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  1. If you serisouly don't think it's an issue, I urge you all to create a char on The Kumumgah (EU) and check the population during peak hours! I don't want this game to fail, I love it, and hope to play it for years to come (problem is I don't wanna do that by myself)...
  2. I would love if your post was true, I really would. But 8 of the PVP servers in EU are constantly light, with no WZ going or anything. And it was NO different this weekend... I love this game, but they need to adress the problems. On my server it's almost 2 weeks since the last 50 WZ popped...
  3. I lol'd! On a side note, my server had a total of 4, read it, 4(!!!) 50s online from 21:00 to 22:00. About 40 on the entire server. And this is empire side we're talking about...
  4. I'll give 1 million credits to the guy who comes up with a transfer system! I'm not rerolling...
  5. I really hope we get some info on transfer or the like soon... Me and my friends (basically the empire side on my server) are getting frustrated. Come on Bio, talk to us!
  6. With the chance to wager credits. Wouldn't that be something.
  7. Don't wanna unsub, I just want the chance to transfer to a more populated server. I'm loving the game, and hope to play it for years to come. But seeing as my server's no longer able to even get WZ running I'm finding it harder to log in each day in the hope of something happening....
  8. No, same here man. Love this game. If we could just get transfers up and running I would love it even more!!
  9. No, we're not over reacting. My server, The Kumumgah, can't even start a WZ anymore, cause most 50s rerolled or left. We're aprox 10 50s online in the evening. And that's empire side. Around 60 online on all planets and flashpoints..... 60 ppl on a server is not over reacting, it's a damn crisis....
  10. Except for all those extra stats perhaps?
  11. 2 WZ matches in one week. That's all our server has managed. The Kumumgah gotta be the worst one. 67 online during peak hours...
  12. So if we're really lucky, play nice and brush our teeth we might be able to transfer in a months time? That would be something... Really hope they get this up and running fast!
  13. http://www.torstatus.net/shards/eu So many of the pvp servers are bottoming out. We really need this Bioware. Help us out.
  14. I wouldn't mind paying. If it's that or rerolling I wouldn't hesitate a second.
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