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Everything posted by Beergogglez

  1. i'm transferring to D3 may 15 for $64 dollars. Then i'll be transferring to GW2 for $64.
  2. unrealistic expectations? can i get working pvp and unbugged bosses and class balance? like i'm tired of seeing 20 people online and NO pvp what so ever. I've been through 3 severs already and they keep dieing lol. We've been yelling merge or transfer for months >_>
  3. 1.2 mill spread across 200+ servers. Time to merge or server transfer ? ????? ???
  4. ok one. Pick out better questions if you want this game to survive. The new raid has been cleared in 1 week by non beta testers. 2) It really looks like you're picking fluff questions I mean i'm sure you've answered the delete character question and the toggle hood question. 3) When is ranked warzones going to come out? Patch 1.2 has been delayed by 3 weeks and no ranked warzone has been delayed by a grand total of a month and a half. Why so lazy? TLDR Pick better question! Community- stop being ignorant about the server pop. They have already answered the question with server transfer being close to release.
  5. Stop listening to the community. We're all children who don't know what we want. Please stop making changes the community wanted and having them turn on you for giving them something they wanted. As a result for giving people their demands you have made bad changes in class balance in 1.2. There was nothing wrong with Sorcs or healers I can spot countless posts where the majority of the community is QQing about certain OP classes and their class (marauder) being gimp. 1) the marauder is the best class in the game pre 1.2. why? they had so many tools. A passive 2% heal, an immunity,vanish,bloodlust, blade ward (i'm missing something). They had the best tools (community goes GIMP cuz they can't play their class) and you make it faceroll. Now their complaining /facepalm. 2) Raids are too easy. You go and make it hard, and community QQ's it's too hard I'm missing alot bcuz I don't have the time to post this, but this is so idiotic. Stop listing please. Rift,Wow listened and look at them. Just do you and if people don't like it ..there's always an unsub button if you disagree with something ..click it? I can't tell you how many insanely hypocritical people there are in this world.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WtNHuqHWefU&feature=player_embedded
  7. There's no way to prove date/time .../facepalm therefore swtor can't be ranked because there's too much corruption. If and when they add date/time to achievements ..then you can rank, but you get my point. Save money/time and close the website/don't post.
  8. Sorry to burst your bubble, but legacy unlocks are the same exact thing as guild unlocks in WoW. Bioware couldn't even do it right lol.
  9. because the ranking matters? the best gear doesn't take ranking. You can afk the ranked matches and come out with the same gear as 8 hardcore/professional/asian/gamers. Think about it lol.
  10. You guys are "special". I'd take some time to ..go from server to server and type in "level 50" ..or whatever level you want, because the server population isn't dropping. All of you on the forums are acting like little children. I might get 20 people on fleet, but when I type in "level 50" in the search box. I get 83 lvl 50's online. TLDR THe fleet isn't the only zone in swtor. Learn to research and come to your own conclusion using FACTS. I dare anyone to send me a screenshot of how many level 50's they have on their server, at any given point in time, just send me a private message link to a screenshot. Showing how many lvl 50's ..your server has. I dare you ..
  11. joetacticSW: Can we have a ‘Loop music’ feature or some other way to make our experience less quiet? Damion: Interesting idea. Let me give it some thought! The game is so quiet and i'm tired of hearing footsteps.. pls ..pls make this happen. It can't be that hard. Just pls ..it's so needed
  12. I thought the population was dropping and the game was dieing. Untill I actually tested it. I spent almost 4 hours >< ..going on every server ..typing 50 in the who list. TIME FRAME 11am est 3pm est The light servers have a range from 69-85 lvl 50's . The standard servers have a range from 78-92 lvl 50's. Honestly unless you test it ..you can't be for sure. Do it yourself and don't listen to people who pull numbers out of their arses. Go on your server..do a who list of lvl 50 ..and you'll see what i'm talking about. I honestly didn't believe 1.7 mill subs ..untill i did this test. I still don't get why I don't see so many of them near me on the fleet, but there you go .. - PS I spent 4 hours .took lots of brakes n such. But yeah..do it urself ..you'll be suprised I guess. Oh and don't do it at like 5 am ffs.
  13. I played "the secret world" beta. I wanted to shoot myslef ..it's so bad ...DO NOT waste your time with that game. I'm so srs right now. It's worse than anything i've ever seen bad!!!!
  14. Calm down bro..*** are you talking about? I drop combat from huttball whenever i want too. *** are you saying?
  15. what're you still lvling ? lol. Yeah huge bugs with raids/pvp ...still going on. Just an fyi.
  16. Do you guys not know what a search button is? I bet there's already like 85 posts about this already. It's bcuz they have like 800k people spread on 200+ servers ( not sure but there are many) They need to merge so it looks good, cuz right now all servers are standard on peak times. If they merged it would be heavy.
  17. You are aware of the trauma debuff? -30% heals ???
  18. Beergogglez

    Novare Coast

    I mean ..if you don't like it ..quit. It's obv not where you want the game to be going. Stop wasting ur time and quit.
  19. I think you should quit then. I mean..you have freedom of vote. That's the best way. YOu should really use the search button..since there's like 100 posts about this already.
  20. you guys complain on the most dumbest stuff. Like I know you can post stuff, but there's a search button with like 50 of these threads already.
  21. It's not a mistake lol. I kinda like the change and want medpacks to **** of pve. Not that it mattered tho. 3k hp ? lol the boss mechanics hit for like 50k cuz it's bugged to all hell.
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