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So, I made a friend! ...yay?


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What about other genuine female gamers? I was mildly disturb by what he was doing - how is a female gamer going to feel about something like that?


It's disturbing to think this can happen though. It didnt even occur to me that playing a female toon would leave some men so open to suggestion - I mean, there are no GIRLS on the internet - everybody knows that (Yes im joking to make a point!)


I feel sorry for Female gamers. Stay safe out there! If this can happen to me, it can happen to any of ya!


Snipped this bit out to say I appreciate you thinking about us female gamers! Something similar happened to me in swg, dude decided just cause we grouped allot he was my boy friend (!) and had a total melt down when I joined my guild. He stalked and harrassed me for quite a while. One plus of swtor is a drastic reduction in "are you a girl in rl?" tells. I don't know if it's the decreased social aspects, the fact so many men play lady toons now, or even the fact swtor players are more mature. All I have to say is it is nice. :)

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One plus of swtor is a drastic reduction in "are you a girl in rl?" tells.


u know u can say no to this question and save u allot of hassle... :cool:

tho ofc a girl should not be forced to lie about this in the first place but some times they have to sadly... :(

Edited by crazyplaya
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I had the same issue with a "girl" when i started my Bounty Hunter she began asking for stuff she didn't even had a chest :\ we started on a random quest then we went to do it and i did mine and so on but then this girl begins asking for gear and stuff we were on dromund kaas and she didn't had her adv class she joined my guild and started asking stuff every time i logged she asked for group and i kept telling her to get her adv class 3 days later i kicked her out and /ignore her i wont have it with me having someone like this i even went to korriban with her to see if she needed to finish her class quest there but nothing -_-
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Lol, nicE! When I played SWG(Star Wars Galaxies), I had 2 female toons and 2 male toons for balance's sake :D

I was PvPing with my guild in Restuss when a kid of 10 years of age proposes to my light Jedi. My guildmates roared with laughter in vent as I tried to explain how Jedi are not allowed such attachments and how I wasn't a girl. I apologized for involuntarily deceiving him in a reasonable way. He changed servers. Never heard from him again. Or so I'd have liked :D


Two weeks later I was hanging out at Mos Eisley with my medic who is ('was' R.I.P sob) a female as well. I began to form a heroic group and I invited his dark Jedi. After the group, everyone left except for the dark Jedi, 10 year old boy from 2 weeks ago. He proposed once again and I told him how I was the same person whom he'd proposed to before. He just logged out right there.


In WoW, God I hated that game so much but it was so addicting! So I made a female priest and I group up with another guy to quest. After a few weeks we became good friends and he did a /kiss emote on my toon. I explained how I was a guy yet again. He cussed me out and /ignored me.


This has come to show me that if you don't want an MMORPG dater, my main should ways be a man! Of course you play how you want, I have many female Alts myself, but just my two cents! Good luck, bro! :D

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OP, I think your 'friend' is actually your dog who bought a laptop and SWTOR just to be with you online.


- That is why he's so loyal to you. Sitting there for hours waiting for you

- You say he goes for smoking every 10 minutes. I think he's actually going for a drink or a wizz in the garden. Dogs also tend to have a really short attention-span. He might even have gone just to go say if the physical you is alright.


To test this, here's what you do:


1. Select the player

2. Type /emote pats <Name> on the head and says "who's a good boy? You're a good boy!!"


If he emotes a wiggling tail, you know it's the truth. If he is offended and goes away, you win.



Let me know if it worked out.


BTW: is it the Lord Calypho server you're playing on? I'm also on that server and I am a Bounty Hunter for hire if you need some muscle. Let me know if you need help.

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u know u can say no to this question and save u allot of hassle... :cool:

tho ofc a girl should not be forced to lie about this in the first place but some times they have to sadly... :(


But as you say, no-one should have to do this in the first place. It just isn't acceptable behaviour and may 'save hassle' but long-term the kind of stalker who goes too far needs to know that what they are doing is wrong on so many levels and normal people don't do those things. I don't care if it is cultural, age-related or just retaard-related, education is vital to knowing what is and isn't acceptable.

Can you imagine if people had to lie to the question of "Are you black/asian/martian?" just to 'save hassle' from racists? No-one would tolerate that kind of thing, so we shouldn't tolerate it when it comes abuse and stalking of female players.

And yes, I often have female characters because if I'm going to be spending hours upon hours looking at their back I'd rather I was looking at something attractive (to me) rather than some muscle-bound male.

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Can you imagine if people had to lie to the question of "Are you black/asian/martian?" just to 'save hassle' from racists?


Unless you're filling out a job application, I'd say it's pretty racist to even be asked that, especially if you're just playing a game. Your point is taken, just an odd analogy.

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Unless you're filling out a job application, I'd say it's pretty racist to even be asked that, especially if you're just playing a game. Your point is taken, just an odd analogy.


I see what you're saying, but then why ask someone in a game what gender they are? What difference does it make to the game play? Are there any reasons for asking that don't revolve around hitting on someone?

But anyway, OP wasn't even asked - stalker just assumed from gender of his character!

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Next time you see this guy following that female toon:


1. Remove all your clothes/armor

2. Hit /dance

3. /whisper to him "Don't you wish your GF was hot like me"

4. Repeat until he runs away


problem /solved



Serioulsy though this guy must have NEVER played a MMO before. I always assume that every female toon is a dude. In fact I even assume that all the posters in this thread that said they are "female" are just really confused dudes that have blended fiction with reality and are posting as if they are female.


Everyone knows chicks don't play video games...it's a myth...like unicorns and a well written George Lucas script

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As for the actual topic of the OP's post, the OP just needs to learn to be assertive and communicate. Have you tried directly and literally saying "I'd like to play by myself for a while." or something? Let the person know what your problem with their behavior is, instead of being so passive. It sounds like the person doesn't even speak english as a primary language anyway, so may not understand your passive attempts to create distance. You only seem to say things like "I wanna go do this other quest." and they respond with "I go help you." Clearly they don't understand you're just making an excuse not to quest with them. It sounds like it's more your fault than this other person's. You need to explicitly communicate what you want and mean.


why ask someone in a game what gender they are? What difference does it make to the game play? Are there any reasons for asking that don't revolve around hitting on someone?


Someone's gender doesn't matter at all, nor should it. Unfortunately there is a lot of discrimination based on gender, or perceived gender.

Edited by Rojahar
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Well as a girl playing a girl I can say I have meet some guys that are obvious pervs. Some that were posing as "13 year olds".......ya right....:eek:


hmm what server are you on?....


Sorry couldn't help myself, i will stop now :)

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1. Remove all your clothes/armor

2. Hit /dance

3. /whisper to him "Don't you wish your GF was hot like me"

4. Repeat until he runs away


i do that with my male twilek i go to the fleet get on the bar an shake my blue arse all day long an if people start asking all i say is quit looking an start joining we got a party to enjoy lol.


and i do occasionally pretend im gay if there's a homophobic person chatting just to piss them off even more so if the person is bullying another player who is gay

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I must say you have now made me paranoid about a out creepy stalker a.....when I logged on today someone I grouped with last night invited me to group and then asked if I wanted to do heroics together on the planet I was on even though he is 7 levels higher than the heriocs on my planet.....


I asked him if he was from Greece.... And got a puzzled response of no. Sigh of relief:p

Edited by lonia
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This was/is a great story, spent the last 30 minutes of my work day laughing and having my co-workers pop their head over the cube looking at me.


a buddy of mine actually deleted his char and rerolled due to this situation.


will definitly lead him to this thread. it will put things into perspective.


Thanks for the laugh

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Great thread, it's kept me amused for 3 days now (took that long to get through it all in my spare moments) but then it just got creepy lol. I had a feeling it would pan out that way.


I'd be tempted to warn the new stalkee (is that a word) but I'm sure they'll find out. How many times will it happen to the guy before he realises that; as someone said earlier, GIRL = Guy in Real Life....

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OP, I think your 'friend' is actually your dog who bought a laptop and SWTOR just to be with you online.


- That is why he's so loyal to you. Sitting there for hours waiting for you

- You say he goes for smoking every 10 minutes. I think he's actually going for a drink or a wizz in the garden. Dogs also tend to have a really short attention-span. He might even have gone just to go say if the physical you is alright.


To test this, here's what you do:


1. Select the player

2. Type /emote pats <Name> on the head and says "who's a good boy? You're a good boy!!"


If he emotes a wiggling tail, you know it's the truth. If he is offended and goes away, you win.



Let me know if it worked out.


That one is just too good, I can't believe nobody commented on it already ! I'll keep this in my mind just in case I find someone's attitude doubtful ! :D

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Wow! I just found this thread today! It was fun to read but the situation became really creepy! I didn't think there's still people thinking that female toons are always played by girls and male toons are always played by guys. I'm always polite in these games but I don't know if I could stand so much time without starting to reply on a more aggressive way to that constant stalking.
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I, too, have just found this thread and was engrossed from the start.


I am still laughing about the stalker hiding behind rocks. I've had toons blind invite me, then say "follow," which is when I leave the group.


If OP starts getting abusive tells again I hope Customer Service would change your toon's name if you want. It's sad that this creeper has enough influence to convince someone else to start harassing you, and it's not fair the extremes you've had to go through for the crime of being nice to this freak.


I would probably try to talk to his new target to warn that player, but I'd be a little afraid of appearing to be yet another stalker.


Maybe the female characters in this game are just too darn attractive to resist. ;)

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