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Everything posted by holydok

  1. what is this for? pvp or pve? also ravage is the lowest of the low quality filler for annhi. because of pulverize, maras dump their rage via vicious slash hence building fury faster AND chance at resetting rupture. its just overall higher dps. this spec is atrocious. i cant tell if its for pvp or pve... it has subjugation, so pvp? but it doesnt have seeping wound. 1 pt in ravager seems like you didnt know where to put your last talent pt and just randomly clicked one with your eyes closed.
  2. honestly bioware. just bring in transmorgification system that blizzard brought into wow for this game so you can keep these self-entitled no gooders from ************.
  3. so now you agree with me and my argument. yet you come to a conclusion as to apologize to me that the company is going through with a different decision than what i had in mind. At least i got one person to see it our way instead of being so self absorbed. if we are the minority. whats the harm in giving us what we want? its gonna be a small group of people wanting to have our own fun. you guys make it seem every guild is going to do this. yet we are the minority.
  4. what is your point? we want to be better. we are not going to carry a monkey sucking on someones *** through a content. this is how hardcore guilds start and play. your post has implications of wanting to be carried. do you not want to pull your weight? if you can adapt, just join another guild who is more lenient. we raid to progress. not commune and wipe for 3 hours.
  5. it is a fact that we will better through numbers. humans will grow through numbers and science. its a fact. and we want to be better. you dont have to follow our ways. no one is forcing you to. but if a person who does the math goes up against a person like you who doesnt want to get involved in numbers and just do it blindly. who do you think will win? i must remind you that this isnt some cartoon where you use your heart to beat the great evil. why stop us from being better than we can be?
  6. im not going to make this a personal argument so im going to keep it short: its a joke. im obviously not going to do that. see my above posts. why do you tend to pick out one discolored rose out of a bouquet of beautiful roses and call it ugly?
  7. the thing is we are not doing this for you. this world doesnt revolve around you. we are doing this for us. we want to have fun. once we get our combat log. we will do the math. we will do everything. you dont have to do jack ****. we promise you. we will also not ram it down your throats. you can be bad if you want. we will find ways to be better. we want to be progressive rather than stagnant. we want to grow. you are being a hypocrite because you think we are ramming our way of this game into your throat when in actuality, you are doing it to us. without combat log, we are FORCED to play your way. no way of knowing who is doing good and who is doing bad. we play by your own rules. with combat logs. it frees us. we are allowed to strive to be better. we can get away from this stagnant community. we can build our own society. we just want to better ourselves. is that so wrong?
  8. its people like you that makes me hate this community even more. his thread was intended for bioware to implement something so basic that every other mmo games have. they boasted this as an mmo yet it does not feel like one. When bioware announces combat log to this game, im going to go on this forum and make a big thread that says "in your face." i know its not going to accomplish anything but its for me. it will make me feel better and some of you salty, which adds on to my happiness.
  9. this 100% omg. thousand times yes. this community on the forum is terrible even compared to the WoW community. all these people wanted was a casual starwars jelq fest where they can rp and commune. I see no gamers here. only people who want to hang out in a starwars universe to get away from the real world... (***..) this has to be the 1st time ever where so many has spit so much hate over simple thing as mods and combat logs. I look forward to a day when all the hardcore raiders leave and these casuals are left to raid by themselves.
  10. no real use? if you dont want to use it. its fine. no one is forcing you. devs create content through logs. they need to balance how much bosses hit with logs. how are they going to balance it? through rolling a dice bunch of times? allowing us to have combat log is going to make us better players. Do we not want to be better? I dont understand your logic. You COULD be better, yet you are rejecting from that and rejecting OTHERS from it too. this isnt some welfare game where everyone is equal. its survival of the fittest. some people are going to be better than other players and they just have to acknowledge that. social darwinism at best.
  11. errr If you didnt know. they do that here. on this forum. people post the best rotation for every spec. you dont need logs for that. its just logic. they do that for this game also. you can go on youtube and just watch the fights for EVERY SINGLE BOSS FP AND OP. you must be a troll... people are not surprised by fights anymore in any mmo. people post up boss fights all the time. You should quit swtor then. because same thing is happening here. even without logs, people are loging in, joining a group of people they dont know, have no idea about, run a raid, and quit. so what would be so different after inputting logs? again. dont need logs for frapsing fights and putting them on youtube for people to watch. logs have nothing to do with it. the point that you are trying to make makes no sense.
  12. It's going to happen eventually. I dont know why you guys are crying so much about how they only promote elitism. This is the way you play the game. It is frustrating to not know how I died sometimes and it is even more frustrating to know who is the retard dps that is bringing the down. (I'm looking at you people who are against all these goodies.) I also want to know if im being a retard dps so I can fix my gameplay. I do this so everyone around me will have fun. If I do better, there is a better chance that my raid will do better hence downing a boss with lootie goods. Who likes wiping over and over because: 1. dummy keeps dying from boss mechanic because he is a closet color blind and blames his death from being either ******** or boss bug (-..-) - it is impossible to tell if he is telling the truth or not WITHOUT COMBAT LOGS. 2. the whole raid hits enrage timer on a boss because dps wasnt good enough and we cant tell who is doing bad. - this is easily avoidable with DAMAGE METER MOD. - I want to know, so I can tell you to go do the easy mode because you are being a major buzzkill to the 7 other people that are trying to get through the content. call me an elitist if you want. but before you do, really just REALLY think before you speak (probably not). Am I being an elitist or do I just want to have fun by killing bosses and progressing through raid without any trouble? I see you people saying that these modifications will only turn this game into another wow. If you guys didnt know, WOW is the most casual mmo there is. Most, wait I mean, ALL OF YOU GUYS are casuals. because the hardcore raiders DO REALLY WANT THIS. Your wow excuse is debunked. So what is the real excuse? well how about this. Without all these observations going on about your dps, you are able to be in pretty good guilds with progression but not that fast. When the meters come out, you will be exposed of being a fraud because suddenly they recognize that your dps is the low of the lowest. They then realize that they have been carrying you through content and now must replace you for the good of the raid. But you are too selfish to let this happen, so you go on the forums to advocate your disagreement against this atrocity called mods. Did I hit close to home? Please let us have this. We need it so we can separate the good with the bad. It is really hard to get through content with an unknown dead weight in the raid. This deadweight makes 7 other people not have fun with the game and eventually hate it. TLDR progress = fun raid + dummy =/= progress with mods, frauds can be exposed hence progress.
  13. I know that I am supposed to hit 108% accuracy above anything else, but what I dont know is that if I'm supposed to hit 108 accuracy as force or melee. half of my skills seem to be melee and am I supposed to hit 108% accuracy as force or melee? if its force, wouldnt it lower my dps by missing? thanks in advance
  14. since its going to die with upcoming patch for sure, lets suggest some ideas of what bioware could do to ilum so people will actually experience it. lets be real here. world pvp at ilum was so worthless. it felt like more of a grind than anything else. 150 kills for the weekly then most of the people would ditch after they get their daily/weekly done. Although the developers had fun in mind, players saw this as an easy way to get bags more than anything. there werent any guilds going to ilum to take over for the sake of fun. people did their quest and got the hell out of there. so here are some of my ideas: 1. just turn ilum into swtor version of Alterac Valley from WoW. im not suggesting plagiarism from wow but give it a swtor flavor with gameplay. so basically another WZ since we do need more than 3. 2. keep it as world pvp but orient it around WAR style with keeps. one thing that i think WAR people did right was their world pvp. a huge community built around it which this game (or at least my server) severely lacks. Also, make us want it. Give us buffs that actually benefit us more than just valor gain. 3. if you do keep it as world pvp, do what you did for WAR and equalize the playing field by denying the excess of one faction. for example: imperials heavily outnumber republics on our server. so we, as imperials, just zerg repub to the ground which promotes false superiority over others and leaves republics bitter to not even do ilum anymore. In order to counter this, bioware can deny the excess imperials from entering until a spot opens. this could work out as such: denial system doesnt start until one faction reaches 20 people. anyone can enter until 20 people quota is met. so if it was 15 repub vs 15 imperials. 5 more imperials could join without being denied. so it would be 15 repub vs 20 imperials. late imperials would be denied until another 5 repub join. from 20 vs 20, the queue system will take place. the extra imperial cannot go in until another republic queues also. the queue system will serve as first come first serve. you will be taken out of queue if you: -log out -enter WZ -enter a raid -go afk for too long once your queue pops, you will be transported to the fp of ilum and take the speeder bike to the zone. the numbers could be changed around for balance purpose and server population. just my two cents. criticize all you like or whatever.
  15. When I first heard that BioWare was making a StarWars mmo, I heard from the grapevines that faction change would be part of the game. For example, Sith would become a Jedi through light side points and will choose at the end. I'm not here to demand that there should be such a system. Just wondering what happened to this system? I thought it was really innovative into working towards the faction would be tight. I do have to say that it is pretty weird to see a light side sith sorceror using force lightning. I would love a story that would initiate my soon to be maxed out light side sith sorceror into jedi sage. The story could be like my character coming across a jedi master that would change my perspective of the empire. Again, I'm not demanding anything. Just thought this concept would be cool. So, don't start any flames please. (I do realize that people could abuse the system but come on, in order to do that, you would have to pick up diplomacy and spam the crap out of that skill.)
  16. err i dont even pvp that much and i find this idea really selfish and dumb. selfish because you are just thinking about yourself and you are doing a good job covering that up by saying you are worried about "health" of the mmo. right... you just dont want to jump into pvp fresh from 50 and get farmed. your argument is that it should be based around skill? when has mmo ever been about purely skill? gear comes through skill AND/OR time. if it is only based on skill, whats the point of having epic gear? dumb because come on... this idea would never work. anytime a mmo decides to reset anything (except BETA because its common sense that its gonna reset), the whole community goes crazy. why? because they spent their precious TIME on their characters. you know... time... something you cant get back. call me a productive freak but wasting time is one of my pet peeves. this is like saying, oh hey you spent 4 years in college studying for your major? sorry but we are gonna reset everything so you will have to start from 0 hours. i know you spent hours and hours of studying for that degree but oh well. some freshman didnt want to compete in a job market in 4 years cause he thinks its gonna be too hard for him. so we can make it fair for everybody. lets say in your happy little world that revolves around you that bioware decided to do this. almost all the pvpers would quit and go play something else. this will leave some hardcore players to play even harder to get that number 1 spot. now, it seems like you dont play much so you wont have that much pvp gear in 50 bracket. do you know what that would mean? you getting steam rolled through premades filled with hardcore players. what are you gonna do then? start a thread about making premades illegal?
  17. is it ability lag that is contributing to the interrupt lag? i would press interrupt but it will go off after .5 sec or so and its pissing me off. its been an issue every freaking time i have to interrupt a healers cast. also, interrupt should block all the other healing spells. it makes no sense to just block that one spell and they just cast another. /end rant
  18. why are we still talking about security here? that only applies when you decide to get mods. if you are against modding, it doesnt apply to you. dont get mods if you are worried about security. im not stupid enough to download some shady mod that tells me that i can make 1000 gold a min
  19. did you even read what i said about how i can see guild implementing this? guilds dont want any screw up and and to minimize this is with a mod. no one wants to wipe over a boss just because one guy keeps screwing up who bluntly refuses to get mods because they dont believe in the "principle." at that point, you are just being selfish. and can you give an example of such pug fight? because i cant think of any. in my experience of mmo over these years, i have never ever had anyone ask me if i had a certain mod. and im sorry if you ever got kicked out of a pug raid that wasnt on farm content. i guess thats what a guild is for. all we are asking for is option. its a freaking option. if your guild wants mod usage and you dont, i guess thats not the guild for you. just be open minded. try new foods once in awhile. live a little.
  20. security issue applies only if you decide to get mods... so im confused on what your stance is at this moment. are you worried for us, the mod users? let us be. we are all grown ups here (i think) and we can take of ourselves. group exclusion = see above.
  21. what makes you think that this will ever happen? you think people will drop you from group because you dont have any mods? thats one of the most ludicrous things ive heard this year. i mean i can see guilds implementing this but not pugs... ive never dropped a kid from dungeon runs from lacking mods (best? come on...) but from lacking dps or healing. i assure you, that will never happen and dont let your imagination run wild next time. it scares you and as well as me. its true that it is human nature to be afraid of the unknown.
  22. why are people so against modding? its eventually going to happen anyway. and to those who think modding is like 1 click heal all or something stupid should stop talking in this thread. that was in vanilla wow which blizzard soon banned (during BWL era so 2005 or 2006?) and im pretty sure BioWare wont let that happen. These are the mods that i would like to see in the game: bar mod = couldnt stand wow default ui and im barely tolerating swtor default ui now combat log = seems to be a huge controversy since ppl think it will bring elitists and will be required for raids but lets get real. there are already elitists in this game that post how much dmg they did after a warzone and GMs want combat log so they can figure out whos lacking so he can have 100% efficiency. is that so bad? ability pulse = its useful to remind me which ability just came off cooldown or what is available. *to those that dont know... mouse over heal could be either mod or macro* mod would be to use using mouse buttons while hovering over a character or character panel macro would be to use key buttons while hovering i personally used macro version during wow days and helped alot with healing on my priest.
  23. off topic: the OP is coming off as the biggest egotistical ***** ive ever seen. on topic: i feel like its not that we suck as ourselves but we suck COMPARED to other classes. our classes are fine when you break everything down. good dmg. highly versatile (camo and charge). okay survivability. but compared to other classes... we are gimped like no other. sorc: force lightningx1000 and the second you get close, you get knocked back just so you can get lightninged again. bounty hunter: come on... tracer missile with heavy armor and heals. ops: need i say more? etc. (too tired to list all of em) moving on... PVPing as mara reminds me of ping pong. im getting knocked back constantly by everyone. if i charge a guy that is above me, all i can do is position myself so that i wont get knocked off. either that or make our resolve build faster.
  24. get gear and l2p. all i can say. i used to think like you. thought mara was under powered to hell. after getting pvp gear and actually learning my class. oh.my.god. biggest difference ever. our class scales with gear like warrior in wow. once you get pvp gear, you will love your class like me
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