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Server population is dropping...


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Nobody gives a damn about reputation and accountability in a computer game. If you think otherwise you're simply delusional.


My last experiences with the new LFR WoW community made leaving the game a lot easier. I couldn't believe my eyes when I read the LFR chat. Same applies to cross-server battlegrounds: the language and player's attitude are abhorrent.


I'm yet to encounter similar kind of chat text in TOR where the players are bound to bump into each other on a regular basis. The sense of community as well as the medal system in PVP encourage players to communicate in a much more civilized manner than in WoW where you can more or less act the way you please.

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I'm pretty sure there are people out there continuing their subscription because of the sheer shock they're in from what this game turned out to be. Maybe, just maybe, the game will get better with the next patch. But when it comes around, they log in for a day or two and find the negatives once more.


I can't say I'm not one of these people.


To continue with my point:


Let's look at this logically people. Consider these few bullet points:


  • This forum used to be hopping with activity before launch. You can say that "everyone" is in game playing, and I'll get to that with my next bullet point, but as far as user feedback and postings compared to other games, this forum is completely dead. Especially for General Discussion.
  • Next, you could say everyone is in game. Well, if you actually look in game, most servers are labeled as "standard". If you experiment for just a few minutes you will find that those servers are actually less populated than you think. (Hint: Check the "Fleet", the central hub of endgame players)



So what do we see here? Well, we see drastically reduced user activity on the forums, and drastically reduced user activity in the game. No matter what or how you counter...


This game is rated as:



(Stamp of approval)


another liar putting lies and disinformation to make the gullible think SWTOR is dying.. just another normal post , like the ones in every MMO forum in the past , present and future..


you think putting baseless statement (no your observation dont count) and using large n red font will put more legitimacy to your lies ? then you are just a kid with less education than sense..


not everyone in SWTOR or in any mmorpg read or post in forums.. infact, try mentioning forum in general chat and ppl will say 'what for? forum full of doom gloom troll post looking for attention..'


just because you failed to troll in general chat doesnt mean you are welcome to post lies and disinformation on the official forum.. wait this is internet i forgot...

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16 days of playing time left... i honestly wish it was more. But cannot justify giving EA/BW money. Id rather spend it on beer.


Hope they will manage to turn the ship around however, im a HUGE sw fan. So will check the forums every now and then to see if there is any good feedback. Got my fingers crossed for Diablo 3 in the meantime though. Not running to any other MMO's either, because none of them appeal to me, and frankly FunCom's new title is interesting, but its a FunCom game. And many of us remembers how AoC turned out.


Crosses fingers for server merges, and a much improved game. That might pull back friends to play again too.

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I am definately going to move when The Secret World or Guild Wars 2 then they come out.


As for TOR I am not a Star Wars fan so the story and light sabers have no draw on me.


Things I am excited about for TSW, cash shop to buy outfits with, and for GW2 the server vs server PvP. I never played Guild Wars so I have no expectations for the game.


I moved here because my friends love Star Wars but even they aren't enough to keep me interested in this game. It just does not offer me enough of what I enjoy doing... spending my money on a game and massive PvP.



Secret World will fail just as AoC, it Funcom's standard operating procedure..


you pay subscription , buy the game and still pay more for ingame cash shop in TSW? thats nice to see, everyone including ArenaNet is scamming ppl into spendiing more $$$ with their 'benign/cosmetic only' in game shop.. i guess you TSW/GW2 trolls dont remember goldseller selling skills in GW.. and now its not goldseller but Arenanet that open the shop..


check EVE for their RMT shop system..

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5 threads of the same handful of people of people arguing for cross-server, against the same people arguing against it. It doesn't mean there are a lot of you. It just means people like you and me repeat the same stuff a lot.


If you want to bring in the validity of your arguments based on the number of threads you have, then I see the number of threads you have, and raise you this video, showing an even larger number of people who prefer single-server.


12:05 mark.


How slow can you be... Apart from unsubscribing, what there is to do for people who play on a dead servers? If your server is fairly populated with a nice community it doesnt mean all are so lucky.

Yeah, lets all reroll on fatman so we can enjoy a one super server with hour long ques.

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Finally managed to bring myself to log in after a week. Did a /who 50 and was greeted with 30 names...30!!!!! half of which were on Belsavis/Ilum doing the daily mind numbing grind. I would like to formally request that you remove the first M From your MMORPG claim and stop contravening the Trade descriptions act!! jeez there are probably more people playing neverwinter nights atm!!
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I'm pretty sure there are people out there continuing their subscription because of the sheer shock they're in from what this game turned out to be. Maybe, just maybe, the game will get better with the next patch. But when it comes around, they log in for a day or two and find the negatives once more.


I can't say I'm not one of these people.


To continue with my point:


Let's look at this logically people. Consider these few bullet points:


  • This forum used to be hopping with activity before launch. You can say that "everyone" is in game playing, and I'll get to that with my next bullet point, but as far as user feedback and postings compared to other games, this forum is completely dead. Especially for General Discussion.
  • Next, you could say everyone is in game. Well, if you actually look in game, most servers are labeled as "standard". If you experiment for just a few minutes you will find that those servers are actually less populated than you think. (Hint: Check the "Fleet", the central hub of endgame players)



So what do we see here? Well, we see drastically reduced user activity on the forums, and drastically reduced user activity in the game. No matter what or how you counter...


This game is rated as:



(Stamp of approval)


Your definition of dead is really really screwed up.


Ok..now try again and this time type in a calm and relaxed manner.

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Dude, I don't think you're getting it. Nobody gives a damn about reputation and accountability in a computer game. If you think otherwise you're simply delusional.


They used to, once. WoW killed that largely however.

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I have resubbed to LOTRO for a month about a week ago(something that i thought would not happen for at least year and a half).


Even on my server where in the evening fleet population always was over 100, now it's usually at 50 people.


My game time in TOR is limited basically to logging in, doing pvp dailies and logging out, even though i collected full BM set long time ago.


No matter what BW defenders here would say in defence of the population, it has dropped significantly since launch. Simple opening eyes and taking a look at how loaded the servers are (not) should tell them that and if that doesn't tell them anything, they should do a simple /who 50.

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On Ula Wii theres currently 2 people at fleet, compared to Tomb of Freedon Nadd that has +200. How exactly this is fair... For the love of god Bw, cant you pull your head out of the bush and do something or even comment on the subject so it would atleast seem you care.

Or is the only customer support in this game provided by clueless ticket droids from india who just give a standard droid answer to every question/problem/issue.

Edited by Helistin
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It is Friday. For arguments sake why don't we see if we can at least agree on something.


1. OP's thread title is "Server population is dropping..."

2. We know there is a "Faction" imbalance which favors Imperial side but that really isn't something BioWare can easily fix, even if they should anyway

3. There are too many servers or so it would appear

4. There are servers that are impacted more than others both in population and faction

5. Lower populated servers impact economy, market items, groups, raids, and PvP/WZ's

6. Some people chose to move on their own

7. Some people can't due to time or character investment (or stubborn)

8. The Fatman seems to be the go-forward peoples choice (10 minute queue last night for me)

9. LFG tool won't address 1 - 9 but it will help with raiding and instances - we know this

10. Some argue server merge higher priority than patch 1.2

11. Some servers show a population bump or bounce but not sure tied to people moving or new subscribers

12. We don't know if population is growing faster than people stopping from playing on deserted servers


Note: No points above say anything on a bad game or that it is dead. But after 70 some odd pages that is what I take out of it. So people do care and they want BioWare to fix it sooner rather than later before they just say to heck with it and lose the addiction to the friction...if you catch my drift.


The Fatman(currently flagged as standard) 59 people, Korriban @ 0713 PST

Dragon Trail(currently flagged as light - when isn't it) 6 people, Republic Fleet @ 0714 PST

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It is Friday. For arguments sake why don't we see if we can at least agree on something.


1. OP's thread title is "Server population is dropping..."

2. We know there is a "Faction" imbalance which favors Imperial side but that really isn't something BioWare can easily fix, even if they should anyway

3. There are too many servers or so it would appear

4. There are servers that are impacted more than others both in population and faction

5. Lower populated servers impact economy, market items, groups, raids, and PvP/WZ's

6. Some people chose to move on their own

7. Some people can't due to time or character investment (or stubborn)

8. The Fatman seems to be the go-forward peoples choice (10 minute queue last night for me)

9. LFG tool won't address 1 - 9 but it will help with raiding and instances - we know this

10. Some argue server merge higher priority than patch 1.2

11. Some servers show a population bump or bounce but not sure tied to people moving or new subscribers

12. We don't know if population is growing faster than people stopping from playing on deserted servers


Note: No points above say anything on a bad game or that it is dead. But after 70 some odd pages that is what I take out of it. So people do care and they want BioWare to fix it sooner rather than later before they just say to heck with it and lose the addiction to the friction...if you catch my drift.


The Fatman(currently flagged as standard) 59 people, Korriban @ 0713 PST

Dragon Trail(currently flagged as light - when isn't it) 6 people, Republic Fleet @ 0714 PST


I disagree with 9, as a single server LFG tool won't help much. but yest, most of what you have said here seems to be the general just of it. As for 11, its probably people moving. People wouldn't move if their server pop was fine, and the only reason their server pop would be fine is if people were still playing the game.

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Note: No points above say anything on a bad game or that it is dead. But after 70 some odd pages that is what I take out of it. So people do care and they want BioWare to fix it sooner rather than later before they just say to heck with it and lose the addiction to the friction...if you catch my drift.


The Fatman(currently flagged as standard) 59 people, Korriban @ 0713 PST

Dragon Trail(currently flagged as light - when isn't it) 6 people, Republic Fleet @ 0714 PST


And its not just the one thread, heres some more that got ignored. It almost seems like BW doesnt want peoples money...


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=34745&highlight=server+merge 1,006 posts 124,233 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=136348&highlight=server+merge 1,012 posts 76,359 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=350700&highlight=server+merge 1,047 posts 74,051 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=246560&highlight=server+merge 1,024 posts 70,978 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=310753&highlight=server+merge 1,002 posts 68,998 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=233108&highlight=server+merge 1,004 posts 68,980 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=340708&highlight=server+merge 1,012 posts 65,430 views


http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=380340 702 posts 33,765 views and counting.

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There is a server population problem going on, anyone unable to see it is either blind or is playing on The Fat Man server. Mine is standard population on prime time and there's no more than 100 imperial people on the fleet, i feel sorry for the republic faction and the others servers with low population 24/7. Sure, when 1.2 arrives there will be an increase on servers population, but how long could it last? The more time BW takes into address this situation the more people will leave.
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They used to, once. WoW killed that largely however.
No, most people didn't care even before wow was launched. People kept black lists, like the tribunal's PoMS (Piece of monkey *) list which was kept on it's very active server forums... and the people on it still managed to get groups, still managed to stay in guild guilds.


I'm sure that you got a warm fuzzy feeling warning people about the bad man who touched you in a bad way... but the reality is that it didn't do more than minorly inconvenience someone.

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11 Days left on the sub, thanks for a wonderful single player RPG.

Not happy with the current state of server pops when merging seems the most viable solution. :(


Hopefully if enough people put their words in action changes will be made. Id like to come back once the game is fixed. But a MMO without people to run FP's (and dying guilds left and right) isnt worth waiting 1hrs+ on the fleet and paying $ ;)

Edited by Sinerex
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Not happy with the current state of server pops when merging seems the most viable solution. :(


Hopefully if enough people put their words in action changes will be made. Id like to come back once the game is fixed. But a MMO without people to run FP's (and dying guilds left and right) isnt worth waiting 1hrs+ on the fleet and paying $ ;)


Pretty much my thoughts. Call me when they merge servers and/or allow transfers, wasting time and money until then.

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While SWTOR is adding new content, I think the knee-jerk patches that are applied to both PvE/PvP rather than separating the two will be a huge factor in why more people will be leaving.


New content is good, but it is an expensive undertaking that may or may not work. It's best if the current content is improved and more surgical class balances take place. This will keep people subbing.

Edited by caliaviator
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While SWTOR is adding new content, I think the knee-jerk patches that are applied to both PvE/PvP rather than separating the two will be a huge factor in why more people will be leaving.


New content is good, but it is an expensive undertaking that may or may not work. It's best if the current content is improved and more surgical class balances take place. This will keep people subbing.


Yeah this. And the all new shiny content wont do any good for some people since there no one left on the server to play with.

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*sigh* I wish the trolls sub time would run out. :/


Game is growing. Accept it. Call me out all you want.


I really like this game, I really do. I don't even mind the changes in 1.2 (not saying improvements are not welcome). The bugs, at least for me, are few and no game breaking, I enjoy PVP and PVE, leveling and gearing. I have a lvl 50 character and a lvl 42 one. The only thing I don't have is what I pay for. People.

You say the game is growing, so do they (Bioware). Prove it. I can prove it does not. At least in my server.

My gild has 42 members, I haven't seen any of them in the past 3 weeks, around 3 in the past two months. In the planet (Hoth)where I am now with my 2nd char there were 4 people (counting me) so if anyone is in the toilet we can't do a Heroic +4.

I haven't do a FP with my second character yet, i haven't had the oportunity (players).

I haven't do a HM, op or whatever with my lvl 50 yet, i haven't had the oportunity (players).

I usually play when I come back from work, that's around 8 pm, until 12 pm if I'm not too tired, as far as I know that's prime time.

And don't tell me to reroll in a more populated server, or you'll be agreeing me.

My server is Sith'Ari, EU PVE, and what's worse, as far as I know this isn't even the worst one.



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It is pretty funny though now that I'm playing on a East coast server, The Fatman, with tons more people than my main's (Dragon Trail), people on Fatman think we are crazy. Honestly while leveling this morning server merge discussion came up several times and they are all like yeah, BioWare will make tons of cash, etc.


You bring up it should be free and they are like, HUH???? Why...


Got to say though that I love 110+ people in the freaking starting zone... On my Smuggler on a PvP server I didn't see an Imperial / opposing faction until I was on Alderaan @ level 28. Bet this time it is different.

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Free weekend passes and 1.2 fluff will fail to fix this issue.


Cross-server warzones and LFG functions would help but still won't fix it either.


Letting your customers sit on the fleet or even a zone in an MMO with single digit #'s to play with at any given time (peak or off-peak) is unacceptable and not immersive.

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No, most people didn't care even before wow was launched. People kept black lists, like the tribunal's PoMS (Piece of monkey *) list which was kept on it's very active server forums... and the people on it still managed to get groups, still managed to stay in guild guilds.


I'm sure that you got a warm fuzzy feeling warning people about the bad man who touched you in a bad way... but the reality is that it didn't do more than minorly inconvenience someone.


Of course they did, people weren't magically removed from the game.


But equally some did do bad stuff and quit due to the concequences, and many more didn't do bad stuff for fear of concequences.


On the PvP servers this was even more of an issue, PvE servers had many more limitations, of course.


Am I sensing you got touched in a bad way and are still bitter about it? :eek:

Edited by Goretzu
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