by my family so i may as well use it.


While all we can do is speculate as to if swtors lfg will be automated i think it will be.

If its not automated it will fail. One of the key to wow and rifts success with these tools is it takes away the need for some one to step forward and make the group.

With out that we are back to square one lot of people wanting to group but no one forming the group.

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See I don't understand this, if there was an option to pick X-server to save time or wait a bit longer to form a good group on your own server you think everyone will pick X-server. The wait till just be as long it right now if not a bit longer since it'll be a queue so I don't see the problem if you're ok with your current wait. However; what it tells you that people don't want to form social bonds with people on their server if it means waiting longer. There are other ways of forming bonds between players besides the running of a less then a dozen flashpoints.


EDIT: Why not a system where it limits how many it can grab from another server? For high population servers it grabs 3/4 but also grabs 1/4 from a low population server to help them out?


EDIT2: There are no advent subscription collapses with any of these anti-social tools that WoW implemented or any causation evidence to direct harm to the community outside of coorelation and opinions.



If you let people choose one or the other, it splits the queues. The pool of players in the Xserver queue will obviously be a lot larger and those players will be waiting 10-20 minutes tops. As much as people lobby for "the community!", if you only have a couple hours to play, you're not going to want to sit in a queue for 45 minutes of your play time just to keep it same server. So, same server queues would probably also get longer and longer over time due to people not wanting to double their queue times.



If you want same server queue to work, you can't split the queues and you MUST offer free transfers. That is the only solution. And even then, queue times would STILL be longer than if it were a Xserver queue. Sorry, but that's just the way it is.

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See I don't understand this, if there was an option to pick X-server to save time or wait a bit longer to form a good group on your own server you think everyone will pick X-server. The wait till just be as long it right now if not a bit longer since it'll be a queue so I don't see the problem if you're ok with your current wait. However; what it tells you that people don't want to form social bonds with people on their server if it means waiting longer. There are other ways of forming bonds between players besides the running of a less then a dozen flashpoints.


EDIT: Why not a system where it limits how many it can grab from another server? For high population servers it grabs 3/4 but also grabs 1/4 from a low population server to help them out?


EDIT2: There are no advent subscription collapses with any of these anti-social tools that WoW implemented or any causation evidence to direct harm to the community outside of coorelation and opinions.


Another thought on this would be not limit it player wise but time wise.

If the tool can not form it single server in x number of mins t hen it starts looking at other servers to fill the holes.


Frankly i would be happy with a check box option for single or cross server.

If the wait times are to long on single server tough _____. It would just prove that the majority doesnt care about these closed mined single server communities.


This all stinks of forced limits on the majority to appease the minority.

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I want cross realm everything.


Tired of standing in fleet every day seeing the same jerks talk back and forth. =P


Need new jerks


QFE, was against it initially, now I'm 100% completely for it in any form or fashion. Just want to be able to find a group for something after midnight.

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Words cannot express my complete and utter lack of understanding for any single bit of evidence anyone has posted in support of NOT having cross server LFG tools. It also makes me question whether any of these people have ever played another mmo in their lives. This system has been implemented in a number of games with no change in community, game play, or any of the absurdly ridiculous factors you claim to be affected. It's literally frustrating listening to you people complain about things like this. And finally, Anaz, either look up the word "redundant" and understand what it really means and how to use it, or stop using it. you chose.

in wow b4 LFG i was making friends left and right, now i have my guild and sometimes if i quest a quest friend.

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in wow b4 LFG i was making friends left and right, now i have my guild and sometimes if i quest a quest friend.


I have more people on my friends list now than i ever had pre cross server lfd in wow.

Why? Because now i can friend people from other servers! and the amount of zone runs i can do greatly increased allowing me access to more people than my single server ever could.

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Dont rush over the point. Bad behaviour is policed when a single server has its own population. Act an idiot, a ninja etc you will get black listed by the server population, your name turns to mud.
A lot of people believe this, but it's just a myth.


The tribunal server in EQ had a PoMS list (piece of monkey X list); people on that weren't just the run of the mill trainers, KSers, ninjalooters. They were people who had done so over and over again.


Like the druid that ninjalooted someone 10th coldain ringwar loot; she was on the server still playing and still in guilds years later when I stopped playing. Her name had been on that list for at least 4 years. likewise for several other training/KSing PoS on that server; they were still in guilds, still getting groups and still raiding.


And there were plenty of people who managed to not be on that list; people who were well known to KS, camp jump, train, etc... including some of the people in 2 of the top 3 raid guilds. So it was possible to be well known as a PoS and still be in one of the competitive raid guilds for the server.


I'm sure you feel all warm and fuzzy inside when you spam general chat about some ninjalooter, or badwrongevil person. But the reality is that virtually noone cares, and you don't cause them more than a very very minor inconvenience, if that.

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What he is describing did used to happen but they fixed it pretty quickly to how you described it.
the way I was describing was how it worked before cata was released... I'm pretty sure he's talking about the 4.1 incarnation of the troll dungeons.


It sounds like it's a combination of things that allowed him to be kicked; maybe they've addressed it and maybe they haven't... but it's still no more abusive than TOR.

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