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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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My point is, they have already announced server transfers are coming, but this is going to take time.


So you may either bash them over the head and scream and shout, or you can reroll on a more populated server for now and enjoy your time until then.


The option is yours.

Id like to know if they are attempting to fix the game engine deficiency that wont allow more than about 10 people in the same area at once (without huge lag and freezes); this game is far deficient in that regard to WoW and Rift, and Aion and AoC etc.

So we have a game with the best story lines, and the worst engine.

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My point is, they have already announced server transfers are coming, but this is going to take time.


So you may either bash them over the head and scream and shout, or you can reroll on a more populated server for now and enjoy your time until then.


The option is yours.


When did they announce this? Do you have a quote from BW? The only response I can see anywhere from them regarding merges or transfers is to do with the Oceanic servers otherwise all they seem to do is redirect threads/posts.


This level of silence from BW on the matter is worrying, frustrating and is getting to stage of being insulting.

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I'd like to think BW would come up with some decent plans for server merges on low pop realms too.


I hit lvl 50 a couple of weeks ago on the EU server Flames of the Crucible (supposedly standard pop realm) and I've been hanging round in LFG for the past week trying to get a group for any high level Flashpoint but no-one is interested in running them, the few online I see wait around for WZ's and the wait time for those is long too.


This is a big shame, I enjoy the game but have hit the proverbial brick wall and the only way out is to either abandon my character and reroll to one of the only 2 heavy pop EU servers or unsub.

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Enabling of server merges would be an admission of failure to EA.


I fully expect this post will be deleted for that comment, but as far as I can tell, this game is on it's deathbed with respect to subbers. The free weekenders probably have a fun time, but I doubt any would sign up considering the state the majority of the English EU servers seem to be in right now. I know I wouldn't, and I doubt I'll extend my subscription. 1.2 just doesn't look like enough to warrant it. I'll go back to WoW and actually pug some content as opposed to spamming LFM/LFG all night in Fleet. Stand outside the bank/AH in Stormwind, Argent Dawn EU and you'll see more players in 20 seconds than an entire evening on Republic Fleet, Perugas Mining Facility. I really wanted this game to succeed, but I suspected EA's puppet strings would get in the way.


For the servers where it is simply imbalanced between Rep and Imp, maybe there should be an XP bonus depending on the ratio of active players on each side...



500 total players. 300 Imp, 200 Rep.

60% Imp, therefore Republic players get 6% bonus xp (perhaps make this on kills only).

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Repeating for good measure. The best idea is to have the servers each be the shard. We all share one virtual galaxy. We can "hop shards/servers" to play with anyone we partied with but when we log off and log back on we default to the server/shard your character was created on.


That way you can make friends with anyone in the game and play with them for things other than just flashpoints and warzones.

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When did they announce this? Do you have a quote from BW?


Google is your friend: "The development team remains committed to delivering a robust character transfer system for all, with our first priority being for Asia-Pacific players. If we can bring the system to you earlier than expected, we will, but for now we’re aiming towards late April."


Source: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=378426

Edited by Kthx
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Google is your friend: "The development team remains committed to delivering a robust character transfer system for all, with our first priority being for Asia-Pacific players. If we can bring the system to you earlier than expected, we will, but for now we’re aiming towards late April."


Source: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=378426


So if we're really lucky, play nice and brush our teeth we might be able to transfer in a months time? That would be something... Really hope they get this up and running fast!

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Enabling of server merges would be an admission of failure to EA.


I fully expect this post will be deleted for that comment, but as far as I can tell, this game is on it's deathbed with respect to subbers. The free weekenders probably have a fun time, but I doubt any would sign up considering the state the majority of the English EU servers seem to be in right now. I know I wouldn't, and I doubt I'll extend my subscription. 1.2 just doesn't look like enough to warrant it. I'll go back to WoW and actually pug some content as opposed to spamming LFM/LFG all night in Fleet. Stand outside the bank/AH in Stormwind, Argent Dawn EU and you'll see more players in 20 seconds than an entire evening on Republic Fleet, Perugas Mining Facility. I really wanted this game to succeed, but I suspected EA's puppet strings would get in the way.


For the servers where it is simply imbalanced between Rep and Imp, maybe there should be an XP bonus depending on the ratio of active players on each side...



500 total players. 300 Imp, 200 Rep.

60% Imp, therefore Republic players get 6% bonus xp (perhaps make this on kills only).







700,000 subscribers gained January and a million subcribers gained in 3 days.


this game is on it's deathbed with respect to subbers



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Please do a server merge!

I'm on Niman and the server is slowly dying!

I cannot make another character on a new server!

I will lose my gear progression, my money and on top of that I have real life friends that are playing the game cause of me. I can't tell them to start all over again! I know that if this keeps on going the will quit..

Btw I'm no hater, nor a troll. I can say with certainty that I will be the last player to quit this game! I'm a fanboi ! :p

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I could care less if i have my original name or need to rename my toons or even change my Legacy name (doubt that one though). Being on a more populated server is reward enough. it is only a game so names mean nothing to me, but I dont like playing an MMO solo all the time because i am the only one on the planet. If I wanted that I would dust off KOTOR and go at that again.


One of my guildmates actually did that. She was playing KOTOR yesterday.




P.S. I couldn't care less about picking a new name.

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Please merge the servers. Fair enought there were lots of queues at launch but now there are not enought people on the servers. i think people are playing the game - there are just too many servers. Edited by Acutulus
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Wake up and do some merges please.. i left 1 lvl 50 character on Sith'ari server to find a more populated server.. lvled another one up to 50 on Rogue Moon server and now also this one has 40-50 ppl on fleet on peek times.. i subed again for another 2 months to give it a chance since i like this game.. the only thing i do the past 3 months are dailies crafting and on celebrating days a hard mode.. what you dont get? Servers are dying..
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Wake up and do some merges please.. i left 1 lvl 50 character on Sith'ari server to find a more populated server.. lvled another one up to 50 on Rogue Moon server and now also this one has 40-50 ppl on fleet on peek times.. i subed again for another 2 months to give it a chance since i like this game.. the only thing i do the past 3 months are dailies crafting and on celebrating days a hard mode.. what you dont get? Servers are dying..


Millions of people are subbed! There is no problem!

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i don't expect them, nor would i find it reasonable to postpone 1.2 until transfers are in place, but that doesn't underscore the issues surrounding the release of new content relative to server population.


In particular the "going forward" aspect of it as relates to gear acquisition. In essence low pop handicaps future progression post transfer. Short of progressing your character while your server was more populated, having the gear to experience new content is severely limited. Upgrading to columi gear is nigh improbable when you play on a server that at best has 1 group forming at any time of day for Hm's. If you can't get groups for hm's the likelihood of finding more people for ops is even lower.


So when transfers go through, hopefully 200+pages of posts without a response, you're in essence creating 2 population groups, those on the populated server who have been able to progress and those who havent. Granted solving this issue is aided with the legacy system and its encouragement of rerolling, but it still carries the potential to divide the new server pop along immigrant/non immigrant lines to that server.


At the end of the day, at least for me, the ability to experience the game with people trumps being well geared on a server doing squat. I just think the longer you postpone it the more likely there is to be rehashing of the "gear vs time invested" debate, only creating more of a headache. There's a difference between re-experiencing content at the same pace as previous characters, and waiting for long periods then re-experiencing content, at least in its perception anyway. The faster its dealt with the less issues arise.


while i understand the time dedicated to perusing the forums by devs has to be at its lowest in the build up to 1.2(outside of pts), given the amount of posts/time since we began seeing these post, it would go a long way to at least here this problem has/will be discussed by the devs. i love playing the game, i just don't think its unreasonable to request the ability to continue to invest your time on characters you have been playing, i just lack the people to do that on my server, and abandoning those characters offers little incentive to start anew on a different server.

Edited by goulet
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merge some servers already. the game is epic once you get on a populated server. dont make the entire population re-roll, like I did, just to enjoy the game. they want to enjoy the game, dont say no to this.


as i said, i've already re-rolled, so it doesn't really effect me. but lots of other gamers are more stubborn and will not do this. just merge the servers already

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Bioware made a huge mistake, they added way to many servers on day 1, then just over a week later they doubled the max server cap. They only needed to do 1 but ppl where qq'ing so much over the queue's that they went for the quick fix with more servers, then increased the max server cap. Foolish mistake one they must make ammends for with server transfers. Sure its a complicated process but they have to do something.


Most peoples main complaints and the reason they leave is because "they cant find a group for anything" "the world seems dead" "there is no one on any planets" "my republic fleet has 10 people" etc etc.


These problems are easily fixed by a merger complicated process or no it is vital for the survival of this game, even now new people that join the game get spread thin among servers, they should increase the max server cap yet again and merge 1/2 of the servers into the other half. Imagine how exciting this game would be if with 200 or so people on every planet. This is certainly a possiblity with a good implementation of server merges

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