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NEW GEAR PICS: Out With the Old


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I personally love the new Sith Inquisitor. Do I want my cold SI who wants to make others fear him wear an undead/necrotic armor set? HELL *********** YEAH!!!


I like it too, but it kind of looks like I went skipping through a spider's lair in my slave dancer's set..... Which isn't bad. I think I'd look absolutely darling in it on my twi'lek and zabrak.


Better than that piccolo outfit we have now. Holy ****. Butt-wings anyone?

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Trooper = Boss. I expect a backpack that sticks out a good 3 feet though.

Consular = Boring. Nice Ugg boots though.

Smuggler = Meh.

Knight = When did I form Megazord?


Bounty Hunter = Boss. As always. (could do w/a set that lacks 8 layers added to the front of the chest piece though)

Inquisitor = Marvel super-villain.

Agent = Why do I have the same new armor as Smugglers?

Warrior = Marvel super-villain.

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Trooper = Boss. I expect a backpack that sticks out a good 3 feet though.

Consular = Boring. Nice Ugg boots though.

Smuggler = Meh.

Knight = When did I form Megazord?


Bounty Hunter = Boss. As always. (could do w/a set that lacks 8 layers added to the front of the chest piece though)

Inquisitor = Marvel super-villain.

Agent = Why do I have the same new armor as Smugglers?

Warrior = Marvel super-villain.


Why does the SW armour make him look like some sorta evil batman/hobgoblin? If you were gonna choose a marvel villain why not a cool one?

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Empire looks badas as always.:mad:


Are you for real?! It's so ugly it makes me want to blind myself with a sharp metal object!



I personally love the new Sith Inquisitor. Do I want my cold SI who wants to make others fear him wear an undead/necrotic armor set? HELL *********** YEAH!!!


Yeah, necromances are a recurring theme in Star Wars... Sigh

Edited by Lightmaguz
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... in raid gear? You like the "Skate Ramp Shoulders"? The golden neck brace? I dont even know what to call the hat other that 'horrible'.


You actually think the new ones are worse?


:confused::confused: to each their own I guess /shrug


I never said I liked any of the current gear. This new batch of stuff is just worse.


What's the name for something that is worse than something that is already terrible?

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Imperial Agent= This gear looks pretty cool, nice mask, very nice kneepads.


Sith Warrior= Love this helmet, it's horns on a helmet done right. Superb color mix on this set, no unnecessary extra pointy stuff on boots is a good call.


Bounty Hunter= Finally some synergy with Trooper armor designs, but it's given us the "BioWare Big Butt" glitch. You've given us a Bounty Hunter's kama, spiky glove-tips & boot-tips & the same max level helmet we had before, not bad. Sorta boring but not bad. Bounty Hunter gear always rocked, don't change it.


Inquisitor= I don't know what it is but for once I like this SI look. It's still weird & I still wouldn't play one, even if I could wear this "alien skin" outfit with the cool helmet, it looks better that most SI armor designs.


Smuggler= Not a single piece of armor in this set that I like, totally ugly gear. Han Solo's not here, man. :(


Jedi Knight= This look is stupid, it doesn't make any sense, I don't like it at all.


Trooper= Man this Trooper is something else, very cool look to this helmet & armor set, amazing color mix. I'd love to wear it.


Consular= Sexy for a chick, it's a good look, pants are a nice touch.


So Sith Imperial designs win out again, Smuggler & both Jedi are a letdown as usual. The classes that are supposed to look like Heroes in this game, Jedi & Smuggler's, that iconic look of a Jedi or Smuggler seems lost here, the BioWare art team can't quite pin down their look for this era. I still think they could use Jan Duursema as the new Lead Concept Artist for SWTOR.

Edited by Tricky-Ha
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Something about those big arse wing-tips on Jedi Knight shoulder's, I just don't think those things make sense in the Star Wars galaxy.


Y'see, Jedi like to spar with each other, so they'd be cutting off each other's bits of shoulder armor seeing who could cut who closer to the body without doing any real physical damage, that makes this a training outfit, not a battlefield armor set. If I was a Jedi Knight living in this SWTOR galaxy & had to wear that armor set, I'd use my own lightsaber to cut those things off the shoulders & then I would take the whole armor set off & throw it away.


Anyways, the shoulders & hood look terrible. The gloves, I used them in City of Heroes MMO, I remember them well.


This is supposed to be the ENDGAME Jedi Knight armor set, why isn't it in the game?

Edited by Tricky-Ha
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Do what Blizzard did. They used to hold Art contests which in reality was them scoping out art talent within the fanbase. Some of the past artists actually received job offers from Blizzard.

WoW had by far the worst armor designs I've ever seen.


Less WoW excessiveness, more lore-accurateness please.

This please. I don't think it's too much to ask for my character in a Star Wars game to actually look like someone from Star Wars. And remove the stupid red glow from force choke. Force choke doesn't glow.

Edited by Game-Hermit
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If you ask me it all looks like coming out of the tash can, i see no recall value in those outfits considering its the SW IP, meaning its not "star warsy".


Whats with that "Iam a Japanese UltraMegaGigazillionMechaKillaRobot" looking armor anyway? and what Class is that even supossed to be?.


One thing is for sure, once they start adding Medieval looking armor iam out of here faster then Lightspeed.

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I want to play a smuggler so bad, but it will never happen. The gear looks so incredibly bad lol. Why not make it like the smug gear from the cinematic? The hat he wore looked great, but no, Bioware opted for something from a cartoon. The Jedi have a few different robes, the Trooper a few sets of armor, and the smug should have a few sets of trench coats. The smug gear is just all over the place. I mean a cape? Really? Smugglers wear capes? and novelty sized hats? What in the ***** were they thinking?
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I want to play a smuggler so bad, but it will never happen. The gear looks so incredibly bad lol. Why not make it like the smug gear from the cinematic? The hat he wore looked great, but no, Bioware opted for something from a cartoon. The Jedi have a few different robes, the Trooper a few sets of armor, and the smug should have a few sets of trench coats. The smug gear is just all over the place. I mean a cape? Really? Smugglers wear capes? and novelty sized hats? What in the ***** were they thinking?


Yeah, I can't imagine where they'd ever get the idea that a smuggler might wear a cape. It's not like there are any in the original trilogy after all: Lando Calrissian would never wear a cape.

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