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I knew 1.2 was going to kill this game.


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this is just an ignorant statement, Bioware launched with bugs and people said 'unsubs inc' yet they climbed to 1.4 million subs. the game nerfed Ops and still had some untouched bugs everyone cried 'you're going to lose subs bio!' and yet they climbed to 1.7 million subs


Then they started outright saying no to some things wannabe e-sports l77t doods wanted, and with a resounding shout they said 'YOU WILL LOSE ALL OUR SUBS YOU FOOLS' and bioware cried for the loss by reaching over 2 million subs


this game is motivated by people that:


1. dont want to play WoW

2. love star wars

3. want story in their mmos

4. are waiting for another game and dont want to touch WoW

5. a combination of any of the above


not because it is the best on the market, so stop saying such ridiculous things



all your arguments are the same as used for Rifts and go look see how healthy that game really is


you get a big influx of players int he first 4 months or so due to people not knowing about the game but this one didn't even get that far


the "story" lines in the game a nice but since you are destined to repeat a lot of the content time and time and time and time (well i guess you get the idea) again means boredom incoming.


as to why people complain it is because some of us know this game could be better and more but instead is being going to end up as absolute trash and a hick up in the annuls of MMOs.


SWToR as a themepark game is too little and they didn't even leave themselves room to grow in the the low to middle ends because you have to follow your main storyline around


the game had nice ideas abut poorly executed over all

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this is for PvP but it doesn't take into effect PvE which is failing hard due to UP classes caused by UP companions or companions that come out in the wrong order.


if they balance for PvP and ignore PvE they will lose a large portion of their subs as most DON'T play MMOs for PvP (MMOs for those of us not just out of our cradles NEVER have great balance for PvP)



if you don't believe the above just go look at AoC that even with bad game performance didn't lose subs heavy till it went for die hard PvP and now is down to 3 servers for NA


have fun defending these choices to the "money men" bioware in 3 months time.


I miss AoC. That was an amazing game and I loved the ideas it put forth. Too bad it had a severe lack of content and all the raiding was buggy as hell for a few months after release.

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Best *********** advice, harden up and move on to GW2.


nice idea but GW2 i fear is going to be like this one .. a speed bump game to get you to the next game and this is not going to end till some game company actually gets it's head out of the sand and does proper market research and then looks also into which games succeeded and which failed and WHY


2 million dollars for voice overs is great but where the hell it the rest of the game?:eek:

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nice idea but GW2 i fear is going to be like this one .. a speed bump game to get you to the next game and this is not going to end till some game company actually gets it's head out of the sand and does proper market research and then looks also into which games succeeded and which failed and WHY


2 million dollars for voice overs is great but where the hell it the rest of the game?:eek:


Hey, even if it sucks like SWTOR, it will still be FREE to play

Edited by GrandMike
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I miss AoC. That was an amazing game and I loved the ideas it put forth. Too bad it had a severe lack of content and all the raiding was buggy as hell for a few months after release.


AoC is still running as a FtP model BUT to raid you need to PtP and through the game is much more stable like this one it has the flaw of following a story line that is a guaranteed fail as you can't add content late to where it is needed and that is in the middle where people really want it.


high levels are nice but people play to see growth and max level has no growth except for the constant grind for gear.


maybe one day someone will "get this" and stop spinning out this present crap..


me i am waiting for some of the FTP stuff from the orient to get here like Age of Wulin (age of wushu in NA from snail) and hoping that they actually want the market to play their games for more than 2 months before boredom sets in.

Edited by enigmacypher
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I'm telling all my friends that were thinking about coming to this game, to stay the **** away, far away.


This is why this game gets trashed so much on forums. They nerf a class that needs to be balanced out and you cry about it, and make up false claims about the game due to anger. This forum really depresses me, since its just cry threads from unsubbed people that subbed players dont want in the community.

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are you sure ..(i haven't looked into their payment model as yet as the game didn't seem that "great" when i first looked into it but who knows <lol SWToR was supposed to be great>)


I was never hyped about SWTOR, i had my expactations REALLY low, but hey, ilum happened, 1.2 will happen, history shows WHO, it just doesnt lead anywhere, at least with GW2 you will get decent PvP.


And yes, model is same as GW1, B2P.

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Read my sig, I play a Scoundrel, which got nerfed even more for no apparent reason. They completely gutted the class now, forget Bioware and their nonsensical class changes. I'm officially done with this game. I have various other alts in the 30s and 40s as well.. Bioware made the mistake of over doing class balance changes in one patch that is usually the bane of MMOs, especially since they're doing it so early in the game..


good, I guess no more posts from you. You can go rant the GW2 boards...

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good, I guess no more posts from you. You can go rant the GW2 boards...


Hey, we have paid for a privilege to post, if it bothers you THAT much and cant face the truth, dont come here, and dont post here.


Thank you.

Edited by GrandMike
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I knew 1.2 class balance changes were going to be the end of this game, it usually always is the beginning of the end when developers do massive class balance changes in one patch. I didn't know they were going to be this severe, Bioware managed to actually completely gut over half the classes in this game, seriously *** do you guys play your own game?


If the bolded were true, World of Warcraft would have died roughly 5 times or more by now. It's a gamble to do it, I'll admit, and one that most games lose, but if done right, well look at WoW.

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I'm not happy with 1.2 and will not be buying more time.


This is one knee jerk too many for my liking. Yet when Bioware should have stepped up to bat, Ilum valor debacle, they were no where to be seen.

Edited by deltaminus
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I was never hyped about SWTOR, i had my expactations REALLY low, but hey, ilum happened, 1.2 will happen, history shows WHO, it just doesnt lead anywhere, at least with GW2 you will get decent PvP.


And yes, model is same as GW1, B2P.


guess i will go look at GW2 again and Ty for info



peace all my rants are done at least till the game improves or crashes

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First, nothing really needing changing...no big "overhauls"...every class performed fine together.


1.2 tosses balance out the window and creates serious problems in it's place- I've been down this road before in other mmorpg's and you know what?...not going to stick around for it again.


Ah, I miss those big "overhauls" in some games- like Star Wars Galaxies and Asheron's call 2...Devs are always in touch with the player base....fact.

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How after so many years does a company making a mmo still think its smart to make massive changes of any class without ever offering a log to prove to the player base that its justified and to not even have a way to copy a 50 toon to the pts to text the changes.


Forget the fact if buffs or nerfs were jutified. Bioware expects us to just take their word for it? They have offered nothing to show proof that it is even warranted to chang anything for any class good or bad.


Its just sad that BW thinks were stupid lemmings and will follo whatever they throw out to us.


We want evidence of the buffs and nerfs. I expect a post explaining what was done and why. When you see things like heat added to a spell like kolto shell to name one of many random changes you dont trust the person making the game you pay for.


we want to see why these changes were made not just a sentence about they were needed. Changes were made that we are expected a new teir of gear will fix? Lololololol......why cant we copy to pts a main yet?


I said it befoe what the hell r u giving us a title for leveling to lvl10 on the pts? So we can test he changes on a lvl20 sorc? Or a lvl47 bh? What the hell is going on? Whats the title? The *******? For being a ******* for trying to even get to 50 on the pts?


What ever happend to baby steps? Lets just throw away evrything and start from scratch. This is a patch not a expansion bioware. Id even feel btter if you guys knew how to hotfix but whn even if ur wrong we will have to wait for another patch just to fix ur mistakes i gives me no confidence in you.

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Thank you PvPers for your incessant whining that brings major changes to yet another game.


I imagine it will only get worse when combat logs are added and people think that 1v1 fights are the be all end all of balance.


Really, thanks alot.

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I would like to add, if you find your class isn't enjoyably to play any more...play one you find more enjoyable! Just cuz you have a level 50 doesn't mean you HAVE to play them. This is a game, not a job. no one has a gun to your head telling you to play something. Chances are, if they are indeed "nerfed" and people don't play them any more...they will rebound in a following patch or two. Also, even after a nerf it typically takes a few days before people find a way to min-max the new builds into a new high DPS build that works just as well.


The problem with that is they did find a class they liked and now its been taken away. Let me guess your one of those guys who come here and complain about another class because you havent L2P yours. Funny and ironic at best.

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If you're leaving can i have all your stuff?



Oh noes you're going to have to adapt to a change... pretty sure a sorc/sage spamming pebbles/lightning and putting up 300K+ more damage than the next person wasn't a problem at all...

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Thank you PvPers for your incessant whining that brings major changes to yet another game.


Some PvPers. Some also had valid concerns and provided substantive constructive criticism.


However, making that many changes to a game that was supposed to be so balanced to begin with, is disconcerting especially to PvPers. Nerfing classes, that people were re-rolling away from in ever increasing numbers from the last nerf, yet again is ludicrous. You can always tell which class is going to be OP by looking at all the 1-49 classes re-rolling ahead of time.

Edited by Ozzone
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If you're leaving can i have all your stuff?



Oh noes you're going to have to adapt to a change... pretty sure a sorc/sage spamming pebbles/lightning and putting up 300K+ more damage than the next person wasn't a problem at all...


Look at faceroll class player talking.


Translation: i suck and players playing weaker class than me did more damage.

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The classes in this game have a steep learning curve. The problem is that BW seems to be balancing for the lower end of the curve and ignoring the blatant issues that plague the upper end.


I don't blame them, though; I'm sure the majority of players are in that area.

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