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New Playable Species?


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Too be honest, I don't expect, or want introduced, any truly "Alien" species till an expansion. First off, regardless of the opinions of some of the "Bioware can't do anything right"'ers, character modeling is not cut and paste and finished in 3 weeks. Before they released the races, my roomate and I were HOPING they wouldn't try for any odd shaped races to start. That adds months (And we'd already waited years for release) of artwork, applying changes to armor, figuring where it can be stretched, added too, etc in order to look good on that race. Not too mention voice acting, story arcs, balanced racials... If they all the sudden threw in wookies, or some other race, it'd make some people happy, but more people would complain about implementation. PLEASE Bioware, save new races for an expansion, when you've had time to incorporate and polish everything as well as you did with this initial game release. (And for the nay-sayers, This has been an extremely smooth release. Those of us who played WOW vanilla remember the entire server farm crashing for a week because one server had a pvp raid on someone's capitol city, 10 hour 40 man MC raids only to have the server reset and all the loot lost, random login server issues not allowing anyone on during peak times, and LAGFORGE!!!!!)
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  • 2 months later...
Honestly I would love to see new species. With that being said, I don't think they'd release any big species without an expansion. Like others have said they'd have to come up with story for the species, balanced racials, and other stuff. And that doesn't touch on all the technical stuff they have to do. Would I love to see wookies available? Yes. Togruta too. Hell, I'd love to see a lot more! It would be nice, sure but it takes time. All we can do is wait. I know that sucks but it's the truth. The Devs will get things things done and will keep working on it.
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  • 5 months later...
So absence really does make the heart grow fonder 'n all that.


I remember a post saying there would be two new playable species coming in 1.2.. Is that correct or is it just being able to play Chiss/Ratataki/Sith on the Republic side etc..?




No new races. But when they do come, expect to pay real life money on top of your sub for them.



You're welcome.

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No new races. But when they do come, expect to pay real life money on top of your sub for them.



You're welcome.


Was resurrecting a dead thread to make a snarky comment really necessary? :rolleyes:


That coupled with the Cathar are coming as a playable species.

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