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Where do lightsabers go from here?


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Given the now omnidirectional purpose of the sabers, you tend to end up with the same meaningful attachment as with all other things without a purpose. What you ask for you get, even if you ask to strip something of all meaning. So I would expect more of the same, that is, more of nothing, preferably in many colors. For only by breaking apart one color, can you go in so many directions, yet end up nowhere. ;)



Edited by Sernon
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But still there are more lightsaber hilt designs then lets say.. Trooper cannons.


Problem is..their too small to be recognizable in the sense of what people want when they plan an MMO.


I know what my saber colors look like (black/red) but I have no idea what my hilt looks like...I doubt very many do, they are just to small to really stand out. To no fault of BW either.



I actually posed this question prior to the game coming out..once you start running out of cool colors..where do you go from there?


Personally I see them changing the shape of the actual saber part of the swords..how much it depends on how far they are willing to skew away from canon..but really that's the only option I can see them going a year from now.


As much as I love lightsabers..in a year or whatever when I pre-order the expansion pack (if I do) I'd be pretty disappointed to find out that the new weapons will look exactly like the ones I've been using save for a few hilt changes.

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Problem is..their too small to be recognizable in the sense of what people want when they plan an MMO.


I know what my saber colors look like (black/red) but I have no idea what my hilt looks like...I doubt very many do, they are just to small to really stand out. To no fault of BW either.



I actually posed this question prior to the game coming out..once you start running out of cool colors..where do you go from there?


Personally I see them changing the shape of the actual saber part of the swords..how much it depends on how far they are willing to skew away from canon..but really that's the only option I can see them going a year from now.


As much as I love lightsabers..in a year or whatever when I pre-order the expansion pack (if I do) I'd be pretty disappointed to find out that the new weapons will look exactly like the ones I've been using save for a few hilt changes.


I understand the problem and I know how unfortunate robes are , hiding most of them on the hip, the saber actually stay ontop of clothes instead of sicking parcially in it would solve part of the problem. Im all for new designs, for any type of weapon actually.

I think it be a good start to add more apparent 2h versions for knights , theres alot they CAN do to make the hilts show a bit more.

Heck I wouldnt mind there being some special saberhilt designs worn on the back. Heck it would be great to enable us to pick a place to hang the saber on the body 1 way or another.

Just look how actual knights had a large variaty on how they attached their sheets to their armor.

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::Patiently waiting for saber-chucks::


or a three-sectional saber staff. A solid handle in the middle with a saber attached by chain at either end. This would take a bit of animation work, however. The current poke poke poke of double-bladed animation wouldn't cut it.

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They dont need to do anything with sabers beyond color crystals and hilts, sabers are sabers.


The draw back to having sabers as weapons is that you dont get the variety of weapons like wow or rift has, the upside is you get LIGHT SABERS.

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Ok so the colors are already bring, magenta was lame, republic complained and got purple on vendors, and white!! How does bioware keep weapons interesting for force users? Im shadow and at this point would rather be using some huge pimp war staff, then a lightsaber. You can only do so many colors before your team needs to get creative with hilts and different takes on lightsaber weapons I think.





Here's my thoughts...



I'm a Bounty Hunter. I use 2 pistols. You can't even see what they look like. Nobody cares what color lasers it fires.


Why do you think you should be special and have your weapon stand out and be awesome? A glowbat is just a glowbat.

Edited by Kourage
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They dont need to do anything with sabers beyond color crystals and hilts, sabers are sabers.


The draw back to having sabers as weapons is that you dont get the variety of weapons like wow or rift has, the upside is you get LIGHT SABERS.


While I did offer an idea for a new weapon type, I tend to agree with you.


Getting bored of Lightsabers and complaining is like getting bored of ice cream. I mean there isn't a whole lot you can do with ice cream to make it any better than it already is. It's ICE CREAM.


In fact, I'd suggest to BW that they simply keep lightsabers essentially untouched and put design effort into other weapons. That way, those you really need to have a shiny new toy can have something to satisfy their desire.

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