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New Playable Species?


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So absence really does make the heart grow fonder 'n all that.


I remember a post saying there would be two new playable species coming in 1.2.. Is that correct or is it just being able to play Chiss/Ratataki/Sith on the Republic side etc..?



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The race selection really is .....


I mean, they have the models in game for some other races and choose to not use them. I was under the impression they said things like no wookiees due to kashyyk not known but its mentioned in a conversation with bowdar who is actually a wookiee and they have wookiees roaming on the station.


Ortolaans and talz couldve also been done. Not to mention plenty of other races.

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Never once have I heard any Dev say there would be a new playable species


I have heard people that somehow magically expected there to be one, but it is silly.


the voice work for that alone would take a year

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Never once have I heard any Dev say there would be a new playable species


I have heard people that somehow magically expected there to be one, but it is silly.


the voice work for that alone would take a year


The races dont sound different at all for players. Male sith sound the same as male chiss for example for sith warrior.

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  • 1 month later...
The race selection really is .....


I mean, they have the models in game for some other races and choose to not use them. I was under the impression they said things like no wookiees due to kashyyk not known but its mentioned in a conversation with bowdar who is actually a wookiee and they have wookiees roaming on the station.


Ortolaans and talz couldve also been done. Not to mention plenty of other races.


I know! The old argument that fanbois used to throw out was "That would take an inordinate amount of work". But it really wouldn't. The skeleton is the same and the animations have already been done for tons of other species that you fight in game. Everyone's been wanting more species, but even taking the developer's reasons (which I feel are mostly lame excuses) into account, there's almost no reason not to throw us a few more species. Ah well. At least they've been pretty good to the players in most other ways. Much better than I expected anyways.

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Back in beta us Togruta fans were given a giant wink from the devs implying that they would be playable soon, but no official word on that or any hints since then. I expect we won't be given any hints and it'll just show up in a major content patch (or an expansion). You can reasonably expect to see Cathar, Nautolan and probably Weequay with them (hopefully).
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I know! The old argument that fanbois used to throw out was "That would take an inordinate amount of work". But it really wouldn't. The skeleton is the same and the animations have already been done for tons of other species that you fight in game. Everyone's been wanting more species, but even taking the developer's reasons (which I feel are mostly lame excuses) into account, there's almost no reason not to throw us a few more species. Ah well. At least they've been pretty good to the players in most other ways. Much better than I expected anyways.


Oh because you understand how game development works? Just because the animations are available for an NPC, does NOT mean they would work for a player character. A lot more work needs to be done, and a lot of problems would need to be addressed. For example, they don't even have Twi'leks sorted out yet. The lekku still screw with a lot of things.

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The race selection really is .....


I mean, they have the models in game for some other races and choose to not use them. I was under the impression they said things like no wookiees due to kashyyk not known but its mentioned in a conversation with bowdar who is actually a wookiee and they have wookiees roaming on the station.


Ortolaans and talz couldve also been done. Not to mention plenty of other races.


I believe BioWare said no Wookiees because they don't speak Basic. Kashyyyk has obviously been discovered since it was in KotOR, which takes place 300 years or so before this game.


I just want Togruta. That's really the only other species that I care about.

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Back in beta us Togruta fans were given a giant wink from the devs implying that they would be playable soon, but no official word on that or any hints since then. I expect we won't be given any hints and it'll just show up in a major content patch (or an expansion). You can reasonably expect to see Cathar, Nautolan and probably Weequay with them (hopefully).


Here's a picture from the site Enjin in the character creation screen for "importing" your characters for your guild. Togruta and Kel Dor are choices. Not sure what to make of it, but they've been there for months.



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Never once have I heard any Dev say there would be a new playable species


I have heard people that somehow magically expected there to be one, but it is silly.


the voice work for that alone would take a year


I'd love a Wookiee and they wouldn't require much voice work :)

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I would love to see a few species, added in. Rodians, Kel Dor, Trandoshan, Mon Calamari and Quarren are the big ones I can think of that I would like to see in game.


I want Kel-Dor and Nautolan myself. I saw the Voss, and thought they were pretty sweet looking as well. I think maybe there will be new races in like the next patch, maybe another race or 2, because there'd be even more work to be done for them now that legacy is bigger. All the work they did for making those races available at legacy is more they'd have to do for new races.

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I know! The old argument that fanbois used to throw out was "That would take an inordinate amount of work". But it really wouldn't. The skeleton is the same and the animations have already been done for tons of other species that you fight in game. Everyone's been wanting more species, but even taking the developer's reasons (which I feel are mostly lame excuses) into account, there's almost no reason not to throw us a few more species. Ah well. At least they've been pretty good to the players in most other ways. Much better than I expected anyways.


Just because you don't like their reasons doesn't mean they are not valid nor little more than excuses. Right now those species you claim wouldn't take any work to make playable because "everything already exists in the game" isn't true because they have to go through and make sure there are proper animations/models for every single item they could equip. They have to go through and create different models for different body sizes, head sizes/features/skins etc. Some of them cannot show gear at all or certain types of gear and they have to go through and make sure those don't show properly or use the correct model based on species.


There is simply more to adding species to the list that can be playable characters then you are willing to admit. I'm not saying it is impossible, but it's not as simple as flipping a switch and a species is suddenly playable.

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There have been a number of hints that there would be new spcies but its probably the PR machine in full swing. They hinted at new species with Legacy, but all we got was unlocked exisiting species.


A lot of aliens can speak Basic. Even ones in game which can't. They simply put in alien speak as a way to save money a lot of playable species NPC's use alien speach when clearly the species can speak basic, and lets face it every species even the ones who dont speak Basic all understand it fine.


Personaly I think with Legacy opening up strange species combinations like Sith Pure Blood Jedi, Chiss Troopers and Twi'lek Sith Warriors story can not longer be used to refuse a species. You can't say "The Sith would never train a Mon Cal oh but they would train a Twi'lek" . I think new species is just about demand, do people want a Vanity pet, a new heroic or a new spcies. What ever people will pay for most they will get.

Edited by Izorii
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Just because you don't like their reasons doesn't mean they are not valid nor little more than excuses. Right now those species you claim wouldn't take any work to make playable because "everything already exists in the game" isn't true because they have to go through and make sure there are proper animations/models for every single item they could equip. They have to go through and create different models for different body sizes, head sizes/features/skins etc. Some of them cannot show gear at all or certain types of gear and they have to go through and make sure those don't show properly or use the correct model based on species.


There is simply more to adding species to the list that can be playable characters then you are willing to admit. I'm not saying it is impossible, but it's not as simple as flipping a switch and a species is suddenly playable.


Also there would be new model/s your computer would have to render, which if you are already having fps/lag issues that would just add to it.

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Did I dream the two new Species thing?


What they said was something to the effect of "species playable that were previously unavailble", or something along those lines..it was a grey blotchy way of referring to being able to play exisiting species in classes/factions that were normally restricted.


As far as the more "exotic" races like talz, wookies, etc, it was said they wanted to focus on races that were mostly human-y for romance and langauge reasons, (not to mention anything with a particuarly extreme body type would need their own armor styles/art work) but also because thematically in star wars the "main characters" tend to be humans and near humans, whereas the more "alien" races are usually supporting characters and side kicks (nien numb, chewbacca, admiral akbar, greedo, yoda, etc were all in the grand scheme of things not the primary heroes presented, rather the allies and support networks for the forefornt characters)..hence why aliens are mostly manifested in companion and NPC form.


The devs said at one point roughly that playing more of the exotic races would effect the point of view of the "main" story arcs, of the heroic feel they wanted and would be something that would need its own story to really be done justice to to create the proper perspective.


right or wrong, agree or disagree thats the jist of what the devs stance has been. IF they make things like wookiees and rodians playable, id expect it to be part of something like a full on expansion with a complete alien themed story to bring them into the game.

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Can't incorporate species that don't speak Basic, can't incorporate oddly shaped/sized/looking species for existing classes because of general appeal as well as not being compatible with romance (Jawa too short to kiss anything). Just because something would be cool does not mean it would fit with the way the game and its mechanics are set up.


I can easily see Nautolans, Cathar, Togruta, and more humanoid species on the way.

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Also there would be new model/s your computer would have to render, which if you are already having fps/lag issues that would just add to it.


If the computer was already having problems rendering the game world, the problem already existed and wouldn't be impacted or caused by more playable species. Besides, I wasn't giving reasons for not having more playable species, just pointing out the kind of work that goes into making them playable which does take a lot of time and effort.


Like with WoW, more species seems better fit as an expansion like what was done with Blood Elves, Dranei, Goblins, Worgen etc. All of those came in expansions where story arcs were built around them.

Edited by terminova
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As much as i love this game, the lack of alien species is really bit off a letdown. It has a few cool species but all are merely human / human like clones in various colors.


I played Star wars galaxies, that game had 8 playable species, and only 2 human like ( human and Zabrak )


as i recall u coud play as twi`lek, Wookie, Trandosian, Bothan, Roodian an Mon Cals ( plus later with the space expansion 2 new species joined Ithorians and Sullustans ) i really miss this diversaty in this game, and that game came out in 2003!!! and they cant make aliens now in 2012 ??? sad


Sorry if my english isnt correct ,)

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