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Everything posted by SquallPTI

  1. As the tile says make "unify chest color" available on the preview window, and while you re at it fix the low res on main character on the preview window, I have to preview all my armor on my companion to get a proper res.
  2. Thanks for all the help. About the 30% relic, isnt elemental/internal better? I read somewhere that they arent reduced by armor like kinetic/energy.
  3. Hello im a guardian and i recently changed from tank to vigilance dps 4/33/4 and im wondering which stats should i prefer in endgame gear, i presume its power>surge>crit or are there some soft caps i need to reach in each of those stats. For end game relics the 2 best are matrix cube and the 30% dmg proc relic? If so which of them is better, i see they have like 4 dmg types, maybe the internal or elemental ones are the best? What about Insight? Is it any good for Vigilance build? Can you guys post some examples of your Vigilance builds, im using mine for pvp/pve and have some doubts about stuff like unremitting/gather strenght/commading awe. Thanks in advance
  4. I have the need to post here as i share the feeling that these new armor sets are very disapoiting, come on hire some better artists or something, i really wanna meet the guy that at the end of the day designed that and went "yeah that seem very good".
  5. Server: Frostclaw Name: Squall Need everything except chestguard, boots and headgear, have an extra set of boots, will pay good for the other pieces.
  6. I really have to sing this, if anyone saw that armor out of the star wars context not in a million years would anyone tell "that really looks like something a jedi knight would wear". Told my guildmate the other day to go check out that armor and he loled a lot, so its not just people playing knights that think this sucks.
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