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Everything posted by Zootskyqua

  1. Speak for yourself OP. I like the way it is.
  2. Why would you talk, hang out, run missions or anything else with an enemy?
  3. Im the same way. I like the very low pop server I am on. Its a transfer from server so its even more empty now. Im loving it. Dont care about raiding or, pvp or, group stuff. Fully agree OP.
  4. Good point. We would have bounty hunters whining because thier mark is on a planet they cant travel to or because their mark is on the faction fleet and cant get them. Or countless other whines just like th BHs of SWG.
  5. Played SWG for several years just because it was Star Wars. SWTOR is a far better game, hands down.
  6. Pretty much this. I dont talk because Im busy playing the game. If I wanted to chat Id go to a chat room or text someone.
  7. Zootskyqua

    1v1 PVP Arena

    The classes are NOT balanced for 1 vs 1. The are not even designed for 1 vs 1. The are designed around groups of at least 3. Tank, DPS, Healer. If they do a 1 vs 1 arena, the forums would erupt even worse with nerf calls because people get beat by a class that counters them. The crys for nerfs are already rediculous enough.
  8. I can just see the intense lag and whining over congestion, kill stealing, log in wait times, spawn camping, etc.... I'd rather have lower population servers.
  9. Dont raid. Have no desire to do the same quests over and over and over. Im in it for the storylines and thats it. Been playing since early access and have not grouped once. Havent done any group heroic, nor will I.
  10. Agree with this. I played SWG and all the dead abandoned houses around caused more problems than anything. From lag to missions being blocked to just making the planets look like a jumbled mess. Maybe if it were designated areas in already existing cities and instanced, other than that....please no.
  11. Id rather not see it. In SWG it became a huge griefing tool. If the system was purely optional for the hunted that you had to opt into it to be hunted then, maybe.
  12. Im the exact opposite. Been playing MMOs since Ultima Online and Im to the point of being tired of dealing with most peoples crap, I'd rather play alone and not be forced to group with others. From people who gripe and complain if you don't play how THEY feel you should play, loot whores, whiners, people who constantly cry imbalance, those who think they are the premire player and are never wrong about any aspect of the game, I realy wish TOR would have been KoTOR3 single player but, it wasent so I play it. I love the fact that I can do alot of the content by myself. I dont care about PvP or raiding or having all the best gear and crap.
  13. The "grind" is what sucked for me in other games. Mindlessly repeating the same thing over and over. I like the fact that pretty much everything you do in SWTOR "gets you somewhere." Either progressing your class story or progressing the planet story. A vast majority of this game feels like it has a point, not just the boring, repeatative grind.
  14. Dont need combat logs. Work on something more fun or important.
  15. The only way to achieve true balance is to make one class so everyone has the exact same abilities, make all weapons have the exact same damage output and, all armor have the exact same stats. Even then would people complain because someone is better at using thier abilities than they are. Games like this are balanced by GROUPS, not for 1 vs 1. Untill people understand that, the rediculous whinning will persist.
  16. Thank you PvPers for your incessant whining that brings major changes to yet another game. I imagine it will only get worse when combat logs are added and people think that 1v1 fights are the be all end all of balance. Really, thanks alot.
  17. "Evil will always triumph because good is dumb." - Dark Helmet
  18. Pretty much. He keeps saying how "fun" he thinks WoW is. Well, then he should go play it and let the rest of us have fun in SWToR.
  19. Actually, its more true than not. Ive had more bad experiences trying to play with other people. Between crying over getting beaten in a game, screaming because someone else got the piece of loot they want and flipping out because people arent playing thier class they way they feel they "should" be played. Etc......etc.... I'd rather play by myself anymore. Basically, alot of people do suck. No offense....heh
  20. Shouldnt compare 1v1 when the game is designed around teams.
  21. Awsome post. Describes 99% of posts here and in other games PvP forums...lol
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