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  1. What's people's problem with the event? The plague doesn't do anything, except make you explode after like an hour of having it, but you can just rez. What's the big deal? Just ignore it.
  2. SWTOR will probably be remembered for full voice acting and bringing the dialog wheel into an MMO. It's also the first game to do multiplayer dialog choices, I'm pretty sure, and IMO it's a fun twist. It might also be remembered for bolster (allowing a fresh player only Lv15 to PvP alongside a friend who may be Lv40) and for the mod system / orange gear.
  3. All you're doing is exposing that he wants to sell out the Republic to the Sith. You'd think bringing the truth to light wouldn't be darksided.
  4. Ditto with my Agent. Granted, for a while I was getting around 100 DS points per diplomacy mission, obviously gathering mats for my probably evil medicine crafting.
  5. They managed to turn what should have just been something "for fun" to see where your character falls on a good/evil scale into one more thing you have to grind for or be gimp. It basically encourages the kind of playstyle that's just spacebaring through the story and blindly choosing all light or dark.
  6. I have a friend who, pre-game, talked about what an evil BH he would make... and now's he's the lightest of lightside pansies. Now I know why. He's whipped by his NPC GF, apparently.
  7. Balance and lack of skill will always be a problem in a game in which everyone has gear with different stats. Gear based progression game + skill based competitive PvP do not go together, IMO. The moment you have two people with different tiers of gear, even if they're both wearing PvP gear, there's an imbalance that helps to invalidate skill. Sure, someone competent can beat someone incompetent, regardless of gear, but among two competent players, the one with the better gear will win, in a game like this.
  8. I MVP things like a good pass or CC that wins the game, etc. Basically, I pay attention, and the teammate I see and feel contributes the most and deserves it, gets it.
  9. Nerf agents. Smugglers are fine.
  10. All the romances ask you for marriage, then ask for children right after. It's like "Slow the hell down. We've been married a couple hours, and I've only even known you a couple months."
  11. Were you being an insufferable dick in ops chat, bragging how you deserved MVP, while also belittling your teammates?
  12. Even if this wasn't Star Wars, I can't imagine ANYONE thinking some of those look good.
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