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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server population is dropping...


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Don't you think it's a shame that 26% of the subscribers can't fully enjoy the game right now?


It's 26% of servers that have a light load. This does not mean 26% of subscribers can't enjoy the game. Since, by definition, the load on those servers is much smaller than on those with a standard, heavy, or very heavy load, only a small minority of players are playing on servers with a light load (off-peak, obvously more players end up playing on light servers).

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My server is light, all 24 h/ 7 days. I´m desperately awaiting some kind of answer or hint from Bioware about server merge or character transfer. They have said it will come, but no details on how it would transpire or even if it will happen within the next six months.


I´m very close to unsubscribing. And that is not a childish "threat", I just don´t see the point in playing the game anymore. Patch 1.2 will come in a few weeks, but that will only keep us busy a couple of weeks, then we have the same situation, because people will leave again once they have finished the new content in two weeks.


Last two weeks I have logged on a couple of times everyday, with nothing to do I just log out again (and I mean nothing to do because I either done the same thing hundred of times before, or there is no one else to group up with), sometimes there is only 12-13 people at the fleet.


Tell me Bioware, are you going to solve this problem soon, or are you just going to take our money for as long as possible. Why this silence? There are tons of people waiting for an answer!!!


If nothing happends until Diablo 3 I´m gone...

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It's 26% of servers that have a light load. This does not mean 26% of subscribers can't enjoy the game. Since, by definition, the load on those servers is much smaller than on those with a standard, heavy, or very heavy load, only a small minority of players are playing on servers with a light load (off-peak, obvously more players end up playing on light servers).



26 percent of servers with a consistent light load is still a lot of pissed off people. Right now there are 37 of them. THIRTY SEVEN. You clearly are not on one with multiple characters and a high legacy level - with lots of time put into your game.


The general chat on these servers during peak time with 30 people on the fleet, hutt ball 24/7 and nothing else to do but wait for hutt ball? Merging servers. People want it, bad.

Edited by nosmos
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I don't make presumptions, but I do know that you have no way of knowing how many people are on those servers. All I'm saying is that the data on torstatus does not support your case one way or another.


Answer the question - is 350 people provide enough of a decent gaming experience for everyone?


Yea, no.



Light/Standard is meaningless in terms of saying "the games fine, look at that, only a few light servers"


What it is useful in telling us is that since there are so few servers that are close to capacity, there is no need to have 200+ servers. Hence why people want mergers.

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It's 26% of servers that have a light load. This does not mean 26% of subscribers can't enjoy the game. Since, by definition, the load on those servers is much smaller than on those with a standard, heavy, or very heavy load, only a small minority of players are playing on servers with a light load (off-peak, obvously more players end up playing on light servers).


LOL, your post is so flawed!! The problem here is that the game is loosing players, fast. And I mean, no one can deny it. Only a few servers have healthy populations. even most of the standard servers have quite unhealthy populations. And, the light servers used to have a lot more players. You can not just look at them being light or that 26% of the servers are light. Because it´s not the same players that come online on the light servers everyday, I know for a fact that it is a lot of different players coming online (on my server at least) checking how things is going, checking if there have been some changes, if patch 1.2 have come yet. So at any given time the population is light, but there is a few people passing by, which means it isn't easy to know how many players are affected, not to us anyway. I think, once patch 1.2 is out, and people will notice it didn't add as much content as they would have though, we will see a lot of people never returning...

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It's 26% of servers that have a light load. This does not mean 26% of subscribers can't enjoy the game. Since, by definition, the load on those servers is much smaller than on those with a standard, heavy, or very heavy load, only a small minority of players are playing on servers with a light load (off-peak, obvously more players end up playing on light servers).


You're ignoring the people that can't enjoy the game on "Standard" servers with less than 60 level 50's online in the fleet during primetime.

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I don't make presumptions, but I do know that you have no way of knowing how many people are on those servers. All I'm saying is that the data on torstatus does not support your case one way or another.


Last time I did a /who on every planet, warzone, operation and flashpoint during primetime turned out less than 500 people total per faction on a Standard server.

Edited by Gungan
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Yeah its more then just light servers.


I've been trying to find a group for Esseles, the first Rep FP for over an hour.


No population problems, yeah sure. I cant even find a group for the first main group quest in the game. For over an HOUR. (Space Slug btw)

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Problem is that in this game there is no incentive to do much at lvl 50.

I remember when fleet counted 300+ people during off-peak hours. Now I can't find more then 20 during peak times.


I am a person who focuses all his efforts into one single character in every MMO that I play.

I have full rakata and battlemaster main and offspec sets. I have Valor rank 80.

All Companions are in Exotech or above gear....

What else?


There are no reputations to build

No rare crafting recipes to gain that are useful

No worthy PvP ranks to achieve

There are no vanity items to collect

No hard achievements

For crying out loud we don't have a training dummy to hit in your free time!

And I have more Exotech gear in my bank stored up then I have space for, despite the question what it's good for.



And half my guild used WoW's Scroll of Resurrection and vanished.

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Well I just unsub'd. I have 12 days left of play time, i don't think 1.2 is coming next week and I am getting impatient. On top of that, legacy wants me to roll alts to level - i already have four 50's. But there is no way in hell im leveling a new legacy alt with 7 people on a planet. I suffered through this already in the hopes of merges or transfers, but I have a feeling those are a long way off.


Forgetting about all my time put into Hedarr Soongh and just moving elsewhere is really just not an option..


Hopefully 1.2 is out before my playtime is up so I can check out the new raid...but other then that - loved the game until about a month ago or so - make my server more active and il come back!

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I've been trying to find a group for Esseles, the first Rep FP for over an hour.


Low/mid dungeons tend be harder to find groups for the longer a game exist. Not helped by the fact you level very quickly in swtor. I've done essels on two of my characters, 1 day later I had replaced all of my gear. It is simply not something I care about.


It is much easier to find groups for Mandalorian Raiders and upwards because people actually spend some time howering around these levels. But yeah, this isn't anything new to MMOs. Lowbie instances are always going to be harder to get a group for because people do not spend much time at these levels.


That said, I cannot understand why BW aren't talking about server transfers/mergers. It might send the wrong signal but if you do not sustain the game you have you'll have no game at all in the end. My entire guild quit the game due to low pop... Checked on the shadow runner... Peak hours there were 16 people in fleet.


More devs need to learn from Trion and how they handled server transfers. Even though I have no idea about the state of the game currently, they certainly made me feel, as gamer, that my presence mattered. Indeed, that my enjoyment was their first priority.

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I think, once patch 1.2 is out, and people will notice it didn't add as much content as they would have though, we will see a lot of people never returning...


yeah i cant wait for the reality check 1.2 is going to bring to all the people who obviously eather came to sw tor as there first mmo.or played world of warcraft when it was years out


gonna be funny,but hey.good riddance and may a better quality of person fill there place.maybe someone who relizes that new mmorpgs get better overtime,and considering 1.2 is sw tor's first major content patch,im sure more content patches will come after it and put in more content

Edited by CrunkShizzle
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C'mon, 'the baby is ugly'? Who are you? O'Reilly?



No :(


Indeed, I do wholeheartedly believe that such move was a madcap's folly. But what is done is, well, done. No point in bashing the past, look to future we must. BW, let's merge those servers asap.


True, of course. We have been beating the dead horse for a while now. But we can only hope someone pays attention...

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i dont think any company could create enough content in one patch that the community wants in 1.2


they obviously are thinking its going to fulfil there overpexpetations of the game.you cant jam in years of content in 1 patch from an mmo thats only 4 months old.but hey,you know what i say to the people leaving? good riddance and may a more mature player take your place



I just unsub'd because I just cannot take the frustration due to a lack of response regarding server merges. I love the game, I have played a lot. More then most no doubt. Four 50's, geared. Currently legacy 43.


My server is dead along with the current 37 light servers in the list. Give me something to look forward to, family tree stuff will not do it alone on a server that is gone. The zero response, has taken its toll.

Edited by nosmos
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Server transfers are going to happen. No idea if they will be free, paid or a mix of both. Mergers are something they don't want to talk about at the mo, so not happening anytime soon.


I'm just as eager as you guys to bring a couple of characters over to join my new character.

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yeah i cant wait for the reality check 1.2 is going to bring to all the people who obviously eather came to sw tor as there first mmo.or played world of warcraft when it was years out


gonna be funny,but hey.good riddance and may a better quality of person fill there place.maybe someone who relizes that new mmorpgs get better overtime,and considering 1.2 is sw tor's first major content patch,im sure more content patches will come after it and put in more content


sad but true.....

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Server transfers are going to happen. No idea if they will be free, paid or a mix of both. Mergers are something they don't want to talk about at the mo, so not happening anytime soon.


I'm just as eager as you guys to bring a couple of characters over to join my new character.

I for one will not pay to transfer to another server. It is the company that is failing to deliver a quality mmo not the players who pay to play.

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if they dont make free transfers off the dead servers or merge them there is no way I am paying them more money to fix an issue they created by opening with a needless amount of servers.



Free transfers or bust.

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I gave this game all I had, I loved my scoundrel and gunslinger but Forget Bioware's arrogance. With D3 and GW2 Coming plus MoP, I don't have time to sit here waiting for some amteurs. Pre-order GW2 Tuesday and get your self beta access, I'll be waiting for you there.
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I gave this game all I had, I loved my scoundrel and gunslinger but Forget Bioware's arrogance. With D3 and GW2 Coming plus MoP, I don't have time to sit here waiting for some amteurs. Pre-order GW2 Tuesday and get your self beta access, I'll be waiting for you there.


I am on it already. 200 million such a waste, this game could of been epic.

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Sadly, my servers population has taken a nosedive over the last few weeks....Just logged off and had 32 in the fleet....Used to always be over 100....its so hard to care about your characters and investing in them on a dying server.


I'm not interested in a merger because i'm very attached to my names and if they go, i probably will too....

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if they dont make free transfers off the dead servers or merge them there is no way I am paying them more money to fix an issue they created by opening with a needless amount of servers.



Free transfers or bust.




This is the downside of releasing a game at Christmas. Millions of kids out of school play for a little while, get bored, and leave. Those of us who would've stuck around for years get stranded on wasteland servers. It's hard to believe they didn't see this coming and plan for it.

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