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Everything posted by Herocross

  1. Push, as I'm nearing lv 60 quickly, I'd like some more opinions =D Currently favoring Expunging Camo and Unbound for Tier 3.... Help D:
  2. So... kinda noob-y question, but despite what everyone's on here saying, I enjoy the Marauder atm and wonder what utilities are best for PVP ATM? There seems to be quite a lot that might come in handy at one time... also, I should notice, I'm playing Carnage... So far, I only have 3 points available and chose: Defensive Forms, Maiming Reach and Overwehelm I'm also thinking Phantom and Subjugation for Tier 2, although Interceptor and Displacement can be useful, too. Defensive Roll was important when Smash was still the go-to spec pre Revan xpac but I can't quite figure out how useful it is nowadays... :/ I could also see Cloak of Annihilation so you can have it up almost all the time, but how realistic is this scenario? As for Tier 3, I'm really at a loss. I'm guessing it depends on playstyle and which defensive CD you value more. I'd personally skip the Undying talents (-30s CD is ok, I guess, but +2s duraiton is just 1 GCD, I don't think it's that good?) and go for Expunging Camouflage and maybe Unbound? Brooding is interesting for me because I know it was a Carnage talent pre 3.0, similar for Inescapable... I think it comes down to Unbound vs Inescapable, but I'm really not sure :/ Some insight would be very much appreciated, thx in advance! =)
  3. Yeah... imbalance when ppl rather cast lightning than throw pebbles. Also PTs have just much more style than Vanguards (imo) and there surely are a lot of people that think the same way... but sure, it's the epitome of imbalance that players have different taste and quite frankly - who wants to get rekt all the time? Switching to the better faction is just natural for ppl that want to enjoy the little PvP they still get in this game and not have to deal with deadweight... but that's offtopic
  4. http://www.swtor.com/user/ce/pit3l there you go! hf
  5. If you want to bring down Shadow/Sin - nerf their defensives, not their range. They've got so many tools to survive and drag out the fight towards their favour, coupled with great damage, 1v1 potential and a ton of other utilities...there were like 50+ pages of feedback on Sin/Shadow issues in the PTS forums, just read them, and you'll figure it out yourselves... hopefully. If you want to bring down Sorc/Sage - nerf their slipperiness or utility, also only one of the two dps specs was reagarded as viable, still you bring down the burst of Lightning and leave Madness literally untouched, where's the compensation? But you have to keep in mind, if you nerf them too hard, they'll potentially become useless... If you want to bring down PT/Vanguard, then... idk, Their biggest strength is awesome burst (AP), but it also has A LOT of counterplay. Yet, they're suer squishy. I don't actually think, PT needs further nerfs. If anything, tone down their damage and give them some defensive options. It is ok, if you want to tone down "over-performing" classes. They way you handled them, though, is something you have to improve drastically.
  6. I'm seriously asking myself *** you're doing?!? There are 50+ pages of feedback on the PTS forums and literally every single player that cares about the issues agrees on most things, yet the changes go through without even ONE REPLY from you guys. I don't know what to think about this... I thought player feedback was so important? Oh well...
  7. You'll want Shield+Absorb rating because Defense Rating is not very good in PvP. If you want to be a proper tank, go full War Leader gear. After you've bought everything for the set bonuses, you'll need to buy the headpiece and rip out its mods and put those in everything that doesn't have the desired stats. Also, you'll want Fortitude Augments 36 because they have the largest amount of HP. If you want, you can keep a little bit of defense though, as it slightly increases the chance of mitigating non crit weapon damage (ravage, assassinate, rail shot, ...) but it comes down to personal preference ... can be worth it sometimes but generally, you're better off with shield+absorb.
  8. Herocross

    arena t3-m4

    Geht auf Tofn denn mehr? Immer, wenn ich mal einlogge sind noch weniger User online, als auf T3... selbst auf JKS wird öfters im PvP-Chat nach solo q gefragt, so kommt's mir jedenfalls vor =/ Aber naja, hatte jetzt 3 Wochen Spaß mit der neuen Expansion aber auf Dauer gibt's halt nix, was einen als PvPler bei der Stange hält imo, insbesondere wenn das rated PvP so dermaßen tot ist =[ Ab und zu gibt's mal interessante random BGs, bei denen man sich das alte 8er rated wieder zurückwünscht, aber ansonsten kann man den ganzen tag 50k HP+ PvE Spieler schlachten, ja bravo ...
  9. Alright, but does it make the Jugg OP? I really don't think so, certain comps have always been stronger than others and some classes just generally have advantages in a deathmatch 4v4 environment over others BUT it's not like the PvP community pointed that out when Arenas were on the PTS and BW got rid of 8v8 ranked (where most classes were useful in one way or another) and it's certainly not the Juggernauts/Guardians that push other classes out of being viable... It's like saying that a bad player gets carried by a strong 3man premade all day and the only reason they win is because of the one bad player - which really doesn't make any sense or: When classXY is paired with one, or several, of those classes, the game is ez-mode. That doesn't make classXY op... I just wanted to point out that these ridicolous exaggerations are so full of salt and misinformation (80k selfheal with 1 activation, ...) and I guarantee that this buff will not have the huge impact he's making it out to and doesn't deserve the attention it gets here. It's a minor buff, yea, but as stated before, it's nothing to cry and whine about...
  10. Well, that's even more sad then lol... As Sniper you shouldn't really have troubles with Juggs/Maras AT ALL lmao. Sure, 2 Stacks more will help every Jugg beat a decent Sniper when they can't even get to them! Doesn't matter what class is played, those two stacks WILL NOT BE GAMEBREAKING by any means, let's be real here...
  11. Dot Sniper (Corrosive Grenade spam!) was Fotm shortly after 2.0 hit, wasn't it? At least on EU PvP-Servers...
  12. lol so mad... cry a little more, I need some salt to cook. Probably sad because Mara/Sent isn't no.1 anymore, huh? CLEARLY every single human that plays a Juggernaut in this game sucks and only chose the class because it's so easy. I'll just play my Marauder tank... wait It's probably always been the other way around, since Jugg DPS was actually harder to play than Mara/Sent because their defenses were crap against GbtF/Rebuke/Force Camo, but yeah... every Jugg player is a complete retard who's just clicking and backpedaling his way to the top of the leaderboards... wait² But this post shows *** is wrong with this community: All these years people complained about Smashtards and now that they're gone and something else is fotm/op, that's somehow way worse than Smash was and everything else is SO FKING BROKEN (80k selfheal with 1 ability!!!!!111 cmon dude be serious 2 charges more OBVIOUSLY result in ~2x heal... such a joke). Srsly a top contender for the post of the year awards in the category "most butthurt crybabies"
  13. Herocross

    Mid PvP

    Dachte zuerst, es wär wieder nur blödes Gefasel von Spielern, die keine Ahnung haben... aber holy maccaroni, der Unterschied zwischen low 30s und 50+ is doch seeeehr groß. Zugegebenermaßen hab ich auch jetzt 1 Jahr net gespielt, aber die paar Tage, die ich jetzt wieder spiele, bin ich imo ganz gut reingekommen. Und eben hab ich dann selbst erfahren müssen, worums eigtl geht lol Arena pop - gegnerisches Team alle 55+, wir 2x 31, 1x32 und ein 57er oder so... die sind halt einfach so mal über uns drübergerollt, ohne, dass man auch nur ansatzweise ne Chance gehabt hätte, beide runden waren innerhalb von 20 Sekunden entschieden... auch nett, dass mich bspw. ein 58er Fronti in ner halben Rota von 100% auf 0% bringt Ich bin da wirklich einer der Letzten, der da fordert, dass man die Brackets jetzt aufteilt oder so, aber i-was geht da halt schon mehr oder weniger gewaltig schief, wenn es aufgrund des Levels so krasse Vor-/Nachteile gibt. Früher war das jedenfalls nicht der Fall und ich hab ehrlich gesagt keine Lust/Zeit, meine Chars auf Lv 45+ zu leveln, nur um im Mid PvP halbwegs was ausrichten zu können. Macht halt so als lowie einfach keinen Bock...
  14. Sonden solltest du mind. eine auf jedem Teammate haben - die ist Energieneutral, gewährt die taktische Vorteile und heilt nebenbei ;> Du musst praktisch fast alles über Hots/Instants machen, wenn paar gescheite DDs auf dir sind, und dich interrupten, da kommt idR kein großer Heal durch... was ganz nett ist, ist den Heilungsscan da zu casten, praktisch als Fake-Cast, aber da fällt natürlich auch nicht jeder drauf rein... Als Heal in ner Arena gegen ne halbwegs geordnete Gruppe, ist's ohne Guard auch relativ schwer, lange zu überleben. Soll ja aber auch so sein, wenn du ggn 2-3 DDs ewig leben würdest, wär's ja auch iwie sinnbefreit lol. Du hast als Sabo jedoch ne gute Pallette an CCs, die dich retten können, allen voran natürlich die Flash, die Gegner 8 Sekunden lang regungslos hinstellt. Auch der 4s Hardstun (runtergeskillt auf 30 Sekunden CD) kann dir n bisschen Luft verschaffen, um dich und deine Mates oben zu halten... Wenn du nen gescheiten Tank hast, der auch noch guarded, peelt und spottet, solltest du oft genug die Chance haben, auch den ein oder Anderen großen Heal durchzubekommen! Neben den CCs hast du dann natürlich noch n paar andere Tools, hier wäre natürlich Ausweichen hervorzuheben! Entfernt nicht nur alle (!!!) negativen Effekte, sondern lässt z.B. auch Verwüstung, sämtliche Finisher, Zurichten und Railshots ins Leere laufen. Im Healbaum gibts auch nen Skill, der dir den CD reduziert, wenn du angegriffen wirst - unbedingt mitskillen! Die Schildsonde kann ganz nützlich sein, um etwas Initialburst von bestimmtem Klassen abzufangen, oder auch um ein wenig Dot-Schaden abzuhalten... Zu guter Letzt gibts dann natürlich noch den Vanish, den du im Idealfall ziehst, nachdem du bereits ein Medipack verwendet hast (dann kannst du später noch eins nehmen, falls nötig) und natürlich, wenn du denkst, dass du sonst sterben würdest. Hier gilt, wenn die Gegner dich angreifen, sollte im Normalfall keiner deiner Teammates sterben... d.h. du hats n kleines Zeitfenster, in dem du wegrollen/hochheilen kannst und dich dann demjenigen widmest, der gerade gefokust wird. Dazu noch, CC-Breaker NIEMALS direkt zu Beginn verschwenden, wenn deine Teammates ihre Cooldowns beherrschen, sollte da am Anfang kein Spieler sterben, wenn du z.b. 4 Sekunden gestunnt bist. Aber auch hier gibts natürlich Ausnahmen, allerdings immer konservativ mit dem CC-Breaker umgehen. Wenn deine Teammates im CC stehen (Bsp. Flash oder Krieger AOE CC), kannst du die mit deinem Dispell davon befreien... kann vllt ganz nützlich sein. Wenn die Arena totales Chaos ist und jeder deiner Teammates Schaden nimmt, kannst du halt mit den Sonden und der Koltowolke eigtl genug heilen, dass da auch niemand so schnell stirbt... Zusammenfassend: Du überlebst als Sabo-Heal lange genug, durch den richtigen Einsatz von CCs und defensiven Cooldowns, der Healoutput sollte idR kein problem darstellen ;>
  15. Herocross

    What to do?

    I don't think Smash is that big of an issue anymore tbh. Some classes have 30% AOE Dmg Reduction in the middle trees (PT, Marauder, Assassin, Sniper even more with Entrench up in marksman) or can be tanky enough to not eat 10k. So you either play a Sorc, Merc or dps Operative. Sorc and Merc are viable dps in WZs, you just have to know how to position yourself and obviously kite if they are trying to kill you... and let's be honest here, most of them are kited very easily. If you are a dps operative, go heals lol
  16. streaming 14 hours / day... every day? do you even rl bro? It's not like you can make a living from streaming swtor lol
  17. WAT?!?! Nur mal, um das alles ein wenig zu relativieren: Guildie und ich spielen mit unseren Überbleibseln ab und an auf JKS (er Maro, Ich Hexer DD). Vor ner Woche ca. hatten wir 0 Gear (altes Kriegsheld Zeug, ohne Aufwertungen), sind da mit netmal 27k in den BGs rumgehümpft... haben zufällig nen guten Heal getroffen (btw auch n Hexer, nichtmal n Sabo lol), den wir noch von damals kannten und haben jedes BG gewonnen, das wir gespielt haben. Teilweise eben auch gegen die "perfekt" spielenden Rep-Pemades, die bei Weitem nicht so stark sind, wie's hier dargestellt wird... und das halt zu dritt, wobei nur 2 von uns zusammen im TS hingen... und wie gesagt, ohne Gear/Aufwertungen. Trotzdem kam immer ein vielfaches des Schadens bei rum, den dann der nächste "DD" ausgeteilt hat... Es ist halt einfach ne l2p issue. Wenn ich mit ner 27k Hexe 1 Mio Dmg fahre, wieso macht dann der voll gegearte Maro Smasher nur 360k?!? Einfach mal gescheit spielen, dann läufts auch ~_~ Wie bereits jmnd angemerkt hat, SWToR ist wirklich kein schwieriges Game...
  18. Ich hab zwar nur ne Hexe auf 55, die ich auch nur sporadisch spiele - aber wo hakt's denn? Gibt sicher den ein oder anderen nicht ganz so schlechten Botschafter/Inqui hier, der bei konkreten Fragen helfen könnte ;> Erste Anlaufstelle für Guides sind idR die Klassenforen (vA die Englischen), ob da aber ein PvP Guide bei ist, weiß ich nicht :X
  19. Already did that, in fact I've encountered those bad lags with the lowest graphic settings I've tried so far. It used to run smooth until like two weeks ago. I didn't take the the forum posts I've read about the lags on this map seriously, until it started to lag for me, as well =( So yeah, I don't know what I could fix :/
  20. It's lagging like hell... everyone knows the engine is not made for huge open world battles, but it should be possible to create a (more or less) lag free 4v4 map... I mean, it works on the other 3 maps, so why not on Makeb? =( Also, I think this has been stated before, so it should be a known issue! Pls fix! Or am I the only one encountering this? :0
  21. Well, no I haven't studied psychology or pedagogics, and I think most, if not all PvPers haven't either. And I really think it's not necessary man. Everyone started out as "lowbie" but when the now good PvPers learnt to actually become good, they surely got stomped etc - why can't the new "lowbies" take the same kind of evolution? Most of them just stay "bad", there is literally no progression. You meet them, they do 20k Dmg, 3 months later, it's still the same. Personally, I feel you're digging too deep, it's a game after all, is there really a need to break it down to human psychology? Maybe it's just as simple as that: The new generation of "lowbies" just isn't as good. Maybe they already reached their full potential, which would be kinda sad but maybe that's possible. Just look at these forums, something doesn't go their way and a new thread about it is created instantly. People just want it being handed to them, instead of having to practice to become good. Maybe that's the flaw, maybe it isn't. I don't know, and I really couldn't care less right now, because when I actually tried to help, I felt like nothing really changed, so yeah... Oh, and I was in no way whining about all the good PvPers leaving this game, just pointing it out. Why is it so? As I stated earlier, there are many reasons, for me personally, I'll be leaving once Wildstar comes out because I feel like the Devs at Carbine actually take PVP and its playerbase in their game seriously, as well as... you know, PvP in ToR is dying, with no PvPers coming, but only leaving the sinking ship. I really like this game and its PvP but it baffles my mind how the Devs can be so oblivious about the PvP aspect of their game... Maybe if they put more effort in it, the average quality of a player joining a warzone wouldn't be like a banana playing the game... who knows
  22. Who enters a warzone as Lv 10 and expects to wipe the enemy team all by himself?!? Don't be delusional...come on, a bit of logical thinking is required when playing PvP, the skill cap on most classes isn't even very high, you can learn to play a class in a few days lol. obviously, you have to read and comprehend skills/trees etc but is that really "skill"? People learn to read quite early nowadays, so... And think about brackets, they've been added to prepare lowies for the 55 PvP. Whoever isn't able to dish out decent dmg by hitting 55 or not even able to play his class one tiny bit, is hopeless. Sorry to be that harsh, but that's kinda true, isn't it. Every Levelup you gain one skill point and slowly progress through your tree - everyone should be able to make sense of which skills are important and which ones aren't. I mean IT SAYS IT RIGHT THERE!!! People don't even need to be the top DPS every game or stuff like that, just play the game it's supposed to be played and it'd be fine. But you see smashmonkeys jumping around, dealing 20k damage in a rated arena round, sage healers die in 3 globals, not even trying to sprint around the corner or Assassin dps opening with force lightning from stealth... that's just facepalm-worthy and If I see such stupidity, I used to try and help people. Now, i'm just annoyed and if we lose I know exactly who to blame because most of the time, those people are resistant to tips, anyways... And that's because PvP is dying in this game. Not the balance issues, not the bad bad premades... there simply aren't enough decent PvPers left, who actually are interested in playing on a compettive level (ranked arenas). and this has many reasons (pushing back 8v8 rateds, removing them, no pvp/balance patches for quite some time etc). You get the feeling BW doens't care about PvP at all, and of course, PvP-players don't like that. If the PvErs didn't get something new every now and then, they'd be pissed, too, that's just the logical consequence. TL;DR: Just play the game, how it's supposed to be played and you'll be fine, because there aren't many "true" PvPers left who can kick your butt. They all left months/years ago
  23. if you dont need brains in this game, then why don't you roflstomp the bad bad premades?
  24. or the randoms can grow some brains, so they're not a liability 90% of the time and could actually enjoy this game?
  25. Sry, but it's because of people like you that suck so badly in warzones that most of the decent pvpers left this game months and years ago. premades are not the *********** problem man, good pugs will be on par with a premade of equal skill, but most randoms just don't even bother to play this game properly... every damn wz there are at least 2 peple who dish out 300 dps - that's less than autohitting the whole match. but yeah, just blame the players who want to play the game at a certain level for your own inabaility to properly dps/heal/tank. if ppl would just start to play halfway decently, other ppl wouldn't even feel the need to form a group to even have a chance of wining some games... kinda sad. when you face a premade, you go cry in a corner, but if you're getting carried by one, no one cares... and also bringing up threads from 2011, don't you have any hobbies? da***
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