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1.2 New armor models!


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The guy quitted like less than a month ago, it was a guy named Arnie Jorgenson who was the Lead Concept Artist, then he left BioWare to form his own RTS/RPG game company & his sucky art design is still infecting this game while he's gone. It's a crappy art virus or something!


millions of dollars for this staff? that art design is horrible, i know a friend across the street that could design something better than that. :confused: Elephant face imperial agent, really?? Is this a sick april fools joke

Edited by Saereth_Darklighter
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OMG these are hideous.......Can we get a 'Hide All Gear' check box in our Preferences?


WHY does BW think Jedi's wear that hideous bee keeper helm.... .I mean, where are they getting their inspiration from? I'd fathom a few guesses, but I finally got all my infractions expired......


Bioware: Those new models are horrible.

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Many here seem to already have an incredibly negative view. If you're starting a conversation with the idea that you're not going to be happy about something before you even see the outcome, your resolution is much more likely to be negative.



Honestly, aside from the Smuggler PVP helm I like all the sets. Mind you, I hide helm in almost every game that lets you, because most of the time they are the weakest part of the set.


Good thing they made gear extremely customizable by allowing us to remove armoring. Smart move considering it is impossible to please everyone, let alone the fervent, raging masses of the swtor forums.

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Loving the Inquisitor PvE tier (being an assassin myself). If the mask colouration was reversed (dominant black/dominant blue instead of dominant green/dominant gold) I'd like it a bit more, but yeah, I'm pleased with the set's aesthetics. Also, the sets will look better in game. I'm assuming the dressing room is still using the low low res textures. Edited by xMZe
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Agent gear makes me a sad panda. Bioware, we signed up to wear the hooded armor and trenchcoats you showed us in all the Agent trailers. Please give us those =p


SI's finally got some gear that looks flat out awesome. Grats to you guys, you've suffered enough to earn it =p


JC gear is a potato sack. lol.

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Agent/Sniper - OMG was this the last to get designed. Scrap both sets now please they are horrible. Both sets look more like a maintenance workers uniform.


Indeed... Good that we'll be able to re-mod into orange gear at least. Hope orange gear choice won't be restricted by what has and does not have augment slots. I want to be able to customise how my character looks like.


The Inquisitor PvE one looks kinda bad for a caster as well. I think the Smuggler ones are somewhat cool though.

Edited by Neulwen
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Hmm, maybe I am just oblivious about what is EPIC looking, but to me most of these look really strange and a lot less "iconic" and attractive than a good chunk of the lower level gear. :confused: Note to artists: this is not an Akira Kurosawa movie, no matter that you may have heard that Lucas was inspired by them.


I really like the PvE Sage set though! But can someone pretty please tell me if it looks the same on MALE characters? 'Cause my sage is a guy and I have the sneaking suspicion that the top would, shall we say, lose some if its key design elements if equipped on a male character.

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Hmm, maybe I am just oblivious about what is EPIC looking, but to me most of these look really strange and a lot less "iconic" and attractive than a good chunk of the lower level gear. :confused: Note to artists: this is not an Akira Kurosawa movie, no matter that you may have heard that Lucas was inspired by them.


I really like the PvE Sage set though! But can someone pretty please tell me if it looks the same on MALE characters? 'Cause my sage is a guy and I have the sneaking suspicion that the top would, shall we say, lose some if its key design elements if equipped on a male character.


It looks exactly the same on a dude without the "bumps"...still show shoulder like a boss.



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I have the need to post here as i share the feeling that these new armor sets are very disapoiting, come on hire some better artists or something, i really wanna meet the guy that at the end of the day designed that and went "yeah that seem very good".
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WHY is Rated PvP gear just a re-coloration of unrated PvP gear?


WHY do both Advanced Classes have the exact same armor, just different colors?


WHY does every design other than Sage and Trooper look terrible?


If we are getting better textures in 1.2, WHY do these models still look like absolute crap?


How your character looks is a VERY important part of an MMO. WHY does Bioware continually manufacture this nonsense that doesn't look good, and more importantly doesn't fit with the Star Wars theme?


Seriously Bioware, fire whoever designed this crap and hire someone with talent. Hold a contest like Blizzard does. Or something.


This is getting ridiculous.



Agreed. I'm not wearing that junk agent armor on my sniper.


Gear cosmetics are super important. It's one of the primary motivators in mmo's.

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Yea, this is really upsetting. Especially to see first time posters come on here JUST to express there dissatisfaction. Each class should have a theme, much like when you lvl up to 50, and the final gear sets should completely reflect that. I hate to really criticize the armor.... but it just doesn't seem right for the game.


Less is more, and in this case that little artistic tip could go a LONG way when designing set armor. Some of those are so un Star Wars it's not even funny.

Edited by SillyTurtle
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With this new armour they're going to have to rename the game STAR WOWS.


Thankfully there's still orange armour, let's hope they keep the art department away from that and don't try and redesign any of it.

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Remove most of the helms and overall I like them. The sorc pve one could do without those thingys sticking out all over it and the sage pve is going to look very alternate lifestyle on male toons. Otherwise they are fine.
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