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Sooo, did anybody NOT come from WoW?


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Asheron's call (Wish they still made pvp like this)


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Is it just me?.....Looking back at my list MMO's seem to progressively get worse.

It always surprises me to cross Shadowbane players who never tried Darkfall or Mortal Online. And yeah I definitely agree regarding mainstream MMOs, basically they just get more and more vanilla in an attempt to appeal to the broadest crowd.

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Not trying the bash WoW, it was/is obviously very successful. I was just wondering if anybody came from a different MMO background. I came from Aion myself, till those jerks wouldn't let me renew my sub because I submitted my credit card from a different country :/


The only other MMO that I've played is SWG.

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The most famous MMO ever created and 7 years old.


Guess yeah , pretty much any MMO player have played it.


Many may have. And many have not. To me, WoW just seemed too childish. And I played it for 10mins at a friend and hated it.

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I find it amusing how so many people played every MMO but WoW... and quite hard to believe. I think it's just the in thing to claim you never played it personally. Me, I played it, I played the heck out of it... it is now boring and can't hold my interest, but it was fun from vanilla till TBC ...LK and cata sucked all of the remaining life out of it...


Seriously guys, it's ok to admit you played WoW...


I might have tried it, but WoW launched during the time I was Pre-med, in med school, and then residency. When I was in my last year of residency I finally had time for online games again, but it happened that AoC was far more appealing to me at that time.

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Played wow for 5 months and haven't been back since.


Why? Graphics suck, game's to easy, and the community is the worst I've seen in 6 MMO's.


Hey at least I admit my mistakes.


Did I come from wow originally no.


FPS (11 years)

swg (5 years)

wow (5 months)

darkfall (3 months?)

sto (~1 year still play very casually)

aion (played for almost 2 years)

swtor (current)

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It always surprises me to cross Shadowbane players who never tried Darkfall or Mortal Online.


Haven't heard of Shadowbane, but when I played Mortal, I heard Darkfall mentioned a lot, as well as Ultima Online. I honestly wish Mortal had more of a following, as it was/is a pretty hardcore game.

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I played wow for 8 years, the later years were my declining ones because the game is no longer the same as it once was...I'm basically done with it now, I payed for one last 2 month recently because of the scroll of resurrection giving a free 80 and after that Diablo 3 will be out and then I'll spend my time between D3 and swtor.
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Lets see SWG and EvE Online at the same time around 08.

Quit EvE due to learning curve.

SWG saved my life.

Till Star Trek Online (lifetime) hard core 6 months did everything till pvp bored me to death

Tried Conan and LOTR

Then ran back to SWG and EVE

SWG+TCG overload (guild collapse/swg dev drama) back to EVE

Gave TOR a chance 2 solid months of game time (early access)((6 month sub/collector ed))

Got tired of TOR for many reasons.

EVE low sec roaming and COSMOS stuff currently.

Back to TOR 3 days now awaiting the update to live.


Edited by ricofico
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Came from WoW, then stopped playing when they were obviously half assing every thing. Getting millions of dollars from subscribers and the excuse for not updating racial models was that other players may prefer them.


Found TBC and WoTLK to be their very creative period in designing the game like siege engines and breaking down buildings.


Then with Cata they made promises they never kept, same game modes with different maps and all the resources in PvE, which was actually quite nice. But unlike this game every base class has its own story to keep things interesting, you level multiple toons on WoW it gets really boring and you burn out.


I love warcraft and its games even the MMO, but when I saw the MMO report on SW online I literally was drooling and couldn't wait to buy the game.


I give WoW one shot at their next expansion to keep their customers cause more MMO's are coming out with better graphics and fresh creative blood.


They half *** it and then they might as well go free to play model which would lose a lot more customers.


All in all I have played two MMO's in my life WoW and this.

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