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So how many players already switched to mara/sent for upcoming patch


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We are still going to be watchman/annihilation. 1 v 1? You will lose but you will also take a lot of our health. Why? Our accuracy debuff doesn't effect sweep. You will actually fair a little better 1v1 vs us because we can't force camo the sweep completely (dmg wise).


Why will we be watchman/annihilation? Interrupts on healers, focus generation, no aoe slow to setup forcesweeps. Rage/focus will be great against herpderp pugs for us but horrible in rateds. Guardian/jug simply does it better.


Don't worry. We didn't take ur jerbs. :) Oh I am sure there will be many fotm sent/marauder as rage/focus but it will just get nerfed in the end (for doing well against pugs)and it really isn't going to be that great against good players. Mobility is simply too bad (can't reset charge. or charge to a friendly) on a sent/marauder (especially with wither on the ground) to really make it work.


Annihilation/watchman lost some mobility (80 percent trasncendence/predation) and some utility (force camoing through fires to get ahead of ball carrier for score). Everything else will be same pretty much. We are forced into annihilation/watchman against GOOD players because our uptime is horrible. Dot dmg is better then no dmg, or dmg that can be easily avoided (sweep with no aoe slow). :)


eh 50% predation is enough to stay mobile if you use it. i don't use the phantom talent i just use the 30% reduce AOE damage one and juggs smashes are eh whatever..


no one wants to take their jerbs!

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Best solo class for ninja capping/defending? Check. This is the only class in the game that has no hard counter. It beats EVERYTHING 1 v 1.


Thats because they melt like butter under sustained damage. The shadow philosophy is to pick off those who are alone, because if you go rushing in, there is no way you can survive. So the hard counter to the shadow is stick near your teammates

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I'm surprised the people who want to re-roll are all jumping on the Sentinel/Marauder bandwagon. I would have thought more would go for the Shadow/Assassin. That's what I would have done (and Sentinel is my main).


lol i have had 1 bud out of 56 that i play with that rerolled and did a jug, mara/sents specs are in line with anh, and atm its a down grade in dps on carnage, to many idiots cant see that and think wow OP...


bads will be bads...

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After the patch, why should anyone play anything besides a Sent/Mara or Shadow/Assassin? Personal preference...? LoL. To be honest, no one class should be as powerful as these two e-z mode classes are. I have one of each so I know.


Want to feel the sting? Roll up a Merc/Commando or Sorc/Sage and see how it feels to be rolled easily by an average or below average player whos piloting a Sent/Mara or a Shadow. The day I hit 50 with my garbage gear on my Sentinel I was destroying War Hero Mercs 1v1. That's fair. Soon, the Shadow will be 50 and i will ride the e-z train on that one too.


Anybody who tries to convince anyone that these 2 classes are anything but simple and OP are just below average players feeling the high of imbalance. Thank the dull developers at Bioware, I know I will when FOTM my way to e-z rankings. Have a great day you Pro's.

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After the patch, why should anyone play anything besides a Sent/Mara or Shadow/Assassin? Personal preference...? LoL. To be honest, no one class should be as powerful as these two e-z mode classes are. I have one of each so I know.


Want to feel the sting? Roll up a Merc/Commando or Sorc/Sage and see how it feels to be rolled easily by an average or below average player whos piloting a Sent/Mara or a Shadow. The day I hit 50 with my garbage gear on my Sentinel I was destroying War Hero Mercs 1v1. That's fair. Soon, the Shadow will be 50 and i will ride the e-z train on that one too.


Anybody who tries to convince anyone that these 2 classes are anything but simple and OP are just below average players feeling the high of imbalance. Thank the dull developers at Bioware, I know I will when FOTM my way to e-z rankings. Have a great day you Pro's.


Garbage gear on sentinel destroying War Hero mercs 1v1 ? Is this supposed to be trolling attempt or u are dead serious ?


These forums sometimes are like /b/ on friday night ...

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I actually rerolled from a kinetic shadow to a gunslinger, being op is cool but kc shadow is honestly the most boring toon I've played and I've played everything past 30 except any of the trooper/bh classes, seriously its so boring
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I personally can't wait to see all the mercs roll an "ez mode" sentinel/marauder. I'm a sentinel myself and i cant wait for the free kills from people that are used to using like 4-5 buttons in a typical pvp enviornment from being a merc to 20+ keybindings you have to deal with on this class.. unless you go focus i guess but if you're doing that you should roll guardian/juggernaut..

jus sayin.

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Just rolled a marauder, since I don't plan to play my BM Sorc anymore and I'm also rolling a tank sin, with dps gear, this weekend.


PS. Anyone who claims marauder is super hard to play, is wrong. It's no harder than my sorc :)

Edited by Prevenge
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you know whats funny, i was sent since pre-launch, proving they weren't gimped. Now that theyre finally buffing some stuff, my hate for fotm classes is so strong i switched my main.


I kind of feel like I would rather take a class that is perceived to be bad and try to be good than take a class that is perceived to be OP and be bad.

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I kind of feel like I would rather take a class that is perceived to be bad and try to be good than take a class that is perceived to be OP and be bad.


The thing is, they were never ever bad. Just the people that played them were. 1.2 isn't really even buffing them much, they're already that powerful. The fact that they aren't getting nerfed is what's surprising. Same with assassins/shadows.

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isn't there a 27/0/14 build thats pretty popular with assassins too?


This build (and it's 27/2/12 variant) won't be viable in 1.2 anymore because of the changes to Expertise and the push to render PvE gear useless in PvP. Since this build requires you to wear a 4-piece PvE set to get the bonus (15% increased critical chance for Thrash which is absurd), you won't be seeing this 27/0/14 build anymore.


Assassins will be forced to go back to the 31/0/10 or 31/2/8 spec. This will result in a loss in DPS compared to the 27/0/14 easy-mode build. Since no changes have been made to Assassins, slapping on DPS gear and using a tank build will still let you dominate in PvP by simply spamming four abilities: Thrash, Shock, Force Lightning, and Wither when you feel like it.

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Just rolled a marauder, since I don't plan to play my BM Sorc anymore and I'm also rolling a tank sin, with dps gear, this weekend.


PS. Anyone who claims marauder is super hard to play, is wrong. It's no harder than my sorc :)


The Marauder class is difficult when you're a fresh Level 50 with no gear since it is the most gear-dependent class in the game. It is also one of the few classes (along with Juggs) who need to set-up a chain of abilities before being able to unload big damage abilities (that is true for all Marauders builds). Compare that to a Sniper who just positions himself/herself on a catwalk, gets in cover, and presses one button to crit for 4.5k, our class is more difficult than others when you think of all the factors that are out of your control in order to perform successfully -- not to say that Snipers don't have their problems, but they can dish OMGWTFBBQ damage like no other.


If you're conjecturing the easiness of the Marauder class based off your experience in the 10-49 bracket, your opinion is seriously misinformed however.

Edited by lollermittens
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Actually I hope this class becomes the fotm!


1. They are too hard to play effectively for most players so more free kills in pvp.


2. They bring nearly zero utility to most dynamic pvp matches (what they do have has to be closely coordinated with team mates which isn't the case most of the time).


3. Other than ball carrying they are just another dps class and not one I usually have troubles with anyway.


4. More pure dps classes means less healing and tanking on the battle field (which don't get me wrong, is actually more fun but makes battles easier).


Even after the nerfs to other classes if you think that an 8 man team with 5 Marauders and a mix of others will be tougher than 5 sorcs and a mix of others ... you be dreaming upon the happy powder.

Edited by Tamanous
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The Marauder class is difficult when you're a fresh Level 50 with no gear since it is the most gear-dependent class in the game. It is also one of the few classes (along with Juggs) who need to set-up a chain of abilities before being able to unload big damage abilities (that is true for all Marauders builds). Compare that to a Sniper who just positions himself/herself on a catwalk, gets in cover, and presses one button to crit for 4.5k, our class is more difficult than others when you think of all the factors that are out of your control in order to perform successfully -- not to say that Snipers don't have their problems, but they can dish OMGWTFBBQ damage like no other.


If you're conjecturing the easiness of the Marauder class based off your experience in the 10-49 bracket, your opinion is seriously misinformed however.


Snipers, easier to play than marauders. You heard it here first.

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The thing is, they were never ever bad. Just the people that played them were. 1.2 isn't really even buffing them much, they're already that powerful. The fact that they aren't getting nerfed is what's surprising. Same with assassins/shadows.


well focus is getting buffed, its going to run close to fotm, if im wrong, damn oh well lol

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Rolled a Marauder this weekend, he's already at 28. When he hits 50 I may just park him, who knows, I'm having a really hard time maintaining my 2 50's as is but ever since I pvp'ed with the Sentinel I've been toying with rolling one.


I play a Sentinel and my wife plays a Sage, and I really enjoy it, so I wanted one on my 'Competitive' faction. I feel like its almost an extension of the Juggernaut, just slightly different. I'm also learning the hard way about playing the class without a 'healbot'.

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The only ability i find silly on Sent/ Mara's is their short lived vanish


i can deal with their damage reduction ability but having a Sent vanish only to run around the corner to grab a healthpack is pretty lame


They can, coupled with their speedbuff chose to end the fight


dunno whether their speedbuff is a specced ability



I play a jugg

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There are tons of posts in the Sent/Mara forums which are people complaining about the difficulty in playing the class. The fact is that the they are not a faceroll class. You don't get to spam one ability like tracer missile, you can't force lightning and DoT everything at range then heal yourself to full and sprint away, You don't get heavy armor to feel invincible with, and you don't get to hang out in stealth with no worries.


You have to micro manage at least 15 different situational abilities on short cooldowns and most people are terrible at this. Arguably the easiest spec to play is one in which you can AoE crit people for big numbers, which you are basically a one trick pony in.


Let people spill over to sent/mara, they will be terrible and get frustrated and leave when they realize they are not easy. Also, if they actually take the time to make it to the 50 bracket I will take great joy in the free kills.



FoTM is FoTM

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I love how all the sents say all the people re-rolling sent can't handle the complexity of their class when most of the folks re-rolling are Guardians with the same amount if not more keybinds... lol...


btw Guardians have less HP, heavy armor means nothing and we have always had less damage... same complexity thou there champs...


p.s. Im not re-rolling... I'll die a guardian thx...

Edited by VoidJustice
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