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Resolve system is worthless, it takes way to many CC's to fill and when it does get full your dead, yeah that makes a game fun. Roots need to be affected by your Resolve system, I think it can work just need's to be looked at and change some timers. Edited by Sceros
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There's definitely an issue with resolve but it's something that will get ironed out. I'm sure BW is well aware of the issues and changes are coming.


As a Powertech I can literally keep someone in the acid trap until death. I really shouldn't be able to do that.

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Here's my experience on how resolve works.


A. By the time you do actually get the resolve bar rolling, by this point those you are fighting against are all out of CC's because they just blown them all you. And thus pointless to have, especially since you can still get snared.


B. Your bar is about to fill up, your 1v1 with a sage or sorc. Yay you say. They won't be able to chain CC's you and you shouldn't have much of a problem killing them. Wrong. Here comes the knock back. And now, boom. Your resolve is rolling but your so far out of action that it doesn't even matter. The sage/sorc speeds away, heals, and bubbles up. Resolve is wasted.


C. By the time your resolve bar is finally filled and any enemies left that actually have CC at their disposal you're usually about half way dead for it to make much of a difference in a fight anyway.


My honest thoughts on resolve is that with the CC abundance, I mean literally every class has some form of CC so Resolve would be much more useful if it took a lot less to get it filled up, make it last longer, and make you immune to ALL CC such as you know... Roots and snares as well.


If not that at least offer a system of diminishing returns so that people can't chain CC single targets.

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And something is wrong with how long after it fills it actually works. There is a delay there whereby even full it stalls to actually work imho. They should just make the bar even longer and let it tick down for that delay so you are not staring a full resolve bar, instantly clear the CC to be remezed. :(
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Personally I think resolve needs to break the CC that triggers it. Do that and I think it will work fine.


And something is wrong with how long after it fills it actually works. There is a delay there whereby even full it stalls to actually work imho. They should just make the bar even longer and let it tick down for that delay so you are not staring a full resolve bar, instantly clear the CC to be remezed. :(


Not really true. You just have to recognize that it takes 1000 resolve points to trigger it, and that the bar above your character only displays 0-800 resolve. The circular bar above your character portrate (and your targets) is accurate.

Edited by Vodrin
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It's a poorly concieved system which rewards classes with high survivability....but this is the same with everything in TOR pvp now, dps tanks and shields rule the roost.


I hardly ever get a full resolve bar, if i get CC'd enough to fill it, im normally dead before that time.

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Not a fan of the resolve system.


I'd rather I get stunned, I then have stun immunity for double the duration, ie 4 seconds of stun grants 8 seconds of stun immunity, etc. Then again, I am a fan of CC being tactical, not spammed willy nilly because its off cooldown and there's very little immunity.


Between roots, snares, stuns and mezzes you can be subjected to about 20 seconds of cc before you ever get any immunity at all, which is just plain stupid, in my opinion, and even after that immunity, you still are subjected to non stop roots and snares.

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I've changed my mind about Resolve over time. I think only two things need to be adjusted to make Resolve an effective mechanic (Yes, I agree it's not quite there atm):


1. Shorten the CD on all CC Breakers by 25-30%.

2. Slow the decay time for Resolve after it is full.


Those two fixes will pretty much remedy Resolve.

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Resolve is a good idea poorly implemented. In my opinion it should work on a 10 point system:


3 sec stun should fill for 3 points

6 sec stun should fill for 6 points

Knockback/push/pull should fill for 5 points

Roots should fill for 10 points


Once the resolve bar is full, it stays full for 5 seconds and the player can not be CC'd during that time *at all* by friend (push/pull) or foe. Then it should tic down 1 point per second until it reaches 0. Piling on more stuns will result in the bar refilling again.


The current system is broken. We all get chain stunned at will, and other times it seems resolve is ignored completely. My personal favorite was during a Huttball match when I was carrying the ball. All of this happened in a span of about 8 seconds:


Stun (from Assassin)

Pushed into the acid pit

Pulled up onto ledge by friend

Grappled back into the acid pit

Stunned again to await death via green goo


Stuff like that should never happen.

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I've changed my mind about Resolve over time. I think only two things need to be adjusted to make Resolve an effective mechanic (Yes, I agree it's not quite there atm):


1. Shorten the CD on all CC Breakers by 25-30%.

2. Slow the decay time for Resolve after it is full.


Those two fixes will pretty much remedy Resolve.


^ Yes, yes.

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The current system is broken. We all get chain stunned at will, and other times it seems resolve is ignored completely. My personal favorite was during a Huttball match when I was carrying the ball. All of this happened in a span of about 8 seconds:


Stun (from Assassin)

Pushed into the acid pit

Pulled up onto ledge by friend

Grappled back into the acid pit

Stunned again to await death via green goo


Stuff like that should never happen.


Problem is, we all see this happen. Then you get a couple blowhards in here claiming its impossible and "read the stickiez!!!". Its happening. It happens constantly. Broken system is broken.

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Works perfectly.


It only really comes into play when you are being focussed by multiple opponents. If you dont have a healer you are dead anyway. If you do and you resolve goes white, you break it and run that Huttball all the way to the finish line.

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Resolve is a good idea poorly implemented. In my opinion it should work on a 10 point system:


3 sec stun should fill for 3 points

6 sec stun should fill for 6 points

Knockback/push/pull should fill for 5 points

Roots should fill for 10 points



You want a 2 sec root greater than a 6 sec stun?



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Best way to fix it:



50% Resolve = all CC duration is reduced by 50%

80% Resolve = all CC duration is reduced by 80%

100% Resolve= Immunity for ~6 seconds


Add roots to the "Resolve filling CC".

Make snares postpone Resolve depletion.


There you go, Resolve is fixed.


PS: I believe knockbacks and pull-effects should remain unaffected by Resolve. However their cooldowns need to be reviewed.

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I get CC'd all the freaking time. Not a big deal. I'm a shadow, kinetic spec, so I can take a pounding. But I rarely see any effect to my resolve bar preventing someone from CC'ing me.


I guess you might say, "How could you? You were immune." That may be true, but I see my resolve bar drain very, very fast. So I can get CC'ed quite a lot.


I think they just need to tweak the system a bit. Currently, I don't notice it working much. Or perhaps they should make it more obvious when someone is immune to CC. A "full bar" of resolve doesn't last very long IMHO. It drains really fast based on my experience.


Plus, I've been CC'ed to kingdom come with a full bar of resolve. Not sure if I had just filled it up or not. But I've noticed it more than just a few times.

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I agree it's nearly worthless. It takes too many CC's to trigger and wears off too fast. It has rarely been any use to me at all. The only time I've seen it be worth anything is if it fills up right when you're near the endzone in huttball.


Resolve wont stop you from getting CCed to death in any situation that I've seen. CC needs a nerf or resolve a buff IMO. It's nearly as bad as the early days of WOW when a rogue could stunlock people and that's what resolve was supposed to prevent.

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