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  1. The cumulative bounty hunter armor debuff is a valid enough reason to not roll republic. It's so unbalanced in every single side, starting from how they looks. I'm a republic player and I stay republic just because I don't like the easy mode, at the same time it's so unbalanced to the point it is frustrating. After the 1.2 I'll decide to continue the subscription or not, I just wish a fair game or at least something according with the EULA, my money are not different or less valuable than an opposite faction player, I want the same chance to accomplish something, I just want the same threatment. The only reason I'm still here it's because I trust bioware.
  2. Bosses (on HM) got so many insta kill skills in this game, it's just frustration if you mix this with the bugs. It's not the difficulty, is the fact that most of the times we die for BUGS like the line of sight one, in this case I can't simply heal even if I'm standing in front of my target at 2 meters risking to get killed, things like taking damage (16k+) even being behind an object by the colonel in maelstrom prison, I can go ahead but you know better for sure, since I'm just an average player. I do HM with my friends, we LOVE the game but we are starting to think that maybe is the case to freeze and wait few months to have the flashpoints fixed, we don't have the entire day to make credits and spend them in repair for a flashpoint that may drop nothing usefull. Said that, there are so many bugs that at this point we need to see a guide, something that can help us to realize what is our fault and what simply doesn't work, do you have a link or something like that? A text guide (not a youtube video) is more appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  3. I play in both sides so I'm not here to defend the republic nor I can say "the republic sucks for this or that reason", I'm here trying to understand why the republic is almost always losing WZs. IMHO is impossible that such a huge difference in the win:lose ratio is based just on the players skill level, there must be something different; what is? I've no idea, it's just hard to believe that. I'm always winning imperial side, always losing republic side... I'm not having fun regardless of the faction since there is no fun where there is no challenge neither where there is no hope (lol). No flame please, I'm new to the forum so even if I'm reading around is a bit difficult for me to find something "official" on the problem. Did bioware said something about? Do you have an impartial opinion?
  4. The problem isn't Huttball, but the fact that actually you can't choose where to fight, it's normal that peoples complains when they are forced to play something they don't like. I would play Huttball anyway, just not so frequent as I'm forced to right now.
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