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What is the point of rolling Republic?


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to play a jedi of course.. and also, to play on the WINNING side. Unless theres a movie I don't know where the sith win.. pretty much all of the star wars saga stuff ends with.. JEDI'S WIN!! heh.. and.. jedi's are part of the republic.. so.. that's why.


Hello Revenge of the Sith and The Empire Strikes back.

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I'm relatively new to this game, I've only been playing a few weeks and I all ready have several alts. Yes, I'm that guy. So far, I've got two characters I'm really into a Jedi Sentinel and a Sith Sorcerer. Jedi story seems a bit cliche, all the Jedi Masters are like "Omg you're one of the most powerful we've ever seen before." A few hours later "Oh yeah, the fate of the galaxy rests on your shoulders. No biggie." Meanwhile, the Inquisitor story seems a lot more interesting. The "I see dead people" powers is rather unique and I'm looking forward to seeing more of the story. I started my Jedi first and he has a 10 level lead on the Sorcerer, but I'll probably end up leveling the Sorcerer to 50 first.
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I'm relatively new to this game, I've only been playing a few weeks and I all ready have several alts. Yes, I'm that guy. So far, I've got two characters I'm really into a Jedi Sentinel and a Sith Sorcerer. Jedi story seems a bit cliche, all the Jedi Masters are like "Omg you're one of the most powerful we've ever seen before." A few hours later "Oh yeah, the fate of the galaxy rests on your shoulders. No biggie." Meanwhile, the Inquisitor story seems a lot more interesting. The "I see dead people" powers is rather unique and I'm looking forward to seeing more of the story. I started my Jedi first and he has a 10 level lead on the Sorcerer, but I'll probably end up leveling the Sorcerer to 50 first.


a) you see 'dead people' on rep aswell (spoiler? don't think so)

b) the imps are just as cliché. where as a jedi you always get told you are the greatest, as a sith you always get told you are the scum of the earth



both is pretty meh, really.

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It's not that hard.


Light/Dark: Your moral views


Republic/Empire: Your political views


Bingo. What's not to understand?


The problem is that by definition, a Jedi is not someone who kills innocents, bangs every beautiful woman who comes towards him and still calls him a servant of the light. I, myself, feel such a hypocrite every time my Jedi Knight scolds someone for having a relationship/doing something "non-light", when he bangs Kira every time he gets back to the ship. And I'm light V, "the Pure".

Edited by cs_Kimmo
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2 Reps (Smug, Trooper), 1 Empire (Agent)... i would nor play a Sith, but i have to say, the Agent is very enjoyable to play Stprylinewise, as the imperial Intelligence tried to walk a line between the lunatic Sith Overlords, and doing whats needed.


Bountyhunters are cowed by no one, as Agent you have at least pay lip service to the Sith who are your Masters, and can still be merciful underneath, whilstgetting your Mission done. most Storyline-specific Sith treat you, a mere human/alien like crap.. and you find fun ways to repay that. And yes, its a lightside Agent.

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It's not that hard.


Light/Dark: Your moral views


Republic/Empire: Your political views


Bingo. What's not to understand?


Political Views I get.


Moral views, there are inconsistencies in what constitutes light and dark, moral and immoral.



you get light points for letting your friend die in the trooper story.... there are other places where you are awarded light points for the darndest thing that should have been a dark decision.


On my bounty Hunter, I got lights points for killing someone while other times, it's a clear dark point.


As it currently stands, it's inconsistent and also leaves players who play a balanced build without access to the dark/light vendors.


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after playing both (i have a 50 sorc and 50 sage) i can safely say i dont know why anyone would want to play republic. the only reason i am is because a load of my old wow mates have started playing and thats what they play for the simple reason that the imp.'s completely outnumber us so its good 'ganking opportunities' (or in most cases just getting boned by hordes of battlemaster imps)


the abilities lack 'punch' (project vs shock. jolt vs mind snap and so on) the areas are horribly put together, the ships are ugly (personal preference there) and i saw more bugs in 20 levels of my rep. char than i saw in the whole 50 of my imp. char (and other chars)


its very obvious different teams designed the areas. 'courseyoucant' vs drumand kaas. i've never had to run so much in my life through legions of mobs, do a mission, then run all the way back only to be told to run all the way through them again. not enough taxi points, not confusing bind points and areas.. its just bad. this is the worst example but this follows with every single world i've been so. the imps just have it better. the flow is better.


the grind wasnt as well hidden on rep. side either. i dont remember having bonus missions that started 'kill 20 of x' then stage 2 'kill 45 of x' the moment you see a number like that you just think '***, i dont want to do that'. you see that so much whereas the imp. bonuses were more like 'kill 20 of x' then 'kill 5 silver x' then 'kill gold x' and done. its not nice to be told to go kill 100+ mobs (if if you'd probably end up doing that anyway.. its not nice to be told to even if it is a bonus mission. overall thats well hidden but on rep. side.. less so.)


anyway.. to answer the OP question.. the simple reason is because my friends do. if they were playing imp. side id be doing the same and id be happier i can tell you.

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I originally rolled Empire because they are the 'cool' side to go. Of course. Anyway I rolled there to join a real life buddy, made a Sith Assassin.

By level 30 I got bored of the story. There's only so long you can enjoy a sociopath who gets betrayed by every superior they come across.


So I rolled a Bounty Hunter. Got that up to 30, still enjoying the story and all but then that real life buddy stopped playing. A different real life buddy said to join him on his server, which was Republic. I though why not I'll give it a shot just to be social.


Rolled a Jedi Knight and I gotta admit, so far I'm preferring it. Both servers have around the same population most times, yet on Empire I could never get a Flashpoint whilst levelling, however on the Republic Fleet I've gotten an FP every time I logged on.


Plus, might just be me, but I kinda prefer how everything isn't dreary and depressing like the Empire side is, and not all the NPC have a superiority complex.

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The two main reasons I would go Republic are animations and storylines. Story is pretty obvious... if you want to see the Trooper or Jedi Knight storyline you can't really roll an Imp and do so. :p As for the animations, I would rather shoot lightning at people than toss rocks so I prefer Inquisitors to Consulars, but I much prefer the Jedi Knight sword moves to the Sith Warrior style. Also, as cool as Bounty Hunters are I prefer the Commando's attacks. Why? Three words: Big freakin' cannon. :D


Really, I like classes from both sides. My main is a Commando and I love the storyline, the attack animations (so Mortar Volley has a slight delay... big deal, it still flattens things), and the whole feel of the class (I like being the good guys). I also love the Bounty Hunter storyline, and once they swap the Tracer Missile animation to the wrist launcher in 1.2 and I don't spend 70% of a fight bending over I'll probably like the animations as well as the Trooper's. And of course there's Mako, who is the most awesome companion I've seen yet. What I've seen so far of the Inquisitor and Jedi Knight look good too, and the Agent storyline is fun so far but I just can't really get into the Agent / Smuggler playstyle.


As far as PvP goes, I haven't gotten into that much yet but if you like warzones then Republic is the way to go since you'll get more variety and probably shorter queues unless your server is so dead that you can't get 8 Reps to queue up. For open world PvP Imp would have an advantage, though discussing open world PvP is kind of like saying a dragon can probably beat a unicorn: ultimately pointless since the thing you are discussing doesn't actually exist. :p

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That image was the same one that I thought of when I was picking a side. The Empire was the "bad guys" so the Republic must be the "good guys".


When one side has slavery brutality, survival of the fittest, the DARK side of the force and loads of corruption and it's seen as a normal thing too I'll bring up a quote. "When has being Sith ever been about being fair? by Lord Zash" It's obviously the evil side. While there is corruption and evil in the republic, you cannot have a galaxy spanning political body without evil because people are wrong but it's frowned upon and regularly gets people arrested and convicted within the game, in the empire they thrive.

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I'm playing Republic side now. I initially rolled Republic on day 1 but some of my friends from WoW wanted to play Empire side on another server so I rolled there to play with them. It happens that they aren't showing up to play these days (it's a very small guild) and, after getting my Sith Marauder to level 48, I parked it to play again in the future if they decide to come back.

I got back to my Republic character and I managed to join a cool guild and though I'm more focused on leveling the char and not playing that much group content, I'm enjoying a lot and I'm looking forward to run some FPs and maybe some Operations. From my point of view, Republic and Empire can be as fun. It depends on what you like. I'm also up to rolling more chars on the Empire side as I'm up to roll additional Republic chars.

So, the point of rolling Republic is the same of rolling Empire. Yes, I know you don't get lightning bolts on the Republic but that being the feature of defining the "point of rolling" whatever side is kind of shortsighted.

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when i started to play i was choosing between sage and sorc. And i've chosen sage because of animation. Maybe it is a bit slower (as it turned later), but definitely it looks better with no constant lightning bzzz-bzzz. And it was the right choice.

I've tried to start sith mara on imp side but i was sick of their evil quests (and remember i've started sith warrior, not sorc) by level 11, just tired of choosing between bad and worse and always feeling that everyone around can turn an enemy. Jedi society is much more friendly )

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SW A New Hope is a perfect good vs evil fairy tale. It also makes everything from the Imperial rise to power all the way down to the uniforms and ideology resemble the Nazi party a little too closely. It's why the Imperials make great bad guys. I don't want to play a Nazi so I roll Republic. Saying that, I have rolled two Imperial characters to try them out, but have not played much past lvl 10. I just enjoy playing the good guys ridding the galaxy of xenophobic fascists. :jawa_biggrin:


Of course it doesn't mean people playing Imps share their doctrine, they just like role playing - we hope... :jawa_tongue:

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The cumulative bounty hunter armor debuff is a valid enough reason to not roll republic.

It's so unbalanced in every single side, starting from how they looks.


I'm a republic player and I stay republic just because I don't like the easy mode, at the same time it's so unbalanced to the point it is frustrating.

After the 1.2 I'll decide to continue the subscription or not, I just wish a fair game or at least something according with the EULA, my money are not different or less valuable than an opposite faction player, I want the same chance to accomplish something, I just want the same threatment.

The only reason I'm still here it's because I trust bioware.

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SW A New Hope is a perfect good vs evil fairy tale. It also makes everything from the Imperial rise to power all the way down to the uniforms and ideology resemble the Nazi party a little too closely. It's why the Imperials make great bad guys. I don't want to play a Nazi so I roll Republic. Saying that, I have rolled two Imperial characters to try them out, but have not played much past lvl 10. I just enjoy playing the good guys ridding the galaxy of xenophobic fascists. :jawa_biggrin:


Of course it doesn't mean people playing Imps share their doctrine, they just like role playing - we hope... :jawa_tongue:


It was a good vs evil tale until 1999 when Episode I released. The entire prequel trilogy turned it into some morally ambiguous political film.

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It was a good vs evil tale until 1999 when Episode I released. The entire prequel trilogy turned it into some morally ambiguous political film.


Yeah, it was around the point where we were subjected to a slapstick buffoon exaggeratingly falling over random objects and a little brat of a kid flying a star fighter into battle going "Yipee!" that I actually started rooting for the bad guys.

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