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I knew 1.2 was going to kill this game.


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Back in the days (early 2005), City of Heroes was hit by issue 5 (major patch) which nerfed all the archtype classes, it nearly killed the game but the game picked up again as the devs evened things out over incremental patches after issue 5, issue 6 was where my scrapper actually fun again.


Problem with this game however is that pvp is in bad shape and people are leaving in droves for other games, they need something to save the game after 1.2.

Edited by Sookster
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All I see from 75% of the posters, if not more, in recent threads is that 1.2 will suck and kill the game. Nobody knows how the class changes are going to affect them. Let the patch come out, sit down, shut up and f'n play it for a while. Make changes to your spec if need be and re-learn your spec. Every MMO does this sort of thing so deal with it.

Are you scared that over 75% of the posters are saying that and are likely to quit the game in droves? Don't you think there is a problem when over 75% of the posters are saying it? MMO developers aren't always right, it's been proven time and time again..

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If Bioware had announced at launch, "Hey, in 3 or 4 months, the gear you're grinding for now will be easier for players who don't have it yet to get", almost everyone who grinded it out would still have grinded it out for the immediate advantage it gave. So the people who rushed to 50 and started grinding have lost nothing. You enjoyed your time of dominance, what's the problem? Edited by maradigamer
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I really love the 1.2 patch notes of the test server, as someone already said in this thread, this are not the final patch... i don't know why people its complaing before realise... anyway..... Edited by AKIHA
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Are you scared that over 75% of the posters are saying that and are likely to quit the game in droves? Don't you think there is a problem when over 75% of the posters are saying it? MMO developers aren't always right, it's been proven time and time again..


Over 75 % of the Players play sorc /sage so i guess thats why there is so much QQ.



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So many whiners. Instead of posting useless feedback without even knowing how the changes actually effect the game, what about going on the PTS and try it out ? Or alternatively wait for someone who has a high level character on the PTS to post their feedback, and take from it what you can.


These sensationalist threads don't help the developers, and they only serve to misinform the community by having tons of agitated players, who did not properly read the changes in the patch notes make their far-fetched theories about how the changes made to their class is going to mean the end of the world. Most of you don't even consider that many stats have been re balanced as well, the only way to see whether the changes are sufficient or not is by testing it on the servers. Since there is probably well over 2 weeks before the release of 1.2, and with the appropriate amount of real honest feedback asking for changes, probably even longer, there is still plenty of time for the developers to make changes.


If someone has unsubscribed from the game, just from reading the initial draft of the changenotes, good riddance I won't miss you. Patience is a virtue, and many seem to lack it.

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Are you scared that over 75% of the posters are saying that and are likely to quit the game in droves? Don't you think there is a problem when over 75% of the posters are saying it? MMO developers aren't always right, it's been proven time and time again..


As a comment, 75% of posters on these forums is probably less than 1% of the overall game population.

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Really? So how exactly will it kill the game when it was already heading for a total **** pit?


Running against teams with hybrid sages and sorcs, being spammed to death by Grav/Tracer mongers? I can't wait for 1.2. Cry more.

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Are you scared that over 75% of the posters are saying that and are likely to quit the game in droves? Don't you think there is a problem when over 75% of the posters are saying it? MMO developers aren't always right, it's been proven time and time again..


Have you considered that the reason 75% of the game's players are upset is because those same people are the ones playing sorcs/sages?


Imagine how many players will give this game a second chance rather than how many lightning/rock spammers will leave. Food for thought.

Edited by Leekae
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Powertech is not nerfed whatsoever? Are you serious? And Marauders/Sents are essentially buffed? lolololol


Makes me wonder if Bioware actually plays their game.


Have you actually read the patch notes? Powertech Pyros are the hardest nerfed class in the history of TOR, if the patch changes go ahead.

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As Mythic kept nerfing Witch Elves and Witch Hunters again and again, even after they were more than fine, until the classes were gutted. This is Warhammer all over again, if you don't like stealth classes that much developers, don't put them in the freaking game. Make assassin/rogue classes use a shadow step instead to get to their targets like Guild Wars does; because Arena Net knows that stealth just being there is going to cause unnecessary calls for nerfs to said classes (Just because they can come up to you from stealth.). People just don't like stealth classes and will not stop crying until they are completely gutted into oblivion.

Sad but true, too many people complaining of dying to a stealth burst class so they make them pointless to take, ironically the best melee class will probably be Assassin come 1.2 although they don't rely on stealth like Operatives too.


Witch Elves did get nerfed over and over in almost the same pattern and same kind of abilities as this game, makes you think they have learned nothing from that game.

Edited by Manigma
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Looks like bioware is nerfing themselves with this patch.. You watch, many unsubs to come ... Great job ..


unsubs as in unknown subject from criminal minds? (LoL)


seriously though this game has slowly approached failure since opening and you can see it with in the talk in forums and in the game...


people can't wait for the new game to come out what ever it is (sadly it will be a rendition of the exact same model as this one as no game maker wants to listen between the lines)


since games became for for the "casual players" (and i don't dislike casual players but as a target market they are flighty at best) every game fails due to leveling speeds and lack of content.


for lack of content you have the fact that if you fill a server with characters you will probably do the main story line 2 times fir a faction and 8 times most of the rest of it<which is the majority) and at this time there is no way to break off and say do a different area as you MUST follow the story line.



now you have nerfing about to occur while there re lot of classes that UP in PvE and yet OP in PvP (yes with this game and companions this is VERY possible and is occuring)


meh i of course no nothing though i have played MMOs since UO and EQ and tried about every game that was P2P that i can remember and a lot of the F2P and i have now played every class in this game to at least 25th level and i have 2 40s along with 3 high 30s


grinding is bad yes but doing the same content 16 billion times is the same if not worse as you never even get to see new changes with your characters as one is the same as the other.


i cancelled sub at the beginning of this month and sadly though the game had promise i foresee a steady drop off till the next big game comes out at which point there will be a crash in the subs.


one day maybe someone will pay ME to help them and i can give them one simple thing to fix MMOs and that is stop with the quick fluff games and aim at die hard players...


die hard players play for years to get the best gear and levels and casual players play today and unsub tomorrow and die hard players can't play a game aimed at casuals as it is over way to fast but a casual can play a die hard game it just takes them longer


for all the casuals who cry this is not fair EQ was not casual but did pretty well for both casual and die hard players a like and even WoW did not start out as casual play over all

but every game post WoW targets casuals first and fails everytime

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Have you actually read the patch notes? Powertech Pyros are the hardest nerfed class in the history of TOR, if the patch changes go ahead.


Nah, not as hard as concealment operative... reduced damage on 3 attacks, increased cooldown on 2 attacks. Worse than the 6 second proc window on CGC.

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Sad but true, too many people complaining of dying to a stealth burst class so they make them pointless to take, ironically the best melee class will probably be Assassin come 1.2 although they don't rely on stealth like Operatives too.


Witch Elves did get nerfed over and over in almost the same pattern and same kind of abilities as this game, makes you think they have learned nothing from that game.


Yup, it is looking like Warhammer online again, at least assassins in Aion is still decent (but a hard class to play) and Aion is F2P in EU and will be in NA soon- I'm a vet Aion player myself so I can't wait.


Looks like Mythic is the new SOE, that refuses to learn their past mistakes.

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They don't seem to read the forums... I mean; some of the things they changed were exactly what didn't need changing. Minor exceptions noted.


They don't need to read the forums, they have internal logs which give factual information instead of the massive loads of conjecture on these forums.

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They don't need to read the forums, they have internal logs which give factual information instead of the massive loads of conjecture on these forums.


sadly these seem broken as people leaving the game shows


the writing is on the wall since this is only month 3 and the server populations are down and already they are having to give out free weeks to try and bring people to the game (sure this is a marketing gimmick but if on month 3 your server growth turns into a server decline there is a serious issue)


don't believe those of us that are complaining now just wait a few more months and if you still can't see it i suggest a trip to the optometrist before you get behind the wheel of your car again.

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Really? So how exactly will it kill the game when it was already heading for a total **** pit?


Running against teams with hybrid sages and sorcs, being spammed to death by Grav/Tracer mongers? I can't wait for 1.2. Cry more.


this is for PvP but it doesn't take into effect PvE which is failing hard due to UP classes caused by UP companions or companions that come out in the wrong order.


if they balance for PvP and ignore PvE they will lose a large portion of their subs as most DON'T play MMOs for PvP (MMOs for those of us not just out of our cradles NEVER have great balance for PvP)



if you don't believe the above just go look at AoC that even with bad game performance didn't lose subs heavy till it went for die hard PvP and now is down to 3 servers for NA


have fun defending these choices to the "money men" bioware in 3 months time.

Edited by enigmacypher
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I knew 1.2 class balance changes were going to be the end of this game, it usually always is the beginning of the end when developers do massive class balance changes in one patch. I didn't know they were going to be this severe, Bioware managed to actually completely gut over half the classes in this game, seriously *** do you guys play your own game?


I, too, could be an overdramatic person who takes everything to extremes without any real logical foundation, but then I'd be an ******e and no one would like me.

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They don't need to read the forums, they have internal logs which give factual information instead of the massive loads of conjecture on these forums.


So their logs contradict the repeated claims that SWTOR is the most balanced game when released?


Yes they do need to read the forums. Of course they don't have to listen to every silly whine but there are numerous constructive posts made and those are not hard to see. Ignoring the community is a sure path to failure.


Balancing is one thing (minor adjustments here and there) but a lot of these changes aren't minor and too numerous. Many are hard nerfs to some classes. Substantial enough to make people quit or re-roll. It's one thing after a patch to have a slight learning curve to adjust tactics, it's another when they put the scalpel away and break out the nerf chainsaw and that is what this patch is. The sheer number of changes to classes appears to be overkill.

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Have you considered that the reason 75% of the game's players are upset is because those same people are the ones playing sorcs/sages?


Imagine how many players will give this game a second chance rather than how many lightning/rock spammers will leave. Food for thought.



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So their logs contradict the repeated claims that SWTOR is the most balanced game when released?


Yes they do need to read the forums. Of course they don't have to listen to every silly whine but there are numerous constructive posts made and those are not hard to see. Ignoring the community is a sure path to failure.


Balancing is one thing (minor adjustments here and there) but a lot of these changes aren't minor and too numerous. Many are hard nerfs to some classes. Substantial enough to make people quit or re-roll. It's one thing after a patch to have a slight learning curve to adjust tactics, it's another when they put the scalpel away and break out the nerf chainsaw and that is what this patch is. The sheer number of changes to classes appears to be overkill.


This right here. Minor nerfs to damage are one thing- but removing CL from all current sorc builds is the same as removing rail shot from pyrotechs- it is not a small change, and there needs to be something added in return.... there's isn't.


This new patch is one of the worst I've ever seen.

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Looks like bioware is nerfing themselves with this patch.. You watch, many unsubs to come ... Great job ..


this is just an ignorant statement, Bioware launched with bugs and people said 'unsubs inc' yet they climbed to 1.4 million subs. the game nerfed Ops and still had some untouched bugs everyone cried 'you're going to lose subs bio!' and yet they climbed to 1.7 million subs


Then they started outright saying no to some things wannabe e-sports l77t doods wanted, and with a resounding shout they said 'YOU WILL LOSE ALL OUR SUBS YOU FOOLS' and bioware cried for the loss by reaching over 2 million subs


this game is motivated by people that:


1. dont want to play WoW

2. love star wars

3. want story in their mmos

4. are waiting for another game and dont want to touch WoW

5. a combination of any of the above


not because it is the best on the market, so stop saying such ridiculous things

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