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  1. And then the space time continuum caves in on itself and destroys the entire Star Wars timeline. Srsly no. While I'm all for fixing Ilum, I'm not not for breaking lore. It's like how we know Tatooine can't blow up; because Anakin lives on it in Episode I.
  2. A Varactyl? There are already some in the game, on Taris and Belsavis, so they already have the model. I happen to love varactyls, so I agree On that same thought, I'd like a similar wheel bike to Grievous's.
  3. Likely said, you have not developed any urgency for Bioware to 'fix anything'. I have already given the example of my server being fine, and you could have very well played on one just like it. Queues at the beginning may have been slightly long, but that was your fault for not sticking it out through them. Your impatience is what put you in this spot.
  4. Simple answer, join a better server. Tarro Blood is a very healthy Imperial server. It takes seconds for me to get in a full 50 warzone during and around prime time. Usually quite a bit of people on each planet too. Looks like you joined one of the new servers at the beginning to avoid a full server, your fault, it seems.
  5. Oh because you understand how game development works? Just because the animations are available for an NPC, does NOT mean they would work for a player character. A lot more work needs to be done, and a lot of problems would need to be addressed. For example, they don't even have Twi'leks sorted out yet. The lekku still screw with a lot of things.
  6. Not likely to happen, unfortunately. One of the least recognizable SW races, and they'd have to add in a bunch of new voice dialogue for when the Voss player gets to the planet Voss, as the natives treat the players as a different species.
  7. Oh, you mean the dye system in Guild Wars never worked properly? It actually worked great, even though GW is the exception. With hue to chest SWTOR doesn't really need too much of a dye system, to be honest.
  8. Nothing will ever be YOUR story unless you go out and write a book. Although, that might be too hard of a task for yourself. Also, to the OP, maybe the problem is you are on your 15th (or 30th or 100th or whatever exaggeration is cool with you) alt character? Maybe you should take a break, go outside, play another game. I hear Mass Effect 3 has a pretty controversial ending, maybe you could play that and go rage on those forums? I'm sure you rage on quite a lot of forums. Anyways, calm down man and take a break from the game, it'll still be here later (contrary to what you may believe), and there will be more content for you to (hopefully) enjoy. If not, unsubscribe. Nothing lost. More MMOs will come out later this year that you and the hate groupies can complain about.
  9. Back before they added the Confirm Purchase option, I accidentally spent all my planet commendations on a piece of armor for the wrong class
  10. I second this. A lot of us Twi'lek players would really like a definitive answer from Bioware on this. My main is a level 50 Twi'lek, and while I love the character, it sucks that I cannot wear the vast majority of Inquisitor headgear without it chopping my lekku off. Also the fact that hoods just don't show up at all.
  11. On my server about prime time, I get on, say "LFG X HM" (Where X is the name of the Flashpoint) in General at the Imperial Fleet, and I'll find a group in minutes. Maybe it's because I'm a healer? Maybe your server is just awful. Who knows.
  12. Honestly, if it comes to fixing this quest, or adding new content, my vote is for new content every time. This one quest that will probably give you what, a daily commendation and some credits, is that important to you? I just pretend like it's not a viable option in the first place, and guess what? It's like it's not even there.
  13. Trust me, it's not one less ability. I removed my main two attacks at about level 25, and I never put them back on my skill bar. You have so much other stuff you should be doing, then wasting your time in close combat. We're also squishy, so it doesn't help going up into the fray with all that AoE about.
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