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Everything posted by Neulwen

  1. Indeed my main characters are the biggest part of why I love this game. Seeing them be themselves in cutscenes is awesome. There was much more of this in the original class stories ofc, but so far the new story has been going uphill, so I have hopes.
  2. Female chars have anatomically corresponding parts so why should it be a no-no for males to have it..? I don't *need* to see female or male parts either but female ones are here (and in fact some of them are pretty big, without any option to adjust). All I'm asking is at least a minimal bulge. We see anatomy out in RL... Why should it be excluded from males in game? Sliders would be ideal but I think that would prolly be too much work for this game.
  3. I just want (at least the option for) male chars to have a bulge. As is, male chars do not look male down there and it's pretty annoying.
  4. This is why there should be a separate unranked arena queue, or at least option to queue for that or warzones or both. I like to play objective warzones, and ppl deathmatching around ruins my fun.
  5. Would be nice to have Cytharat return for those who saved him, but I'm all for other romanceable male Sith too. As long as they're body type 2. And I'm still bitter that Quinn wasn't romanceable by male warrior in their reunion.
  6. Agree with all this. The new very detailed ones look kind of weird in this otherwise simpler style. However more face choices is always good, but I don't want existing ones altered. I wish some of the resources put into making these new detailed faces for NPCs who appear in a couple scenes was put into adding more useful things to the game. Like more customisation.
  7. Nah, it happens even when not using roll. Usually it happens when holoing while moving, but if there is a vertical difference to the target it can happen even when standing still while using it. This has been around since holotraverse was added.
  8. If they would end up in another game by requeueing again immediately, that'd be no punishment. A deserter debuff should be long enough to be more than just a "change match" mechanism just like the status quo. Flashpoints have deserter debuffs, so why not warzones. If a team member leaves a warzone, 90% of the time it results in a loss, especially due to refills not respecting matchmaking rules. (However, waiting until a fitting replacement is found is no good solution either.) Players leave warzones all the time as soon as something doesn't go their way, and if one leaves, more usually follow. It's quite frustrating. And yes it makes no sense that pvp gives such poor rewards compared with flashpoints and GSF. It doesn't really fit into the 'play your way'. ilvl on gear from pvp crates should be consistent with equipped ilvl, and TF earned shold be increased. This has been asked for for quite some time now. Meanwhile, the amount of pvp matches has dropped.
  9. This. The male Agent VO is one of the main reasons I love this game so much ^^.
  10. The clock animation is much harder to see though. It seems meaningless that we now have to try to get used to it when there was no need to implement it in the first place.
  11. This is happening frequently on my juggernaut.
  12. The jugg utility Warmonger is still broken. And pvp crates still give too low lvl gear, and the pvp daily and weekly give low amounts of Fragments.
  13. It should be an option in settings at least for those of us who prefer the old blue sliding cooldown. For me personally it's both the lack of timers and the look of the animation. If the button were coloured like the default cooldown animation and just had a clock instead of a slider I'd be much more ok with it. As it is it's hard to see it in the heat of battle.
  14. I also dislike the new clock animation. Much harder to see than the regular one. And they do indeed not show cooldown timers either. I don't see why this had to be altered at all. There is a thread about this here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=970053
  15. I can just add that the cooldown 'clock' for it disappears when it goes on longer cooldown and it shows as unusable with 0 charges.
  16. It bolsters everyone's stats in warzones, but there are level brackets. In pvp it's lowbies (10-49), midbies (50-74) and max lvl. Not sure about the exact current levels, and not sure about flashpoints. Out in the world our stats are now scaled down to match the max level of a given planet. Lowbie and midbie pvp used to be more fun and thus more active when they rewarded currency used for max lvl gear. Hopefully this will be the case again in the future.
  17. - more Rep v Imp story (Onslaught was nice so far) - have our character referred to by their class (Lord, Agent, Hunter etc) instead of commander, if we rejoined our faction - our characters acting more like their class (some more diversity in voicelines and power etc) - have warzones (where applicable) feel like Rep v Imp again (give option to have original narration voicelines) - let us customise size and amount of buffs/debuffs shown on raid frames - a new warzone, like king of the hill, or escort, or one similar to Novare - small amounts of Tech Fragments granted from lowbie pvp - customisation of dark side corruption (eye colour, where the veins show, how pale etc.) (Being more DS gives us more options to choose between.) - option to always show helmet in story - more hooks in existing strongholds - remove mailboxes and instead have a portable mail service, or a mailbox at our ship (current mailboxes are so WoW)
  18. The mini-astromech droids are also super cute, but this one I think indeed is the cutest yet. And unique.
  19. Did something change in 6.0.1 to impact performance? I'm getting unplayably low fps in warzones even with only a few characters visible, between 6-8 fps with staggering. I do have a somewhat old gaming laptop, but before patch it wasn't nearly as bad. Only in big Voidstar fights did it maybe go that low. Has anyone else noticed this? Edit: Also, desync seems to be worse, with characters not being where they appear and then suddenly teleporting around. On horizontal ground. Edit2: Nevermind. It was an issue with my system. Is good now!
  20. I'm enjoying the operative healer tactical that makes Kolto Injection instant at 3 stacks.
  21. I don't see any fix for this in the 6.0.1 patch notes. Surely this is not intended? Pvp in this game is very fun, and there have been many improvements (with gear and bolster) since the Ossus era, but gear still does have an effect in pvp now, as it gives better stat optimisation. Loot boxes earned from warzones should scale with our gear just like pve lootboxes. I think it's great that only warzone wins grant lootboxes, as it incentivises objective play, but it doesn't as much if the lootboxes aren't rewarding enough. Furthermore, I think the Tech Fragment amounts gained from pvp daily and weekly are rather low when compared with those gaine from flashpoints and GSF.
  22. To add further, ranked pvp is only arenas. There used to be ranked 8v8 but it was removed.
  23. Good idea. I wouldn't mind new areas on old planets with story that takes us there. I would quite like that too. I would also love class stories, but I'm satisfied with faction stories with some class flavour. At the very least having Force user PCs use the Force and non Force users use tech. And having our Force user chars actually act powerful. (Unlike many times in KotFE/KotET where our char just stands like a noob while companions do impressive stuff). I think Onslaught has so far from what I've seen improved on this, even incorporating our class history. Other than that I'd like bug fixes and just improvements to the game features and stability.
  24. True, for simplicity's sake my suggestion doesn't include same-faction simulation narration, but that could also be an option. All games are mixed faction now, and we always get the new mixed faction narrations. The voicelines are all already there from before. There'd just need to be a client side setting invoking different data. Conditions, everytime warzone data is loaded, based on a new Warzone Narration setting. The setting could have the options "Faction vs Faction", "In-Faction Simulation" and "Alliance Simulation" or "Mixed Faction Simulation", for instance. Players could pick whichever they feel like.
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