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Will SWTOR be able to compete with upcoming MMOs?


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You get regular content and feature updates.


GW2 is like GW.....pretty much static (they will fix bugs). They'll release an expansion every year or so to give you content and feature updates.


The 15$ a month ensures a all the fun time sinks and a new gear tier every few months.

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I've always wondered about this... I'm not trying to flame or anger anyone but just really curious: what do we get with our $15/month subscription that GW2 doesn't have? (Cause it seems SOOOOO many people are prophesying that GW2 is THE MMO to beat)


You want to know what they are getting in gw2? No subscription....that's what. They will probably have a cash shop...like AION and Guild Wars and City of Heroes..come on..it's ncsoft <_<


The reason sooooooo many people are saying it's "the one to beat" is because it is being advertised as the next greatest thing BECAUSE it requires no monthly sub. People don't care if they pay 5 dollars a month..cash is cash to some people. I know..it's sad people can't save up 50 cents a day...or even 20 cents a day for some games. Guild Wars 2 is going to be cheezy as h e l l. I see more and more videos, yes the combat and walking is very fluid, I will give them that. But the interface and cinematics and voice over is HIDEOUS. Just...the lips aren't even in sync. They are seeing people LOVE SWTOR's vo content and are trying to combat it in their game...


When you go talk to an npc about a quest now, they are on the right, you are on the left, and they say the quest to you with a cinematic backdrop. The black bars on top and bottom with the land in the background...


It's not going to work. You can't beat BioWare at story telling or cinematics when it comes to the game industry. Guild Wars 2 devs said they are about story now..what? I thought it was all about combat... OOOOOhh wait..but now that TOR is popular..they have to switch it up. I got it.


The reason you see so many GW2 people RAGING on the internet about how gw2 is going to be awesome is because it's just like the Ron Paul people. That's ALLLL you see on political comments right? Why you think yourself. They are the vocal minority that are just trying to keep the thing alive that they love so much and in turn the people who love the same things they do are coming to the sites and forums that they go and all them love it SOOOOOOOOO much that they will defend it with their life, honor, and dignity even if all of it goes downhill and there is NO chance. There will be those vocal people who will love gw2 even if it is crappy. Guild Wars 2 people are more vocal than any other community ever.


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It was a bona fide response to someone whom was questioning my inclinations.


Why would you be upset if you realised that some people like apples more than oranges?


Not that I don't believe you have a right to voice your opinion and your preferences, but I'm guessing the point is its like preferring oranges and going on to a forum about apples to tell everyone there that Oranges are better.

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Not that I don't believe you have a right to voice your opinion and your preferences, but I'm guessing the point is its like preferring oranges and going on to a forum about apples to tell everyone there that Oranges are better.


You are absolutely right! Some people just get thrills on telling people that "my thing is better than yours because I SAID SO" by going on other forums and telling them why they think TERA is better than SWTOR.


Ok..so you think it is, what's the point of coming onto a forum just to antagonize and try to get people mad? I'll tell you what it is..


they get off on it and it's a cheap thrill for them.

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I'm sorry to say this but I enjoyed watching the LOTR movies more than the SW ones.




how boring.


lotro is good, but the best fantasy setting is the sword of truth series. If that ever gets the production lotro saw....it will blow lotro away

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I've beta'd gw2 and was a high-end ranked guild leader for pvp on GW.. My personal experience from GW1 was the pvp was amazing compared to anything else out at the time, the pve was very bland, although pretty. So far GW2 is shaping up to have a lot of the same awesome features as it did in pvp that made it great but also a lot of relatively fun pve things. I expect it to have a solid player base, at the same time it's not quite the same type of game as ToR or WoW. I personally will get my PvP fix on GW2 because ToR pvp is very boring to me. Tera imo is awful, but everyone has different tastes. ToR has gotten better with every patch and as long as that trends I'll continue to play. Gl.
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Not that I don't believe you have a right to voice your opinion and your preferences, but I'm guessing the point is its like preferring oranges and going on to a forum about apples to tell everyone there that Oranges are better.


Maybe some of them would come to the dark side? This discussion isn't about LOTR really, but if we understand the reasons behind why some people like LOTR, maybe we realise that they aren't incompatible with the reasons why people like SW. Anyway, since I've "upset" some people we should end this here.


You are absolutely right! Some people just get thrills on telling people that "my thing is better than yours because I SAID SO" by going on other forums and telling them why they think TERA is better than SWTOR.


Ok..so you think it is, what's the point of coming onto a forum just to antagonize and try to get people mad? I'll tell you what it is..


they get off on it and it's a cheap thrill for them.


I actually like articulating my arguments and have other people pick it apart; it is a good way to identify my weaknesses so I may improve on them. Telling SW fans how much I like SW isn't really helpful in that aspect, it is just preaching to the converted.

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It's not going to work. You can't beat BioWare at story telling or cinematics when it comes to the game industry. Guild Wars 2 devs said they are about story now..what? I thought it was all about combat... OOOOOhh wait..but now that TOR is popular..they have to switch it up. I got it.


Someone's been overdosing on sugar in the the Bioware Kool-Aid. :p


Seriously though, I've come to realise that although Bioware's story telling is good (thoroughly enjoyed the Mass Effect games and others in the past).....I played other MMO's and single player games recently which didn't put as much emphasis on the "cinematics". And I found it a welcome change from the incessant twitterings of npcs and cinematic dialogue.


Basically, story telling is just a means of putting content into context. And I would take interesting content with SOME story telling, rather than over-done dialogue any day.

Edited by Tarka
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Star Wars: The Old Republic will survive because it has one thing no other mmo has:


An actual leveling experience from the time you make your character up until the end of the journey.


Erm....so does every other decent themepark based MMO out there.

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This is star wars, none of the others are, therefore i will only play this one because i am not interested in any elf or pixie adventure. Although saying that i wouldn't mind a pair of Hello Kitty bracers for my jedi sentinel.


Of course i am definately joking on that :D

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You want to know what they are getting in gw2? No subscription....that's what. They will probably have a cash shop...like AION and Guild Wars and City of Heroes..come on..it's ncsoft <_<


I'd never say GW2 is going to be good because I have absolutely no faith in NCfail. However, if someone actually made a really good mmo that was fun to play with tons of depth, choices, and progression, they could pretty much hold it hostage for whatever they wanted right now. They could probably get away with 30-40 a month if it was good enough.

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Will swtor lose alot of player base to mmo's that are coming out soon, TERA may 1st, and GW2 around dec? After playing TERA over beta weekend it seems like a very developed and quality MMO that has all the things an MMO'ers heart can desire. These mmo's didn't give the excuses that they are a new MMO and need to develop after launch.. they are delivering everything we expect in a modern day MMO on release.. How will swtor hold up to the competition is the question?


Its hard to compete with free.


(after initial payment)

Edited by metalgearyoda
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Will swtor lose alot of player base to mmo's that are coming out soon, TERA may 1st, and GW2 around dec? After playing TERA over beta weekend it seems like a very developed and quality MMO that has all the things an MMO'ers heart can desire. These mmo's didn't give the excuses that they are a new MMO and need to develop after launch.. they are delivering everything we expect in a modern day MMO on release.. How will swtor hold up to the competition is the question?


GW2 will probably take a bite out of the gamers market as will Tera, but both games are science fantasy which many players have become tired of after years and years of the same. The greatest threat will come in April 2013 then project Titan is released.


Many people are predicting a sci-fi mmo by Blizz from the same developer who brought us Wotlk. The game will be aimed at the casual gaming market, lets hope they introduce some innovative new concepts to the gaming genre because god knows BW didnt.

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Its hard to compete with free.


(after initial payment)


The problem is these games are rarely actually 'free' and instead rely on cash shops which often have pay to win items. Cash shops that ONLY have cosmetic items I am ok with but pay to win drives me mad.

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The problem is these games are rarely actually 'free' and instead rely on cash shops which often have pay to win items. Cash shops that ONLY have cosmetic items I am ok with but pay to win drives me mad.


Does GW2 have cash shop? If so, what does it sell? Is it only restricted to cosmetic/fluff items or does the shop also sell useful gear for combat?

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The cash shop for gw2 will be only be items to make you look nice. Nothing will be sold that can make you "better". Which people will buy so they can look different then everyone else, but it won't give them an edge in any way.
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The cash shop for gw2 will be only be items to make you look nice. Nothing will be sold that can make you "better". Which people will buy so they can look different then everyone else, but it won't give them an edge in any way.


They said the same thing about the CoH (also NCSoft) cash shop. Before long there were several pay to win type items added.



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Tera is Already in advanced stage in Asia, so it's for Asian, not European/American customers; it will fail,


GW2 seems good but it's not, only 10spells, it will fail


swtor will be alone on top of the MMO hill


Gonna have to disagree here.


Panda Pokemon Adventures will remain king

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