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So ive read up a little bit on a bit of Random lore, and ive found out that Wookiees tend to have a VERY long life span, and Zaalbar was only Brownfurred, altough Mission mentions his "scruffy" look on more than one Occasion ;). however, Chewbacca was 300 or so Years at the time of Episode 4( Correct me if im wrong!) so TECHNICALLY, Zaalbar should be alive at the old Republics Timeline:w_angelic:
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  • 3 months later...
So ive read up a little bit on a bit of Random lore, and ive found out that Wookiees tend to have a VERY long life span, and Zaalbar was only Brownfurred, altough Mission mentions his "scruffy" look on more than one Occasion ;). however, Chewbacca was 300 or so Years at the time of Episode 4( Correct me if im wrong!) so TECHNICALLY, Zaalbar should be alive at the old Republics Timeline:w_angelic:


I expect to see him whenever we get to go to Kashyykk.

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Maybe as a continuation on Revan's story? Perhaps he runs to Kashyyk after

You defeat him on the Foundry.

After all he's been imprisoned for centuries, is not fully sane and - oh yeah -

has fallen to the Dark Side, unless slaughtering billions of innocents - not all of whom are actually Sith or even realize they have Sith blood - is Light Sided, the Jedi way, or any of a half dozen things Revan claims during the Foundry? Not to mention the last lines... It sounds as though he's figured it out but only as he's vanishing.

Maybe we'll actually be able to convince him that he's NOT. Doing. The. Right. Thing. this time?


That would be a nice way to have Zaalbar show up. We would need his help, have to visit the shadow lands... Oh this could be so much fun! Maybe he can persuade Revan to listen to us... mutters about obstinate Jedi/Sith.

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I found Hanharr to be a much more interesting character than the flat generic wookie Zaalbar. Too bad Bioware hates Obsidian and if he were ever to make an appearance in the game it would be in the form of "These are Hanharr's remains, he was skinned, dismembered, ground into spice and then sold to ewoks by band of trandoshan hatchlings as part of their coming of age ritual. Have a nice day!" Edited by RendValor
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No, he blew up with Malachor. Which is cannon. And I don't think BioWare hates Obsidian. HK-51, our soon to be companion character, was created by Obsidian. It's more likely that they don't want to really touch anything another company did. It's called professional pride people, so please stop hating them for it.
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No, he blew up with Malachor. Which is cannon. And I don't think BioWare hates Obsidian. HK-51, our soon to be companion character, was created by Obsidian. It's more likely that they don't want to really touch anything another company did. It's called professional pride people, so please stop hating them for it.


Um no... HK was in the original knights of the old republic as was T-7... Obsidian borrowed them both.

Edited by Faerieheart
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Um no... HK-47 was from the original. Obsidian used newer models like HK-50 and HK-51 for KOTOR 2.


Hk-47 and T3 was companions in both and Obisidian didn't borrow them from Bioware, when someone creates a Star Wars character it is automatically a part of the Star Wars I.P. which means anyone can use that character. If Bioware wanted to use Mira or Hanharr they could, just like Obsidian could use T3 and HK 47. Heck if the time period permitted it and George didn't object they could have used Plagueis.

Edited by Tuscad
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I expect that Zaalbar will be a Wookiee chieftain, probably supporting the Republic, when Kashyyyk is implemented. I never cared that much for the character, but I would definately like to see him put into TOR, if only because it makes the whole universe feel more connected.


It reminds me of seeing Bastila Shan as a hologram during the Consular questline, it makes TOR feel more like a proper legacy of the original KotOR games.

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Wookie average life span is 600 years... Chewy was only 200 during ANH... poor guy died at 225... so if he was a human and we say they have 100 year lifespan Chewy died at around 37 1/2 years old.... not even middle age...


tho Hutts have an average life span of 1000 years or more... A Hutt named Zirchros lived to be 1,700 years old....

Edited by Liquidacid
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I would kill to see Zaalbar, ESPECIALLY on Kashyyyk. Once condition though: There had better be a picture of Mission Vao somewhere near him. I don't care if it's really a stick-figure scratched into some tree bark outside of his place, but a picture there had better be.


That scrappy kid deserves some credit.

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I have to say that I was disappointed that they didn't have him in it, but if they left him out because they have big plans for him then that's okay. He's still under a life debt, after all.


I expect that Zaalbar will be a Wookiee chieftain, probably supporting the Republic, when Kashyyyk is implemented.


I think it would be cool if he was a senator on Coruscant. Maybe even a potential Supreme Chancellor!


tho Hutts have an average life span of 1000 years or more... A Hutt named Zirchros lived to be 1,700 years old....


There was a good number of Hutts in KotOR 1 and 2 that could easily still be alive. I hope they get little cameos.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Maybe we saw him. Remember...



...that old grey-furred Wookie Huntmaster on Dromund Kaas (BH storyline) ? Truth is, that I cant imagine Zaalbar as Mandalorian, but I can say that about all 'non-Chuudar' Wookies


Edited by Vlad_Dracul_
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Maybe we saw him. Remember...



...that old grey-furred Wookie Huntmaster on Dromund Kaas (BH storyline) ? Truth is, that I cant imagine Zaalbar as Mandalorian, but I can say that about all 'non-Chuudar' Wookies


i highly doubt that was Zaalbar, Zaalbar would probably still be fighting slavers on Kashyyyk, and leading his tribe forward:w_smile::wea_12:

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