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Server population is dropping...


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I originally started on Harbinger. Back at early access, the queue times were hours long. Bioware's response to those of us tired of the epic queue times? Anyone remember?


"Transfers are not possible at this time, so we suggest you reroll on a less populated server."


I did that. I am now on a server that is a ghost town. PVP queues are ridiculous, and finding a group to do FPs with is almost impossible for my trooper. I have 2 50s (that may not seem like much but I am a hard working family man and don't have time coming out of my ears.), and now I am rerolling again, and going back to Harbinger.


I'm not sure if Bioware understands how frustrating this is. I really enjoy the game and I doing my best to stay with it, but they are not making it easy.


I know Bioware doesn't have exact details on what their plans are, but they should at least be able to tell us IF mergers are being worked on.


For those of us rerolling out of frustration... will be able to merge two legacies when server transfers become available? Will I even be able to transfer my old characters to a high population server like Harbinger?


If transfers for oceanic will be available at the end of April, shouldn't they should have a rough time-line for the rest of us?


We are trying to make decisions Bioware, because we want to keep playing. Leaving us COMPLETELY in the dark is just discouraging.


Lurking around on the forums searching for some bit of information is not fun.


It isnt fun to stare at the "Tank LFG any HM" you just typed 5 times over the last 15 minutes in Republic Fleet chat on a Sunday night. The scariest part is realizing that all 5 chat postings are stacked one right on top of the other.


It isn't fun, and until you all at Bioware give us some glimpse of the future, it feels like there is no end in sight.


Give us a little love... please.

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As far as I see it, Bioware plans to intorduce Cross-Server warzones instead of transfers. But this is NOT going to fix the problem.


Dead server = Dead levelling = Dead trade = Dead competitiveness = etc.

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As far as I see it, Bioware plans to intorduce Cross-Server warzones instead of transfers. But this is NOT going to fix the problem.


Dead server = Dead levelling = Dead trade = Dead competitiveness = etc.




Yea sadly i'm done too

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I opened a thread asking the Devs what they plan on doing about dropping server populations. They closed it and refered me to this thread. Problem is that we can talk about it until we are blue in the face. I dont see a developer answer anywhere in this thread.




What are you going to do to fix this? Is there some consolidation coming? Your coming up on 6 months now. Can anyone else see some statistics rapidly dropping at the 6 month subscription mark?

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I opened a thread asking the Devs what they plan on doing about dropping server populations. They closed it and refered me to this thread. Problem is that we can talk about it until we are blue in the face. I dont see a developer answer anywhere in this thread.




What are you going to do to fix this? Is there some consolidation coming? Your coming up on 6 months now. Can anyone else see some statistics rapidly dropping at the 6 month subscription mark?


i saw your thread. dev's are n00bs.

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I originally started on Harbinger. Back at early access, the queue times were hours long. Bioware's response to those of us tired of the epic queue times? Anyone remember?


"Transfers are not possible at this time, so we suggest you reroll on a less populated server."


I did that. I am now on a server that is a ghost town. PVP queues are ridiculous, and finding a group to do FPs with is almost impossible for my trooper. I have 2 50s (that may not seem like much but I am a hard working family man and don't have time coming out of my ears.), and now I am rerolling again, and going back to Harbinger.


I'm not sure if Bioware understands how frustrating this is. I really enjoy the game and I doing my best to stay with it, but they are not making it easy.


I know Bioware doesn't have exact details on what their plans are, but they should at least be able to tell us IF mergers are being worked on.


For those of us rerolling out of frustration... will be able to merge two legacies when server transfers become available? Will I even be able to transfer my old characters to a high population server like Harbinger?


If transfers for oceanic will be available at the end of April, shouldn't they should have a rough time-line for the rest of us?


We are trying to make decisions Bioware, because we want to keep playing. Leaving us COMPLETELY in the dark is just discouraging.


Lurking around on the forums searching for some bit of information is not fun.


It isnt fun to stare at the "Tank LFG any HM" you just typed 5 times over the last 15 minutes in Republic Fleet chat on a Sunday night. The scariest part is realizing that all 5 chat postings are stacked one right on top of the other.


It isn't fun, and until you all at Bioware give us some glimpse of the future, it feels like there is no end in sight.


Is this your first MMO? Things in swtor will probably get worst before they get better. I suggest that you should quit and find another game to play.


You said it yourself, it just isn't fun. My subscription ends in 10 or 11 days. I myself went through similar things as you, and I learned from wow that the best thing to do is quit and move on.


This game isn't worth it man.

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"Enjoy the discussion", you say? Ahh, i see! "You may enjoy your discussions as long as they do not contain any criticism towards us or our handling of this game . Otherwise, they will be immediately locked and/or completely removed. Good day!"


There we go. That's so much less vague. No?


So far I have seen tons of people complain about customer service, or stuff not getting done and they tend to actually be good sports about it. Haven't seen anyone get locked or banned or anything for griping at customer service.

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Is this your first MMO? Things in swtor will probably get worst before they get better. I suggest that you should quit and find another game to play.


You said it yourself, it just isn't fun. My subscription ends in 10 or 11 days. I myself went through similar things as you, and I learned from wow that the best thing to do is quit and move on.

This game isn't worth it man.


I wouldn't go that far, it's a solid product with a questionable implementation. I'm really wondering How Bioware handles the sparcely populated servers. If they charge people to get off them when it's their own fault, it's not going to sit well. Howeve if they charge a modest fee of say 10 dollars, 15 max, then that would be an understandable solution.


My sub is done in 4 days, I'll be back if they introduce a proper dungeon finder that works, that's the deal breaker for moi

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Is this your first MMO? Things in swtor will probably get worst before they get better. I suggest that you should quit and find another game to play.


You said it yourself, it just isn't fun. My subscription ends in 10 or 11 days. I myself went through similar things as you, and I learned from wow that the best thing to do is quit and move on.


This game isn't worth it man.


This is funny how someone says this game isnt worth it when 1.7 million people play. (Yes probably less but not that much less.) Funny when it is your opinon and mine as well. But telling someone this game isnt worth it, is far idiotic.

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Don't use unverified information for the purposes of these arguments; at least show enough respect for the game and its creators to not treat speculative information as fact.
You've never dealt with EA before, have you?


Those "March numbers" were just a repeat of what was said in the February investors call, and those numbers seemed dated to mid-late January.


Really, with BW/EA so tight lipped on the numbers, the only indication we'll get from them as to where the population is headed will be from their next quarterly report; either its growing and we'll get an actual number, its holding steady and we'll just hear the February statement repeated yet again, or its dropping and they'll gloss over/totally ignore the subscription numbers entirely.

Edited by Ansultares
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So far I have seen tons of people complain about customer service, or stuff not getting done and they tend to actually be good sports about it. Haven't seen anyone get locked or banned or anything for griping at customer service.


Tons of threads get locked....post get deleted.....and the entire time they're not saying anything about the dying populations...

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There is nothing wrong with using speculative information and making inferences based on logical premises. It's fun to be able to make predictions and be accurate, we can test other peoples ideas and make rebutalls all in good fun. We wouldn't have to do this if Bioware had an open door policy won't get off the fence till something is 100% even though it's most 95% most likely then maybe these type of threads aren't for you. Edited by Touchbass
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It's always funny when someone is tossing in 1.7 million subscribers and I have four people on Tattooine and an empy Outlaw's Den...


The game lost 300,000+ off the start and probably a few other 100,000 since then. I wonder if that's a record for most subs lost off the bat

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You guys are "special". I'd take some time to ..go from server to server and type in "level 50" ..or whatever level you want, because the server population isn't dropping. All of you on the forums are acting like little children. I might get 20 people on fleet, but when I type in "level 50" in the search box. I get 83 lvl 50's online.



TLDR THe fleet isn't the only zone in swtor. Learn to research and come to your own conclusion using FACTS.


I dare anyone to send me a screenshot of how many level 50's they have on their server, at any given point in time, just send me a private message link to a screenshot. Showing how many lvl 50's ..your server has. I dare you ..

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It's always funny when someone is tossing in 1.7 million subscribers and I have four people on Tattooine and an empy Outlaw's Den...


That just means several hundred thousand of those 1.7 million bought a 6 month subscription and are not playing anymore, and wont be re-subscribing in 2 months. They need to show us a stat on how many players have logged in in the past week. I'd also like to see a stat on how many players have re-subscribed to WoW and Lotro in the past month.

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It's always funny when someone is tossing in 1.7 million subscribers and I have four people on Tattooine and an empy Outlaw's Den...


You probably got unlucky and got put into a shard all by yourself. :p

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That just means several hundred thousand of those 1.7 million bought a 6 month subscription and are not playing anymore, and wont be re-subscribing in 2 months. They need to show us a stat on how many players have logged in in the past week. I'd also like to see a stat on how many players have re-subscribed to WoW and Lotro in the past month.



I'm not sure what you hope to gain from this (probably just confirmation of your bias) but my server has seen an increase in population. Specifically, an increase over the past 2 weeks.


The only remaining issue is getting rid of the dead servers, which should not have come up to begin with, and move folks over to populated ones. No matter how forum complainers would make it seem, playing on a dead server kills more subs than the threat of quitting because you are afraid someone else on the merged server will get Legolas Solo name first. I figure about 20-25 US servers get axed.


The game population is fine. The sky is still up there, Chicken Little.

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doens't matter


population could drop by 90%, there are still load of content for me.


i have 1 level 50 in rakata/columi and done all operation in nightmare

i have nearly another level 50


i plan to play through all 8 story line, enjoy the different class mechanics and do some fp/op from time time times. there are probably enough content already to keep me playing for at least 6 month.


i don't want to go back to wow type addicted play 7/7 wow, must farm must raid 5 night a week to progress.


i want to spend time between single player game, swtor and some other hobby. that will be perfect.

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How can you enjoy new content when theres no one to play it with? Most servers are dead or dying...


This is, at best, completely misinformed, and at worst, a complete lie.


There are about 20 servers that are dead or dying, if you mean by 'dead' that they are unable to support a full time raid guilds or group, and are unable to support any kind of organized group PvP. Most of these are identifiable as Light no matter what time of day it is, for example: Krayiss Obelisk, Sedyn Kyne, The Defrestanator (sp?).


Most servers are stable. My server is middle of the pack (Juyo for Republic, Kaas City for Empire) and I have 15+ people with me on a planet if I log in at 8 AM. Unlike that other game, where the entire faction is jammed into one city, we are spread amongst many places.

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This is, at best, completely misinformed, and at worst, a complete lie.


There are about 20 servers that are dead or dying, if you mean by 'dead' that they are unable to support a full time raid guilds or group, and are unable to support any kind of organized group PvP. Most of these are identifiable as Light no matter what time of day it is, for example: Krayiss Obelisk, Sedyn Kyne, The Defrestanator (sp?).


Most servers are stable. My server is middle of the pack (Juyo for Republic, Kaas City for Empire) and I have 15+ people with me on a planet if I log in at 8 AM. Unlike that other game, where the entire faction is jammed into one city, we are spread amongst many places.


I dunno man, I've been the only person on a few planets during prime time.

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