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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Will SWTOR be able to compete with upcoming MMOs?


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I don't know if SWTOR will be able to compete with upcoming MMO's ... nor do I care. I have better things to do with my time than gripe about a video game I am currently playing and compare it to other video games that are currently on the market or to other video games that are in development that I don't play or cannot play.


Entertainment is about being entertained. If SWTOR doesn't provide better entertainment than a future video game, then I will play the new game instead. Until that time comes, or if it ever comes, I will play the games that entertain me.


I think that gamers today have forgotten what video games were created for ... and it's sad. (If you can actually call them gamers. I think they're more along the lines of "whiners" than gamers.)

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I don't know if SWTOR will be able to compete with upcoming MMO's ... nor do I care. I have better things to do with my time than gripe about a video game I am currently playing and compare it to other video games that are currently on the market or to other video games that are in development that I don't play or cannot play.


Entertainment is about being entertained. If SWTOR doesn't provide better entertainment than a future video game, then I will play the new game instead. Until that time comes, or if it ever comes, I will play the games that entertain me.


I think that gamers today have forgotten what video games were created for ... and it's sad. (If you can actually call them gamers. I think they're more along the lines of "whiners" than gamers.)


Very well said Bravo.


I remember a time when gamers were interested in games...now all of them are developers and speculation forecasters. They sit around rubbing their hands together in anticipation of the next great fail...and when it doesn't happen soon enough for them they take to the forums spending eight to sixteen hours a day talking raking said game over the coals.


It's pathetic really.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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To the person that gives this game 1-2 years before the plug being pulled R O F L.......


Tons of MMO's are still going.....Daoc for example still has 5000 players and it was released in 2001 lol


I see SWToR having 500k-750k players easy 2-3 years from now, its the Star Wars franchise ffs, on that alone new players too the MMO marketplace will probably try SWToR before some other less known franchises

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To the person that gives this game 1-2 years before the plug being pulled R O F L.......


Tons of MMO's are still going.....Daoc for example still has 5000 players and it was released in 2001 lol


I see SWToR having 500k-750k players easy 2-3 years from now, its the Star Wars franchise ffs, on that alone new players too the MMO marketplace will probably try SWToR before some other less known franchises


Ultima Online launched in 1997, and it's still going today with a "paying" player base. One would think that the game would have died years ago, yet it still lives.


Again, video games are meant for entertainment and as long as that entertainment delivers, who cares what other games are out there or what other games are on the horizon? Play what you enjoy and leave us to enjoy the games we enjoy. Agree to disagree and move on. Simple logic really.

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It's worth looking at "The Secret World" by Funcom. This comes out in June and looking at the "youtube" videos it looks very promising.


We'll get the usual "themepark" cries with it from the sandbox follks. One of my own problems with TSW is that it's areas seem to be pretty much like the more sterile planets in SWTOR, which are not really places where people live, not places where you could get more of the local life and culture than just go on fighting. (I'm looking at you, Alderaan, the planet where only aristocrats live and where nobody does anything but fights. A beautiful, but a wasted planet. It could be so much more with added depth.) AoC already had much of this sterility and lack of depth, the lacking of a feeling of a truly living world.

Edited by Rouge
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- Titan will be cross-platform with excellent coding, as WoW is (and every other Blizzard game were). As a Mac user, it means I won't have to either use Windows, reboot everytime I want to quest or lose 100 GB of disk space just to entertain a second partition. I also expect OpenGL client performance to be in the same ballpark thant its DirectX counterpart and available day 1.



I'm ready to play TITAN just for this alone :)

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I'm ready to play TITAN just for this alone :)


I will believe it when i see it. bliz is well know for empty promises and how long has titan been in development for and havnt they just sacked the guy in charge of it and his team who was also in charge of creating vannilla wow but his name evades me at the mo. they just said there starting on wow exp 6 so ye like i say. believe it when i see it.

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I will believe it when i see it. bliz is well know for empty promises and how long has titan been in development for and havnt they just sacked the guy in charge of it and his team who was also in charge of creating vannilla wow but his name evades me at the mo. they just said there starting on wow exp 6 so ye like i say. believe it when i see it.




also, didn't they just announce it like last year?

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Gamespy's über-positive love letter to GW2 from today has one interesting tidbit I find funny considering one of the more common complaints about SWTOR, (lack of) interaction with other players, how it feels like you are all alone on a planet etc and so on. :rolleyes:


The tidbit is that you can complete all the content in GW2 without ever having to talk to another player. :eek:


And because of that, the game was very silent in beta according to this GW2 loving Gamespy reviewer, who wrote that he had only one longer conversation with an another player, and this only because the poor noob made the error of asking him to run some dungeon with him (there were none at their level, none before level 30).


It's like playing a solo game, isn't it... (Remember this accusation against SWTOR.) :p:D

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I think ill be canceling (was going to last month when i was given game time) and using the money to play eq2 again. At least there on pve servers i never had to even here the word pvp!


EQ II is F2P. Play both? ;)

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Tera is going to suck - Korean grind fest galore. It will go the way of Aion


GW2 - I have a strong feeling a lot of ppl will be sorely disappointed with it though i'm sure it will be fun for what it is


I agree.

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You got the thread title wrong.


Its "Will upcoming MMO's be able to compete with SWTOR?".


Tera is going to suck - Korean grind fest galore. It will go the way of Aion


GW2 - I have a strong feeling a lot of ppl will be sorely disappointed with it though i'm sure it will be fun for what it is


Wise words. Its also my opinion.


TERA is too stuck to korean support that is slow and unresposive to properly compete in the western market and GW2 is beeing touted as a WoW killer when it has nothing of WoW in it. Everyone that goes after it for WoW 2.0 will be more disappointed with it then they were when SWTOR wasnt the carbon copy of WoW.

Edited by Nemmar
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Tried Tera. Was a pretty, but dull, grindfest.


This is pretty much what I keep hearing about it. Also they ban ip's (russian, afrikan, asian) which is a total bs.

GW2 is nowhere to be seen around, even though probably it will be the end of swtor. Seriously, not even a release date yet and it's already almost april. 4th month. Fourth. I only see MoP as a temporary threat to swtor since I'm sure alot of ppl will leave mop after a month or 2 max. I mean pandas? Seriously?

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This is pretty much what I keep hearing about it. Also they ban ip's (russian, afrikan, asian) which is a total bs.

GW2 is nowhere to be seen around, even though probably it will be the end of swtor. Seriously, not even a release date yet and it's already almost april. 4th month. Fourth. I only see MoP as a temporary threat to swtor since I'm sure alot of ppl will leave mop after a month or 2 max. I mean pandas? Seriously?


Just because you don't wish to acknowledge GW2's presence, doesn't mean it isn't there.

After GW2 releases, TOR may as well just be 1 or 2 servers, because anyone who continues to play this game and pay a subscription, is just wasting money on an inferior product.

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Here is my opinion on this topic:


Why are people so into having certain games killing other games? Who cares?


Me personally, if I like a game I simply play it! I am not interested if this game is going to kill, WOW, GW, bla bla bla. I just want to play a game with good mechanics and gameplay. If the game doesn't work for me or I stop enjoying it I simply stop playing and move onto something else. There is no reason to tear up any game because you don't like it. Games come and go and will continue to do so for years to come.


I just started playing swtor last week and I simply love it so far. I am a casual player and play when I have time. I love star wars and this game has really peaked my interest at the moment. I am however not really into paying to play, but I do believe if you want updated content then you do get what you pay for. This game currently has my vote, but who knows what will happen when I hit level 50. But this is a great game for me and as long as I enjoy it I will keep playing.


My opinion on the other games I have played:


Guild Wars: Played all campaigns, and dip into it off and on from time to time. Great game, loads of fun and the graphics aren't too bad now. That being said, this game has really turned into a "grind fest" and has been for some time. I still enjoy the game, but there really isn't much for me to do with it. I am not spending countless hours trying to get all my hall of monument stuff nor am I interested in doing so.


WOW: I played this game with a friend for months, and we both really enjoyed this game. I thought the graphics were very cartoony, but we didn't care. Quests and missions were fun and just seeing the difference between this game and Guild Wars was huge to us. Sadly my friend passed away, and due to that I stopped playing the game.


LOTRO: I really enjoy this game and the content has been great for me and my friends. We still play this game when we can, but I have simply lost a little interest in it so that's why I am not playing it daily. This is a really fun game, and when we have time we stop in to do a few quests together.


Upcoming games:


Guild Wars 2: I will be playing this game, and can't wait to do so. There is a lot of hype with this game so I am trying to keep my expectations down before I jump into it. I am finding it funny however that everyone is saying that this game will change MMO's and it is something different and never been done before. Every time a new MMO comes out future MMO's learn from that game to put it into their new game. This is why all MMO's change they learn from eachother to make their game better. There is nothing wrong with that, it's just learning and building a better game. I feel that the things in GW2 will be seen from other games, and honestly is nothing new it's just new to the GW franchise, like jumping for instance. GW doesn't have that and GW2 will, hmmm? ok. lol. Living world and decisions determining your game play and outcome? SWTOR is doing that too yes? Events happening as your going through your world, that may be a new thing, and an interesting move. If it's not happening in other MMO's then yes that is new and good to do. The next MMO may have that and learned it from GW2, which is good too. Nothing wrong with moving forward which is what every new game should do.


I do however think that this game will fall short, with me anyways. I will still give it a try and play it though, until something else comes along.


Ok sorry for the long winded response, but who cares what kills what? Just play the game and have fun. The only "true" killer of a game is time. The longer the game runs the more out dated it will become. Just like buying a new PC, the second you open it, it is already out dated.

Edited by Thalcarion
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I feel that the things in GW2 will be seen from other games, and honestly is nothing new it's just new to the GW franchise, liking jumping for instance. GW doesn't have that and GW2 will, hmmm? ok. lol. Living world and decisions determining your game play and outcome? SWTOR is doing that too yes? Events happening as your going through your world, that may be a new thing, and an interesting move.


So you think GW2's big accomplishment is adding jumping?


As far as your point about SWTOR... nothing you do within your story matters in TOR. You'll get to 50 and your story ends. That's it, game over. Every choice you make, makes no difference. Every choice you make leads to the same outcome.

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