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Why is there no counter to Guard?


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If we look at the 3 main archetypes of classes and their pvp roles in this game we have 2 that have various counters, and one that does not:


  • DPS - Can be countered by CC'ing them, melees can also be kited to some extent, ranged can be LOSed to some extent.


  • Healers - Can be countered by CC'ing them, as well as interrupts and healing debuffs. A sole dps might not always be enough to burst one healer, but a good one can\will keep a healer occupied and lower his healing output towards the rest the group


  • Tanks - Main staple ability is guard - which has no counter - it is a fire and forget, 15m range ability. Once it's on someone, all the tank needs to make sure is that he is within 15m of his guarded ally. CC has absolutely no barring on it (even though logically it should, how can you guard someone when you are incapacitated?) and it cannot be removed, or have its efficiency lowered via some debuff, in any way possible.


I just think it's poor design to implement such a huge, game changing ability in your game and not give any counter whatsoever to it.





Edit: Changed range to 15m - Which I still consider a large range. Since all tanks are very mobile and have a lot of gap closers, it's very hard to separate the tank and the one he's guarding.

Edited by Scoloplastic
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It is counterable. They bring two people, you bring two people. :)


1) Dot the tank and the healer. Tank is now taking 1.45x dot damage every tick.

2) Use AOEs every time the tank and healer are within a radius. Tank is now taking 1.45x damage.

3) During this, focus on the healer doing Interrupts, but never hard CC. You don't CC until you can kill at ~40%.

4) Save your relics to burst once the target is below 40%. At the start of a fight, you're always taunted. :)

5) Slow/root the healer. The tank will wander away usually as they get dragged into further and further fights.


Class Specific wise:

1) Powertech/Assassins can pull the healer away. If one particular pairing is giving you an issue, you can double pull them away, creating a 60 m gap. :)

2) Knockback the least mobile into a pit.

3) Healing Debuffs, only Marauders have them, but Snipers gain them in 1.2.

Edited by KyoMamoru
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It's a strong ability, but tanks give up alot for it. Look at a tanks warzone stats sometime, you may see alot of guard points, but their dps is horrible. Easiest way to get around guard is to simply kill the tank. Have someone sit on the healer (typically this is what he will be guarding) and interupt the heals, everyone else assist train the tank. Tanks gonna die pretty fast.


edit: wasn't aware of the range. If its 15 meters, makes it even easier to counter.

Edited by AGoldCrayon
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It's a strong ability, but tanks give up alot for it. Look at a tanks warzone stats sometime, you may see alot of guard points, but their dps is horrible. Easiest way to get around guard is to simply kill the tank. Have someone sit on the healer (typically this is what he will be guarding) and interupt the heals, everyone else assist train the tank. Tanks gonna die pretty fast.


edit: wasn't aware of the range. If its 15 meters, makes it even easier to counter.


As a PvP tank (sadly) I still gain more DPS then some people in DPS spec, while keeping up a good protection (150-250k protection)

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Guard has no counter because it is basically a debuff to the tank. If I want to kill a tank, I attack the healer he guards. that occupies the healer and bypasses the tanks armor in the process, so it is not as big a dmgloss as it might sound at first. Quite the contrary, alot of tanks die because their healer is busy with itself.


Works surprisingly good once you have the dmg (customized champion and upwards). test it :-P

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As a PvP tank (sadly) I still gain more DPS then some people in DPS spec, while keeping up a good protection (150-250k protection)


Sad for those dps, I agree. I was working under the assumption that people weren't falling asleep at their computers though.

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I'm not asking to remove guard or nerf its protection, I'm just notiing that right now there's no set in stone counter to it - except for smart tactics.


I agree pulling the tank or the healer away is a counter, probably the only one - but it is very situational, most of the time if the healer or tank know what they are doing, it takes 1-2 seconds till the gap is closed and guard is back on.


If the range was smaller then it would be easy to counter with aoe, but as of now, that is also a very situational option - only a very bad tank\healer duo would be caught in the same aoe together.


I think guard should take a bit more thought and require the tanks to be more proactive.


If, for example, there was an ability that removes guard for 2-3 seconds, it could require the tank to stop what he's doing for a second and quickly apply guard again to his healer - a good player would be able to always reapply his guard fast and not disrupt his play too much.


Right now, a tank just applies his guard and goes about his business - that's why a lot of the times in warzones, the protection & damage dealt numbers are not mutually exclusive.

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I'm not asking to remove guard or nerf its protection, I'm just notiing that right now there's no set in stone counter to it - except for smart tactics.


I agree pulling the tank or the healer away is a counter, probably the only one - but it is very situational, most of the time if the healer or tank know what they are doing, it takes 1-2 seconds till the gap is closed and guard is back on.


If the range was smaller then it would be easy to counter with aoe, but as of now, that is also a very situational option - only a very bad tank\healer duo would be caught in the same aoe together.


I think guard should take a bit more thought and require the tanks to be more proactive.


If, for example, there was an ability that removes guard for 2-3 seconds, it could require the tank to stop what he's doing for a second and quickly apply guard again to his healer - a good player would be able to always reapply his guard fast and not disrupt his play too much.


Right now, a tank just applies his guard and goes about his business - that's why a lot of the times in warzones, the protection & damage dealt numbers are not mutually exclusive.

First off, even if it's possible to manage, it won't be fun. Reapplying guard, for whatever reason, would be an extreme nuisance.


Secondly, as a tank, you're already spam taunting and focusing on more than one target, doing damage and using as much control and pestering the opposing team as much as you can. Compare this to what a DPS or even a healer does and it would quickly become hard and annoying to maintain.

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If we look at the 3 main archetypes of classes and their pvp roles in this game we have 2 that have various counters, and one that does not:


  • DPS - Can be countered by CC'ing them, melees can also be kited to some extent, ranged can be LOSed to some extent.


  • Healers - Can be countered by CC'ing them, as well as interrupts and healing debuffs. A sole dps might not always be enough to burst one healer, but a good one can\will keep a healer occupied and lower his healing output towards the rest the group


  • Tanks - Main staple ability is guard - which has no counter - it is a fire and forget, 15m range ability. Once it's on someone, all the tank needs to make sure is that he is within 15m of his guarded ally. CC has absolutely no barring on it (even though logically it should, how can you guard someone when you are incapacitated?) and it cannot be removed, or have its efficiency lowered via some debuff, in any way possible.


I just think it's poor design to implement such a huge, game changing ability in your game and not give any counter whatsoever to it.





Edit: Changed range to 15m - Which I still consider a large range. Since all tanks are very mobile and have a lot of gap closers, it's very hard to separate the tank and the one he's guarding.


It's easy enough to just kill the tank isn't it?

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If we look at the 3 main archetypes of classes and their pvp roles in this game we have 2 that have various counters, and one that does not:


  • DPS - Can be countered by CC'ing them, melees can also be kited to some extent, ranged can be LOSed to some extent.


  • Healers - Can be countered by CC'ing them, as well as interrupts and healing debuffs. A sole dps might not always be enough to burst one healer, but a good one can\will keep a healer occupied and lower his healing output towards the rest the group


  • Tanks - Main staple ability is guard - which has no counter - it is a fire and forget, 15m range ability. Once it's on someone, all the tank needs to make sure is that he is within 15m of his guarded ally. CC has absolutely no barring on it (even though logically it should, how can you guard someone when you are incapacitated?) and it cannot be removed, or have its efficiency lowered via some debuff, in any way possible.


I just think it's poor design to implement such a huge, game changing ability in your game and not give any counter whatsoever to it.





Edit: Changed range to 15m - Which I still consider a large range. Since all tanks are very mobile and have a lot of gap closers, it's very hard to separate the tank and the one he's guarding.


Its one of the greatest assets a tank can bring to the team. It is fine.

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The counter?


Separate the guarded player from the tank.

Kill the tank.

AOE both targets when close.


Ditto. If there're a ledge, like in the pit when one has to run to the goal, knock them off.

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How is guard huge ?

~ 15m - not much when pull / graple have 30m range

~ Tank or guarded target must stay in range

~ so AOE work nice

~ Tank take 50% damage you deal to guarded target


SO in other words

~ if 2 DPS attack tank and guarded person

~ tank get damage just because you attack his guarded target

~ tank get damage because he is attacked too



~ tank in defensive stance build much less rage so except abilities like counter attack - tank deal less damage than normal because it's 2x longer for him to build rage


So COUNTER for this ability is NOT IGNORING THE TANK. If guarded person is under fire and tank is under fire he will no longer die much faster but he also deal less damage than normal.


l2p issue here I see

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If we look at the 3 main archetypes of classes and their pvp roles in this game we have 2 that have various counters, and one that does not:


  • DPS - Can be countered by CC'ing them, melees can also be kited to some extent, ranged can be LOSed to some extent.


  • Healers - Can be countered by CC'ing them, as well as interrupts and healing debuffs. A sole dps might not always be enough to burst one healer, but a good one can\will keep a healer occupied and lower his healing output towards the rest the group


  • Tanks - Main staple ability is guard - which has no counter - it is a fire and forget, 15m range ability. Once it's on someone, all the tank needs to make sure is that he is within 15m of his guarded ally. CC has absolutely no barring on it (even though logically it should, how can you guard someone when you are incapacitated?) and it cannot be removed, or have its efficiency lowered via some debuff, in any way possible.


I just think it's poor design to implement such a huge, game changing ability in your game and not give any counter whatsoever to it.





Edit: Changed range to 15m - Which I still consider a large range. Since all tanks are very mobile and have a lot of gap closers, it's very hard to separate the tank and the one he's guarding.


I really don't see guard as an issue as in some situations its a death wish for the tank as they actaually take more damage than the person they are guarding I often die before the person I am gaurding with out taking any direct damage


sure healer/tank combo is very strong best to spread the damage between as its quite hard in this game to switch heal and the tank takes damage when you attack either


either splitting the attackers up between tank and healer or switching target often can really stress the healers out with the correct use of interupts

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If we look at the 3 main archetypes of classes and their pvp roles in this game we have 2 that have various counters, and one that does not:


  • DPS - Can be countered by CC'ing them, melees can also be kited to some extent, ranged can be LOSed to some extent.


  • Healers - Can be countered by CC'ing them, as well as interrupts and healing debuffs. A sole dps might not always be enough to burst one healer, but a good one can\will keep a healer occupied and lower his healing output towards the rest the group


  • Tanks - Main staple ability is guard - which has no counter - it is a fire and forget, 15m range ability. Once it's on someone, all the tank needs to make sure is that he is within 15m of his guarded ally. CC has absolutely no barring on it (even though logically it should, how can you guard someone when you are incapacitated?) and it cannot be removed, or have its efficiency lowered via some debuff, in any way possible.


I just think it's poor design to implement such a huge, game changing ability in your game and not give any counter whatsoever to it.





Edit: Changed range to 15m - Which I still consider a large range. Since all tanks are very mobile and have a lot of gap closers, it's very hard to separate the tank and the one he's guarding.



Tanking requires teamwork. Countering that requires equal teamwork.


Typically a guildmate will force push the healer, and I will force pull the tank in complete opposite directions. That's IF they're proving to be too much of an issue. Usually don't have to do this unless it is a Bounty Hunter/Bounty Hunter tank/heal multiple healer team combination.

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You should also watch if you are taunted... personally I will attack a guarded player until taunted then swap to the tank until it wears off then back to the guarded player. Use your cc to keep the one you aren't attacking busy and so on. It is possible to kill 2 people at once thanks to guard depending on your class and given that one isn't a healer even as 2 vs. 1 Edited by Surgin
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