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Alderaan Stealth Cap Glitch/Cheat?


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This has happen on several occasions where the turrets under heavy guard, suddenly flip to the empire. There are 2 of us looking at the turret node, and all of a sudden it goes red. We were not really sure what happen.


Is it a new stealth cap glitch where it doesn't have a beam while capping? It literally just went red. There was no indication it was being capped and boom. flipped sides and we lost. 10 - 0.

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I had a strange thing happen when playing Void Star. Similar to what you experienced, but on the Empire side. I was playing my sniper, watching one of the doors. No one was there, so I turned, took 2 steps and heard, "unauthorized blah blah blah". I turned and saw a bomb planted on the door, still no one there, and an enemy walked by me stealthed.


Now, was it a stealth bug? Some sort of lag bug? Not sure, I just know what I experienced.


I have noticed the pvp seems to be quite buggy. I have had times where powers either don't work, won't allow me to press them, or don't do what they should do.


Here are some examples:

My Juggernaught just died and is standing in the spawn point in Hutt Ball, but, my buff is greyed out and it will not let me buff??? Minutes later, during the game it suddenly turns white and I can buff again.


My sniper is running across one of the two extended bridges in Void Star. A rebel trooper runs nearby. I take cover and hit my knockback power. Now, even though he is fairly close to the edge, he only gets knocked back to the edge. He then hits his knockback power which flings me off the other edge, even though I am close to his side.


I've seen a Trooper jump almost halfway across a WZ and attack someone instantly.


Sometimes powers work, sometimes they don't when you hit them.


All of these are "rare" occurences. But, I think I experience these at least once a night when playing pvp. Except for the powers not working thing, which happens quite a bit.


Could just be a lag thing for some issues, but some cannot be explained.

Is it just me? Or do other people see this happening?

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just had a guid mate confirm that there is a glitch where the beam does not appear some times when someone is capping the turret.


So if they are directly behind the node and capping, there's no way of seeing the cap happening.

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I had a strange thing happen when playing Void Star. Similar to what you experienced, but on the Empire side. I was playing my sniper, watching one of the doors. No one was there, so I turned, took 2 steps and heard, "unauthorized blah blah blah". I turned and saw a bomb planted on the door, still no one there, and an enemy walked by me stealthed.


Now, was it a stealth bug? Some sort of lag bug? Not sure, I just know what I experienced.


I have noticed the pvp seems to be quite buggy. I have had times where powers either don't work, won't allow me to press them, or don't do what they should do.


Here are some examples:

My Juggernaught just died and is standing in the spawn point in Hutt Ball, but, my buff is greyed out and it will not let me buff??? Minutes later, during the game it suddenly turns white and I can buff again.


My sniper is running across one of the two extended bridges in Void Star. A rebel trooper runs nearby. I take cover and hit my knockback power. Now, even though he is fairly close to the edge, he only gets knocked back to the edge. He then hits his knockback power which flings me off the other edge, even though I am close to his side.


I've seen a Trooper jump almost halfway across a WZ and attack someone instantly.


Sometimes powers work, sometimes they don't when you hit them.


All of these are "rare" occurences. But, I think I experience these at least once a night when playing pvp. Except for the powers not working thing, which happens quite a bit.


Could just be a lag thing for some issues, but some cannot be explained.

Is it just me? Or do other people see this happening?


You people and your 'unusual' huttball matches.

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Saw something tonight in a Civil War match. Was going after a node that the other side had, fighting the one guy guarding it. Started to get hit by rocks from the node itself. Died right by the node and there was a guy who was actually inside of it for lack of better words. I was able to target him once he started to move and jump around, but prior to that he was invisible to me and had no nameplate. I can only assume that some stealth classes have figured out how to place themselves inside the node in such a way, cap it, then restealth.


If they don't move you literally can't see them.

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I have seen on several occasions objects get used by a stealth class while still stealth, well I of course didn't see them doing the cap, just immediately after. One thing I have noted in all cases is as soon as the point is captured or bomb planted the character comes immediately out of stealth.


If this is a bug or hack, I have no idea, but it is still frustrating to play against.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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I actually had on a few occasions stealth issues with sentinels. They go stealth then they come out and start hitting me and I cant see them and the only way to target them is by tab targeting. 2-3sec later I see them.
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I have seen on several occasions objects get used by a stealth class while still stealth, well I of course didn't see them doing the cap, just immediately after. One thing I have noted in all cases is as soon as the point is captured or bomb planted the character comes immediately out of stealth.


If this is a bug or hack, I have no idea, but it is still frustrating to play against.


I've seen similar things happen myself in Voidstar. A bomb gets planted and someone immediately unstealths afterwards. I've never seen it happen in ACW, but I'm certain it does. I think it might be a lag issue, but have no idea. If it is a lag issue I also wouldn't doubt that some have figured out how to exploit it.

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I've seen similar things happen myself in Voidstar. A bomb gets planted and someone immediately unstealths afterwards. I've never seen it happen in ACW, but I'm certain it does. I think it might be a lag issue, but have no idea. If it is a lag issue I also wouldn't doubt that some have figured out how to exploit it.


Well, latency and/or quality of my connection wouldn't be an issue on this end of things. I have heard, haven't confirmed, that character positioning is completely client side. Making it possible for someone to falsify their position through various means. Telling the server that they are at position A when in reality they are at position D. Which this does fall in line with the Q&A from the Dev's the other day that discussed how they are tracking hackers. They commented on the system tracking position and reporting them, but didn't say anything about it proactively doing anything about it.


In addition to this there was a hack that modified your character state. Allowing for use of out of combat skills while in combat, so I imagine it could be modified for the currently discussed purpose.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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Yesterday there was lot of lag in my server, several players in the rep side mentioned it. Maybe that could be the cause of the effect mentioned by OP. If you are 2-3secs behind and then jump in place, you will not get to see the beam.
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Haven't seen too much of people using this cheat much lately but it is still out there. Not sure how it is done but have reported it before. Been also seeing more people running around invis with just a name tag as well which could be a bug but highly doubt it because it is always the same characters all the time. Still also seeing the " I win " hack that allows a person to use abilities that should be on CD as well but that is another issue in itself.
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Haven't seen too much of people using this cheat much lately but it is still out there. Not sure how it is done but have reported it before. Been also seeing more people running around invis with just a name tag as well which could be a bug but highly doubt it because it is always the same characters all the time. Still also seeing the " I win " hack that allows a person to use abilities that should be on CD as well but that is another issue in itself.


I like the non-resolve unable to CC me guys. I've always thought it might be a skill ability that is up, but I've read there is some hacks that override CC so I am not always sure.

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This has happen on several occasions where the turrets under heavy guard, suddenly flip to the empire. There are 2 of us looking at the turret node, and all of a sudden it goes red. We were not really sure what happen.


Is it a new stealth cap glitch where it doesn't have a beam while capping? It literally just went red. There was no indication it was being capped and boom. flipped sides and we lost. 10 - 0.


Is that unexpected behavior? In VZ and ACW I'd swear I've seen bombs-planted/turrets-sliced by stealthed players who appear after the fact, and I always try like the devil to keep the asset I'm guarding in view, even at the expense of finishing off Imps or saving my teammates.


My main toon is a Commando; I use the anti-stealth-sensor-thingamajig when I'm not busy shooting.

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I can confirm this is still a problem as of April 2nd. I just saw it happen a few minutes ago. I took the side speeder in Alderaan Civil War to the east turret. The game was basically over score-wise. As I was standing there, literally right next to the turret it changed. There was no blue light and no one visible around the turret.


As I walked around a bit it was a Shadow. He was standing literally only a few feet in front of me, never came out of stealth while capping or after capping the turret until I attacked him.

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I have seen on several occasions objects get used by a stealth class while still stealth, well I of course didn't see them doing the cap, just immediately after. One thing I have noted in all cases is as soon as the point is captured or bomb planted the character comes immediately out of stealth.


If this is a bug or hack, I have no idea, but it is still frustrating to play against.


I've noticed the same exact thing. I rounded a corner in VS to check a door, watched it 2-3 seconds, then turned around to watch if anyway was coming before hearing the door bomb sound. I turn around just in time to catch an operative restealthing.


Thing is, if its lag..... it takes 8 seconds to plant a bomb. Thats some seriously beastly lag coming at an oddly specific time that is so very oddly advantageous to the perpetrator..... Get what I'm saying? That 8 seconds of lag should be hella obvious if its on your end (seeing everyone else run in place, not able to chat, abilities not activating). UNLESS they are triggering it on their side... even so thats 8 seconds of lag that resolves RIGHT as the door is capped (can you even cap a door in the middle of a lag bubble? Maybe "warp" your character to a new point but to actually interact while out of sync with server?)


I'm glad I'm not the only one that noticed this (stealth class stealth capping, upon completion destealths said exploiter).

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There must be an exploit of some sort going on, because I have seen it happen in Alderaan where it was switched with no visual sign and therefore not the Smuggler trick. It was done afaik by an Assassin, so there must be something that a few people have become aware of.
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You are either a hacker or blind, every match that goes by these cheaters get better at writing hacks for this game, at this rate rated wzs are gonna be a total joke.


since i play swtor (january) i never ever saw anything happen of what i read here. i don't say you are lying... no! but on my server this never happend when i was in, at least not where i was on the field.

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This has happen on several occasions where the turrets under heavy guard, suddenly flip to the empire. There are 2 of us looking at the turret node, and all of a sudden it goes red. We were not really sure what happen.


Is it a new stealth cap glitch where it doesn't have a beam while capping? It literally just went red. There was no indication it was being capped and boom. flipped sides and we lost. 10 - 0.


Saw this on Saturday, March 31st, in a lvl 50 game on Sword of Ajunta Pall. I was guarding the east turret with another player; our team had 2-capped the Imps and we were holding on for the win. The first sign I had that they had capped was the display in the upper right that showed turret status (color flipped from green to red); my impression was that our team had lost the other turret.


The Imps did not appear until they attacked me when I was trying to (re)slice the turret.


I was a few steps from the turret, and keeping my eye on it. The other player was actually on top of the turret. Neither of us saw the column of light indicating a slicing attempt, and neither of us say a player doing any slicking.


I was assiduously using the anti-stealth detection thingie.


My teammate immediately assumed it was a hack, but it does not seem like our opponents would have waited so long and until things got so close to the wire to cheat if they had intended to. So I guess it's a bug.

Edited by SweetOldBob
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My Juggernaught just died and is standing in the spawn point in Hutt Ball, but, my buff is greyed out and it will not let me buff??? Minutes later, during the game it suddenly turns white and I can buff again.


Sounds like you had an ally targeted when you died. If so, they have to be in a 30 meter range in order for your buff to be usable. Sounds like they died or something shortly after your spawn, which allowed you to use it again since they became untargeted after death.


That used to confuse me too, till I figured out what was going on

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I actually had on a few occasions stealth issues with sentinels. They go stealth then they come out and start hitting me and I cant see them and the only way to target them is by tab targeting. 2-3sec later I see them.


Seen something similar myself sometimes.


All I saw was the targeting reticle, name and a lightsaber, the dude was completely gone.

The entire fight he...just wasn't there at all.


Then next time he was running around he was visible.

Edited by PeeWee-DDV
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